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Англо-русский биологический словарь - bay


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Перевод с английского языка bay на русский


1) лай; лаять

2) загонять, травить, преследовать (зверя)

3) бухта, залив

4) гнедой

dark bayholly baylight bayloblolly bayred bayswamp baysweet baytan bay

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  отсек ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  of Bengal noun Бенгальский залив BAY of Biscay noun Бискайский залив BAY window noun archit. эркер, фонарь BAY I adj. залив, бухта, губа II noun  1) constr. пролет (между колоннами); пролет моста  2) ниша; глубокий выступ комнаты с окном, фонарь  3) стойло  4) железнодорожная платформа  5) railways тупик  6) судовой лазарет III  1. noun лай at bay - в безвыходном положении - bring to bay - drive to bay - hold at bay - keep smb. at bay - stand at bay - turn to bay  2. v.  1) лаять  2) преследовать, травить; загонять (зверя) IV  1. adj. гнедой  2. noun гнедая лошадь V noun  1) лавр, лавровое дерево  2) pl. лавры, лавровый венок  3) attr. bay rum - лавровишневая вода (лосьон для волос) VI  1. noun запруда  2. v. запруживать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. бухта, залив the B. —- Бискайский залив 2. изгиб в кромке льда 3. изгиб (горы); вклинившийся выступ 4. ам. участок прерии, вклинивающийся в лес 5. лай 6. положение загнанного зверя; безвыходное положение an animal at bay —- загнанный (собаками) зверь to be (to stand) at bay —- быть в безвыходном положении to turn to bay —- отбиваться от наседающий врагов; отчаянно защищаться to bring (to drive) to bay —- охот. загнать (зверя); припереть к стене; поставить в безвыходное положение; воен. сильно теснить 7. (противника); заставлять принять бой to hold (to keep) at bay —- охот. не подпускать к себе (собак - о звере); держать в страхе, не давать (кому-л.) ходу; воен. не 8. давать передышки, постоянно беспокоить (противника) 9. лаять (обыкн. о гончих); кидаться с лаем 10. охот. травить (зверя) собаками; гонять (зайца) 11. с-х. загонять (овец) 12. травить, преследовать 13. охот. загнать (зверя) 14. охот. не подпускать гончих (о звере) 15. отбиваться, отчаянно защищаться Id: to bay (at) the moon —- лаять на луну, заниматься бесполезным делом 16. стр. пролет (между колоннами и т. п.) 17. стр. пролет моста 18. архит. ниша; выступ (комнаты) с окном; "фонарь" 19. с-х. стойло для лошади 20. ж-д. стойло в депо 21. железнодорожная платформа bay lines —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) лай; лаять 2) загонять, травить, преследовать (зверя) 3) бухта, залив 4) гнедой – dark bay – holly bay – light bay – loblolly bay – red bay – swamp bay – sweet bay – tan bay ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) бухта, залив; губа 2) ниша; отсек 3) изгиб (рельефа) 4) строит. пролет - bunker bay - cable-terminating bay - charge holding bay - equipment bay - foundry bay - miscellaneous bay - patching bay - voice-frequency patching bay ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) стойка, отсек 2) секция излучателей – antenna bay – entrance bay – group terminal bay – hardware bay – patch bay – radiator bay ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  пролёт (промышленного здания, моста) секция или отсек (жилого здания) эркер глубокая ниша в комнате (часто с окном) водосливное отверстие (плотины) блок бетонирования (напр. плотины) карман (уширение проезжей части для остановки автомобиля, автобуса); участок уширения (напр. ВПП) ж.-д.платформа захватка бьеф водоём, бассейн шаг колонн плита дорожного покрытия bay of a building abutment bay bus bay cant bay case bay head bay holding bay loading bay lock bay parking bay tail bay tumbling bay vault bay window bay ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пролёт (моста, здания, цеха, стана); шаг колонн (здания каркасного типа) 2) отсек, секция (для размещения оборудования); ячейка (для размещения аппаратуры); бокс; площадка 3) штатив; стойка 4) ж.-д. платформа 5) радио секция излучателей 6) ниша; эркер 7) панель (фермы) 8) строит. захватка 9) лесн. подштабельное место 10) метал. отстойная часть (печи) 11) водоём, бассейн 12) бьеф - abutment bay - airstairs bay - antenna bay - auxiliary bay - boiler bay - cage bay - cant bay - car bay - case bay - casting bay - charge holding bay - charging bay - cold storage bay - continuous-casting bay - defective fuel bay - dispatch bay - end bay - engine bay - entrance bay - erection bay - fining bay - furnace bay - gate bay - group terminal bay - hardware bay - head bay - heat treatment bay - holding bay - ingot storing bay - loading bay - melting bay - mold preparation bay - mold setting-and-stripping bay - piling bay - pitch bay - plate finishing bay - pouring bay - raw-material bay - reactor auxiliary bay - reactor bay - reception bay - repair bay - scaling bay - scalping bay - scrap box filling bay - sick bay - soaking pit bay - sorting bay - spent fuel storage bay - stockyard bay - storage bay - stripping bay - tail bay - teeming bay - television monitoring bay - test bay - transfer bay - tumble bay ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inwards. 2 a recess in a mountain range. Phrases and idioms Bay State US Massachusetts. Etymology: ME f. OF baie f. OSp. bahia 2. n. 1 (in full bay laurel) a laurel, Laurus nobilis, having deep green leaves and purple berries. Also called SWEET BAY. 2 (in pl.) a wreath made of bay-leaves, for a victor or poet. Phrases and idioms bay-leaf the aromatic (usu. dried) leaf of the bay-tree, used in cooking. bay rum a perfume, esp. for the hair, distilled orig. from bayberry leaves in rum. Etymology: OF baie f. L baca berry 3. n. 1 a space created by a window-line projecting outwards from a wall. 2 a recess; a section of wall between buttresses or columns, esp. in the nave of a church etc. 3 a compartment (bomb bay). 