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Англо-русский биологический словарь - bound


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Перевод с английского языка bound на русский


1) граница, предел

2) прыжок, скачок

3) связанный

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  forward быстрое движение вперед BOUND I  1. noun  1) граница, предел  2) usu. pl. ограничение - put bounds - set bounds out of bounds - вход запрещен (обыкн. для школьников) beyond the bounds of decency - в рамках приличия  2. v.  1) ограничивать  2) сдерживать  3) граничить; служить границей Syn: see circumscribe II  1. noun  1) прыжок, скачок - bound forward  2) отскок (мяча)  3) poet. сильный удар сердца  2. v.  1) прыгать, скакать; быстро бежать  2) отскакивать (о мяче и т.п.) III adj.  1) связанный bound up with smb., smth. - тесно связанный с кем-л., чем-л.  2) обязанный; вынужденный bound to military service - военнообязанный  3) непременный, обязательный he is bound to succeed - ему обеспечен успех  4) уверенный; решившийся (на что-либо)  5) переплетенный, в переплете  6) страдающий запором IV adj. готовый (особ. к отправлению); направляющийся (for) the ship is bound for Leningrad - судно направляется в Ленинград - outward bound BOUND in calf переплетенный в телячью кожу BOUND in cloth в переплете из материи ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. обязанный, вынужденный bound to military service —- военнообязанный he is legally bound to do it —- по закону он обязан сделать это 2. непременный, обязательный something is bound to happen —- что-то обязательно должно произойти the plan is bound to succeed —- план непременно удастся this horse is bound to win —- эта лошадь обязательно выиграет he is bound to die —- ему суждено умереть 3. ам. разг. решившийся (на что-л.); намеренный (сделать что-л.) he is bound he will have his way —- он решил поступить по-своему 4. спец. несвободный, связанный bound energy —- физ. связанная энергия 5. переплетенный, в переплете (о книге и т. п.) bound in leather —- в кожаном переплете 6. мед. профес. страдающий запором 7. p. и p-p. от bind 8. прыжок, скачок with one bound —- одним прыжком a bound forward —- быстрое движение (рывок) вперед 9. воен. перебежка 10. отскок (мяча) to catch a ball on the bound —- поймать мяч, как только он отскочит 11. воен. рикошет (также bound shot) 12. сильный удар сердца 13. прыгать, скакать; быстро бежать, нестись to bound up —- вскакивать his dog came bounding to meet him —- собака бросилась ему навстречу big rocks were bounding down the side of the hill —- по склонам горы скатывались огромные камни his heart bounded with joy —- его сердце радостно колотилось (екнуло) 14. отскакивать (о мяче и т. п.) the ball struck the wall and bounded...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) граница, предел 2) прыжок, скачок 3) связанный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ.; обыкн. мн. ч. граница, предел, ограничение - be bound - inward bound - metes and bounds - narrow bounds - out of the bounds of smth - put bounds to smth - to set bounds to smth - within the bounds of smth Syn: line, frontier, limit 2. гл. ограничивать, сдерживать - bound expenses 3. прил. 1) связанный обещаниями, гарантиями, обязательствами 2) обязательный 3) вынужденный - the plan is bound to succeed BOUND граница, предел; ограничивать, граничить – bounds of the invention ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  связанный узел ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) вязанный 2) вязаный 3) граница, предел граничить; ограничивать; ставить предел 4) граничная оценка 5) матем. грань 6) прыжок, скачок подпрыгивать 7) отскок отскакивать 8) пограничный 9) связанный; скрепленный plane is bound for... — самолет следует в направлении… variable with upper bound — переменная с верхним пределом to be bound for — следовать в направлении to bound a variable below — ограничивать переменную снизу to increase without bound — возрастать неограниченно - asymptotic bound - confidence bound - essential lower bound - essential upper bound - exponential bound - finite bound - greatest lower bound - integral bound - least upper bound - lower bound - rigidly bound - rigorous bound - tightly bound - uniform lower bound - uniform upper bound - upper bound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  предел, граница, отражение; связывание ограничивать; связывать связанный прыжок, скачок, отскок отскакивать frost bound lower bound for ultimate load upper bound for ultimate load ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) граница; предел граничить; ограничивать 2) матем. грань 3) оценка (случайной величины) 4) связанный; скрепленный - array bound - asymptotic bound - Chernoff bound - compute bound - confidence bound - error bound - high bound - low bound - lower bound - upper bound - Varshamov-Gilbert bound ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v.intr. 1 a spring, leap (bounded out of bed). b walk or run with leaping strides. 2 (of a ball etc.) recoil from a wall or the ground; bounce. --n. 1 a springy movement upwards or outwards; a leap. 2 a bounce. Phrases and idioms by leaps and bounds see LEAP. Etymology: F bond, bondir (orig. of sound) f. LL bombitare f. L bombus hum 2. n. & v. --n. (usu. in pl.) 1 a limitation; a restriction (beyond the bounds of possibility). 2 a border of a territory; a boundary. --v.tr. 1 (esp. in passive; foll. by by) set bounds to; limit (views bounded by prejudice). 2 be the boundary of. Phrases and idioms out of bounds 1 outside the part of a school etc. in which one is allowed to be. 2 beyond what is acceptable; forbidden. Etymology: ME f. AF bounde, OF bonde etc., f. med.L bodina, earlier butina, of unkn. orig. 3. adj. 1 (usu. foll. by for) ready to start or having started (bound for stardom). 2 (in comb.) moving in a specified direction (northbound; outward bound). Etymology: ME f. ON b{uacute}inn past part. of b{uacute}a get ready: -d euphonic, or partly after BIND(1) 4. past and past part. of BIND. Phrases and idioms bound to certain to (he's bound to come). