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Англо-русский биологический словарь - bill


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Перевод с английского языка bill на русский


1) клюв

2) законодательный акт

dew billenvironmental bill

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См. в других словарях

  of fare меню BILL of exchange вексель, тратта BILL of sale купчая, закладная BILL of Rights a) hist. Билль о правах (в Англии)  б) первые десять поправок в конституции США BILL of privilege петиция пэра о том, чтобы его судил суд пэров BILL of parcels фактура; накладная BILL of Oblivion амнистия BILL of entry таможенная декларация BILL of lading накладная, коносамент BILL of indictment обвинительный акт для предварительного предъявления присяжным BILL noun; dim. of William Билл BILL I  1. noun  1) клюв  2) узкий мыс  3) козырек (фуражки)  4) носок якоря  2. v.  1) целоваться клювиками (о голубях)  2) нежничать, ласкаться (особ. to bill and coo) II  1. noun  1) законопроект, билль - pass the bill - throw out the bill  2) список; инвентарь; документ - bill of credit - bill of entry - bill of fare - bill of health - bill of lading - bill of parcels - bill of sale  3) программа (концерта и т.п.)  4) счет padded bills - раздутые счета bill of costs - счет адвоката/поверенного клиенту за ведение дела omnibus bill - счет по разным статьям to run up a bill - иметь счет (у портного, в магазине и т.п.)  5) вексель, тратта (тж. bill of exchange) short bill - краткосрочная тратта  6) афиша; реклама, рекламный листок  7) amer. банкнот a five dollar bill - билет в пять долларов  8) leg. иск to find a true bill - передавать дело в суд to ignore the bill - прекращать дело - Bill of Rights G. I. Bill...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. счет grocery bill —- счет в бакалейной лавке padded bills —- раздутые счета payable bills —- счета, подлежащие оплате bill of costs —- юр. ведомость издержек по делу; счет адвокатских расходов to charge smth. on the bill —- поставить что-л в счет to foot the bill —- оплатить расходы (по счету) to meet a bill —- оплатить счет to make out a bill —- составить счет to run up a bill —- иметь счет (в магазине, у портного) have you paid the hotel bill? —- вы оплатили счет в гостинице? 2. список, инвентарь bill of materials —- спецификация bill of parcels —- фактура, накладная to make out a bill —- составить список 3. документ bill of credit —- аккредитив bill of debt —- долговая расписка bill of sight —- разрешение на бепошлинный провоз товаров 4. билль, законопроект private bill —- законопроект, имеющий местное значение to introduce a bill —- внести законопроект to pass a bill —- принять законопроект 5. программа (театральная, концерта) to change bill —- сменить программу to head the bill —- быть гвоздем программы 6. афиша, плакат 7. ам. банкнот, казначейский билет five-dollar bill —- билет в пять долларов 8. вексель, тратта short(-dated) bill —- краткосрочный вексель outstanding bill —- неоплаченный вексель bill at par —- вексель по номиналу bill at sight —- тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении bill on London —- вексель на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. билль (законопроект) С момента его внесения на рассмотрение законодательного органа власти и на всем протяжении его обсуждения вплоть до принятия, когда он станет именоваться законом Act 2. закон Когда он действует в качестве судебного решения (например, билль об импичменте bill of impeachment) 3. юр. петиция Заявление, подаваемое в апелляционный суд appellate court 4. фин. банкнота Например, в контексте "five-dollar bill" = пятидолларовая банкнота 5. ист. документ (билль) Обычно с печатью. Например, в сочетании Bill of Rights = "Билль о правах" ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) клюв 2) законодательный акт – dew bill – environmental bill ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) торг. счет (к оплате) (документ с указанием суммы денег, причитающейся за что-л.) the bill amounts to twenty five — счет равен двадцати пяти фунтам the bill from an agency — счет от агентства the bill comes to... — счет составляет... bill drawn on (smb.) — счет, выставленный на имя (кого-л.) bill in the name of (smb.) — счет на имя (кого-л.) Syn: account, check See: "bill enclosure 2) пол., юр. билль, законопроект (законодательный проект, который выносится на рассмотрение законодательного органа, в отличие от закона, уже принятого) to draft a bill — составлять законопроект to introduce propose a bill — предложить законопроект to oppose bill — высказаться против законопроекта to support a bill — поддержать законопроект to move railroad a bill through a legislature — "протолкнуть" законопроект через законодательный орган to quash a bill, to vote down a bill — забаллотировать законопроект to reject a bill — отвергнуть законопроект to shelve a bill — откладывать обсуждение законопроекта to veto a bill — наложить вето на законопроект to pass а bill — принять законопроект to throw out a bill — отклонить законопроект See: act 3) а) общ. список, инвентарь; опись See: bill of materials, "bill of parcels б) общ. документ See: "bill of credit, "bill of debt, "bill of sight, "bill of store, "bill of sale 4) торг. накладная а) учет (первичный бухгалтерский...