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Англо-русский биологический словарь - board


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  борт ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  of Health отдел здравоохранения BOARD of Trade  а) министерство торговли (в Англии)  б) торговая палата (в США) BOARD of trustees совет попечителей BOARD of Directors правление BOARD and lodging квартира и стол; пансион BOARD out столоваться вне дома Well have to board the cat out while were away on holiday. Your family is so large that three of the children will have to board out. BOARD in столоваться The fruit pickers can board in or make their own arrangements for food. BOARD of Education  а) obs. министерство просвещения  б) amer. (местный) отдел народного образования BOARD I  1. noun  1) доска bed of boards - нары  2) obs. стол, особ. обеденный - groaning board  3) питание, харчи, стол - board and lodging  4) полка  5) pl. подмостки, сцена to go on the boards - стать актером to tread boards - быть актером  6) крышка переплета  7) борт (судна) to come/go on board - сесть на корабль to go by the board - падать за борт; fig. быть выброшенным за борт - on board  8) mining широкая выработка в угольном пласте  9) naut. галс to make boards - лавировать - sweep the board  2. v.  1) настилать пол; обшивать досками to board in/up - обшивать досками There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but its been boarded in. The windows were boarded up when the owner died and the shop was closed.  2) столоваться (with - у кого-либо) Jim is boarding with Mrs King while hes in town. - board in - board out  3) предоставлять питание (жильцу и т.п.)  4) сесть на корабль; amer. тж. сесть в...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. доска ironing board —- гладильная доска bed of boards —- нары 2. спец. доски шириной более 20 см и толщиной до 5 см 3. подмостки, сцена to go on the boards —- пойти на сцену, стать актером to tread the boards —- быть актером 4. спец. подмости 5. классная доска 6. доска для серфинга 7. полка 8. плотный картон 9. крышка переплета 10. австрал. настил, на котором стригут овец 11. разг. картина, которая продается на улице 12. стол groaning board —- стол, уставленный явствами hospitable board —- хлебосольство, гостеприимство a simple board of meat and potatoes —- нехитрое блюдо из мяса и картошки 13. пища, питание, стол board and lodging —- стол и квартира, пансион board bill —- ам. плата за пансион how much do you pay for bed and board? —- сколько вы платите за стол и квартиру? 14. борт (корабля) on board —- на корабле, на пароходе; на борту 15. ам. в вагоне; на самолете to come on board —- сесть на корабль, на самолет to go by the board —- упасть за борт; быть выброшенным за борт 16. мор. галс 17. бортик 18. коммутатор 19. тех. приборная доска, панель прибора on board —- в рабочем положении 20. планшет 21. эл. комп. (монтажная) плата bare board —- пустая плата Id: above board —- честно Id: under board —- подло Id: board and board, board by board —- рядом Id: to sweep the board —- карт. забрать все ставки, выиграть; преуспеть,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – spreading board ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) а) общ. доска See: "bulletin board, "notice board б) спорт. доска (используемая в некоторых видах спорта (напр. серфинге, сноуборде)) в) общ. приборная доска, панель прибора control board — пульт управления 2) общ. доска, игровое поле (в настольных играх) 3) мн., общ. подмостки, сцена to go on the boards — стать актером, пойти на сцену 4) а) общ., устар. обеденный (накрытый) стол; столик (выдвижной, туалетный и т. п.) б) эк. питание (обеспечение питанием в течение рабочего дня работников предприятия, участников мероприятия, путешествия и т. д.) See: "full board, "half board, "board and lodging 5) упр. совет, комитет; коллегия, комиссия; министерство; ведомство; правление (группа людей, принимающих решения о функционировании какого-л. института или контролирующая какую-л. область) to be represented on the board — быть представленным в правлении to be on the board — быть членом правления to appoint a board of directors — назначить утвердить совет директоров board director — директор-член правления, член совета директоров board election — выборы правления See: "advisory board, "economic board, "marketing board, "board of directors, "board meeting, "management board, "supervisory board 6) общ. борт (корабля, самолета) to come go on board — сесть на корабль самолет to go by the board — упасть за борт; быть...