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Англо-русский биологический словарь - bank


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Перевод с английского языка bank на русский


1) банк (напр. данных)

2) берег; банка, отмель

data bankgene bank

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  • 1) банк; 2) крен• вводить в вираж• вираж• крен• куб• сделать вираж ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  of clouds гряда облаков BANK I  1. noun  1) вал, насыпь  2) берег (особ. реки)  3) отмель, банка  4) нанос; занос - bank of snow - bank of clouds  5) aeron. крен  6) mining залежь, пласт (руды, угля в открытых разработках)  7) tech. группа (баллонов, трансформаторов и т.п.) Syn: see shore  2. v.  1) делать насыпь  2) образовать наносы (о песке, снеге) (часто bank up) The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up. The wind had banked the snow up against the wall.  3) сгребать (в кучу), наваливать; окружать валом Every spring we have to bank up the river to prevent flooding. At night we bank the fire up so that it is still burning in the morning.  4) запруживать  5) aeron. делать вираж; накреняться  6) играть шара от борта, бортов (на бильярде) II  1. noun  1) банк to open an account in/with a bank - открыть счет в банке - bank of issue  2) cards банк - break the bank  3) место хранения запасов - blood bank  4) attr. банковый, банковский - bank account - bank currency - bank holiday you cant put it in the bank amer.; coll. - это ни к чему, от этого толку мало  2. v.  1) класть (деньги) в банк; держать (деньги) в банке; откладывать - bank with  2) быть банкиром  3) cards метать банк - bank on - bank upon III noun; hist.  1) скамья (на галере)  2) ряд весел (на галере)  3) клавиатура (органа) bank of keys typ. - клавиатура линотипа  4) верстак (в некоторых ремеслах) BANK account счет в банке BANK with класть (деньги) в банк; держать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. вал, насыпь; дамба to dig up a bank of earth —- возвести земляной вал 2. крутой склон 3. берег (реки, озера) 4. отмель, банка, риф oyster bank —- устричная отмель (банка) fisheries bank —- спец. рыбная банка ice bank —- ледяное поле 5. нанос, занос snow banks —- сугробы, снежные заносы the bank of clouds spelled rain —- гряда облаков предвещала дождь we ran into a bank of fog —- мы попали в полосу тумана 6. борт бильярдного стола 7. ав. крен, вираж 8. горн. забой; залежь bank of ore —- пластообразная рудная залежь 9. горн. уступ 10. горн. устье шахты 11. сгребать в кучу; наваливать to bank snow —- сгребать снег в кучи the chairs were banked one upon the other —- стулья взгромоздили один на другой 12. делать насыпь; окружать валом, насыпью to bank in —- окапываться 13. громоздиться, вздыматься clouds are banking along the horizon —- облака скучились на горизонте; горизонт затянут облаками 14. запруживать 15. окружать, окаймлять the river is banked high on both sides —- река заключена в крутые берега 16. прикрывать (костер) валежником (чтобы он горел спокойно и долго) 17. ав. делать вираж; накреняться 18. сесть на мель (гребля) 19. сл. играть шара от борта (бильярд) 20. банк B. of England, the B. —- Английский банк (государственный банк Великобритании) branch bank —- отделение банка bank of issue (of...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) банк (напр. данных) 2) берег; банка, отмель – data bank – gene bank ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) банк 2) фонд 3) общий запас 4) касса • - African Development Bank - African Export-Import Bank - Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa - Arab International Bank - Asian Development Bank - Bank Advisory Committee - Bank Holding Company - Bank for International Settlements - Bank of Canada - Bank of England - Caribbean Development Bank - Central African States Development Bank - Central American Bank for Economic Integration - Central bank - Clearing Bank - Construction Bank - East African Development Bank - Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - European Central Bank - European Investment Bank - Export-Import Bank - Federal Home Loan Banks - Federal Intermediate Credit Bank - Federal Reserve Bank - International Bank for Economic Cooperation - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Reserve Bank - Soil Bank - State Bank of Construction - World Bank - acceptance bank - accepting bank - account in a bank - advising bank - agent bank - application to a bank - articles of bank - authorize a bank - bank account - bank affiliate export trading company - bank agency - bank assets - bank association - bank balances - bank bond - bank branch - bank branching - bank card - bank certified check - bank charter - bank check - bank commissioner - bank creditor - bank credits - bank customer - bank department - bank deposits - bank employee - bank examination - bank examiner - bank executive - bank failure - bank for cooperatives - bank fraud - bank funds - bank giro account - bank holiday - bank holidays - bank insider - bank insolvency - bank investment - bank investments - bank issue - bank law - bank lending - bank letter - bank liabilities - bank management - bank marketing - bank merger - bank note - bank of circulation - bank of commerce - bank of deposit - bank of discount - bank of issue - bank official - bank operation - bank organization - bank performance - bank references - bank regulation - bank secrecy - bank securities - bank staff -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вал окружать валом; насыпь; дамба; крутой склон - snow