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Англо-русский биологический словарь - baby


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детёныш; ребёнок

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   1. noun  1) ребенок, младенец; малютка babys formula - детская питательная смесь  2) детеныш (особ. об обезьянах)  3) отросток - carry the baby - hold the baby to plead the baby act уклоняться от ответственности, ссылаясь на неопытность - play the baby to send a baby on an errand заранее обрекать на неудачу Syn: see child  2. adj.  1) детский, младенческий  2) ребяческий, инфантильный  3) небольшой, малый baby elephant - слоненок baby grand (piano) - кабинетный рояль baby plane aeron. - авиетка - baby car BABY boom noun демографический взрыв BABY tender няня BABY talk noun детский лепет also fig. BABY carriage noun; amer.; see baby buggy BABY car малолитражный автомобиль BABY buggy noun детская коляска BABY boomer noun человек, родившийся в период демографического взрыва ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. младенец, ребенок, дитя babys formula —- детская питательная смесь 2. детеныш (особ. у обезьян) 3. малыш, самый маленький (в семье и т. п.) mother's baby —- мамин любимчик, маменькин сынок the baby of the family —- младший в семье, "наш малыш" B. of the House —- разг. "дитя" палаты общин, самый молодой член парламента 4. разг. малыш, малютка; крошка, детка (в обращении) 5. инфантильный человек he is a regular baby —- он сущий младенец 6. разг. (хорошенькая) девушка или молодая женщина (также sugar baby) she is my baby —- это моя девушка 7. разг. парень, малый, детина 8. разг. детище, порождение, творение (об изобретении, проекте и т. п.) 9. предмет, вещь is that car there your baby? —- вот эта машина - ваша? Id: to play the baby —- ребячиться; дурачиться Id: to give smb. to hold (to carry) the baby —- переложить ответственность на кого-л.; связать кого-л. по рукам и ногам Id: to send a baby on an errand —- заранее обрекать дело на провал Id: I was left holding the baby —- всю ответственность взвалили на меня; расхлебывать кашу пришлось мне 10. детский, младенческий baby clothes —- приданое для новорожденного; одежда для детей младшего возраста 11. ребяческий, ребячливый; инфантильный baby act —- ребяческий (несерьезный, легкомысленный) поступок 12. маленький baby elephant —- слоненок...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  детёныш; ребёнок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  маломощный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  дополнительный груз крюковой подвески крана (для опускания подвески под действием собственной силы тяжести) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a very young child or infant, esp. one not yet able to walk. 2 an unduly childish person (is a baby about injections). 3 the youngest member of a family, team, etc. 4 (often attrib.) a a young or newly born animal. b a thing that is small of its kind (baby car; baby rose). 5 sl. a young woman; a sweetheart (often as a form of address). 6 sl. a person or thing regarded with affection or familiarity. 7 one's own responsibility, invention, concern, achievement, etc., regarded in a personal way. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 treat like a baby. 2 pamper. Phrases and idioms baby boom colloq. a temporary marked increase in the birthrate. baby boomer a person born during a baby boom, esp. after the war of 1939-45. baby-bouncer Brit. a frame supported by elastic or springs, into which a child is harnessed to exercise its limbs. Baby Buggy (pl. -ies) Brit. propr. a kind of child's collapsible pushchair. baby carriage US a pram. baby grand the smallest size of grand piano. baby-snatcher colloq. 1 a person who kidnaps babies. 2 = cradle-snatcher. baby-talk childish talk used by or to young children. baby-walker a wheeled frame in which a baby learns to walk. carry (or hold) the baby bear unwelcome responsibility. throw away the baby with the bath-water reject the essential with the inessential. Derivatives babyhood n. Etymology: ME, formed as BABE, -Y(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural babies)  Etymology: Middle English, from babe  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) an extremely young child; especially infant  (2) an extremely young animal  b. the youngest of a group  2.  a. one that is like a ~ (as in behavior)  b. something that is one's special responsibility, achievement, or interest  3. slang  a. girl, woman — often used in address  b. boy, man — often used in address  4. person, thing is one tough ~  • ~hood noun  • ~ish adjective  II. adjective  Date: 1591  1. of, relating to, or being a ~  2. much smaller than the usual ~ carrots a ~ flattop take two ~ steps  III. transitive verb  (babied; ~ing)  Date: 1742  1. to tend to indulge with often excessive or inappropriate care and solicitude ~ing their only child  2. to use or treat with care ~ing a sore knee  Synonyms: see indulge ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (babies) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A baby is a very young child, especially one that cannot yet walk or talk. My wife has just had a baby... Claire had to dress her baby sister. N-COUNT 2. A baby animal is a very young animal. ...a baby elephant. ...baby birds. N-COUNT: usu N n 3. Baby vegetables are vegetables picked when they are very small. Serve with baby new potatoes. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Some people use baby as an affectionate way of addressing someone, especially a young woman, or referring to them. (INFORMAL) You have to wake up now, baby... = love N-VOC; N-COUNT: usu sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural babies 1 »CHILD« a very young child who has not yet learned to speak or walk  (A baby was crying upstairs. | They have a five-year-old boy and a baby girl. | have a baby (=give birth to a baby))  (I think she had the baby in June. | be expecting a baby (=have a baby developing inside your body))  (- see child) 2 »ANIMAL/PLANT« a very young animal or plant  (baby birds | baby carrots) 3 »BROTHER/SISTER« a younger child in a family, often the youngest  (He's the baby of the family.) 4 »WOMAN« AmE spoken a) a way of speaking to someone that you love  (Mike baby, could you get me a glass of water?) b) a way of speaking to a young woman, often considered offensive 5 »SILLY« someone who is not behaving in a sensible way  (Don't be such a baby - take your medicine!) 6 »RESPONSIBILITY« informal something special that someone has developed or is responsible for  (Don't ask me about the building contract - that Robert's baby.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Big All Black Yearbook ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: WAR BABY. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1378, babi dim. of baban (see babe). Baby boom coined 1941; derivative baby-boomer (member of the one that began 1945) first recorded 1974. Baby-sitter first attested 1937. As a term of endearment for one's lover, it may be influenced by baby vamp "a popular girl," student slang from c.1922. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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