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Англо-русский биологический словарь - body


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Перевод с английского языка body на русский


1) тело; туловище

2) тельце

3) организм

4) ствол; стебель

5) корпус (лошади)

6) большое количество; масса

body of interestbody of nailbody of thymus glandbody of waterbody of wombacetone bodyacidophilic bodyadipose bodyadrenal bodyanococcygeal bodyanti-intermediary bodyaortic bodyBarr's bodybasal bodycarotid bodycavernous bodycell bodycentral bodychromatinic bodyciliary bodycoccygeal bodyconoid bodyconoidal bodydentate bodydirecting bodyelementary bodyend bodyepithelial bodyfat bodyforeign bodyfruit bodygeniculate bodyGolgi bodyGolgi-Mazzoni bodyHassal's bodyHerring's bodyHighmore's bodyimmune bodyinfundibular bodyintercarotid bodyintermediate bodyinterrenal bodyKoch's bodsJolly's bodyMalpighian bodymammillary bodyMeissner's bodymetaplastic bodymulberry bodyMullerian bodymushroom bodyNissl bodyPacinian bodypaired bodiespapillary bodyparabasal bodypineal bodypituitary bodypolar bodyprotein bodyquadrigeminal bodiesreceptive bodyred bodyrestiform bodyRussell's bodysense bodyspongy bodystem bodyStieda bodystored neurosecretory bodystriate bodysub-Stieda's bodysuprarenal bodytactile bodythyroid bodyTidemann's bodytouch bodyturbinated bodyultimobranchial bodyuterine bodyvertebral bodyvitreous bodywater bodyWolffian bodyyellow bodyZuckerkandl's body

