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Англо-русский биологический словарь - approach


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Перевод с английского языка approach на русский


1) подход (к изучению чего-л.)

2) приближение

analogy approachBayesian approachteam approach

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  метео надвижение ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) приближение the approach of summer - наступление лета  2) подступ, подход also fig. easy of approach - легкодоступный difficult of approach - труднодоступный to make approaches to smb. - стараться привлечь внимание кого-л.; coll. подъезжать к кому-л.  3) pl. авансы; попытки  4) (usu. pl) mil. подступ  5) aeron. заход на посадку - instrument approach  6) attr. approach road - подъездной путь  2. v.  1) приближаться, подходить  2) приближаться, быть почти равным, похожим  3) делать предложения, начинать переговоры I approached him on the matter - я обратился к нему по этому вопросу he approached me for information - он обратился ко мне за сведениями  4) пытаться повлиять на кого-л. Syn: see compare ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. приближение; приход, наступление the approach of winter —- приближение зимы at our approach —- при нашем приближении, когда мы подошли on nearer approach we was... —- когда мы подошли ближе, мы увидели... easy of approach —- легкодоступный (о месте) 2. воен. подступ; подход; сближение approach march —- воен. марш-поход approach march formation —- воен. предбоевой порядок approach trench —- воен. ход сообщения approach clearance —- разрешение на посадку approach light —- входной огонь аэродрома 3. обыкн pl. подступы at the approaches to the city —- на подступах к городу 4. дор. подъезд, подъездной путь 5. подход (к рассмотрению, изучению) one-sided approach —- односторонний подход the best approach to the study of the spoken language —- наилучший подход к изучению разговорного языка new lines of approach to the problem —- новый путь к разрешению этого вопроса 6. авансы, подходы to make approaches to smb. —- делать авансы; подъезжать с просьбой, предложением to make approaches to a girl —- ухаживать за девушкой; заигрывать с девушкой 7. тех. подача, подвод (суппорта станка) 8. метеор. надвижение 9. спорт. разбег 10. косм. сближение (кораблей) final approach —- причаливание 11. спорт. выводящий удар (гольф) 12. подходить, приближаться to approach smb. —- подойти to approach the town —- подъезжать к городу the boy is approaching manhood —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) подход (к изучению чего-л.) 2) приближение – analogy approach – Bayesian approach – team approach ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) а) общ. приближение; приход, наступление approach of summer - приближение лета б) воен. подступ, подход, подъезд (к позициям противника); сближение 2) а) мн., общ. подступы at the approaches to the bridge - на подступах к мосту б) общ. подъезд, объездной путь 3) общ. приближение, сближение (по качеству, характеру и т. п.) But it is not possible to estimate the amount of this loss with any approach to accuracy. - Но точно оценить эти убытки невозможно. 4) мет. подход (к решению проблемы, задачи и т. п.); метод (решения проблемы и т. п.) approach to a problem - подход к проблеме, approach to policy making - метод выработки политики See: advertising approach 5) общ., часто мн. попытка вступить в переговоры; попытка установить (наладить) контакты We made an approach to their chairman but no offer was ever made. - Мы попытались наладить контакты с их председателем, но никакого предложения сделано не было. 6) трансп. заход на посадку (воздушного судна) 7) мат. приближение, аппроксимация 8) рекл. дистанция (расстояние) беспрепятственной видимости (расстояние свободного обзора в наружной рекламе, т. е. расстояние, с которого щитовая установка видна целиком) See: flash approach long approach medium approach short approach APPROACH 1) обращение; обращаться; начинать переговоры 2) приближение; подход (к проблеме);...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) приближаться, подходить, сближаться 2) близиться, наступать 3) приближаться, быть почти равным to approach infinity — стремиться к бесконечности to approach stochastically — матем. сходиться по вероятности 4) приближение, наступление 5) подступ; подход; подъезд 6) подход; метод; способ this approach uses — при таком подходе используется - algebraic approach - applied approach - classical approach - comparative approach - cut-and-try approach - deductive approach - deterministic approach - direct approach - effective medium approach - elimination approach - empirical approach - experimental approach - functional-analytic approach - game-model approach - generalized approach - geometrical approach - gross-numbers approach - hang-the-expense approach - inductive approach - invariant approach - mathematical model approach - matrix approach - maximum flow approach - multistage approach - purely academic approach - quasianalytic approach - sample-function approach - shortest route approach - statistical approach - stochastic approach - systematic approach - trial-and-error approach - variational approach - worst-case approach 7) матем. приближение, приближенное решение - close approach - closest approach 8) космонавт. сближение - closest point of approach - radial approach 9) авиац. заход на посадку заходить на посадку to execute a missed approach — авиац. уйти на второй круг to line up on the approach lights — авиац. выходить на посадочные огни - angle of approach - beacon approach - final approach - ground-controlled approach ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) приближение 2) подход – block-hierarchical approach – toolkit approach ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  подход; приближение; предпосылка метод, методика, приём участок автомобильной дороги на подходе к пересечению, мосту и т. д. высота зоны охлаждения (в градирне) "недорекуперация" аппарата испарительного охлаждения (разность между начальной температурой воздуха по мокрому термометру и конечной температурой воды) путь надвига (сортировочной горки) analytical approach bridge approach design approach innovative engineering approach microflexibility approach ramped approach simplified approach to the analysis total-system approach town approaches transition-temperature approach trial and error approach ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) приближение, аппроксимация 2) сближение (при контактном взаимодействии) 3) принцип; метод; подход 4) технология 5) подъездной путь; подъезд 6) гидр. подводящее русло; подводящий канал; подходная часть (напр. судоходного шлюза) 7) подводить (напр. поток к сооружению); входить (напр. в судоходный шлюз) 8) подвод; подача (рабочего органа) подводить; подавать (рабочий орган) 9) заход на посадку; подход к зоне аэродрома 10) возд., космонавт. сближение; причаливание 11) сигнал (поезду) о разрешении следовать 12) метео надвижение to approach a limit — стремиться к пределу; to discontinue approach — прерывать заход на посадку; to execute approach — выполнять заход на посадку; approach to land — заход на посадку; to miss approach — неправильно рассчитать заход на посадку; to approach without a limit — приближаться неограниченно; approach with flaps down — заход на посадку с выпущенными закрылками - abbreviated visual approach - absolute approach - aerocapture approach - aerodrome approach - automatic approach - automatic final approach - autonomous approach - axiomatic approach - back course approach - blind approach - bottom-up approach - bridge approach - building-block approach - cermet approach - circling approach - continuous descent approach - controlled final approach - co-orbital approach - cord-wood approach - coupled-mode approach - crosswind approach - curved approach - cut-and-try approach - docking approach - ecological approach - elastic approach -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. come near or nearer to (a place or time). 2 intr. come near or nearer in space or time (the hour approaches). 3 tr. make a tentative proposal or suggestion to (approached me about a loan). 4 tr. a be similar in character, quality, etc., to (doesn't approach her for artistic skill). b approximate to (a population approaching 5 million). 5 tr. attempt to influence or bribe. 6 tr. set about (a task etc.). 7 intr. Golf play an approach shot. 8 intr. Aeron. prepare to land. 9 tr. archaic bring near. --n. 1 an act or means of approaching (made an approach; an approach lined with trees). 2 an approximation (an approach to an apology). 3 a way of dealing with a person or thing (needs a new approach). 4 (usu. in pl.) a sexual advance. 5 Golf a stroke from the fairway to the green. 6 Aeron. the final part of a flight before landing. 7 Bridge a bidding method with a gradual advance to a final contract. Phrases and idioms approach road Brit. a road by which traffic enters a motorway. Etymology: ME f. OF aproch(i)er f. eccl.L appropiare draw near (as AD-, propius compar. of prope near) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English approchen, from Anglo-French aprocher, from Late Latin appropiare, from Latin ad- + prope near; akin to Latin pro before — more at for  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to draw closer to ; near ~ a destination  b. to come very near to ; be almost the same as its mathematics ~es mysticism — Theodore Sturgeon as the quantity x ~es zero  2.  