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Англо-русский биологический словарь - bath


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   1. noun; pl. baths  1) ванна  2) купание (в ванне) - take a bath - have a bath  3) usu. pl. баня; купальное заведение swimming baths - бассейн для плавания  4) tech. ванна - hypo bath - Order of the Bath  2. v. мыть, купать BATH chair noun кресло на колесах для больных BATH noun г. Бат BATH towel noun большое махровое полотенце BATH brick noun состав для чистки металлических изделий ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. купание (в ванне, в бане); мытье shower bath —- душ blood bath —- кровавая баня, резня bath soap —- банное мыло bath sponge —- губка (для мытья тела) bath point (station) —- воен. обмывочный пункт; баня, душевая to have(to take) a bath —- принимать ванну; мыться, купаться to be in a bath of bliss —- купаться в море блаженства his head was in a bath of sweat —- по его лицу струился пот seawater baths are essential for your health —- морские ванны необходимы для вашего здоровья 2. вода в ванне bath salts —- ароматический состав для ванны your bath is ready —- ваша ванна готова 3. ванна bath mat —- коврик (резиновый и т. п.) у ванны a full-length bath —- ванна стандартной длины 4. ванная комната every hotel room has a private bath —- в каждом номере гостиницы есть ванная комната 5. обыкн pl. баня; купальня; водолечебница Turkish baths —- турецкие бани swimming baths —- бассейн для плавания (закрытый) 6. спец. ванна 7. спец. расплав 8. фот. полигр. текст. ванна, ванночка; раствор 9. спец. баня Id: Order of the B. —- орден Бани Id: to take a bath —- ам. сл. пойти ко дну, потерпеть фиаско; хлебнуть горя Id: a wealthy family that took a bath in the Depression —- богатая семья, которая разорилась во время депрессии 10. мыть, купать to bath the baby —- купать ребенка 11. мыться, купаться (в ванне) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  Бат 1) Город на юго-западе штата Мэн, в устье р. Кеннебек Kennebec River, в 26 км к северу от г. Попэм-Бич Popham Beach. 9,2 тыс. жителей (2000). Административный центр county seat округа Сагадахок Sagadahoc County (с 1854). Основан около 1670 и назван в честь английского города, до 1781 входил в состав Джорджтауна Georgetown, статус города city с 1847. С 1762, когда капитан У. Суонтон Swanton, William спустил здесь на воду судно "Граф Бьютский" Earl of Bute, является крупным центром судостроения, порт (с 1789). В 1833 здесь была основана судостроительная фирма "Бэт айрон уоркс" Bath Iron Works, получавшая крупные контракты в период между мировыми войнами и до сих пор являющаяся крупнейшим частным работодателем в штате. Среди достопримечательностей - Морской музей штата Мэн Maine Maritime Museum. 2) Город town на востоке штата Северная Каролина, на р. Бат-Крик Bath Creek. 275 жителей (2000). Земля под город была выделена в 1684. Основан в 1695 на месте индейского поселения, является старейшим городом с муниципалитетом на территории штата (статус города с 1705); в прошлом - административный центр графства Бат, образованного в 1696. Во время конфликта с индейцами тускарора Tuscarora, Tuscarora War подвергался нападению (1711), позднее служил прибежищем...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  – dust bath – water bath ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) ванна; кювета 2) ванна, раствор (для очистки, травления, нанесения покрытия и т. п.) 3) бассейн 4) баня; термостат to work on diluted bath — применять разбавленную ванну - blacking bath - caustic bath - circulation of bath - core cooling bath - descaling bath - dye bath - electrolysis bath - helium bath - lead bath - partial boiling bath - pickling bath - rinsing bath - setting bath - slag bath - spent bath - steeping bath - use full-strength bath - washing bath ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ванная (комната) ванна; бак, чан баня термостат раствор (для травления и т. п.) curing bath hip bath oil bath sauna bath temperature matching curing bath Turkish baths ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ванна; кювета 2) баня; термостат 3) сил. бассейн (ванной печи) 4) ванна, раствор (для очистки, травления, нанесения покрытия и т. п.) 5) горн. корытный сепаратор - acid bath - acid-salt bath - acid spinning bath - aftertreating bath - agitated bath - air bath - alkaline bath - alloy bath - anaphoretic bath - batch bath - blanching bath - bleaching bath - bleach bath - box-type bath - bright bath - bright dip bath - bright-plating bath - carburizing bath - cataphoretic bath - cementing bath - cleaning bath - clearing bath - clear-melted bath - coagulating bath - coating bath - cryogen bath - degreasing bath - dense medium separating bath - developing bath - developing-fixing bath - dip bath - dip-type soldering bath - disturbed bath - electrocoating bath - electrolytic bath - electrophoretic enameling bath - electroplating bath - etch bath - fixing bath - float bath - flux bath - foam bath - forming bath - frosting bath - fused bath - galvanizing bath - glass bath - hardening bath - impregnating bath - insulated bath - ion-exchange bath - long bath - matte bath - mat bath - molten metal bath - naphtholating bath - oil bath - pad bath - padding bath - paint bath - pickle bath - plating bath - quenching bath - reducing bath - refrigerant bath - regeneration bath - reversing bath - salt bath - sand bath - separating bath - shaking bath - short bath - shower bath - silver plating bath - soldering bath - solder bath - spelter bath - spinning bath - steam bath - stop bath - stretch bath - strike bath - stripping bath - tinning bath - tin bath - toning bath - ultrasonic bath - vapor bath - vulcanizing bath - water bath ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. baths) 1 a (in full bath-tub) a container for liquid, usu. water, used for immersing and washing the body. b this with its contents (your bath is ready). 