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Англо-русский биологический словарь - bearing


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Перевод с английского языка bearing на русский


1) плодоношение; стадия плодоношения; способность плодоношения; плодоносяший

2) рождение, произведение на свет; рождающий, производящий на свет

3) плоды, урожай

to come into bearing — вступать в пору размножения

heavy bearing

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См. в других словарях

  capacity грузоподъемность; допустимая нагрузка BEARING  1. noun  1) ношение  2) рождение, произведение на свет  3) плодоношение  4) поведение; осанка; манера держать себя  5) терпение - beyond all bearing - past all bearing  6) отношение to consider a question in all its bearings - рассматривать вопрос со всех сторон this has no bearing on the question - это не имеет никакого отношения к делу, вопросу  7) значение the precise bearing of the word - точное значение слова  8) девиз (на гербе)  9) tech. подшипник - roller bearing  10) tech. опора; точка опоры  11) pl.; naut.; aeron.; mil. пеленг, румб; азимут - lose bearings - take bearings  2. adj.  1) несущий  2) рождающий, порождающий - bearing finder - bearing capacity BEARING finder пеленгатор ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ношение the bearing of arms is forbidden —- ношение оружия запрещено 2. рождение, произведение на свет 3. плодоношение; стадия или способность плодоношения to keep trees in bearing —- ухаживать за деревьями, чтобы они приносили плоды 4. плоды, урожай rich mellow bearings —- образ. обильный урожай плодов 5. поведение, манера держаться they loved her for her kindly bearing —- ее любили за доброту (за приятное обхождение) 6. осанка, выправка proud bearing —- гордая осанка the bearing of a soldier —- военная выправка 7. терпение; выдержка past bearing, beyond all bearing —- нестерпимо there is no bearing him —- он невыносим 8. отношение, аспект, сторона; подход to consider a matter in all its bearings —- рассмотреть что-л. со всех сторон the legal bearings of a case —- юридическая сторона дела to have no bearing on the subject —- не иметь отношения к делу (к теме) his foolish question has no bearing on the problem —- его глупый вопрос не по делу 9. часто pl. спец. направление, ориентация; курс или направление по компасу, азимуту, пеленгу, румбу bearing error —- ошибка пеленга radio bearing —- радиопеленг magnetic bearing —- магнитный азимут (пеленг); направление магнитной стрелки compass bearing —- компасный азимут, компасный пеленг; направление по компасу bearings of smth. —- месторасположение чего-л. to take one's bearings —- определять свое...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) плодоношение; стадия плодоношения; способность плодоношения; плодоносяший 2) рождение, произведение на свет; рождающий, производящий на свет 3) плоды, урожай to come into bearing — вступать в пору размножения – heavy bearing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) опора; панель (прибора) 2) отношение, аспект 3) подход; значение BEARING 1. сущ. 1) отношение, аспект; подход 2) с.-х. плодоношение • - bearing a fixed rate of interest - bearing no interest - interest bearing Syn: relationship, connection, behaviour, attitude 2. прил. 1) с.-х. плодоносящий 2) приносящий (например, доход) Syn: carrying, supporting ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ношение несущий 2) опора; подпятник 3) азимут, пеленг, румб 4) подушка весов 5) подшипник; вкладыш trunnion is carried by bearing — цапфа опирается на подшипник to bush a bearing — вставлять втулку в подшипник to take a bearing — засекать направление, определять пеленг - check bearing - compass bearing - cross bearing - direct bearing - error bearing - full-floating journal bearing - grid bearing - jewel bearing - journal bearing - knife-edge bearing - lower bearing - magnetic bearing - magnetic radio bearing - needle bearing - observed bearing - observed radio bearing - radio bearing - reciprocal bearing - reciprocal radio bearing - relative bearing - rolling thrust bearing - rolling-contact bearing - shaft bearing - sliding thrust bearing - target bearing - thin-shell bearing - true bearing - true radio bearing - trunnion bearing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) пеленг 2) азимут – radio bearing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  опора; опорная (несущая) поверхность подшипник; вкладыш подшипника цапфа азимут; румб ориентированные линии смятие; напряжение смятия грузоподъёмность; грузовместимость bearing of beam bearing of trend adjustable bearing arch bearing assumed bearing back bearing ball bearing ball jointed rocker bearing bridge bearing cable rocker bearing center bearing compass bearing confined pot bearing cylindrical knuckle bearing elastic bearing elastomeric bearing elastomeric confined pot bearing elastomeric laminated bearing elastomeric unconfined pad bearing elastomeric unreinforced bearing end bearing expansion bearing fixed bearing fixed elastomeric pot bearing foot bearing free bearing fulcrum bearing grid bearing hinged bearing king post lower bearing king post top bearing knuckle pin bearing linear rocker bearing magnetic bearing metal bearing molded reinforced elastomeric bearing multilateral elastomeric pot bearing multiple roller bearing pendulum bearing pier end bearing plane sliding bearing plate bearing point rocker bearing pot bearing rim bearing rocker bearing roller bearing roller-cum rocker expansion bearing rubber bearing single roller bearing sliding bearing spherical knuckle bearing steel bearing structural bearing swing bearing true bearing unilateral elastomeric pot bearing whole circle bearing ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) подшипник; вкладыш (подшипника) 2) опора 3) смятие; напряжение смятия 4) опорное давление 5) азимут; пеленг; румб 6) ж.-д. подкладка 7) подклеммная подушка 8) ж.