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Англо-русский биологический словарь - beam


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Перевод с английского языка beam на русский


1) ствол рога

2) пучок света; луч

echo-ranging beamincident beam

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См. в других словарях

  • лонжерон• наводить (самолет) по лучу• точный курс, указанный радиолучом ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  aerial radio лучевая антенна BEAM sea боковая волна BEAM  1. noun  1) луч, пучок лучей  2) сияние; сияющий вид; сияющая улыбка  3) балка; брус, перекладина  4) ткацкий навой  5) obs. дышло  6) tech. балансир (тж. walking beam, working beam); коромысло (весов) - kick the beam - strike the beam  7) naut. бимс, ширина (судна) to be on ones beam ends - лежать на боку (о судне); fig. быть в опасности, в безвыходном положении  8) naut. траверз on the beam - на траверзе  9) agric. грядиль (плуга)  10) радиосигнал (для самолета)  11) радиус действия (микрофона, громкоговорителя)  12) attr. - beam sea - beam aerial beam in ones eye - бревно в собственном глазу, собственный недостаток - be on the beam - be off the beam - be off ones beam - tip the beam - turn the beam  2. v.  1) сиять; светить  2) сиять, лучезарно улыбаться - beam with joy  3) испускать лучи, излучать  4) определять местонахождение самолета с помощью радара  5) radio вести направленную передачу The radio station agreed to beam the Ministers speech to the whole of Europe. BEAM wireless noun radio лучевая/прожекторная радиосвязь BEAM with joy просиять от радости BEAM thread noun text. основная нить ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. луч beam of sunlight —- солнечный луч beam of hope —- луч надежды beam of truth —- свет истины beam of comfort —- некоторое утешение, проблеск надежды the beams of a smile —- лучезарная улыбка to enjoy the beams of smb.'s kindness —- нежиться в лучах чьей-л. доброты 2. разг. лучезарная улыбка; рот до ушей there was a beam from ear to ear on her happy face —- ее счастливое лицо расплылось в улыбке 3. физ. луч; пучок лучей on the beam —- по лучу (о направлении самолета, снаряда); разг. в нужном направлении off the beam —- с отклонением от луча (о самолете); разг. сбившийся с дороги, с пути 4. ав. точный курс, указанный радиолучом beam radio station —- дирекционная радиостанция beam antenna —- рад. лучевая (остронаправленная) антенна 5. мор. траверз on the beam —- на траверзе 6. стр. брус; балка; бимс beam bridge —- балочный мост 7. балка; бревно; перекладина 8. библ. древо (креста) 9. тех. балансир; коромысло (весов) to strike (to kick) the beam —- опуститься (о чаше весов); потерпеть поражение 10. грядиль (плуга) 11. мор. бимс; ширина (судна) broad in the beam —- широкий (о судне) разг. толстозадый to load to the beams —- нагрузить до предела 12. горн. верхняк 13. текст. ткацкий навой 14. уст. дышло 15. мор. веретено якоря 16. ав. лонжерон 17. основная ветвь оленьих рогов Id: on the beam —- правильно, как...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ствол рога 2) пучок света; луч – echo-ranging beam – incident beam ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) балансир - balance beam - bell beam - walking beam 2) балка балочный beam extends in cantilever — балка установлена консольно beam is free to elongate — балка свободно удлиняется beam on the sea — лагом к волне overhang of beam — вылет балки overhanging length of beam — вынос балки span of beam — пролет балки to build in the beam end — заделывать конец балки to support beam on — опирать балку на - T-shaped beam - anchorage beam - beam of uniform resistance - beam on elastic supports - bond beam - bridge beam - buffer beam - built-up beam - cantilever beam - cross beam - dam beam - equispan beam - fixed beam - flange beam - foam-separating beam - footing beam - framing beam - hinged beam - hold-down beam - lattice beam - main beam - multispan beam - multisupport beam - overhanging beam - reinforced concrete beam - shifted beam - simple beam - simply supported beam - single beam - slow-electron beam - spring beam - square beam - statically indeterminate beam - supporting beam - thin-webbed beam - top-trolley beam - trussed beam - tubular beam - uniform-strength beam - welded beam - well-defined beam 3) мор. бимс бимсовый - cant beam - deck beam - hatch-end beam - hatchway beam - hold beam - ice beam - portable beam - skid beam - undecked beam - web beam 4) брус, перекладина; ригель - collar beam - equalizing beam - guard beam - landing beam - longitudinal beam - roller beam - squared beam 5) с.