a. to make advances to especially in order to create a desired result was ~ed by several Broadway producers  b. to take preliminary steps toward accomplishment or full knowledge or experience of ~ the subject with an open mind  intransitive verb  1. to draw nearer the time is fast ~ing  2. to make an ~ in golf  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an act or instance of ~ing the ~ of summer  b. approximation in this book he makes his closest ~ to greatness  2.  a. the taking of preliminary steps toward a particular purpose experimenting with new lines of ~  b. a particular manner of taking such steps a highly individual ~ to language  3. a means of access ; avenue  4.  a. a golf shot from the fairway toward the green  b. the steps taken by a bowler before delivering the ball; also the part of the alley behind the foul line from which the bowler delivers the ball  5. the descent of an aircraft toward a landing place ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (approaches, approaching, approached) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you approach something, you get closer to it. He didn’t approach the front door at once... When I approached, they grew silent... We turned to see the approaching car slow down. VERB: V n, V, V-ing • Approach is also a noun. At their approach the little boy ran away and hid. ...the approach of a low-flying helicopter. N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp 2. An approach to a place is a road, path, or other route that leads to it. The path serves as an approach to the boat house. N-COUNT: usu N to n 3. If you approach someone about something, you speak to them about it for the first time, often making an offer or request. When Chappel approached me about the job, my first reaction was of disbelief... He approached me to create and design the restaurant... Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie. VERB: no cont, V n prep, V n to-inf, V n • Approach is also a noun. There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group. N-COUNT: oft N from/to n 4. When you approach a task, problem, or situation in a particular way, you deal with it or think about it in that way. The Bank has approached the issue in a practical way... Employers are interested in how you approach problems. = tackle, address VERB: V n prep/adv, V n 5. Your approach to a task, problem, or situation is the way you deal with it or think about it. We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N to -ing/n 6. As a future time or event approaches, it gradually gets nearer as time passes. As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed. ...the approaching crisis. VERB: V, V-ing • Approach is also a noun. ...the festive spirit that permeated the house with the approach of Christmas. N-SING: usu N of n 7. As you approach a future time or event, time passes so...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MOVE TOWARDS« to move towards or nearer to someone or something  (As they approached the wood a rabbit ran out of the trees. | The car swerved to avoid an approaching bus.) 2 »ASK« to ask someone for something, or ask them to do something, especially when you are not sure they will be interested  (approach sb for)  (Will you be approaching the bank for a loan? | approach sb/sth about (doing) sth)  (The charity approached several stores about giving food aid.)  (- see also approachable) 3 »FUTURE EVENT« if an event or a particular time approaches, or you approach it, it is coming nearer and will happen soon  (Our vacation is approaching and we still can't decide where to go. | He was in his fifties and approaching retirement.) 4 »ALMOST REACH STH« to almost reach a particular high level or amount, or an extreme condition or state  (temperatures approaching 35o C | nothing/not approaching (=not at all close in amount))  (Nothing approaching the $200 million was found by the auditors.) 5 »DEAL WITH« to begin to deal with a difficult situation in a particular way or with a particular attitude  (I don't think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem.) ~2 n 1 a method of doing something or dealing with a problem  (a new approach to teaching languages) 2 movement towards or near to something  (Our approach frightened the birds away.) 3 a road, path etc that leads to a place, and is the main way of reaching it  (The approach to the house was by a minor road.) 4 a request from someone, asking you to do something for them  (make an approach)  (They made approaches to the team to buy one of their players.) 5 the approach of the approach of a particular time or event is the fact that it is getting closer  (The leaves were turning brown with the approach of autumn.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. approcher, from O.Fr. aprochier, from L.L. appropiare "go nearer to," from L. ad- "to" + L.L. propiare "come nearer," comp. of L. prope "near." Replaced O.E. neahlжcan. The noun is 1489, from the verb. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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