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) доска, дощечка дощатый to run board through planer — строгать доску to shiplap board — строгать доску на фальц - bevel board - ceiling board - chess board - cork board - dividing board - flooring board - frame board - grain board - joiner's board - lay-out board - leather board - letter board - ramming board - scattering board - scutching board - shuttle board - trapezoidal board - triangular board 2) планка; рейка 3) картон(ка); обложка to calender the board — каландровать картон to cast the board — отливать картон to glaze the board — глянцевать картон to paste board — склеивать картон to size the board — проклеивать картон - asbestos board - coated board - container board - electrical insulating board - filter board - packing board - shoe board - ticket board 4) щит; плита - glass-fibre board - plaster board - small board - sounding board - spreading board - stopper board - wall board - wind board - wood particle board 5) панель; пульт; щит - master control board 6) планшет - calculating board - plane-table board 7) настил, подмости 8) стенд; доска объявлений; табло - display board - information board - monitoring board 9) телефонный коммутатор - legging-key board - switch board - transfer board 10) вчт. плата, карта - component board - personality board 11) авиац., мор. борт бортовой 12) горн. широкая выработка (в угольном пласте) 13) руководящий орган, правление, совет 14) контрольная форма, шаблон - forming board - planting board - seeding board 15) министерство 16) обшивать досками 17) садиться на самолет или корабль 18) полигр. переплетать книгу ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) панель, пульт 2) коммутатор 3) плата 4) совет; комитет – alarm board – all-station signaling board – auxiliary board – backup communication board – battery board – bench board – buzzer-inductor board – calling device board – call-signaling board – capture board – central battery board – circuit board – communication station board – conference chief board – control board – control subscriber board – cordless board – counters board – cross signaling board – diagram board – dial-service assistance board – dispatcher control board – display board – distributing board – echo board – electronic bulletin board board – enciphering board – evaluation board – explosion-proof board – expansion board – frequency divider board – group board – information board – input-output board – instrument board – junction board – load-speaking communication board – local battery board – main board – main control board – marker's board – mixer board – monitor board – operative communication board – patch board – plug-in board – polarity changing relay board – power distribution board – primary board – printed circuit board – radio communication board – railway radio station control board – raw-signaling board – relay board – section A board – section B board – selective communication board – sensor panel board – signal board – subscriber's board – supply board – switch point operative communication board – system board – terminal board – terminal station board – test board – toll board – video display board – warning board – wire board – wireless telephone board ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  доска плита, панель; лист строительный картон обшивать досками приборный щит, приборная панель; табло board and batten acoustical board angle board asbestos board asbestos-cement board asbestos-cement wall boards backer board baffle board barge board base board batter boards bevel board boning board breast board bridge board building boards cant board carved board composite board crawling board D and M boards distribution board drain board drawing board dressed boards duck board eaves board facing board fascia board fat board feather-edged board fiber building board flake board flash board flashing board floor board foil faced sheathing board form panel board frame board gable board gang board gauging board glass fiber board glazier's board gravel board grooved board group distribution board guard board gypsum board haunch board insulating board insulating form board insulating plastic foam board knee board knot-free board layer board ledger board leveling board luffer board match boards mineral wool board mixing board mold board mortar board nonstructural board notch board paper board particle board perforated ceiling board planed boards plaster board poling board ridge board screed board semi-rigid glass fiber board sheathing board side board skirting board snow board sound absorbing board straw board string board structural board structural insulating board thermal insulating board tongue-and-groove boards tread board valley board verge board wall board weather board window board wood chip board wood fiber