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Англо-русский биологический словарь - blind


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1) слепой

2) диафрагма, бленда

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  • 1) затемнять; 2) затемнять• по приборам• слепой• шторка ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  mans holiday noun сумерки BLIND to  а) отказываться принять какие-л. факты You cannot blind yourself to the true facts; the position is hopeless. The desire to climb the mountain blinded Jim to all the difficulties.  б) be blinded to не знать For the first three years of their marriage, Mary was blinded to Jims faults. BLIND spot noun  1) physiol. мёртвая точка, слепое пятно  2) белое пятно, область, в которой данное лицо плохо разбирается BLIND lead тупик BLIND gut noun anat. слепая кишка BLIND drunk мертвецки пьян BLIND  1. adj.  1) слепой blind of an eye - слепой на один глаз blind flying aeron. - слепой полет, полет по приборам to be blind to smth. - не быть в состоянии оценить что-л.  2) слепо напечатанный; неясный blind hand - нечеткий почерк blind path - еле заметная тропинка blind letter - письмо без адреса или с неполным нечетким адресом  3) действующий вслепую, безрассудно to go it blind - играть втемную; действовать вслепую, безрассудно  4) непроверенный, не основанный на знании, фактах  5) слепой, не выходящий на поверхность (о шахте, жиле)  6) глухой, сплошной (о стене и т.п.)  7) sl. пьяный (тж. blind drunk) blind to the world - вдребезги пьяный blind date amer.; coll. -  а) свидание с незнакомым человеком;  б) незнакомец(-ка), с которым(-ой) назначено свидание blind lantern - потайной фонарь blind pig/tiger amer.; sl. - бар, где незаконно торгуют спиртными...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. штора, маркиза; жалюзи; ставень lower the blinds —- опустите шторы raise the blinds —- поднимите шторы 2. (the blind) собир. употр. с гл. во мн. ч.: слепые 3. pl. наглазники, шоры 4. предлог, отговорка; обман his piety is only a blind —- его благочестие просто маска his helpful offer is no more than a blind —- он предлагает свою помощь лишь для отвода глаз 5. разг. пьянка 6. тупик 7. безвыходное положение 8. бесперспективное занятие 9. охот. засидка 10. спец. заглушка 11. фот. шторка 12. опт. диафрагма, бленда 13. воен. дымавая завеса; дымовой экран 14. воен. неразорвавшийся снаряд 15. слепой, незрячий blind obedience —- слепое повиновение blind in (of) an eye —- слепой на один глаз to go (to become) blind —- ослепнуть 16. предназначенный для слепых blind asylum —- приют для слепых 17. (to) не видящий, не замечающий, не обращающий внимания to be blind to one's interests —- не видеть своей выгоды to be blind to smb's faults —- не замечать чьих-л недостатков to be blind to the beauties of nature —- не воспринимать красот природы to be blind to the obvious —- ничего не замечать to be blind to the future —- не задумываться о будущем 18. действующий вслепую blind search —- поиск вслепую blind booking —- кин. заключение контракта на прокат кинофильма заранее (до окончания съемок или без предварительного просмотра) blind...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) слепой 2) диафрагма, бленда ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. "слепой", не дающий о себе информации (например, брокер, пул) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) блеклый, неясный, бескрасочный 2) слепой; действующий вслепую 3) непроверенный 4) ничтожно малый 5) тупиковый 6) глухой, сплошной 7) потайной 8) полигр. блинт (плоское тиснение на книжном переплете) 9) шторка; створка; щиток; бленда; ширма 10) диафрагма диафрагмировать 11) заглушка 12) затемнять; прятать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  мн.ч.жалюзи; ставни awning blind blackout blind motorized solar control blinds roller blinds shutter blinds solar control blinds sun blind venetian blind ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ставень; жалюзи; экран; штора; створка 2) диафрагма диафрагмировать 3) бленда; шторка 4) заглушка (в трубопроводе) 5) авто щиток; жалюзи 6) вчт. блокировать нежелательные данные 7) засоряться, забиваться, закупориваться (о сите, тканевом фильтре) - destination blind - radiator blind - rear blind - shutter blind - sun blind - Venetian blind ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., v., n., & adv. --adj. 1 lacking the power of sight. 2 a without foresight, discernment, intellectual perception, or adequate information (blind effort). b (often foll. by to) unwilling or unable to appreciate (a factor, circumstance, etc.) (blind to argument). 3 not governed by purpose or reason (blind forces). 4 reckless (blind hitting). 5 a concealed (blind ditch). b (of a door, window, etc.) walled up. c closed at one end. 6 Aeron. (of flying) without direct observation, using instruments only. 7 Cookery (of a flan case, pie base, etc.) baked without a filling. 8 sl. drunk. --v. 1 tr. deprive of sight, permanently or temporarily (blinded by tears). 2 tr. (often foll. by to) rob of judgement; deceive (blinded them to the danger). 3 intr. sl. go very fast and dangerously, esp. in a motor vehicle. --n. 1 a a screen for a window, esp. on a roller, or with slats (roller blind; Venetian blind). b an awning over a shop window. 2 a something designed or used to hide the truth; a pretext. b a legitimate business concealing a criminal enterprise (he's a spy, and his job is just a blind). 3 any obstruction to sight or light. 4 Brit. sl. a heavy drinking-bout. 5 Cards a stake put up by a poker player before the cards dealt are seen. 6 US = HIDE(1) n. --adv. blindly (fly blind; bake it blind). Phrases and idioms blind alley 1 a cul-de-sac. 2 a course of action leading nowhere. blind as a bat completely blind. blind coal coal burning without a flame. blind corner a corner round which a motorist etc. cannot see. blind date 1 a social engagement between a man and a woman who have not previously met. 2 either of the couple on a blind date. blind drunk extremely drunk. blind gut the caecum. blind man's buff a game in which a blindfold player tries to catch others while being pushed about by them. blind side a direction in which one cannot see the approach of danger etc. blind spot 1 Anat. the point of entry of the optic nerve on the retina, insensitive to light. 2 an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality. 