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Англо-русский биологический словарь - area


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Перевод с английского языка area на русский


1) область; район; зона

2) ареал, область обитания

3) площадь, пространство, участок

area of normal abundancearea of occasional abundancearea of possible abundancearea of risk farmingarea of specific abundanceaction areaactive areaadjacent areasaltitudinal areaarid areaassimilating areaassociation areaaxial areabarren areabasal areabelt areabreaking-up areabreeding areaBroca's areacatchment areacentral areaCohnheim's areacontinuous areacore areacortical projection areacortical speech areasdiffuse areadisconnected areadiscontinuous areadiscount areadisplay areadominance areadrainage areaeffective areaeffective disease areaegg-laying areaextra-embryonic areafeeding areafirst somatic sensory areafishing areaforaging areafrontal association areahibernating arealateral arealeaf areaminimal areamolting areamotor areanatural areaolfactory areaoyster-growing areapersonal areapublic access arearecipient arearegeneration arearelict areareserved arearocket areasample areasick areasomaesthetic areaspawning areaspecific leaf areasubcallosal areatraffic areawater areawilderness areawildlife areawintering area

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) площадь, пространство - area under crop - area of bearing  2) math. площадь area of a triangle - площадь треугольника  3) район; зона; край; область residential area - жилой район  4) radio; tv зона - mush area - service area - picture area  5) размах, сфера wide area of thought - широкий кругозор  6) дворик ниже уровня улицы, через который проходят в полуподвал Syn: see section AREA code amer. трёхзначный междугородный телефонный код AREA of bearing tech. опорная поверхность AREA sketch noun topogr. кроки AREA under crop посевная площадь ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ар (мера земельной площади) 2. площадь, пространство, участок vast area —- огромная площадь, обширное пространство sown area, area under crops —- посевная площадь area sown to wheat, wheat growing area —- посевная площадь под пшеницей area under glass —- с-х. площадь под стеклом, закрытый грунт area of a room —- площадь комнаты area of bearing —- тех. опорная поверхность bombing —- воен. площадь бомбометания area bombing —- воен. бомбометание по площади area target —- воен. цель большой площади area of dispersion —- воен. площадь рассеивания 3. мат. площадь area of a triangle —- площадь треугольника 4. район, область; зона geographic area —- географический район postal area —- микрорайон, обслуживаемый почтовым отделением service area —- тех. обслуживаемая зона dollar area —- долларовая зона free area —- зона свободной торговли area headquarters —- штаб района дислокации войск; штаб военного округа 5. сфера (деятельности); область (исследования) in the area of language teaching —- в области преподавания языков areas of agreement —- полит. области согласия; вопросы, по которым возможно или достигнуто соглашение 6. размах, охват; сфера area of thought —- кругозор 7. проход, ведущий к входу в подвал area step —- ступеньки, ведущий к двери в подвал 8. приямок перед окнами подвального...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) область; район; зона 2) ареал, область обитания 3) площадь, пространство, участок – area of normal abundance – area of occasional abundance – area of possible abundance – area of risk farming – area of specific abundance – action area – active area – adjacent areas – altitudinal area – arid area – assimilating area – association area – axial area – barren area – basal area – belt area – breaking-up area – breeding area – Broca's area – catchment area – central area – Cohnheim's area – continuous area – core area – cortical projection area – cortical speech areas – diffuse area – disconnected area – discount area – display area – dominance area – drainage area – effective area – effective disease area – egg-laying area – extra-embryonic area – feeding area – first somatic sensory area – fishing area – foraging area – frontal association area – hibernating area – lateral area – leaf area – minimal area – molting area – motor area – natural area – olfactory area – oyster-growing area – personal area – public access area – recipient area – regeneration area – relict area – reserved area – rocket area – sample area – sick area – somaesthetic area – spawning area – specific leaf area – subcallosal area – traffic area – water area – wilderness area – wildlife area – wintering area ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) площадь, участок, зона, район, пространство 2) сфера, охват • - ASEAN Free Trade Area - Chinese Economic Area - European Economic Area - European free trade area - administrative area - area code - area method - area of responsibility - area rate - area statistics - area under crop - area under crops - assisted area - bad risk area - blighted area - built-up area - business area - catchment area - census area - central public area of bank - colonial areas - cultivated area - delivery area - depressed area - development area - disaster area - distressed area - distribution area - dollar area - enumeration area - exporting area - farm area - free trade area - gray area - industrial area - labor-shortage area - local area - low production cost area - low-income farm area - low-production farm area - major producing area - mapped area - market areas - maximum working area - maximum work area - metropolitan area - monetary area - natural area - natural service area - natural trading areas - nonpermit area - normal working area - normal work area - overshopped area - pilot census area - port area - power supply area - preferential tariff area - primary trading area - residential area - rural area - sales area - sample area - service area - shopping area - single-crop area - sown area - special area - spring-wheat area - sterling area - storage area - suburban area - tracted area - treated area - underprivileged areas of city - unitary area - unmapped area - urban settlement area - winter-wheat area - working area - work area Syn: arena, field AREA зона, район, область – application covers too large an area – area of distinct vision – grey area of economy ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) площадь, участок, пространство 2) район, область, зона; ареал 3) сфера деятельности, область специализации area of feasible solutions — матем. область возможных решений measure of area — мера площади to contour an area — топогр. изображать рельеф местности горизонталями - abyssal area - area of ambiguity - area of force - area of retardation - blade-swept area - burning-surface area - contiguous storage area - differential area - differential of area - discharge area - disk area - distribution tail area - economically depressed area - effective heating area - element of area - elementary area - emitting area - enclosed area - error area - extrinsic area - feasible area - firebed surface area - free area - frontal area - furnace-throat area - generalized area - infinitesimal area - inlet area - inspection area - interface area - intrinsic area - inundated area - irrigated area - isolated area - lifting-surface area - loading area - navigation area - neat area - non-smoking area - oil-producing area - parking area - per unit area - plan area - plane area - poor reception area - populated area - primary service area - probable error area - prop-free area - reference area - research area - residential area - scattering area - site area - smoking area - sown area - sparcely populated area - specific surface area - squarable area - surfent of area - tail area - testing area - touchdown area - uncharted area - unit of area - unloading area - water area ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) площадь, пространство 2) зона, район 3) поверхность – active image area – antenna area – aperture area – base station covered area – blackout area – blind area – border area – burglar detection area – calling area – carrier servicing area – cellular area – centralized telecine area – coherence area – collecting area – conceptual area – controlled area – coordination area – core area – coverage area – dead area – dominant influence area – ear sensity area – editing area – effective area – effective boresight area – elemental area – fringe area – global A area – global B area – input area – insonation area – local service area – mobile station servicing area – moving area – peak-traffic area – phosphor area – pole area – portable station servicing area – portable telephone coverage area – primary-service area – radio line area – safety working area – satellite-covered area – satellite line-of-sight area – satellite-serviced area – scan area – service area – small communication area – stationary station servicing area – subscriber-access area – target area – traffic area – white area – working area ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  площадь (помещения, поверхности, фигуры и т. п.) площадка внутренний двор пространство, зона приямок (напр. у окна подвального этажа) per unit area area under control area under the load-deformation curve area of bending moment diagram area of contact areas of cut and fill area of economic influence area of flues area of influence area of load distribution area of loading area of operation area of planting area of pressure area of steel area of water supply area of waterway area of well influence accommodation area acting area active drainage area actual area aerodrome movement area airport construction area approach area architectural area assisted area backwater area baggage break-down area basic floor area bearing area bearing area of a foundation blast area blight area blind area bond area building area build-up area catchment area clearance area comprehensive development area concreting area congested area conservation area construction area contact area core area critical runway area cross-sectional area dangerous area daylight area dead-leg area depressed area designated area designated development area developed area development area differential area diffusion area diked area discharge area disposal area distressed area downtown area drainage area dry area earthquake area effective area of an orifice effective area of concrete effective area of reinforcement environmental area extension area face area filter area fire area flooded area floor area flow area free area fringe area gross area gross floor area gross leasable area gross retail area hangar area hard-to-reach area heat transfer area honeycombed area improvement area industrial area infiltration area influence area intermediate area interstream area kern area landing area lateral area leveed area light ventilation area loaded area manufacturing area metropolitan area moment area net cross-sectional area net room area net sale area net site area net structural area...