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Англо-русский биологический словарь - box


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Перевод с английского языка box на русский


1) ящик

2) садок

3) эвкалипт (Eucalyptus)

4) самшит (Buxus)

5) подсачивать (деревья)

6) мол. биол. бокс (регуляторный участок ДНК)

7) микр. бокс (камера для стерильной работы)

apple boxbimble boxbird boxblue boxbrush boxcape boxcommon boxdry boxEuropean boxflowering boxfuzzy boxgray boxHogness' boxhoney boxhumidified boxIranian boxiron boxlaminar boxlaminar-flow boxlittle-leaved boxnest boxPribnow's boxproblem boxpuzzle boxSkinner boxTATA boxtobacco boxVictorian boxyellow box

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. коробка; ящик; сундук box honey —- секционный мед, мед в секциях box respirator —- противогаз с коробкой box barrage —- воен. огневое окаймление box magazine —- воен. коробчатый магазин a box with pills —- коробка пилюль box of matches —- коробка спичек 2. содержимое коробки, ящика, сундука и т. п. he ate a whole box of chocolates —- он съел целую коробку шоколада 3. кружка (для сбора денег) 4. театр. ложа; сидящие в ложе (особ. дамы) 5. редк. тюремная камера prisoner's box —- скамья подсудимых; скамья присяжных заседателей (в зале судебного заседания; также jury box) 6. место для дачи свидетельских показаний (в зале судебного заседания; также witness box) 7. ящик под сиденьем кучера; козлы 8. сл. гроб 9. отделенная перегородкой часть таверны, харчевни и т. п. 10. стойло 11. небольшой домик (охотничий и т. п.) 12. будка (часового, сторожа и т. п.) 13. телефонная будка 14. рождественский подарок (в коробке; обыкн. Christmas box) 15. тех. букса; втулка; вкладыш (подшипника) 16. тех. муфта 17. тех. картер; кожух 18. рудничная угольная вагонетка 19. (the box) разг. "ящик", телевизор to see smb. on the box —- увидеть кого-л. по телеку 20. ам. разг. рояль; пианино; (любой) струнный инструмент; граммофон 21. абонементный почтовый ящик 22. большой сундук,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ящик 2) садок 3) эвкалипт (Eucalyptus) 4) самшит (Buxus) 5) подсачивать (деревья) 6) мол. биол. бокс (регуляторный участок ДНК) 7) микр. бокс (камера для стерильной работы) – apple box – bimble box – bird box – blue box – brush box – cape box – common box – dry box – European box – flowering box – fuzzy box – gray box – Hogness' box – honey box – humidified box – Iranian box – iron box – laminar box – little-leaved box – nest box – Pribnow's box – problem box – puzzle box – Skinner box – TATA box – tobacco box – Victorian box – yellow box ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) ящик, коробка 2) клетка в сетке анкеты 3) многомерная таблица, матрица • - ballot box - box about v - lock box - money box 2. гл. упаковывать в ящики BOX 1. сущ. 1) общ. ящик, коробка 2) полигр. часть текста, заключенная в рамку; врезка 3) мат. многомерная таблица, матрица 4) бирж. коробка* (комбинация двух "вертикальных" спредов при купле и продаже двух опционов "колл" по разной цене и одновременной купле и продаже по разной цене двух опционов "пут" ) See: vertical spread 5) банк. сейф (физическое место (специальная конструкция, устройство) для безопасного хранения документов, ценностей в каком-л. финансовом институте (чаще всего в банке)) Syn: safe custody 6) общ., сленг а) струнный инструмент б) аккордеон в) пианино 7) общ., сленг холодильник 8) общ., сленг а) фонограф б) граммофон, патефон в) переносной радиоприемник 9) общ., сленг прицеп к грузовику 10) общ., сленг телефонист в полицейском участке 11) общ. кузов 12) с.-х. железнодорожный вагон или прицеп для перевозки лошадей 13) с.-х. стойло 14) с.-х. садок (для рыбы) 15) общ., сленг гроб 2. гл. 1) общ. упаковывать (в коробки или ящики) 2) с.-х. заключать ставить (животных) в стойло ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ящик; коробка упаковывать в ящик или коробку 2) шкатулка 3) камера; бокс; будка; кабина 4) метал. короб 5) соединительная муфта 6) прямоугольних (на блок-схеме); рамка 7) (функциональный) блок 8) вчт. окно; окошко (на экране дисплея) 9) метал. опока 10) метал. мульда 11) метр. измерительный магазин 12) шкаф; стойка 13) кожух; корпус 14) втулка; вкладыш 15) полигр. ячейка (наборной кассы) 16) ж.