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Англо-русский биологический словарь - battle


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бой; битва; драка

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   1. noun  1) битва, сражение, бой - pitched battle  2) борьба - fight a losing battle  3) attr. боевой - battle alarm - battle honour - battle royal - half the battle the battle of the books ученая дискуссия to fight ones battles over again снова переживать прошлое to come unscathed out of the battle выйти сухим из воды generals (soldiers) battle бой, исход которого решает умелое командование (солдатская доблесть) - above the battle to fight smb. s battles for him лезть в драку за кого-л. Syn: see fight  2. v. сражаться, бороться - battle against - battle for - battle on - battle over - battle with - battle with BATTLE against  а) сражаться (с врагом) The soldiers battled against the opposing army all day.  б) противостоять The mountain climbers had to battle against great difficulties. BATTLE with сражаться, бороться против кого-л. Tomorrow we shall battle with our old enemies and defeat them. BATTLE bowler mil.; jargon стальной шлем BATTLE dress noun mil. походная форма BATTLE for сражаться, бороться за что-л. Our team and their opponents battled for the prize in the football match. Some rare wild animals are battling for their existence. BATTLE honour боевое отличие BATTLE on продолжать сражаться, бороться The opposing armies battled on until night. Women must battle on until they have gained equality. BATTLE over сражаться, бороться за что-л. People whose marriage has ended often battle over the children. BATTLE royal драка, общая свалка; шумная ссора BATTLE alarm боевая тревога ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. битва, сражение battle alarm —- боевая тревога battle area —- поле боя battle casualties —- потери в бою battle scene —- батальная сцена drawn battle —- бой с неопределенным исходом B. of Britain —- ист. "битва за Англию" (воздушные бои в 1940-41 гг.) line of battle —- линия фронта; боевой порядок (строй) killed in battle —- погиб в бою (на фронте) to fight a battle —- сражаться, вести бой to offer battle —- предлагать (навязывать) бой to give battle —- давать бой (сражение) to join battle —- вступать в бой to refuse battle —- отказаться (уклониться) от боя 2. борьба losing battle —- безнадежная борьба, верное поражение; обреченная на провал деятельность the battle of life —- борьба за существование the battle of the books —- ирон. ученая дискуссия a battle of wits —- битва умов, состязание в остроумии to fight one's battle —- бороться за свои убеждения или интересы to do battle with (over) smth. —- бороться с чем-л. 3. единоборство, поединок; схватка trial by battle —- ист. ордалия, судебный поединок (одержавший победу считался оправданным) 4. ист. войско, воинство Id: half the battle —- залог успеха Id: to be above the battle —- стоять в стороне (над схваткой), занимать беспристрастную (объективную) позицию Id: to fight smb.'s battles for him —- лезть в драку за кого-л. Id: the battle is to the strong —- побеждает ситльнейший 5....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  бой; битва; драка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a prolonged fight between large organized armed forces. 2 a contest; a prolonged or difficult struggle (life is a constant battle; a battle of wits). --v. 1 intr. struggle; fight persistently (battled against the elements; battled for women's rights). 2 tr. fight (one's way etc.). 3 tr. US engage in battle with. Phrases and idioms battle-cruiser hist. a heavy-gunned ship faster and more lightly armoured than a battleship. battle-cry a cry or slogan of participants in a battle or contest. battle fatigue = combat fatigue. battle royal 1 a battle in which several combatants or all available forces engage; a free fight. 2 a heated argument. half the battle the key to the success of an undertaking. Derivatives battler n. Etymology: ME f. OF bataille ult. f. LL battualia gladiatorial exercises f. L battuere beat ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English batel, from Anglo-French bataille ~, battalion, from Late Latin battalia combat, alteration of battualia fencing exercises, from Latin battuere to beat  Date: 13th century  1. archaic battalion  2. a combat between two persons  3. a general encounter between armies, ships of war, or aircraft  4. an extended contest, struggle, or controversy a ~ of wits  II. verb  (~d; battling)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to engage in ~ ; fight  2. to contend with full strength, vigor, skill, or resources ; struggle  transitive verb  1. to fight or struggle against  2. to force (as one's way) by battling  • ~r noun  III. transitive verb  (~d; battling)  Etymology: Middle English batailen, from Anglo-French bataillier to fortify with ~ments, from Old French batailles ~mented tower, probably from plural of bataille ~  Date: 14th century archaic to fortify with ~ments ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (battles, battling, battled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A battle is a violent fight between groups of people, especially one between military forces during a war. ...the victory of King William III at the Battle of the Boyne. ...after a gun battle between police and drug traffickers. ...men who die in battle. N-VAR 2. A battle is a conflict in which different people or groups compete in order to achieve success or control. ...a renewed political battle over Britain’s attitude to Europe. ...the eternal battle between good and evil in the world. ...a macho battle for supremacy... = struggle N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N prep 3. You can use battle to refer to someone’s efforts to achieve something in spite of very difficult circumstances. ...the battle against crime... She has fought a constant battle with her weight... Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago. = fight N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N against n 4. To battle with an opposing group means to take part in a fight or contest against them. In American English, you can also say that one group or person is battling another. Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded... The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16... They’re also battling the government to win compensation. V-RECIP: V with/against n, pl-n V, V n, also pl-n V to-inf 5. To battle means to try hard to do something in spite of very difficult circumstances. In British English, you battle against something or with something. In American English, you battle something. Doctors battled throughout the night to save her life. ...a lone yachtsman returning from his months of battling with the elements... In Wyoming, firefighters are still battling the two blazes. = fight VERB: V to-inf, V with/against/through n, V n • battler (battlers) If anyone can do it, he can. He’s a battler and has a strong character. N-COUNT 6. see also pitched...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BETWEEN ARMIES« a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships etc, especially one that is part of a larger war  (the Battle of Trafalgar | in/into battle)  (Her son was killed in battle. | sending troops into battle) 2 »BETWEEN OPPONENTS« a situation in which opposing groups or people compete or argue with each other when trying to achieve success or control  (a long-running legal battle) + for  (The president's advisors were engaged in a battle for power.) + between  (a fierce ratings battle between rival TV stations)  (an on-going battle with my mother about eating properly) 3 »ATTEMPT« an attempt to solve a difficult problem or change an unpleasant situation + agains  (The battle against AIDS will continue for years to come.) fight a losing battle (=try to achieve something that you cannot achieve)  (I try to get the kids to pick up their clothes, but I'm fighting a losing battle.) 4 be half the battle to be the most difficult or important part of what you have to do  (If you can get an interview, that's half the battle.) 5 a battle of wits a disagreement that opposing sides try to win by using their intelligence  (It became a battle of wits between student and teacher.) 6 do battle (with) to argue with someone or fight against someone  (We had to do battle with the authorities over planning permission for the house.) 7 the battle of the sexes the relationship between men and women when it is considered as a fight for power ~2 v 1 to be involved in a struggle or argument when you are trying to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous + against/with  (She had battled bravely against cancer for many years. | I found Maria battling with her maths homework.) + for  (a pressure group battling for better schools) battle to do sth  (Doctors battled to save his life. | battle sth AmE)  (I was already battling a cold.) 2 battle it out to keep fighting or opposing each other until one person or team wins  (I left Adrian and Jo battling it out for the trophy.) 3 literary to...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Battalion Analyzer and Tactical Trainer for Local Engagements War Games ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 13c., from O.Fr. bataille, from L.L. battualia "exercise of soldiers and gladiators in fighting and fencing," from L. bauttere "beat" (see batter (1)). Battleship is 1884, from line-of-battle ship (1705). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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