2 the act or process of immersing the body for washing or therapy (have a bath; take a bath). 3 a a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed, e.g. a film for developing, for controlling temperature, etc. b this with its contents. 4 (usu. in pl.) a building with baths or a swimming pool, usu. open to the public. --v. Brit. 1 tr. wash (esp. a person) in a bath. 2 intr. take a bath. Phrases and idioms bath cube a cube of compacted bath salts. bath salts soluble salts used for softening or scenting bath-water. Etymology: OE b{aelig}th f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   geographical name city SW England in Somerset population 79,900 BATH  I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English b?th; akin to Old High German bad ~, Old High German baen to warm  Date: before 12th century  1. a washing or soaking (as in water or steam) of all or part of the body  2.  a. water used for ~ing  b.  (1) a contained liquid for a special purpose  (2) a receptacle holding the liquid  c.  (1) a medium for regulating the temperature of something placed in or on it  (2) a vessel containing this medium  3.  a. ~room  b. a building containing an apartment or a series of rooms designed for ~ing  c. spa 1 — usually used in plural  d. British swimming pool — often used in plural  4.  a. the quality or state of being covered with a liquid  b. flood 3  5. ~tub  6. a financial setback ; loss took a ~ in the market  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb British to give a ~ to  intransitive verb British to take a ~  III. noun  Etymology: Hebrew  Date: 14th century an ancient Hebrew liquid measure corresponding to the ephah of dry measure ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (baths bathing, bathed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A bath is a container, usually a long rectangular one, which you fill with water and sit in while you wash your body. (BRIT; in AM, use bathtub) In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own. N-COUNT 2. When you have or take a bath, or when you are in the bath, you sit or lie in a bath filled with water in order to wash your body. ...if you have a bath every morning... Take a shower instead of a bath. N-COUNT 3. If you bath someone, especially a child, you wash them in a bath. (BRIT) Don’t feel you have to bath your child every day. = bathe VERB: V n • Bath is also a noun. (in AM, use bathe) The midwife gave him a warm bath. N-COUNT 4. When you bath, you have a bath. (BRIT; in AM, use bathe) The three children all bath in the same bath water. = bathe VERB: V prep/adv 5. A bath or a baths is a public building containing a swimming pool, and sometimes other facilities that people can use to have a wash or a bath. N-COUNT 6. A bath is a container filled with a particular liquid, such as a dye or an acid, in which particular objects are placed, usually as part of a manufacturing or chemical process. ...a developing photograph placed in a bath of fixer. N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. see also bloodbath, bubble bath, swimming bath, Turkish bath ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n plural baths 1 BrE a large long container that you fill with water and sit in to wash yourself; bathtub especially AmE  (run a bath (=make water flow into a bath)) 2 an act of washing your body in a bath  (After a week of camping, I really needed a bath. | have a bath BrE take a bath AmE)  (Do I have time to take a bath before we go out? | give sb a bath (=wash someone in a bath)) 3 a container full of liquid in which something is placed for a particular purpose  (Plunge the fabric into a bath of black dye.) 4 baths a) BrE old-fashioned a public building in which there is a swimming pool b) a public building where people could go in the past to wash themselves  (the Roman baths at Cirencester) 5 take a bath AmE informal to lose money, especially in a business deal  (We took a bath in the market over that stock.)  (- see also birdbath, bubble bath, hipbath, throw the baby out with the bath water throw1 (34), Turkish bath) ~2 v BrE 1 to wash someone in a bath; bathe1 (1) AmE 2 old-fashioned to wash yourself in a bath; bathe1 (1)  ( USAGE NOTE: BATH WORD CHOICE bathe, bath, have/take a bath, bathtub, have a swim, take/have a dip, swimming bath (s), sunbathe, bathroom You bathe (AmE) or more formally in British English, bath to get clean He baths/bathes every morning . However, you are more likely to say that you have a bath (BrE) or take a bath (AmE) I have/take a bath every day. The thing that you have/take a bath in is a bath (BrE) or bathtub (AmE). You bathe something gently to make it clean especially for medical reasons to bathe a cut/your eyes. In British English you say that you bath a baby or a sick person, in American English you bathe them. You also bathe (BrE) when you go swimming, though this meaning is no longer common to bathe in the sea (NOT take a bath in the sea). You are more likely to use have a swim or take/have a dip in the sea or a swimming pool. (A slightly old-fashioned way of saying swimming pool in British English is swimming bath.) You also sunbathe in the sun (NOT have a sun bath). Often...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Brake Applicator Tool Housing NASDAQ abbr. Bath National Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bжр "immersing in water, mud, etc.," also "quantity of water, etc., for bathing," from P.Gmc. *batham, from PIE base *bhe- "to warm." Original sense was of heating, not immersing in water. O.E. baюian yielded Mod.E. bathe, with different vowel sound due to I-mutation. The city in England was so called from its hot springs. Bathroom is first recorded 1780. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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