-д. скользун 9) опорная подушка (призмы весов) - acoustic bearing - adjustable bearing - aerostatic bearing - air bearing - air-foil bearing - air-lubricated bearing - alignment bearing - allowable bearing - anchorage bearing - angular ball bearing - angular-contract thrust bearing - angular-contract bearing - annular bearing - antenna bearing - antifriction bearing - axial bearing - axle box bearing - axle bearing - axle box roller bearing - axle roller bearing - back bearing - backup roll bearing - ball bearing - barrel roller bearing - big bearing - bilateral bearing - body central bearing - body side bearing - bottom-end bearing - bracket bearing - bridge bearing - brinelled bearing - cageless bearing - camshaft block bearing - camshaft overhead bearing - carbon thrust bearing - cast bearing - central recess bearing - clenched plain bearing - close tolerance bearing - coated bearing - collar bearing - combined journal and thrust bearing - commutator bearing - compass bearing - compliant bearing - concave roller bearing - cone bearing - connecting rod bearing - conventional bearing - course bearing - crankpin bearing - crankshaft main bearing - crankshaft rod bearing - cross bearing - crosshead bearing - cylinder lean bar bearing - cylindrical roller bearing - damper bearing - direction bearing - discolored bearing - disk-fed journal bearing - double-axial groove bearing - double conical bearing - double-roller side bearing - double-row bearing - double-row barrel bearing - double-row tapered roller bearing - double-seal bearing - double-thrust bearing - doweled main bearing - drip-fed journal bearing - dry rubbing bearing - dry bearing - duplex ball bearing - dynamically loaded bearing - echo bearing - elevation bearing -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a person's bodily attitude or outward behaviour. 2 (foll. by on, upon) relation or relevance to (his comments have no bearing on the subject). 3 endurability (beyond bearing). 4 a part of a machine that supports a rotating or other moving part. 5 direction or position relative to a fixed point, measured esp. in degrees. 6 (in pl.) a one's position relative to one's surroundings. b awareness of this; a sense of one's orientation (get one's bearings; lose one's bearings). 7 Heraldry a device or charge. 8 = ball-bearing (see BALL(1)). Phrases and idioms bearing-rein a fixed rein from bit to saddle that forces a horse to arch its neck. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 13th century  1. the manner in which one bears or comports oneself  2.  a. the act, power, or time of bringing forth offspring or fruit  b. a product of ~ ; crop  3.  a. an object, surface, or point that supports  b. a machine part in which another part (as a journal or pin) turns or slides  4. a figure borne on a heraldic field  5. pressure, thrust  6.  a. the situation or horizontal direction of one point with respect to another or to the compass  b. a determination of position  c. plural comprehension of one's position, environment, or situation  d. relation, connection; also purport  7. the part of a structural member that rests on its supports Synonyms:  ~, deportment, demeanor, mien, manner, carriage mean the outward manifestation of personality or attitude. ~ is the most general of these words but now usually implies characteristic posture a woman of regal ~. deportment suggests actions or behavior as formed by breeding or training your deportment was atrocious. demeanor suggests one's attitude toward others as expressed in outward behavior the haughty demeanor of the headwaiter. mien is a literary term referring both to ~ and demeanor a mien of supreme self-satisfaction. manner implies characteristic or customary way of moving and gesturing and addressing others the imperious manner of a man used to giving orders. carriage applies chiefly to habitual posture in standing or walking the kind of carriage learned at boarding school. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bearings) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something has a bearing on a situation or event, it is relevant to it. Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on your general health... My father’s achievements really don’t have any bearing on what I do. = influence PHRASE: V inflects 2. Someone’s bearing is the way in which they move or stand. (LITERARY) She later wrote warmly of his bearing and behaviour. N-SING: usu poss N 3. If you take a bearing with a compass, you use it to work out the direction in which a particular place lies or in which something is moving. = reading N-COUNT 4. If you get your bearings or find your bearings, you find out where you are or what you should do next. If you lose your bearings, you do not know where you are or what you should do next. A sightseeing tour of the city is included to help you get your bearings... PHRASE: V inflects 5. Bearings are small metal balls that are placed between moving parts of a machine in order to make them move smoothly and easily over each other. An oil seal was replaced, along with both front wheel bearings. N-COUNT: usu pl see also ball bearing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 have some/no etc bearing on to have some influence, no influence etc on something  (Recent market fluctuations have had a direct bearing on company policy.) 2 lose your bearings to become confused about where you are or what you should do next  (I completely lost my bearings in the dark.) 3 get your bearings to find out exactly where you are, or feel confident that you know where you are  (Jim'll show you around and help you get your bearings.) 4 the way in which you move, stand, or behave, especially when this shows your character 5 technical a direction or angle that is shown by a compass (1) 6 technical part of a machine that turns on another part, or in which a turning part is held ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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