bank - soil bank 2) геол. пласт, залежь 3) банка, отмель 4) край; берег - bank of cut - far bank - home bank 5) группа устройств; блок; модуль - bank of counters - bank of resistors - capacitor bank - channel bank - contact bank - link bank - master bank - selector bank - test bank - traffic-distributor bank 6) вчт. банк данных; информационный фонд, хранилище информации 7) банк выполнять банковские операции - private bank - provident bank - savings bank 8) крен to apply bank — создавать крен to hold off the bank — выдерживать крен 9) пакет; штабель - tube bank 10) образовывать заносы 11) сгребать в кучу to bank up fire — загребать жар в топке 12) авиац. закладывать вираж to bank the plane — вводить самолет в крен ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) группа (напр. кнопок), набор 2) блок, батарея 3) серия 4) (музыкальная) картотека – channel bank – data bank – equivalent bank – filter bank – lamp photomagnifier bank – memory bank – memory cell bank – mixer bank – power bank – programmable multiplex bank – resistor bank – rural telephone bank – selector bank – track bank – video-monitor bank – wasted bank – working bank ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  вал, насыпь; дамба; банкет крутой склон берег, отмель, нанос, банка ряд, набор, комплект, серия; батарея верстак пласт грунта (подлежащий срезке); объём грунта, подлежащий извлечению банк, здание банка подъём; вираж; крен bank of boilers bank of cylinders bank of ditch bank of elevators bank of transformers bank of tubes beached bank canal bank closet bank dump bank filter bank guide bank leveed bank percolation bank snow bank snow protection bank spoil bank stem bank ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) группа; набор, блок, батарея, ряд агрегатов, серия 2) группировать; объединять 3) пакет, штабель, пучок (труб) 4) место складирования складировать 5) горн. уступ 6) пласт угля (на открытых работах) 7) откос (мартеновской печи) 8) возд. вираж, разворот; крен выполнять вираж; вводить в вираж; кренить 9) строит., гидр. насыпь, дамба; вал, банкет; обвалование; откос сооружать насыпь; окружать валом 10) отвал (при земляных работах) 11) поперечный уклон дороги 12) берег реки 13) отмель; банка 14) запас резиновой смеси (на вальцах) 15) эл. ряд неподвижных контактов 16) связь контактное поле 17) клавиатура (наборной строкоотливной машины) 18) банк держать в банке банковский 19) вчт. банк данных, информационный банк 20) вчт. куб (ферритовой памяти) to bank a boiler — поддерживать котел в горячем резерве, to bank up — 1. обваловывать 2. создавать подпор bank of accumulators — блок аккумуляторов, аккумуляторная батарея bank of material — материал (грунт) в плотном состоянии - afflux bank - algorithm bank - bare tube bank - bridge bank - canal bank - capacitor bank - channel bank - charge bank - cloud bank - coal bank - contact bank - convection bank - cooling bank - culm bank - cylinder bank - data bank - deposited river bank - digital channel bank - door bank - duct bank - earth bank - environmental specimen bank - filter bank - fixed capacitor bank - generating bank -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a the sloping edge of land by a river. b the area of ground alongside a river (had a picnic on the bank). 2 a raised shelf of ground; a slope. 3 an elevation in the sea or a river bed. 4 the artificial slope of a road etc., enabling vehicles to maintain speed round a curve. 5 a mass of cloud, fog, snow, etc. 6 the edge of a hollow place (e.g. the top of a mine-shaft). --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) heap or rise into banks. 2 tr. heap up (a fire) tightly so that it burns slowly. 3 a intr. (of a vehicle or aircraft or its occupant) travel with one side higher than the other in rounding a curve. b tr. cause (a vehicle or aircraft) to do this. 4 tr. contain or confine within a bank or banks. 5 tr. build (a road etc.) higher at the outer edge of a bend to enable fast cornering. Etymology: ME f. Gmc f. ON banki (unrecorded: cf. OIcel. bakki): rel. to BENCH 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a a financial establishment which uses money deposited by customers for investment, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, exchanges currency, etc. b a building in which this business takes place. 2 = piggy bank. 3 a the money or tokens held by the banker in some gambling games. b the banker in such games. 4 a place for storing anything for future use (blood bank; data bank). --v. 1 tr. deposit (money or valuables) in a bank. 2 intr. engage in business as a banker. 3 intr. (often foll. by at, with) keep money (at a bank). 4 intr. act as banker in some gambling games. Phrases and idioms bank balance the amount of money held in a bank account at a given moment. bank-bill 1 Brit. a bill drawn by one bank on another. 2 US = BANKNOTE. bank-book = PASSBOOK. bank card = cheque card. bank holiday a day on which banks are officially closed, (in the UK) usu. kept as a public holiday. bank manager a person in charge of a local branch of a bank. the Bank of England the central bank of England and Wales, issuing banknotes and having the Government as its main customer. bank on rely on (I'm banking on your help). bank statement a printed...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse bakki ~; akin to Old English benc bench — more at bench  Date: 13th century  1. a mound, pile, or ridge raised above the surrounding level: as  a. a piled-up mass of cloud or fog  b. an undersea elevation rising especially from the continental shelf  2. the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea or forming the edge of a cut or hollow  3.  