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См. в других словарях

  stocking noun трико BODY of cavalry кавалерийский отряд BODY of electors избиратели BODY of troops войсковое соединение BODY count подсчет убитых BODY blow noun сокрушительный удар BODY armour noun бронежилет BODY  1. noun  1) тело to keep body and soul together - поддерживать существование - celestial body - heavenly body  2) coll. человек [ср. somebody , nobody и др.] - poor body  3) труп  4) туловище  5) главная, основная часть чего-л.; корпус, остов, кузов; фюзеляж (самолета); главный корабль (церкви); ствол (дерева); ствольная коробка (винтовки); стакан (снаряда); станина (станка); корсаж, лиф (тж. body of a dress) body of a book - главная часть книги (без предисловия, примечаний и т.п.) body of the order - текст приказа the main body mil. - главные силы (войск); ядро (отряда и т.п.)  6) группа людей - body of electors  7) воинская часть - body of cavalry - body of troops  8) юридическое лицо  9) корпорация; организация - body politic - legislative body - learned body - in a body  10) масса; большинство a great body of facts - масса фактов  11) консистенция, сравнительная плотность (жидкости); кроющая способность (краски)  12) крепость (вина)  13) перегонный куб, реторта  14) attr. - body count - deal a body blow Syn: see corpse  2. v. rare придавать форму; воплощать (обыкн. body forth) BODY politic государство; autonomous bodies органы самоуправления ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. тело; плоть body temperature —- температура тела body weight —- вес тела absent in body, present in soul —- его здесь нет, но душой он с нами 2. туловище 3. корпус (лошади) he was a body behind —- он отстал на корпус (на скачках) 4. ствол; стебель 5. рел. тело господне 6. труп, тело several bodies were washed ashore —- на берег вынесло несколько трупов 7. разг. диал. человек dear old body —- милая старушка decent body —- приличный человек 8. главная, основная часть the body of the book —- основная часть книги body of the hall —- часть зала, отведенная для делегатов (в ООН) the main body —- воен. основные силы body of the race —- спорт. основная дистанция бега 9. архит. главный корабль неф. церкви, 10. корпус (книги) 11. предмет 12. спец. тело, вещество solid bodies —- твердые тела heavenly bodies —- небесные тела black body —- физ. абсолютно черное тело body of flame —- язык пламени body of fuel —- слой топлива 13. консистенция (жидкости) body of oil —- густота масла 14. кроющая способность (краски) 15. крепость (вина) the wine has no body —- вино слабое 16. кузов 17. остов 18. корпус (корабля) 19. ав. фюзеляж 20. тех. станина 21. ствольная коробка (винтовки) 22. стакан, корпус (снаряда) 23. лиф (платья) 24. полигр. ножка литеры 25. уст. реторта, перегонный куб 26. группа людей a body of electors —- избиратели large bodies of...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) тело; туловище 2) тельце 3) организм 4) ствол; стебель 5) корпус (лошади) 6) большое количество; масса – body of interest – body of nail – body of thymus gland – body of water – body of womb – acetone body – acidophilic body – adipose body – adrenal body – anococcygeal body – anti-intermediary body – aortic body – Barr's body – basal body – carotid body – cavernous body – cell body – central body – chromatinic body – ciliary body – coccygeal body – conoid body – conoidal body – dentate body – directing body – elementary body – end body – epithelial body – fat body – foreign body – fruit body – geniculate body – Golgi body – Golgi-Mazzoni body – Hassal's body – Herring's body – Highmore's body – immune body – infundibular body – intercarotid body – intermediate body – interrenal body – Koch's bods – Jolly's body – Malpighian body – mammillary body – Meissner's body – metaplastic body – mulberry body – Mullerian body – mushroom body – Nissl body – Pacinian body – paired bodies – papillary body – parabasal body – pineal body – pituitary body – polar body – protein body – quadrigeminal bodies – receptive body – red body – restiform body – Russell's body – sense body – spongy body – stem body – Stieda body – stored neurosecretory body – striate body – sub-Stieda's body – suprarenal body – tactile body – thyroid body – Tidemann's body – touch body – turbinated body – ultimobranchial body – uterine body – vertebral body – vitreous body – water body – Wolffian body – yellow body – Zuckerkandl's body ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) главная основная часть 2) корпорация; организация – body of specification – corporate body – field patent information body – legislative body – representative body BODY сущ. 1) главная, основная часть (чего-л.) 2) состав, группа людей 3) орган власти 4) общество, ассоциация, лига, корпорация, организация 5) большинство 6) совокупность • - administrative bodies - advisory body - appropriate body - autonomous bodies - body corporate - body of electors - body of knowledge - body of laws - body of specification - diplomatic body - executive-administrative body - general body - governing body - government bodies - in a body - informal body - labour body - leading party bodies - learned body - legislative body - political body - regulatory body - standing body - state-dominated labour body - student body - subsidiary body - the body politic - voluntary bodies Syn: structure, department, authority, agency ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  тело корпус консистенция, вязкость вяжущая основа (лакокрасочного материала) кузов body acted upon by forces in all directions body at rest body rotating about a given axis body of ballast body of shield agitator body anisotropic body bulk body constraint elastic body dam body deformable body deformed elastic body elastic body false body finite body fluid body free body heterogeneous body infinite body one-dimensional body plane body rigid body soil body three-way dump body unbounded elastic body uniform body valve body water body ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) физ. тело; объект 2) корпус 3) станина 4) бочка (прокатного валка) 5) ж.-д., авто кузов 6) возд. фюзеляж 7) гондола (двигателя) 8) подложка 9) керамический материал; керамическая масса 10) консистенция, экстрактивность, вязкость 11) сухой остаток 12) кроющая способность (краски, лака) 13) полигр. текстовый блок; текстовая часть (издания) 14) ножка (литеры) 15) "тело" (вина); упругость, сжимаемость (мякиша хлеба) 16) мешок (трала) 17) мн. ч. пищ. посторонняя примесь to give body — уплотнять; придавать кроющую способность (краске); to body in — полировать (с нанесением нескольких слоев лака); to incline body to motion — приводить тело в движение; to body up — полировать (с нанесением нескольких слоёв лака) - body of ballast - body of dam - body of flame - body of masonry - body of paint - body of revolution - body of roll - body of rotation - body of varnish - aeriform body - all-around infinite body - all-metal body - angle cock body - automotive body - axle body - axlebox body - barrel body - bearing body - bluff body - bolt body - bottle body - box body - box-sectioned wrap-around ribs body - bulk body - camera body - car body - cargo body - carrier body - cartridge body - cask body - cellular body - compound body - connector body - contacting bodies - convertible body - crank body - curled body - cylinder body - deformable body - delivery valve body - drop side body - dual-slope body - elastic body - elasto-plastic body - epitaxial body - evaporator body - exhaust heated body - false body - field body - fireclay body - flame body - fluid body - fore body - foreign...