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Англо-русский биологический словарь - blaze


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Перевод с английского языка blaze на русский


1) "звёздочка" (белое пятно на лбу животного)

2) метка, клеймо (на дереве)

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  away продолжать гореть The fire blazed away and destroyed the whole hotel. BLAZE abroad распространять (особенно хорошие новости) His fame was blazed abroad by the countrys newspapers and television. BLAZE I  1. noun  1) пламя in a blaze - в огне  2) яркий свет/цвет  3) блеск, великолепие  4) вспышка (огня, страсти)  5) pl. ад go to blazes! - убирайтесь к черту! like blazes - с яростью; неистово what the blazes! - какого черта! - blaze of publicity Syn: see fire  2. v.  1) гореть ярким пламенем - blaze away - blaze up  2) сиять, сверкать  3) fig. кипеть he was blazing with fury - он кипел от гнева - blaze abroad - blaze away - blaze up - blaze with II  1. noun  1) белая звездочка (на лбу животного)  2) метка, клеймо (на дереве)  2. v. клеймить (деревья); делать значки на чем-л.; отмечать (дорогу) зарубками to blaze the trail - прокладывать путь в лесу, делая зарубки на деревьях; fig. прокладывать путь III v. разглашать (часто blaze abroad) BLAZE of publicity полная гласность BLAZE up снова загореться The fire blazed up when we thought it was out. BLAZE with вспыхнуть fig. Mary blazed with anger when she heard how her mother had been treated. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. пламя, яркий огонь in a blaze —- в огне to set smth. in a blaze —- зажечь что-л the fire burst into a blaze —- огонь вспыхнул 2. вспышка (страсти, гнева и т. п.) in a blaze anger —- в порыве гнева 3. пожар to put the blaze out —- потушить пожар 4. яркий свет или цвет a blaze of lights —- море огней the blaze of searchlights —- ослепительный свет прожекторов in the blaze of the day —- среди бела дня blaze of publicity —- полная гласность 5. блеск, великолепие in the full blaze of beauty —- во всем блеске красоты 6. pl. эвф. ад go to blazes! —- иди к черту so much money gone to blazes —- столько денег пролетело 7. эмоц-усил. изо всех сил like blazes —- с яростью; неистово to run like blazes —- бежать что есть духу 8. гореть ярким пламенем 9. редк. воспламенять, зажигать 10. сиять, сверкать his eyes were blazing —- его глаза сверкали 11. сверкать, блистать his fame blazed widely abroad —- слава о нем разнеслась по всему миру 12. кипеть, неистовствовать he was blazing with fury —- он кипел от бешенства, он исходил злобой 13. отметина, белое пятно (на лбу животного) 14. метка, зарубка (на дереве) 15. путь (в лесу), отмеченный зарубками 16. метить (деревья); делать отметки (на чем-л.) 17. отмечать (дорогу) зарубками to blaze the trail —- отмечать путь в лесу, делая зарубки на деревьях; прокладывать путь to blaze a trail into space —- проложить путь...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) "звёздочка" (белое пятно на лбу животного) 2) метка, клеймо (на дереве) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) пламя 2) вспышка 3) яркость, блеск сверкать, блистать 4) зарубка (на стволе дерева) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  лесн. затёска, зарубка затёсывать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a bright flame or fire. 2 a a bright glaring light; the sun set in a blaze of orange. b a full light (a blaze of publicity). 3 a violent outburst (of passion etc.) (a blaze of patriotic fervour). 4 a a glow of colour (roses were a blaze of scarlet). b a bright display (a blaze of glory). --v.intr. 1 burn with a bright flame. 2 be brilliantly lighted. 3 be consumed with anger, excitement, etc. 4 a show bright colours (blazing with jewels). b emit light (stars blazing). Phrases and idioms blaze away (often foll. by at) 1 fire continuously with rifles etc. 2 work enthusiastically. blaze up 1 burst into flame. 2 burst out in anger. like blazes sl. 1 with great energy. 2 very fast. what the blazes! sl. what the hell! Derivatives blazingly adv. Etymology: OE bl{aelig}se torch, f. Gmc: ult. rel. to BLAZE(2) 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a white mark on an animal's face. 2 a mark made on a tree by slashing the bark esp. to mark a route. --v.tr. mark (a tree or a path) by chipping bark. Phrases and idioms blaze a trail 1 mark out a path or route. 