-х. грядиль (часть плуга) - curved beam - cylinder beam - plough beam - rigid beam - safety-trip beam 6) коромысло (весов) - balance beam - bell beam - weigh beam 7) луч, пучок излучать, испускать (лучи или частицы) positioning of beam — юстировка пучка beam is diffracted — пучок дифрагирует to blank the beam — гасить луч to chop beam —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) луч, пучок 2) балка (вывод СВЧ-транзистора) – beavertail beam – bunched beam – cathode beam – cathode-ray beam – circular beam – component beam – conically-scanned beam – conical-shell beam – consistent beam – cosecant-squared beam – dipped beam – Eastern area beam – electronic beam – fan beam – Gaussian beam – global beam – holding beam – lower beam – main beam – monochromatic beam – multilobed beam – pencil beam – radio beam – return beam – rotary beam – scanning beam – sector-shaped beam – spot beam – tubular beam – upper beam – variable-shaped beam – Western area beam ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  балка; прогон; ригель луч брус; поперечина, траверса коромысло (весов) стрела или рукоять стрелы (крана) beam and column beam carrying transverse loads beam fixed at both ends beam loaded unsymmetrically beam made of precast hollow blocks beam on elastic foundation beams placed monolithically with slabs beam precast on site beam subjected to transverse and axial loads beam supported on a girder beam with overhangs beam with rectangular section beam with symmetrical section beam with unsymmetrical section beam of constant depth beam of one span beam of uniform strength anchor beam angle beam annular beam arch beam baffle beam balance beam bamboo-reinforced concrete beam basement beam bedplate beam bending test beam Benkelman beam bind beam bisymmetrical beam block beam bond beam boundary beam box beam braced beam bracing beam brake beam breast beam brick beam bridge beam bridging beam broad-flange beam buffer beam built-in beam built-up beam camber beam candle beam cantilever beam capping beam cased beam castellated beam castella Z beam ceiling beam channel beam chief beam circular beam collar beam composite beam compound beam conjugate beam constant-section beam continuous beam crane lifting beam crane runway beam cross beam curved beam deck beam deep beam double-T beam doubly symmetrical beam dragging beam drop-in beam eaves beam edge beam elastically restrained beam encastre beam externally reinforced concrete beam false beam fish beam fixed beam flitch beam floor beam footing beam foundation beam framework beam free beam gantry beam Gerber beam glue laminated beam grade beam grillage beams ground beam H beam hammer beam haunched beam high strength concrete beam hinged beam hollow beam hollow prestressed concrete beam horizontally curved beam hung-span beam hybrid beam I beam inverted T beam jack beam jesting beam joggle beam jointed beam keyed beam L beam laminated beam laterally-unsupported beam lattice beam leveling beam lifting beam link beam...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) балка, брус, прогон 2) машиностр. поперечина; траверса 3) коромысло (весов) 4) машиностр. балансир 5) горн. верхняк 6) возд. лонжерон 7) мор. бимс 8) ширина судна 9) траверз (на правленце) 10) луч, пучок излучать, испускать (лучи, частицы) 11) наводить по лучу 12) главный лепесток (диаграммы направленности антенны), радиолуч 13) навой (основовязальной машины) 14) швейн. ударник (вырубочного пресса) 15) грядиль (плуга) beam for sheet piles — насадка шпунтовой стенки, beam is 25 m long between supports — пролет балки составляет 25 м; beam on waterline — ширина судна по ватерлинии, beam overall — габаритная ширина судна, beam over deck — ширина судна по палубе, beam over foils — ширина судна по крыльям, to approach the beam — приближаться (подходить) к лучу (курсового маяка), to built in a beam at one end — заделывать балку одним концов, to capture the beam — захватывать луч (курсового маяка); to clamp a beam — закреплять коромысло, to embed a beam in concrete — заделывать балку в бетон, to fly the beam — лететь по лучу (курсового маяка), to follow the beam — выдерживать направление по лучу (курсового маяка), to hinge a beam to support — опирать балку шарнирно; to intercept the beam — выходить на ось луча (курсового маяка), to steady a beam — арретировать (останавливать) коромысло, to steer a beam —...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a long sturdy piece of squared timber or metal spanning an opening or room, usu. to support the structure above. 2 a a ray or shaft of light. b a directional flow of particles or radiation. 3 a bright look or smile. 4 a a series of radio or radar signals as a guide to a ship or aircraft. b the course indicated by this (off beam). 5 the crossbar of a balance. 6 a a ship's breadth at its widest point. b the width of a person's hips (esp. broad in the beam). 7 (in pl.) the horizontal cross-timbers of a ship supporting the deck and joining the sides. 8 the side of a ship (land on the port beam). 9 the chief timber of a plough. 10 the cylinder in a loom on which the warp or cloth is wound. 11 the main stem of a stag's antlers. 12 the lever in an engine connecting the piston-rod and crank. 13 the shank of an anchor. --v. 1 tr. emit or direct (light, radio waves, etc.). 