-д. букса 17) горн. коробчатый камень 18) бот. эвкалипт journal box is hot — букса горит - air box - annealing box - antitransmit-receive box - assembler box - autochanger juke box - axle lubricating box - batch box - battery box - blast box - bolted molding box - bolted molding box - bottom box - buffer box - built-up molding box - cable box - cable end box - cable service box - cable service box - call box - capacitance box - capacitor box - carburizing box - charging box - circular shuttle box - conductance box - core box - cutter pick box - dial resistance box - dispatch box - distribution box - district call box - divided axle box - drain box - drawing box - drill box - driving axle box - echo box - feed box - fire alarm box - fire box door - fire box - fire-alarm box - freeze box - grain box - hoist box - horizontal-motion multiple box - inductance box - inlet box - instrument box - junction box - key box - mold box - mouthpiece box - nave box - nozzle box - pedestial axle box - pick box - plain-frame core box - plug box - plug-type resistance box - pointsman's box - pulse box - rectangular box - relay box - resistance box - seedling box - separation box - shunt box - shuttle box - soil box - spaceband box - square box - steam box - steaming box - sterilizing box - street fire-alarm box - stuffing box - telephone box -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) камера без рекордера 2) ящик, коробка 3) шкаф 4) блок 5) ячейка – accumulator box – attenuation box – brush box – cable box – call box – common-antenna box – connection box – confidential mail box – control box – dead-letter box – decade box – distribution box – dividing box – echo box – electronic mail box – enclosure speaker box – feeder box – frequency box – HF-bypass box – junction box – key box – mail box – media access box – message box – personal mail box – power box – receiving box – resistance box – service box – set-top box – signal box – splitting box – terminal box – transmit-receive contact box – voice mail box ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  короб, коробка; ящик будка, кабина; небольшое отгороженное помещение; небольшой домик (охотника, рыболова) ложа в театре тюремная камера to box out to box up air distribution box air mixing box air supply box ash box balance box batch box beam box blender box branch box call box cess box conduit box core box culvert box curb-valve box distribution box division box dual duct box fan inlet box feeder box floor box flower box gauge box glove box gravel box grout box hydrant box inlet box junction box measuring box miter box mixing box mortar box mud box pipe box riffle box sand box sediment box settling box shaking box shear box silt box single duct box smoke box stilling box stone-filled box straining box stuffing box telephone box terminal box underwater concreting box valve box variable air volume box wall box weigh box weir box ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокр. от buried oxide углублённый оксид BOX 1) ящик; коробка упаковывать в ящик или коробку 2) втулка; гнездо 3) кожух; корпус 4) (распределительная) коробка 5) камера; шкаф; бокс 6) метал. короб; мульда 7) будка (напр. телефонная) 8) метр. (измерительный) магазин 9) ящик-вододелитель (на оросительной системе) 10) закрытый водобойный колодец 11) бассейн (рыбохода) 12) муфта (кабеля) 13) обойма (щёткодержателя) 14) связь ячейка (области) 15) электрон., вчт. блок 16) прямоугольник (блок-схемы); рамка (машинного графика) 17) ячейка (наборной кассы) 18) полигр. рамка 19) ж.-д. букса 20) садок (для рыбы) 21) с.-х. стойло to box up — обшивать досками - accessory box - accumulator box - acoustically insulated box - anechoic box - annealing box - ash box - attenuation box - axle box - balance box - ballast box - band box - base box - battery box - bellows style box - black box - bliss box - book box - branch box - brush box - Buffalo box - built-up molding box - cable box - call box - cam box - camera box - capacitance box - carburizing box - cardboard box - casting box - center special slotting box - centrifugal box - cess box - charging box - chill box - circular box - cleanout box - cleated fiberboard box - cleated plywood box - cleated wood box - coking box - cold box - cold storage box - collapsible box - common antenna distribution box - compression box - condenser box - connecting box - control box - core box - coupling box - crimp box - culvert box - curb-stop box - curb box - curved plane box - decade box - decision box - dehydration box - delivery box - descaling box - dialogue box - die box - discharge box -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a container, usu. with flat sides and of firm material such as wood or card, esp. for holding solids. 