board wood particle board ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) доска англ. (шириной до 10 см и толщиной до 5 см); амер. ( шириной до 20 см и толщиной до 5 см) 2) мн. ч. пиломатериал (обычно из хвойных пород) 3) картон (массой свыше 250 г/см2) 4) плита; щит 5) мн. ч. (дощатый) настил; подмости 6) устраивать (дощатый) настил 7) обшивать досками 8) широкая выработка (в угольном пласте) 9) панель; пульт; щит(ок) 10) стенд или доска объявлений; табло 11) (телефонный) коммутатор 12) электрон. плата 13) мор. возд. борт 14) осуществлять (производить) посадку, садиться (на судно, самолёт) 15) переплётная крышка; сторонка (переплётной крышки) 16) форма для стабилизации отделки или контроля чулочно-носочных изделий 17) рабочее место швеи to assemble board — монтировать (печатную) плату; to calender board — каландрировать картон; to cast board — отливать картон; to dress board in planer — обрабатывать доску по поверхности, строгать доску; to glaze board — глянцевать картон; to mold board — калевать доску; to paste board — склеивать листы картона; to run board in (through) planer — обрабатывать доску по поверхности, строгать доску; to run board through machine — обрабатывать доску на станке; to run board through molder — калевать доску; to shiplap board — строгать доску на фальц; to size board — проклеивать картон; to surface board — обрабатывать...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a flat thin piece of sawn timber, usu. long and narrow. b a piece of material resembling this, made from compressed fibres. c a thin slab of wood or a similar substance, often with a covering, used for any of various purposes (chessboard; ironing-board; notice-board). d thick stiff card used in bookbinding. 2 the provision of regular meals, usu. with accommodation, for payment. 3 archaic a table spread for a meal. 4 the directors of a company; any other specially constituted administrative body, e.g. a committee or group of councillors, examiners, etc. 5 (in pl.) the stage of a theatre (cf. tread the boards). 6 Naut. the side of a ship. --v. 1 tr. a go on board (a ship, train, aircraft, etc.). b force one's way on board (a ship etc.) in attack. 2 a intr. receive regular meals, or (esp. of a schoolchild) meals and lodging, for payment. b tr. (often foll. by out) arrange accommodation away from home for (esp. a child). c tr. provide (a lodger etc.) with regular meals. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by up) cover with boards; seal or close. Phrases and idioms board-game a game played on a board. board of trade US a chamber of commerce. go by the board be neglected, omitted, or discarded. on board on or on to a ship, aircraft, oil rig, etc. take on board consider (a new idea etc.). Etymology: OE bord f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English bord piece of sawed lumber, border, ship's side, from Old English; akin to Old High German bort ship's side  Date: before 12th century  1. obsolete border, edge  2. the side of a ship  3.  a. a piece of sawed lumber of little thickness and a length greatly exceeding its width  b. plural stage 2a(2)  c. plural skis  4.  a. archaic table 3a  b. a table spread with a meal  c. daily meals especially when furnished for pay  d. a table at which a council or magistrates sit  e.  (1) a group of persons having managerial, supervisory, investigatory, or advisory powers ~ of directors ~ of examiners  (2) an examination given by an examining ~ — often used in plural pass the medical ~s  f. league, association  g.  (1) the exposed hands of all the players in a stud poker game  (2) an exposed dummy hand in bridge  5.  a. a flat usually rectangular piece of material (as wood) designed for a special purpose: as  (1) spring~ 1  (2) surf~  b. back~ 1; also a rebound in basketball  c. a surface, frame, or device for posting notices  d. black~  e. switch~  6.  a. card~  b. the stiff foundation piece for the side of a book cover  7. a securities or commodities exchange  8. plural the low wooden wall enclosing a hockey rink  9. a sheet of insulating material carrying circuit elements and terminals so that it can be inserted in an electronic apparatus (as a computer)  10. bulletin ~ 2  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. archaic to come up against or alongside (a ship) usually to attack  2. accost, address  3.  