2 intr. a shine. b look or smile radiantly. Phrases and idioms beam-compass (or -compasses) compasses with a beam connecting sliding sockets, used for large circles. a beam in one's eye a fault that is greater in oneself than in the person one is finding fault with (see Matt. 7:3). off beam colloq. mistaken. on the beam colloq. on the right track. on the beam-ends (of a ship) on its side; almost capsizing. on one's beam-ends near the end of one's resources. Etymology: OE beam tree f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English beem, from Old English beam tree, ~; akin to Old High German boum tree  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construction  b. a wood or metal cylinder in a loom on which the warp is wound  c. the part of a plow to which handles, standard, and coulter are attached  d. the bar of a balance from which scales hang  e. one of the principal horizontal supporting members (as of a building or ship) a steel ~ supporting a floor; also boom, spar the ~ of a crane  f. the extreme width of a ship at the widest part  g. an oscillating lever on a central axis receiving motion at one end from an engine connecting rod and transmitting it at the other  2.  a. a ray or shaft of light  b. a collection of nearly parallel rays (as X rays) or a stream of particles (as electrons)  c. a constant directional radio signal transmitted for the guidance of pilots; also the course indicated by a radio ~  3. the main stem of a deer's antler  4. the width of the buttocks  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to emit in ~s or as a ~  2. to support with ~s  3.  a. to transmit especially by satellite ; broadcast  b. to transmit (data) electronically  c. to direct to a particular audience  intransitive verb  1. to send out ~s of light  2. to smile with joy ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (beams, beaming, beamed) 1. If you say that someone is beaming, you mean that they have a big smile on their face because they are happy, pleased, or proud about something. (WRITTEN) Frances beamed at her friend with undisguised admiration... ‘Welcome back,’ she beamed. ...the beaming face of a 41-year-old man on the brink of achieving his dreams. VERB: V at/with n, V with quote, V-ing 2. A beam is a line of energy, radiation, or particles sent in a particular direction. ...high-energy laser beams. ...a beam of neutrons. N-COUNT: usu n N, N of n 3. If something beams radio signals or television pictures or they are beamed somewhere, they are sent there by means of electronic equipment. The interview was beamed live across America... The live satellite broadcast was beamed into homes across America. ...a ship which is due to begin beaming radio broadcasts to China. VERB: be V-ed prep/adv, V prep/adv, V n prep/adv 4. A beam of light is a line of light that shines from an object such as a lamp. N-COUNT: usu N of n, n N 5. If something such as the sun or a lamp beams down, it sends light to a place and shines on it. A sharp white spot-light beamed down on a small stage... All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep 6. A beam is a long thick bar of wood, metal, or concrete, especially one used to support the roof of a building. The ceilings are supported by oak beams. N-COUNT 7. see also off-beam ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LIGHT« a) a shining line of light from the sun, a lamp etc  (We could see the beams of searchlights scanning the sky.) b) a line of light, energy etc that you cannot see  (a laser beam | The intruder passed through an infra-red alarm beam.) 2 »WOOD/METAL« a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses, bridges etc 3 »SMILE« a wide happy smile  ("Congratulations!" she said, with a beam of delight.) 4 off (the) beam incorrect or mistaken  (We tried to guess the price but we were way off beam.) 5 »SPORT« a long raised wooden bar used in gymnastics, on which you balance and move 6 »SHIP« technical the widest part of a ship from side to side  (- see also broad in the beam broad1 (12)) ~2 v 1 to smile very happily  (The captain beamed with satisfaction. | "I got a place!" said Sara, beaming delightedly.) 2 T always + adv/prep to send a radio or television signal through the air, especially to somewhere very distant  (the first ever broadcast beamed across the Atlantic) 3 to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc  (The sun beamed through the clouds. | X-rays are beamed through the patient's body.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Brain Electrical Activity Mapping physiol. abbr. Bio Electric Assessment Method physiol. abbr. Biology Electronics Aethestics And Mechanics physics abbr. Bosiger Energy Alignment Method univ. abbr. Biology, Electronics, Asthetics, And Mechanics univ. abbr. Biology Electronics Asthetics And Mechanics electron. abbr. Biology Electronics Aesthetics Mechanics gen. comp. abbr. Board Electronically Accessible Mail educ. abbr. Brain Empowerment Awareness Matrix sport abbr. Balance Energy Attitude And Motion sport abbr. Breathe Energize Align And Move gen. bus. abbr. Builders Employing Associate Members NASDAQ abbr. Summitt Technology, Inc. pos. abbr. Bridge To Employment And More st. exc. abbr. Bonds, Equity, And Money st. exc. abbr. Bonds Equity And Money ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. beam originally "tree," but by 1000 also "post, ship's timber." Meaning of "ray of light" developed in O.E., probably because it was used by Bede to render L. columna lucis, Biblical "pillar of fire." Nautical sense of "one of the horizontal transverse timbers holding a ship together" is from 1627, hence "greatest breadth of a ship." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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