2 a the amount that will fill a box. b Brit. a gift of a kind formerly given to tradesmen etc. at Christmas. 3 a separate compartment for any of various purposes, e.g. for a small group in a theatre, for witnesses in a lawcourt, for horses in a stable or vehicle. 4 an enclosure or receptacle for a special purpose (often in comb. : money box; telephone box). 5 a facility at a newspaper office for receiving replies to an advertisement. 6 (prec. by the) colloq. television; one's television set (what's on the box?). 7 an enclosed area or space. 8 a space or area of print on a page, enclosed by a border. 9 Brit. a small country house for use when shooting, fishing, or for other sporting activity. 10 a protective casing for a piece of mechanism. 11 a light shield for protecting the genitals in sport, esp. in cricket. 12 (prec. by the) Football colloq. the penalty area. 13 Baseball the area occupied by the batter or the pitcher. 14 a coachman's seat. --v.tr. 1 put in or provide with a box. 2 (foll. by in, up) confine; restrain from movement. 3 (foll. by up) Austral. & NZ mix up (different flocks of sheep). Phrases and idioms box camera a simple box-shaped hand camera. box the compass Naut. recite the points of the compass in the correct order. box girder a hollow girder square in cross-section. box junction Brit. a road area at a junction marked with a yellow grid, which a vehicle should enter only if its exit from it is clear. box kite a kite in the form of a long box open at each end. box number a number by which replies are made to a private advertisement in a newspaper. box office 1 an office for booking seats and buying tickets at a theatre, cinema, etc. 2 the commercial aspect of the arts and entertainment (often attrib. : a box-office failure). box pleat a pleat consisting of two parallel creases forming a raised band. box spanner a spanner with a box-shaped end fitting over the head of a nut. box spring each...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~ or ~es)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin buxus, from Greek pyxos  Date: before 12th century an evergreen shrub or small tree (genus Buxus of the family Buxaceae, the ~ family) with opposite entire leaves and capsular fruits; especially a widely cultivated shrub (B. sempervirens) used for hedges, borders, and topiary figures  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin buxis, from Greek pyxis, from pyxos ~ tree  Date: before 12th century  1. a rigid typically rectangular container with or without a cover a cigar ~: as  a. an open cargo container of a vehicle  b. coffin  2. the contents of a ~ especially as a measure of quantity  3. a ~ or ~like container and its contents: as  a. British a gift in a ~  b. an automobile transmission  c. television  d. a signaling apparatus alarm ~  e. a usually self-contained piece of electronic equipment  f. boom ~  4. an often small space, compartment, or enclosure: as  a. an enclosed group of seats for spectators (as in a theater or stadium)  b. a driver's seat on a carriage or coach  c. a cell for holding mail  d. British ~ stall  e. penalty ~  5. a usually rectangular space that is frequently outlined or demarcated on a surface: as  a. any of six spaces on a baseball diamond where the batter, coaches, pitcher, and catcher stand  b. a space on a page for printed matter or in which to make a mark  6. predicament, fix  7. a cubical building  8. the limitations of conventionality trying to think outside the ~  • ~ful noun  • ~like adjective  III. transitive verb  Date: 15th century  1. to enclose in or as if in a ~  2. to hem in (as an opponent) — usually used with in, out, or up ~ed out the tackle  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 14th century a punch or slap especially on the ear  V. verb  Date: 1519  transitive verb  1. to hit (as the ears) with the hand  2. to engage in ~ing with  intransitive verb to fight with the fists ; engage in ~ing  VI....