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English boun, from Old Norse buinn, past participle of bua to dwell, prepare; akin to Old High German buan to dwell — more at bower  Date: 13th century  1. archaic ready  2. intending to go ; going ~ for home college-~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, bodne, from Medieval Latin bodina  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a limiting line ; ~ary — usually used in plural  b. something that limits or restrains beyond the ~s of decency  2. usually plural  a. borderland  b. the land within certain ~s  3. a number greater than or equal to every number in a set (as the range of a function); also a number less than or equal to every number in a set  III. past and past participle of bind  IV. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1. to set limits or ~s to ; confine  2. to form the ~ary of ; enclose  3. to name the ~aries of  V. adjective  Etymology: Middle English ~en, from past participle of binden to bind  Date: 14th century  1. placed under legal or moral restraint or obligation ; obliged duty-~  2.  a. fastened by or as if by a band ; confined desk-~  b. very likely ; sure ~ to rain soon  3. made costive ; constipated  4. of a book secured to the covers by cords, tapes, or glue  5. determined, resolved  6. held in chemical or physical combination  7. always occurring in combination with another linguistic form un- in unknown and -er in speaker are ~ forms — compare free 11d  VI. noun  Etymology: Middle French bond, from bondir to leap, from Vulgar Latin *bombitire to hum, from Latin bombus deep hollow sound — more at bomb  Date: circa 1553  1. leap, jump  2. the action of re~ing ; bounce  VII. intransitive verb  Date: 1592  1. to move by leaping  2. re~, bounce ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]BE BOUND Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Bound is the past tense and past participle of bind. 2. If you say that something is bound to happen, you mean that you are sure it will happen, because it is a natural consequence of something that is already known or exists. There are bound to be price increases next year... If you are topless in a public place, this sort of thing is bound to happen. PHRASE 3. If you say that something is bound to happen or be true, you feel confident and certain of it, although you have no definite knowledge or evidence. (SPOKEN) I’ll show it to Benjamin. He’s bound to know... We’ll have more than one child, and one of them’s bound to be a boy. PHRASE 4. If one person, thing, or situation is bound to another, they are closely associated with each other, and it is difficult for them to be separated or to escape from each other. We are as tightly bound to the people we dislike as to the people we love... ADJ: v-link ADJ to n 5. If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling towards it. The ship was bound for Italy. ...a Russian plane bound for Berlin. ADJ: v-link ADJ for n • Bound is also a combining form. ...a Texas-bound oil freighter. ...homeward-bound commuters. COMB in ADJ 6. If something is bound up in a particular form or place, it is fixed in that form or contained in that place. The manager of a company does not like having a large chunk of his wealth bound up in its shares... = tied up in PHRASE: PHR n 7. If one thing is bound up with or in another, they are closely connected with each other, and it is difficult to consider the two things separately. My fate was bound up with hers... Their interests were completely bound up in their careers. = tied up with PHRASE: PHR n, usu v-link PHR 8. see also bind over II. [c red]OTHER USES (bounds, bounding, bounded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 the past tense and past participle of bind1 ~2 adj no comparative 1 be bound to to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing  (Don't lie to her. She's bound to find out about it. | it is bound to be (=used to say that something should have been expected))  ("It's hot!" "Well, it was bound to be, I just took it out of the oven." | bound to happen)  ("Why did Max die, Mom?" "He was an old dog, dear. It was bound to happen one day.") 2 »DUTY/PROMISE« a) be bound (by) if someone is bound by a law, promise, agreement etc, they have to do what it says  (We are bound by agreements made at the time of the treaty. | bound (by sth) to do sth)  (If he's acting as auditor he's bound by law to report. | legally bound)  (The two parties are not legally bound until the contract has been signed.) b) be/feel bound to do sth to feel that you ought to do something  (John felt bound to tell Katherine about the job, even though he didn't want to work with her. | I'm bound to say (that))  (I'm bound to say I think you're taking a huge risk. | feel duty bound/honour bound to do sth (=feel very strongly that you have to do or say something, especially because you think it is morally correct)) 3 »CONNECT/INVOLVED« a) be bound up with sth to be closely connected with a particular problem, situation etc  (Henry's problems are all bound up with his mother's death when he was ten.) b) be bound up in sth to be so involved in a difficult situation etc that you cannot think about anything else  (Jim's too bound up in his own worries to be able to help us.) c) be bound (together) by sth to share a particular feature or quality  (All the stories are bound by a common theme)  (jealousy.) 4 »PLACE/DIRECTION« a) bound for London/college etc also London/college etc bound travelling towards or going to a particular place  (The planes bound for Somalia carry food and medical supplies. | homeward bound (=going home)) b) northbound/southbound/eastbound/westbound travelling in a particular direction  (All eastbound trains have been cancelled due to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  adult abbr. Break Out Unknown Now, Damnit! comp. assem. abbr. Check Array Bounds ...
English abbreviation dictionary
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