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Англо-русский биологический словарь - blow


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Перевод с английского языка blow на русский


1) цвет, цветение; цвести

2) кладка яиц (мухами); класть яйца (о мухах)

3) удар

4) дуть; выдувать

5) фонтан кита

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  up  а) начинать дуть it looks as if its blowing up for severe weather.  б) раздувать Youll have to blow up the fire to make it burn.  в) взрывать to blow up the hell перевернуть все вверх дном The soldiers blew up the enemy bridge.  г) взлетать на воздух (при взрыве) A chemical factory blew up in the North of England.  д) coll. бранить, ругать Mother will blow you up when she finds her best dishes broken. Mother will blow up at you when she finds her best dishes broken.  е) coll. выходить из себя  ж) phot. увеличивать The photographer blew the picture of the child up and entered it for a national competition.  з) усиливаться (о ветре) There was a storm blowing up while we were out at sea.  и) возникать Trouble is blowing up again in the Middle East. к) надувать Help me to blow up these tyres, will you? These plastic balls dont blow up easily. л) разрушать, расстраивать The lawyers case blew up because he had no proof. The plan blew up in his face. Well soon blow up his plan. м) раздувать факты, чье-л. тщеславие, значение He always blows up his adventures to make them seem better than they were. The crowd blew him up with their praise. BLOW the tanks освобождать (балластные) отсеки BLOW the gaff проболтаться BLOW the fire раздувать огонь; fig. разжигать страсти (и т.п.) BLOW round заходить в гости Why dont you blow round one evening next week? BLOW upon  а) лишать свежести, интереса  б) ронять во мнении  в) наговаривать; доносить BLOW I noun  1) удар at a blow, at one blow - одним ударом; сразу to come to blows - вступить в бой, в драку, дойти до рукопашной to deal/strike/deliver a blow -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. удар retaliatory blow —- ответный удар; возмездие illegal blow —- спорт. запрещенный удар at a blow —- одним ударом; сразу to administer a blow —- наносить удар; причинять вред to come to blows —- вступить в драку, дойти до рукопашной to exchange blows —- драться to rain blows upon smb. —- осыпать кого-л градом ударов to strike a blow for —- помогать to strike a blow against —- противодействовать to aim a blow at smb's authority —- подрывать чей-л авторитет without striking a blow —- без усилий 2. несчастье, удар судьбы it came as a crushing blow to us —- для нас это был страшный удар 3. горн. горный удар; обрушение кровли Id: the first blow is half the battle —- посл. хорошее начало полдела откачало; лиха беда начало 4. дуновение; порыв ветра to get oneself a blow —- подышать свежим воздухом 5. звук духового инструмента 6. звук при сморкании 7. фонтан кита 8. разг. хвастовство 9. разг. хвастун 10. продувка 11. бессемерование 12. геол. выход рудной жилы на дневную поверхность 13. сл. воен. передышка 14. сл. отдых, перерыв, чтобы перекусить; перекур 15. надувать to blow one's cheeks —- надуть щеки 16. кладка яиц мухами 17. сл. кокаин 18. дуть, веять (о ветре) it was blowing hard —- дул сильный ветер it is blowing a gale —- будет буря 19. гнать (ветром); развевать the wind blew the tent over —- ветер перевернул палатку many trees were blown down...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) цвет, цветение; цвести 2) кладка яиц (мухами); класть яйца (о мухах) 3) удар 4) дуть; выдувать 5) фонтан кита ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) дутье; продувка; обдувка дуть; продувать; обдувать to blow down — продувать; прочищать to blow jet — авто продувать жиклер to blow metal to — метал. продувать металл на (какую-л. марку стали) to blow out arc — электр. гасить дугу, задувать дугу to blow through pipe-line — продувать трубопровод to blow with steam — продувать паром to put on blow — подавать дутье - first blow - oxygen blow - top blow 2) удар to deliver blow — наносить удар 3) цвет, цветение; расцвет цвести, расцветать 4) яркое проявление (чего-л.) 5) конфликт 6) горн. внезапный выброс, вздутие (на рудном теле) 7) горн. обвал и разлом кровли рудника 8) горн. выход на дневную поверхность (о рудной жиле) 9) издавать звук, звучать 10) подавать (звуковой) сигнал 11) перегорать, плавиться 12) пережигать (плавкую перемычку) 13) раздувать to blow one's own horn — выпячивать свои успехи to blow up the image — увеличивать изображение 14) развевать 15) выдувать to blow glass — выдувать стекло to blow out blast furnace — метал. выдувать