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (boxes, boxing, boxed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A box is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides. Boxes often have lids. He reached into the cardboard box beside him... They sat on wooden boxes. ...the box of tissues on her desk. N-COUNT • A box of something is an amount of it contained in a box. She ate two boxes of liqueurs. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A box is a square or rectangle that is printed or drawn on a piece of paper, a road, or on some other surface. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. In football, the box is the penalty area of the field. He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box. N-SING: the N 4. A box is a small separate area in a theatre or at a sports ground or stadium, where a small number of people can sit to watch the performance or game. N-COUNT 5. Television is sometimes referred to as the box. (BRIT INFORMAL) Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the box? = telly N-SING: the N 6. Box is used before a number as a postal address by organizations that receive a lot of mail. ...Country Crafts, Box 111, Landisville. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N num 7. Box is a small evergreen tree with dark leaves which is often used to form hedges. ...box hedges. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 8. To box means to fight someone according to the rules of boxing. At school I boxed and played rugby... The two fighters had previously boxed a 12-round match. VERB: V, V n, also V as n 9. see also boxed, boxing, black box, chocolate-box, lunch box, phone box, post office box, postbox, sentry box, signal box, telephone box ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »CONTAINER« a container for putting things in, especially one with four stiff straight sides + of  (a box of tissues | a matchbox) cardboard/wooden box  (You need a filing cabinet, not all these cardboard boxes. | toolbox/shoebox etc (=used for keeping tools etc in)) 2 »AMOUNT IN A BOX« also boxful the amount that a box can hold + of  (a box of chocolates) 3 »SQUARE SHAPE« a small square on a page for people to write information in  (Put an `X' in the box if you would like to join our mailing list.) 4 »IN A THEATRE/COURT« a small area of a theatre or court that is separate from where other people are sitting  (the jury box) 5 box 25/450 etc an address at a post office that people can use instead of their own address; po box 6 »SPORTS FIELD« a special area of a sports field that is marked by lines and used for a particular purpose  (a penalty box) 7 »WORN DURING SPORTS« BrE a piece of plastic that a man wears over his sex organs to protect them when he is playing a sport, especially cricket (2) 8 informal a coffin 9 »TREE« a small tree that keeps its leaves in winter and is often planted around the edge of a garden or field, or the wood from this tree  (a box hedge) 10 give sb a box on the ears old-fashioned to hit someone on the side of their head 11 the box informal the television  (What's on the box tonight?) 12 be out of your box BrE slang to be very drunk  (- see also black box) ~2 v 1 to fight someone as a sport by hitting them with your closed hands inside big leather gloves (glove (2)) 2 also box up to put things in boxes  (- see also boxed) 3 to draw a box around something on a page 4 box sb's ears old-fashioned to hit someone on the side of their head box sb/sth in ~ phr v 1 to park so near to another car that it cannot move 2 to surround someone so that they are unable to move freely  (Steve Cram got boxed in on the final curve.) 3 feel boxed in a) to feel that you cannot do what you want to do because a person or situation is limiting you  (Married for only a year, Connie already...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Boroloola, Northern Territory, Australia railroad abbr. Boxcar electron. abbr. Buried oxide NYSE symbols B O C Group, P. L. C. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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