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вексель; долговое обязательство 2) законопроект, билль 3) инвентарный список, опись 4) накладная выписывать накладную 5) счет выставлять счет 6) спецификация; свидетельство 7) рог, зубец - bill of an anchor - bill of exchange - bill of lading - bill of materials - fire-station bill - railway memorandum bill - way bill ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ведомость bill of materials bill of quantities ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) счёт к оплате 2) инвентарный список; опись, накладная - bill of lading - bill of materials - bill of quantities ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a printed or written statement of charges for goods supplied or services rendered. b the amount owed (ran up a bill of {pound}300). 2 a draft of a proposed law. 3 a a poster; a placard. b = HANDBILL. 4 a a printed list, esp. a theatre programme. b the entertainment itself (top of the bill). 5 US a banknote (ten dollar bill). --v.tr. 1 put in the programme; announce. 2 (foll. by as) advertise. 3 send a note of charges to (billed him for the books). Phrases and idioms bill of exchange Econ. a written order to pay a sum of money on a given date to the drawer or to a named payee. bill of fare 1 a menu. 2 a programme (for a theatrical event). bill of health 1 Naut. a certificate regarding infectious disease on a ship or in a port at the time of sailing. 2 (clean bill of health) a such a certificate stating that there is no disease. b a declaration that a person or thing examined has been found to be free of illness or in good condition. bill of indictment hist. or US a written accusation as presented to a grand jury. bill of lading Naut. 1 a shipmaster's detailed list of the ship's cargo. 2 US = WAYBILL. Bill of Rights 1 Law the English constitutional settlement of 1689. 2 Law (in the US) the constitutional amendments of 1791. 3 a statement of the rights of a class of people. bill of sale Econ. a certificate of transfer of personal property, esp. as a security against debt. Derivatives billable adj. Etymology: ME f. AF bille, AL billa, prob. alt. of med.L bulla seal, sealed documents, BULL(2) 2. n. & v. --n. 1 the beak of a bird, esp. when it is slender, flattened, or weak, or belongs to a web-footed bird or a bird of the pigeon family. 2 the muzzle of a platypus. 3 a narrow promontory. 4 the point of an anchor-fluke. --v.intr. (of doves etc.) stroke a bill with a bill. Phrases and idioms bill and coo exchange caresses. Derivatives billed adj. (usu. in comb.). Etymology: OE bile, of unkn. orig. 3. n. 1 hist. a weapon like a halberd with a hook instead of a blade. 2 = BILLHOOK. Etymology: OE bil, ult. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English bile, from Old English; akin to Old English ~  Date: before 12th century  1. the jaws of a bird together with their horny covering  2. a mouthpart (as the beak of a turtle) that resembles a bird's ~  3. the point of an anchor fluke — see anchor illustration  4. the visor of a cap or hood  II. intransitive verb  Date: 1584  1. to touch and rub ~ to ~  2. to caress affectionately ~ing and cooing  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English bil, from Old English ~ sword; akin to Old High German ~ pickax  Date: 14th century  1. a weapon in use up to the 18th century that consists of a long staff ending in a hook-shaped blade  2. ~hook  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French ~e, from Medieval Latin ~a, perhaps alteration of bulla, papal seal, bull — more at bull  Date: 14th century  1. an itemized list or a statement of particulars (as a list of materials or of members of a ship's crew)  2. a written document or note  3. obsolete a formal petition  4.  a. an itemized account of the separate cost of goods sold, services performed, or work done ; invoice  b. an amount expended or owed  c. a statement of charges for food or drink ; check  5.  