домну 16) взрывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  выпор грунта промыв (гидросооружения) прорыв заградительного сооружения прорыв воды или газа дутьё, обдувка удар fracturing blow ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) удар; толчок 2) дутьё; продувка; обдувка дуть; обдувать; прогонять воздух 3) прорыв (грунтовых или поверхностных вод); промыв (результат суффозии) 4) взрывать(ся) 5) перегорать, плавиться, сгорать (о предохранителе) 6) пережигать перемычку to blow an engine — выводить двигатель из строя; to blow cold — работать на холодном дутье; to blow down — 1. продувать 2. выдувать (домну); to blow in — задувать (домну); to blow off — 1. продувать 2. спускать (воду) 3. выпускать (газ); to blowstreams through — продувать пар (через аппарат) - air blow - argon blow - core blow - excessive blow - final blow - first blow - oxygen blow - steam blow - steam-and-air blow - steam-air blow - steam-and-gas blow - young blow BLOW сокр. от booster lift-off weight стартовая масса ракеты-носителя; стартовая масса ускорителя ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (past blew; past part. blown) 1 a intr. (of the wind or air, or impersonally) move along; act as an air-current (it was blowing hard). b intr. be driven by an air-current (waste paper blew along the gutter). c tr. drive with an air-current (blew the door open). 2 a tr. send out (esp. air) by breathing (blew cigarette smoke; blew a bubble). b intr. send a directed air-current from the mouth. 3 tr. & intr. sound or be sounded by blowing (the whistle blew; they blew the trumpets). 4 tr. a direct an air-current at (blew the embers). b (foll. by off, away, etc.) clear of by means of an air-current (blew the dust off). 5 tr. (past part. blowed) sl. (esp. in imper.) curse, confound (blow it!; I'll be blowed!; let's take a taxi and blow the expense). 6 tr. a clear (the nose) of mucus by blowing. b remove contents from (an egg) by blowing through it. 7 a intr. puff, pant. b tr. (esp. in passive) exhaust of breath. 8 sl. a tr. depart suddenly from (blew the town yesterday). b intr. depart suddenly. 9 tr. shatter or send flying by an explosion (the bomb blew the tiles off the roof; blew them to smithereens). 10 tr. make or shape (glass or a bubble) by blowing air in. 11 tr. & intr. melt or cause to melt from overloading (the fuse has blown). 12 intr. (of a whale) eject air and water through a blow-hole. 13 tr. break into (a safe etc.) with explosives. 14 tr. sl. a squander, spend recklessly (blew {pound}20 on a meal). b spoil, bungle (an opportunity etc.) (he's blown his chances of winning). c reveal (a secret etc.). 15 intr. (of a food-tin etc.) swell and eventually burst from internal gas pressure. 16 tr. work the bellows of (an organ). 17 tr. (of flies) deposit eggs in. 18 intr. US & Austral. colloq. boast. --n. 1 a an act of blowing (e.g. one's nose, a wind instrument). b colloq. a turn or spell of playing jazz (on any instrument); a musical session. 2 a a gust of wind or air. b exposure to fresh air. 3 = fly-blow (see FLY(2)). 4 US a boaster. Phrases and idioms be blowed if one will sl. be unwilling to. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (blew; ~n; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English blawan; akin to Old High German blaen to ~, Latin flare, Greek phallos penis  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. of air  (1) to be in motion a breeze blew gently  (2) to move with speed or force the wind was ~ing  b. to move or run quickly the linebacker blew past the tackle  2. to send forth a current of air or other gas don't ~ on your soup  3.  a. to make a sound by or as if by ~ing  b. of a wind instrument sound  4.  a. boast  b. to talk windily  5.  a. pant, gasp the horse blew heavily  b. of a cetacean to eject moisture-laden air from the lungs through the ~hole  6. to move or be carried by or as if by wind just blew into town  7.  a. erupt, explode  b. of an electric fuse to melt when overloaded — often used with out  c. of a tire to release the contained air through a spontaneous rupture — usually used with out  transitive verb  1.  a. to set (gas or vapor) in motion the fan blew hot air on us  b. to act on with a current of gas or vapor the breeze blew my hair dry  2.  a. to play or sound on (a wind instrument)  b. to play (as a note) on a wind instrument  3.  a. to spread by report  b. past participle ~ed damn ~ the expense  4.  a. to drive with a current of gas or vapor the storm blew the boat off course  b. to clear of contents by forcible passage of a current of air ~ your nose  c. to project (a gesture or sound made with the mouth) by ~ing blew him a kiss  5.  