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) площадь; пространство 2) область; сфера; зона; район 3) поверхность 4) (производственный) участок; помещение; площадка 5) рабочая ячейка (склада) equal in area — равновеликий; areaserved by crane — зона действия крана area of ball imprint — площадь отпечатка шарика (при определении твёрдости вдавливанием) area of base — площадь основания, площадь подошвы фундамента area of bearing — 1. площадь опоры 2. строит. площадка опирания area of contact — площадь поверхности контакта area of diagram — площадь эпюры; площадь графика area of fracture — 1. поверхность излома 2. площадь поперечного сечения в месте разрушения area or influence — горн. площадь влияния area of occurrence — возд. район происшествия area of water section — гидр. площадь живого сечения потока area of well influence — зона влияния колодца или скважины - absorption area - active area - actual contact area - actuating area - actuation probability area - addressable area - adjustment control area - advisory area - aircraft parking area - airflow separation area - air intake hazard area - airport construction area - airport prohibited area - airport service area - air-route area - alighting area - alloy storage area - annulus area - antenna effective area - antenna area - antinode area - aperture area - approach area - ash-disposal area - auditory area - backwater area - bare area - base area - bearing surface area - binding area - blade area - blade-exit area - blind area - blind drainage area - boarding area - bolted area - bonding area - bond area - bore area - bubble-melt surface...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the extent or measure of a surface (over a large area; 3 acres in area; the area of a triangle). 2 a region or tract (the southern area). 3 a space allocated for a specific purpose (dining area; camping area). 4 the scope or range of an activity or study. 5 US a space below ground level in front of the basement of a building. 6 (prec. by the) Football = penalty area. Derivatives areal adj. Etymology: L, = vacant piece of level ground ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Latin, open space, threshing floor; perhaps akin to Latin arere to be dry — more at arid  Date: 1538  1. a level piece of ground  2. the surface included within a set of lines; specifically the number of unit squares equal in measure to the surface — see metric system table, weight table  3. the scope of a concept, operation, or activity ; field the whole ~ of foreign policy  4. ~way  5. a particular extent of space or surface or one serving a special function: as  a. a part of the surface of the body  b. a geographic region  6. a part of the cerebral cortex having a particular function  • ~l adjective  • ~lly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (areas) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. An area is a particular part of a town, a country, a region, or the world. ...the large number of community groups in the area... 60 years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas. N-COUNT 2. Your area is the part of a town, country, or region where you live. An organization’s area is the part of a town, country, or region that it is responsible for. Local authorities have been responsible for the running of schools in their areas... If there is an election in your area, you should go and vote. N-COUNT: poss N 3. A particular area is a piece of land or part of a building that is used for a particular activity. ...a picnic area. ...the main check-in area located in Terminal 1. N-COUNT: supp N 4. An area is a particular place on a surface or object, for example on your body. You will notice that your baby has two soft areas on the top of his head. N-COUNT: with supp 5. The area of a surface such as a piece of land is the amount of flat space or ground that it covers, measured in square units. The islands cover a total area of 625.6 square kilometers... N-VAR 6. You can use area to refer to a particular subject or topic, or to a particular part of a larger, more general situation or activity. ...the politically sensitive area of old age pensions. N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. On a football pitch, the area is the same as the penalty area. (INFORMAL) = box N-COUNT: usu sing, the N 8. see also catchment area, disaster area, grey area, penalty area ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a particular part of a country, town etc  (a working-class area of Birmingham | Many areas of Africa have suffered severe drought this year. | the surrounding area (=the area around a place))  (The police have searched the farm and the surrounding area.) 2 a part of a house, office, garden etc that is used for a particular purpose  (a no-smoking area | Come through into the dining area.) 3 a particular subject, range of activities, or group of related subjects + of  (reforms in the key areas of health and education) 4 the amount of space that a flat surface or shape covers  (a formula to calculate the area of a circle | an area of 2,000 square miles)  (- see grey area grey1 (6))  ( USAGE NOTE: AREA WORD CHOICE area, part of the world/the country/town, region, district Area is the most general word for a part of the Earth's surface. An area can be small or large, and is not usually thought of as a fixed land division the shopping/downtown area of the city | a rural area of the country | the Houston area. Informally you might talk instead about a part of the world/the country/town There's no video shop in our part of town. | New England is a delightful part of the country (usually =country area). A region is usually large, is usually part of a country, and may or may not be thought of as a fixed land division the arctic region of Canada | The south east is the richest region in England. A district is smaller than a region, and is usually an officially fixed area of a country or city The financial district of town. | the central district of Hong Kong | the Lake District ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Area Bancshares Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1538, from L. area "level ground, open space," origin uncertain. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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