2 be the first to do, invent, or study something; pioneer. Etymology: 17th c.: ult. rel. to BLAZE(1) 3. v.tr. proclaim as with a trumpet. Phrases and idioms blaze abroad spread (news) about. Etymology: ME f. LG or Du. blazen blow, f. Gmc bl{aelig}san ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English blase, from Old English bl?se torch; probably akin to Old English b?l fire — more at bald  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an intensely burning fire  b. intense direct light often accompanied by heat the ~ of TV lights  c. an active burning; especially a sudden bursting forth of flame  2. something that resembles the ~ of a fire: as  a. a dazzling display a ~ of color  b. a sudden outburst a ~ of fury went down in a ~ of glory  c. plural hell go to ~s as hot as ~s  II. intransitive verb  (~d; blazing)  Date: 13th century  1.  a. to burn brightly the sun ~d overhead  b. to flare up ; flame inflation ~d up  2. to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent fields blazing with flowers  3. to shoot rapidly and repeatedly — usually used with away  4. to proceed extremely rapidly ; blast blazing down the highway  III. transitive verb  (~d; blazing)  Etymology: Middle English blasen, from Middle Dutch blasen to blow; akin to Old High German blast blast  Date: 1541 to make public or conspicuous  IV. noun  Etymology: perhaps from Dutch or Low German bles; akin to Old Norse blesi white stripe on an animal and probably to Old English bl?se torch  Date: 1639  1.  a. a usually white stripe down the center of the face of an animal  b. a white or gray streak in the hair of the head  2. a trail marker; especially a mark made on a tree by chipping off a piece of the bark  V. transitive verb  (~d; blazing)  Date: 1750  1. to mark (as a trail) with ~s  2. to lead in some direction or activity ~ new trails in education ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (blazes, blazing, blazed) 1. When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers... ...a blazing fire. VERB: V, V-ing 2. A blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of things. (JOURNALISM) Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night. N-COUNT: usu sing 3. If something blazes with light or colour, it is extremely bright. (LITERARY) The gardens blazed with colour. VERB: V with n • Blaze is also a noun. I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour. N-COUNT: usu a N of n 4. A blaze of publicity or attention is a great amount of it. He was arrested in a blaze of publicity. ...the sporting career that began in a blaze of glory. N-SING: a N of n 5. If guns blaze, or blaze away, they fire continuously, making a lot of noise. Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around... She took the gun and blazed away with calm and deadly accuracy. VERB: V, V away 6. with all guns blazing: see gun 7. If someone blazes a trail, they discover or develop something new. These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims. = lead the way PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to burn very brightly and strongly  (The room was warm and cosy, with a fire blazing in the hearth.) 2 to shine with a very bright light  (The house still blazed with lights although it was midnight.) 3 also blaze away to fire bullets rapidly and continuously  (An enemy plane roared overhead, its guns blazing.) 4 blaze a trail to develop important new methods or make important new discoveries  (The company has blazed a trail in robotic technology.) 5 be blazed across/all over if something is blazed across a newspaper etc, it is written in a way that everyone will notice  (News of their divorce was blazed across all the tabloids.)  (- see also blazing) ~2 n 1 »FIRE« a) the strong bright flames of a fire  (We soon had a cheerful blaze.) b) a big dangerous fire  (Wind fanned the blaze, making it impossible for the firefighters to continue.) 2 »LIGHT/COLOUR« very bright light or colour + of  (a blaze of sunshine | The garden is a blaze of colour at this time of year.) 3 »GUNS« the rapid continuous firing of a gun + of  (a blaze of machine gun fire) 4 a blaze of anger/hatred/passion etc a sudden show of very strong emotion  (He was surprised by the sudden blaze of anger in her eyes.) 5 in a blaze of glory/publicity etc receiving a lot of praise or public attention  (Our team finished the season in a blaze of glory, winning the championship with ease.) 6 what the blazes/who the blazes etc spoken old-fashioned used to emphasize a question when you are annoyed  (What the blazes is going on here?) 7 like blazes old-fashioned as fast, as much, or as strongly as possible  (We're going to have to work like blazes to get it done on time!) 8 go to blazes spoken old-fashioned used to angrily tell someone to go away 9 »MARK« C usually singular a white mark, especially one down the front of a horse's face  (- see also ablaze) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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