a. to distend with or as if with gas  b. to produce or shape by the action of ~n or injected air ~ing bubbles  6. of insects to deposit eggs or larvae on or in  7. to shatter, burst, or destroy by explosion ~ the safe open  8.  a. to put out of breath with exertion  b. to let (as a horse) pause to catch the breath  9.  a. to expend (as money) extravagantly  b. to treat with unusual expenditure I'll ~ you to a steak  10. to cause (a fuse) to ~  11. to rupture by too...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]VERB USES (blows, blowing, blew, blown) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves. We woke to find a gale blowing outside. VERB: V 2. If the wind blows something somewhere or if it blows there, the wind moves it there. Strong winds blew away most of the dust... Her cap fell off in the street and blew away... The bushes and trees were blowing in the wind. VERB: V n with adv, V adv/prep, V, also V n prep 3. If you blow, you send out a stream of air from your mouth. Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them... Take a deep breath and blow. VERB: V prep/adv, V 4. If you blow something somewhere, you move it by sending out a stream of air from your mouth. He picked up his mug and blew off the steam. VERB: V n with adv, also V n prep 5. If you blow bubbles or smoke rings, you make them by blowing air out of your mouth through liquid or smoke. He blew a ring of blue smoke. VERB: V n 6. When a whistle or horn blows or someone blows it, they make a sound by blowing into it. The whistle blew and the train slid forward... A guard was blowing his whistle. VERB: V, V n 7. When you blow your nose, you force air out of it through your nostrils in order to clear it. He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose. VERB: V n 8. To blow something out, off, or away means to remove or destroy it violently with an explosion. The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows... Rival gunmen blew the city to bits. VERB: V n with adv, V n prep 9. If you say that something blows an event, situation, or argument into a particular extreme state, especially an uncertain or unpleasant state, you mean that it causes it to be in that state. Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy. VERB: V n prep 10. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 past tense blew, past participle blown ~ v 1 WIND MOVING if the wind or a current of air blows, it moves  (A cold breeze was blowing.) 2 »WIND MOVING STH« I usually + adv/prep, to move something, or to be moved, by the force of the wind or a current of air  (Her hair was blowing in the breeze. | A sudden draught blew the door shut.) 3 »AIR FROM YOUR MOUTH« to send out a current of air from your mouth  (She blew on her coffee to cool it down.) 4 »MAKE A NOISE« to make a sound by passing air through a musical instrument or a horn  (The whistle blew for halftime.) 5 »VIOLENCE« to damage or destroy something violently with an explosion or by shooting  (blow sth away/out/off)  (The explosion blew the ship right out of the water.) 6 »LOSE MONEY« informal to spend all your money at one time in a careless way  (Hйs blown all his wages on a new stereo.) 7 »LOSE AN OPPORTUNITY« informal to lose a good opportunity by making a mistake or by being careless  (Wйve blown our chances of getting that new contract.) 8 »SURPRISE/ANNOYANCE« blow/blow me/blow that etc BrE spoken used to show surprise, annoyance, or determination  (Blow me if she didn`t just run off! | Blow it! I forgot to phone Jane.) 9 »MAKE A SHAPE« to make or shape something by sending out a current of air from your mouth  (blow a bubble (=make a ball shape) | blow glass (=shape glass by blowing into it when it is very hot)) 10 blow sth (up) out of all proportion to make something seem much more serious or important than it is 11 »LEAVE« blow town AmE slang to leave a place quickly 12 »ELECTRICITY STOPS« if an electrical fuse1 (1) blows, or a piece of electrical equipment blows a fuse1 (1), the electricity suddenly stops working because a thin wire has melted 13 »TYRE« if a tyre blows or if a car blows a tyre, it bursts 14 »MAKE A SECRET KNOWN« to make known a secret about someone or something  (Your coming here has blown the whole operation. | blow sb's cover (=make known what someone's real job or name is))  (It is believed Ames...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  adult abbr. Beautiful Ladies Of Wrestling ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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