4 an area specially allocated or marked off (sick bay; loading bay). 5 Brit. the terminus of a branch line at a railway station also having through lines, usu. at the side of an outer platform. Phrases and idioms bay window a window built into a bay. Etymology: ME f. OF baie f. ba(y)er gape f. med.L batare 4. adj. & n. --adj. (esp. of a horse) dark reddish-brown. --n. a bay horse with a black mane and tail. Etymology: OF bai f. L badius 5. v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (esp. of a large dog) bark or howl loudly and plaintively. 2 tr. bay at. --n. the sound of baying, esp. in chorus from hounds in close pursuit. Phrases and idioms at bay 1 cornered, apparently unable to escape. 2 in a desperate situation. bring to bay gain on in pursuit; trap. hold (or keep) at bay hold off (a pursuer). stand at bay turn to face one's pursuers. Etymology: ME f. OF bai, baiier bark f. It. baiare, of imit. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French bai, from Latin badius; akin to Old Irish buide yellow  Date: 14th century reddish brown a ~ mare  II. noun  Date: 1535  1. a ~-colored animal; specifically a horse with a ~-colored body and black mane, tail, and points — compare chestnut 4, sorrel I,1  2. a reddish brown  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French baee opening, from feminine of bae, past participle of baer to be wide open, gape, from Vulgar Latin *batare  Date: 14th century  1. a principal compartment of the walls, roof, or other part of a building or of the whole building  2. a main division of a structure  3. any of various compartments or sections used for a special purpose (as in an airplane, spacecraft, or service station) a bomb ~ a cargo ~  4. ~ window 1  5. a support or housing for electronic equipment  IV. verb  Etymology: Middle English baien, abaien, from Anglo-French abaier, of imitative origin  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to bark with prolonged tones dogs ~ing at the moon  2. to cry out ; shout  transitive verb  1. to bark at  2. to bring to ~  3. to pursue with barking  4. to utter in deep prolonged tones  V. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a ~ing of dogs  2. the position of one unable to retreat and forced to face danger brought his quarry to ~  3. the position of one checked police kept the rioters at ~  VI. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French bai, perhaps from baer to be wide open  Date: 14th century  1. an inlet of the sea or other body of water usually smaller than a gulf  2. a small body of water set off from the main body  3. any of various terrestrial formations resembling a ~ of the sea  VII. noun  Etymology: Middle English, berry, laurel berry, from Anglo-French bai, from L. baca  Date: 15th century  1.  a. laurel 1  b. any of several shrubs or trees (as the red ~ or sweet ~) resembling the laurel — compare ~ rum  2.  a. a garland or crown...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bays, baying, bayed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A bay is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards. ...a short ferry ride across the bay. ...the Bay of Bengal. ...the San Francisco Bay area. N-COUNT: oft in names 2. A bay is a partly enclosed area, inside or outside a building, that is used for a particular purpose. The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered... The car reversed into the loading bay. N-COUNT: oft supp N 3. A bay is an area of a room which extends beyond the main walls of a house, especially an area with a large window at the front of a house. N-COUNT 4. A bay horse is reddish-brown in colour. ADJ 5. If a number of people are baying for something, they are demanding something angrily, usually that someone should be punished. The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty. ...the baying crowd. = clamour VERB: usu cont, V for n, V-ing 6. If a dog or wolf bays, it makes loud, long cries. A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon. VERB: V at n, also V 7. see also sick bay 8. If you keep something or someone at bay, or hold them at bay, you prevent them from reaching, attacking, or affecting you. Eating oranges keeps colds at bay... Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SEA« an area of the sea that curves inwards towards the land  (I had a view across the bay to white sand and pine trees. | Montego Bay) 2 keep/hold sth at bay to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening or from coming too close  (The growling of dogs held the strangers at bay. | Economic collapse was held at bay by aid from Russia.) 3 »AREA« an area within a large room that is separated by shelves, walls etc  (bays in a library) 4 »VEHICLE« a place where a vehicle can park for a short time  (The bus will depart from bay 3. | a loading bay) 5 »TREE« also bay tree a tree that has leaves which smell sweet and are often used in cooking 6 »HORSE« a horse that is a reddish brown colour ~2 v 1 if a dog bays, it makes a long high noise, especially when it is chasing something  (the baying of the hounds) 2 to make strong demands to get answers to questions or force someone to give you something + for  (a pack of tabloid reporters baying for blood | younger men baying at his heels) ~3 adj a bay horse is a reddish-brown colour ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Baia Mare, Romania ocean sc. abbr. Bukit Arang Youths ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: AT BAY, BRING TO BAY. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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