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal, whether dead or alive. 2 the trunk apart from the head and the limbs. 3 a the main or central part of a thing (body of the car; body of the attack). b the bulk or majority; the aggregate (body of opinion). 4 a a group of persons regarded collectively, esp. as having a corporate function (governing body). b (usu. foll. by of) a collection (body of facts). 5 a quantity (body of water). 6 a piece of matter (heavenly body). 7 colloq. a person. 8 a full or substantial quality of flavour, tone, etc., e.g. in wine, musical sounds, etc. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) (usu. foll. by forth) give body or substance to. Phrases and idioms body-blow a severe setback. body-building the practice of strengthening the body, esp. shaping and enlarging the muscles, by exercise. body-colour an opaque pigment. body language the process of communicating through conscious or unconscious gestures and poses. body-line bowling Cricket persistent fast bowling on the leg side threatening the batsman's body. body odour the smell of the human body, esp. when unpleasant. body politic the nation or State as a corporate body. body scanner a scanning X-ray machine for taking tomograms of the whole body. body shop a workshop where repairs to the bodywork of vehicles are carried out. body stocking a woman's undergarment, usually made of knitted nylon, which covers the torso. body warmer a sleeveless quilted or padded jacket worn as an outdoor garment. in a body all together. keep body and soul together keep alive, esp. barely. over my dead body colloq. entirely without my assent. Derivatives -bodied adj. (in comb.) (able-bodied). Etymology: OE bodig, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural bodies)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bodig; akin to Old High German boteh corpse  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the main part of a plant or animal ~ especially as distinguished from limbs and head ; trunk  b. the main, central, or principal part: as  (1) the nave of a church  (2) the bed or box of a vehicle on or in which the load is placed  (3) the enclosed or partly enclosed part of an automobile  2.  a. the organized physical substance of an animal or plant either living or dead: as  (1) the material part or nature of a human being  (2) a dead organism ; corpse  b. a human being ; person  3.  a. a mass of matter distinct from other masses a ~ of water a celestial ~  b. something that embodies or gives concrete reality to a thing; also a sensible object in physical space  c. aggregate, quantity a ~ of evidence  4.  a. the part of a garment covering the ~ or trunk  b. the main part of a literary or journalistic work ; text 2b  c. the sound box or pipe of a musical instrument  5. a group of persons or things: as  a. a fighting unit ; force  b. a group of individuals organized for some purpose a legislative ~  6.  a. fullness and richness of flavor (as of wine)  b. viscosity, consistency — used especially of oils and grease  c. denseness, fullness, or firmness of texture hair that lacks ~ and shine  d. fullness or resonance of a musical tone  II. transitive verb  (bodied; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  1. to give form or shape to ; em~  2. represent, symbolize — usually used with forth ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bodies) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Your body is all your physical parts, including your head, arms, and legs. The largest organ in the body is the liver. N-COUNT 2. You can also refer to the main part of your body, except for your arms, head, and legs, as your body. Lying flat on the floor, twist your body on to one hip and cross your upper leg over your body. = torso, trunk N-COUNT 3. You can refer to a person’s dead body as a body. Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician. = corpse N-COUNT 4. A body is an organized group of people who deal with something officially. ...the Chairman of the policemen’s representative body, the Police Federation. ...the main trade union body, COSATU, Congress of South African Trade Unions. = organization N-COUNT: usu with supp 5. A body of people is a group of people who are together or who are connected in some way. ...that large body of people which teaches other people how to teach. = group N-COUNT: N of n 6. The body of something such as a building or a document is the main part of it or the largest part of it. The main body of the church had been turned into a massive television studio... = bulk N-SING: the N of n 7. The body of a car or aeroplane is the main part of it, not including its engine, wheels, or wings. The only shade was under the body of the plane. = shell N-COUNT: usu with supp 8. A body of water is a large area of water, such as a lake or a sea. It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world. N-COUNT: N of n 9. A body of information is a large amount of it. An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives. = quantity N-COUNT: N of n 10. If you say that an alcoholic drink has body, you mean that it has a full and strong flavour. ...a dry wine with good body. N-UNCOUNT 11. see also foreign body, heavenly body ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural bodies 1 »SB'S BODY« the physical structure of a person or animal  (Many teenagers are self-conscious about their bodies. | body heat/temperature/weight etc)  (Babies undergo a rapid increase in body weight during the first weeks. | body image (=the mental picture that you have of your own body))  (negative feelings associated with a changed body image | the body beautiful (=an idea of the perfect body))  (products designed to help you achieve the body beautiful) 2 »DEAD BODY« the dead body of a person  (Neighbours were called in to identify the body.) 3 »GROUP OF PEOPLE« a group of people who work together to do a particular job or who are together for a particular purpose + of  (Two hundred years ago a body of settlers established themselves on the island.) governing body (=a body that controls the work or activities of an organization or group) | student body (=all the students in a particular school or college)  (We have a student body from a wide range of background. | public body (=group of people involved in government)) 4 a body of a) a large amount or collection of something  (body of knowledge/information/literature etc Researchers used vast bodies of information to arrive at their findings.) b) the main, central, or most important part of something  (The bedrooms were connected to the body of the house by a long corridor. | the main body of the report) 5 in a body if people do something in a body, they do it together in large numbers  (The demonstrators marched in a body to the main square.) 6 »CENTRAL PART« the central part of a person or animal's body, not including the head, arms, legs or wings  (Nick has short legs but a long body.) 7 »SEPARATE OBJECT« technical an object that is separate from other objects 8 »VEHICLE« the main structure of a vehicle not including the engine, wheels etc  (The body's beginning to rust.) 9 »HAIR« if your hair has body, it is thick and healthy 10 over my dead body spoken used to show that you are determined to prevent something from happening...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bodig "trunk, chest," originally "cask." Extension to "person" is 14c. Meaning "corpse" (short for dead body) is in M.E. Transfered to matter generally in M.E. Bodyguard is from 1735. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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