a. to go a~ (as a ship, train, airplane, or bus)  b. to put a~ an airliner ~ing passengers  4. to cover or seal off with ~s ~ up a window ~ up a house  5. to provide with regular meals and often also lodging usually for compensation  6. to check (a player) into the ~s in hockey  intransitive verb to receive meals or lodging; specifically to live at a ~ing school ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (boards, boarding, boarded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A board is a flat, thin, rectangular piece of wood or plastic which is used for a particular purpose. ...a chopping board. N-COUNT: usu n N 2. A board is a square piece of wood or stiff cardboard that you use for playing games such as chess. ...a draughts board... N-COUNT 3. You can refer to a blackboard or a noticeboard as a board. He wrote a few more notes on the board. N-COUNT 4. Boards are long flat pieces of wood which are used, for example, to make floors or walls. The floor was draughty bare boards. N-COUNT 5. The board of a company or organization is the group of people who control it and direct it. (BUSINESS) Arthur wants to put his recommendation before the board at a meeting tomorrow. ...the agenda for the September 12 board meeting. = management N-COUNT: oft the N in sing see also board of directors 6. Board is used in the names of various organizations which are involved in dealing with a particular kind of activity. The Scottish Tourist Board said 33,000 Japanese visited Scotland last year. ...the US National Transportation Safety Board. N-COUNT: usu the n N 7. When you board a train, ship, or aircraft, you get on it in order to travel somewhere. (FORMAL) I boarded the plane bound for England. = get on VERB: V n, also V 8. Board is the food which is provided when you stay somewhere, for example in a hotel. Free room and board are provided for all hotel staff. N-UNCOUNT 9. see also bulletin board 10. An arrangement or deal that is above board is legal and is being carried out honestly and openly. All I knew about were Antony’s own financial dealings, which were always above board. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 11. If a policy or a situation applies across the board, it affects everything or everyone in a particular group. There are hefty charges across the board for one-way rental... The President promised across-the-board tax cuts if...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »INFORMATION« a flat wide piece of wood, plastic etc that shows a particular type of information  (I wrote the examples up on the board. | Can I put this notice on the board? | I'll check the departure board for train times.)  (- see also noticeboard, scoreboard) 2 »FOR PUTTING THINGS ON« a flat piece of wood, plastic, card etc that you use for a particular purpose such as cutting things on, or for playing indoor games  (Cut the bread on the board, not the table! | Where's the chess board?)  (- see also breadboard, chopping board) 3 »GROUP OF PEOPLE« C also + plural v) BrE a group of people in an organization who make the rules and important decisions  (a board meeting | sit on a board)  (He sits on the hospital management board. | board of directors)  (There is still only one woman on the board of directors.) 4 »FOR BUILDING« a long thin flat piece of wood used for making floors, walls, fences etc  (We'll have to take the boards up to check the wiring.)  (- see also floorboard (1)) 5 on board on a ship or plane; aboard2  (The ship went down with all its crew on board.) 6 take sth on board to listen to and accept a suggestion, idea etc  (The school refused to take any of the parents' criticisms on board.) 7 go by the board if a plan goes by the board, it is no longer possible  (We just don't have the time - so our idea about meeting to discuss it has had to go by the board.) 8 across the board if a plan or situation happens across the board, it affects everyone in a particular group, place etc  (We're aiming to increase productivity across the board.) 9 »MEALS« the meals that are provided for you when you pay to stay somewhere  (I pay $100 a week for room and board. | full/half board (=all or some meals)) 10 »THEATRE« the boards the stage in a theatre  (- see also tread the boards tread1 (6)) 11 »SPORT« boards AmE the low wooden wall around the area in which you play ice hockey 12 college/medical boards AmE examinations that you take in the US when you apply to a college or medical school  (- see...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bord "a plank, flat surface," from P.Gmc. *bortham, from PIE *bhrdho- "board," from base *bher- "to cut." A board is thinner than a plank, and generally less than 2.5 inches thick. The meaning "food" (M.E.) is a metaphoric extension of "table." Another extension is to "council (that meets at a table)." Boarder is attested from 1530. Board "side of ship" (O.E. bord) is from apparently unrelated P.Gmc. *borthaz. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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