a. a steep slope (as of a hill)  b. the lateral inward tilt of a surface along a curve or of a vehicle (as an airplane) when turning  4. a protective or cushioning rim or piece  II. verb  Date: 1590  transitive verb  1.  a. to raise a ~ about  b. to cover (as a fire) with fresh fuel and adjust the draft of air so as to keep in an inactive state  c. to build (a curve) with the roadbed or track inclined laterally upward from the inside edge  2. to heap or pile in a ~  3.  a. to drive (a ball in billiards) into a cushion  b. to bounce (a ball or shot) off a surface (as a backboard) into or toward a goal ~ in a rebound  4. to form or group in a tier  intransitive verb  1. to rise in or form a ~ — often used with up clouds would ~ up about midday, and showers fall — William Beebe  2.  a. to incline an airplane laterally  b.  (1) to incline laterally  (2) to follow a curve or incline skiers ~ing around the turn  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Old Italian; Middle French banque, from Old Italian banca, literally, bench, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English benc  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds  b. obsolete the table, counter, or place of business of a money changer  2. a person conducting a gambling house or game; specifically dealer  3. a supply of something held in reserve: as  a. the fund of supplies (as money, chips, or pieces) held by the ~er or dealer for use in a game...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]FINANCE AND STORAGE (banks, banking, banked) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A bank is an institution where people or businesses can keep their money. Which bank offers you the service that best suits your financial needs?... I had ?10,000 in the bank. N-COUNT 2. A bank is a building where a bank offers its services. N-COUNT 3. If you bank money, you pay it into a bank. Once you have registered your particulars with an agency and it has banked your cheque, the process begins. VERB: V n 4. If you bank with a particular bank, you have an account with that bank. My husband has banked with the Co-op since before the war. VERB: V with n 5. You use bank to refer to a store of something. For example, a blood bank is a store of blood that is kept ready for use. ...Britain’s National Police Computer, one of the largest data banks in the world. N-COUNT: with supp, usu n N II. [c red]AREAS AND MASSES (banks) 1. The banks of a river, canal, or lake are the raised areas of ground along its edge. ...30 miles of new developments along both banks of the Thames. ...an old warehouse on the banks of a canal. = side N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A bank of ground is a raised area of it with a flat top and one or two sloping sides. ...resting indolently upon a grassy bank. N-COUNT 3. A bank of something is a long high mass of it. On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland. N-COUNT: N of n 4. A bank of things, especially machines, switches, or dials, is a row of them, or a series of rows. The typical laborer now sits in front of a bank of dials. N-COUNT 5. see also banked III. [c red]OTHER VERB USES (banks, banking, banked) When an aircraft banks, one of its wings rises higher than the other, usually when it is changing direction. A plane took off and banked above the highway in front of him. VERB: V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MONEY« a) a business that keeps and lends money and provides other financial services  (The major banks have announced an increase in interest rates.) b) a local office of a bank  (I have to go to the bank at lunch time.) 2 »RIVER/LAKE« land along the side of a river or lake  (Roger pushed the boat away from the bank)  (- see shore1) 3 »PILE« a large pile of earth, sand, snow etc  (There were steep banks of snow at the sides of the road.) 4 blood/sperm/organ etc bank a place where human blood etc is stored until someone needs it 5 cloud/fog bank etc a large mass of clouds, mist etc 6 bank of televisions/elevators/computers etc a large number of machines, television screens etc arranged close together in a row 7 »GAME« the money in a gambling game that people can win  (- see also break the bank break1 (32)) 8 »ROAD« a slope made at a bend in a road or racetrack to make it safer for cars to go around  (- see also bottle bank, memory bank) ~2 v 1 »MONEY« to put or keep money in a bank  (Did you bank that check?) 2 »PARTICULAR BANK« to keep your money in a particular bank  (Who do you bank with?) 3 »TURN« to make a plane, motorcycle, or car slope to one side when turning  (The plane banked, and circled back toward us.) 4 »PILE/ROWS« also bank up BrE to arrange something into a pile or into rows  (The walls of the space center are banked high with electronic equipment.) 5 »CLOUD/MIST« also bank up to form a mass of cloud, mist etc  (Banked clouds promised rain.) 6 »FIRE« also bank up to cover a fire with wood, coal etc to keep it going for a long time  (Josie banked up the fire to last till morning.) bank on sb/sth phr v to depend on something happening or someone doing something  (bank on sb doing sth)  (We were banking on John being there to show us the way.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  adult abbr. Banks Asses Need Kicking ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: PIGGY BANK. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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