a. a written or printed advertisement posted or otherwise distributed to announce an event of interest to the public; especially an announcement of a theatrical entertainment  b. a programmed presentation (as a motion picture, play, or concert)  6. a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment; also the law itself the GI ~  7. a declaration in writing stating a wrong a complainant has suffered from a defendant or stating a breach of law by some person a ~ of complaint  8.  a. a piece of paper money  b. an individual or commercial note ~s receivable  c. slang one hundred dollars  V. transitive verb  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to enter in an accounting system ; prepare a ~ of (charges)  b. to submit a ~ of charges to  c. to enter (as freight) in a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bills, billing, billed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bill is a written statement of money that you owe for goods or services. They couldn’t afford to pay the bills... He paid his bill for the newspapers promptly. ...phone bills. N-COUNT 2. If you bill someone for goods or services you have provided them with, you give or send them a bill stating how much money they owe you for these goods or services. Are you going to bill me for this? VERB: no cont, V n for n, also V n 3. The bill in a restaurant is a piece of paper on which the price of the meal you have just eaten is written and which you are given before you pay. (BRIT; in AM, use check) N-SING: the N 4. A bill is a piece of paper money. (AM; in BRIT, use note) ...a large quantity of US dollar bills. N-COUNT: usu supp N 5. In government, a bill is a formal statement of a proposed new law that is discussed and then voted on. This is the toughest crime bill that Congress has passed in a decade... The bill was approved by a large majority. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 6. The bill of a show or concert is a list of the entertainers who will take part in it. N-SING 7. If someone is billed to appear in a particular show, it has been advertised that they are going to be in it. She was billed to play the Red Queen in Snow White. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to-inf • billing ...their quarrels over star billing. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 8. If you bill a person or event as a particular thing, you advertise them in a way that makes people think they have particular qualities or abilities. They bill it as Britain’s most exciting museum. VERB: V n as n 9. A bird’s bill is its beak. N-COUNT 10. see also Private Member’s Bill 11. If you say that someone or something fits the bill or fills the bill, you mean that they are suitable for a particular job or purpose. If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees. PHRASE: V inflects 12. If you have to foot...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PAYMENT« a) a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you have received, work that has been done etc + for  (The bill for the repairs came to $650.) pay/settle a bill  (Have you paid the phone bill?) b) BrE a list showing how much you have to pay for food you have eaten in a restaurant; check2 (7) AmE  (Could we have the bill, please?) 2 »LAW« a written proposal for a new law, which is brought to a parliament so that it can be discussed  (a debate in Congress on the President's new transportation bill) 3 »MONEY« AmE a piece of paper money; note1 (5) BrE  (a five-dollar bill) 4 fill the bill/fit the bill to be exactly what you need  (This car fits the bill perfectly. It's cheap and gets good mileage.) 5 »CONCERT/SHOW ETC« a programme of entertainment at a theatre, concert, cinema etc, with details of who is performing, what is being shown etc  (top the bill (=be the most important performer) | a double bill (=a show in two parts))  (a great double bill with two classic horror movies) 6 »ADVERTISEMENT« a printed notice advertising an event 7 give sb/sth a clean bill of health to officially state that someone is in good health or that something is working correctly  (Safety inspectors gave all the rides a clean bill of health.) 8 »BIRD« a bird's beak 9 the old bill/the bill BrE spoken the police ~2 v 1 be billed as to be advertised or generally described in a particular way  (The election was billed as the make-or-break point for the Liberals.) 2 be billed to play/appear etc if someone is billed to perform somewhere, it has been advertised that they will perform there  (He was billed to play three successive concerts.) 3 to send someone a bill  (Clients will be billed monthly.) 4 bill and coo literary or humorous if two lovers are billing and cooing, they are kissing and talking softly ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Brilliantly Intelligent, Likeable Loser NASDAQ abbr. Billing Concepts Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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