3 a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German blint ~, Old English blandan to mix — more at blend  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) sightless  (2) having less than 1/10 of normal vision in the more efficient eye when refractive defects are fully corrected by lenses  b. of or relating to sightless persons  2.  a. unable or unwilling to discern or judge ~ to a lover's faults  b. unquestioning ~ loyalty ~ faith  3.  a. having no regard to rational discrimination, guidance, or restriction ~ choice  b. lacking a directing or controlling consciousness ~ chance  c. drunk 1a  4.  a. made or done without sight of certain objects or knowledge of certain facts that could serve for guidance or cause bias a ~ taste test a ~ clinical trial — compare double-~, single-~  b. having no knowledge of information that may cause bias during the course of an experiment or test physicians ~ to whether the test drug is administered  5. defective: as  a. lacking a growing point or producing leaves instead of flowers  b. lacking a complete or legible address ~ mail  6.  a. difficult to discern, make out, or discover  b. hidden from sight ; covered ~ seam  7. having but one opening or outlet ~ sockets  8. having no opening for light or passage ; blank ~ wall  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. transitive verb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to make ~  b. dazzle  2.  a. to withhold light from  b. hide, conceal  • ~ingly adverb  III. noun  Date: 1678  1. something to hinder sight or keep out light: as  a. a window shutter  b. a roller window shade  c. venetian ~  d. ~er  2. a place of concealment; especially a concealing enclosure from which one may shoot game or observe wildlife  3.  a. something put forward for the purpose of misleading ; subterfuge  b. a person who acts as a decoy or distraction  IV. adverb  Date: circa 1775  1. ~ly: as  a. to the point of insensibility ~ drunk  b. without seeing outside an...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (blinds, blinding, blinded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged. I started helping him run the business when he went blind... ADJ • The blind are people who are blind. He was a teacher of the blind. N-PLURAL: the N • blindness Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness. N-UNCOUNT 2. If something blinds you, it makes you unable to see, either for a short time or permanently. The sun hit the windscreen, momentarily blinding him. VERB: V n 3. If you are blind with something such as tears or a bright light, you are unable to see for a short time because of the tears or light. Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears. ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ with n • blindly Lettie groped blindly for the glass. ADV 4. If you say that someone is blind to a fact or a situation, you mean that they ignore it or are unaware of it, although you think that they should take notice of it or be aware of it. All the time I was blind to your suffering. ADJ: v-link ADJ to n c darkgreen]disapproval • blindness ...blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed. N-UNCOUNT 5. If something blinds you to the real situation, it prevents you from realizing that it exists or from understanding it properly. He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen’s faults. VERB: V n to n 6. You can describe someone’s beliefs or actions as blind when you think that they seem to take no notice of important facts or behave in an unreasonable way. ...her blind faith in the wisdom of the Church... Lesley yelled at him with blind, hating rage. ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]disapproval 7. A blind corner is one that you cannot see round because something is blocking your view. He tried to overtake three cars on a blind corner and crashed head-on into a lorry. ADJ: ADJ n 8. A blind is a roll of cloth or paper...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »CAN'T SEE« a) unable to see  (He was nearly blind in one eye. | go blind (=become blind))  (In later stages of the disease, sufferers often go blind.) b) the blind people who are unable to see  (talking books for the blind) c) as blind as a bat humorous not able to see well  (I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.) 2 »IGNORE« a) be blind to to completely fail to notice or realize something  (They seemed to be blind to the consequences of their decision.) b) turn a blind eye (to) to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening  (The boss sometimes turns a blind eye to smoking in the office.) c) not take a blind bit of notice especially spoken to completely ignore what someone else is doing, especially in a way that is annoying 3 not make a blind bit of difference BrE informal used to emphasize that whatever someone says or does will not change the situation at all 4 »FEELINGS« a) blind faith/loyalty/hate etc strong feelings that you have without thinking about why you have them  (an unreasoning, blind hatred) b) blind panic/rage strong feelings that are out of your control  (In a moment of blind panic she had pulled the trigger and shot the man dead.) 5 blind corner/bend/curve a corner on a road that you cannot see beyond when you are driving 6 the blind leading the blind often humorous used to say that people who do not know much about what they are doing are guiding or advising others who know nothing at all 7 »AIRCRAFT« blind flying/landing using only instruments to fly an aircraft because you cannot see through cloud, mist etc 8 blind drunk BrE informal extremely drunk 9 swear blind to say very firmly that something is definitely true  (Phil swears blind it wasn't him.)  (- see also blindly) - blindness n ~2 v 1 to permanently destroy someone's ability to see  (He had been blinded in the war.) 2 to make it difficult for someone to see for a short time  (Opening the door, I was immediately blinded by the glare.) 3 to make someone lose their good sense or judgement and be unable to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: FLY BLIND. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. blendan "make blind, dazzle," probably sharing with blend a P.Gmc. base *blindaz, from PIE base *bhlendh- "to glimmer indistinctly." The original sense, not of "sightless," but of "confused," remains in such phrases as blind alley. The noun meaning "anything which obstructs sight" is from 1535. Blindman's bluff is from 1590. Blind date is from 1920s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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