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Англо-русский биологический словарь - aggregate


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Перевод с английского языка aggregate на русский


1) агрегат; совокупность

2) собирать; соединять

3) скученный; сгруппированный; собранный

4) бот. сборный

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) совокупность in the aggregate - в совокупности  2) агрегат Syn: see total  2. adj.  1) собранный вместе; общий; весь aggregate membership - общее число членов the aggregate forces - совокупные силы aggregate capacity tech. - общая мощность  2) biol.; bot. сгруппированный, сложный  3) geol. агрегатный, сложный  3. v.  1) собирать в одно целое; собираться  2) приобщать (to - к организации)  3) coll. равняться, составлять в сумме ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. совокупность; целое in the aggregate —- в совокупности, в целом considered as an aggregate —- рассматриваемый как единое целое 2. спец. комплект 3. тех. агрегат; совокупность 4. геол. скопление, масса 5. геол. сросток минералов 6. тех. скелетный материал; заполнитель (бетона) 7. воен. суммарное количество to include in the aggregate —- засчитывать в суммарном количестве 8. эк. сводный показатель 9. информ. агрегат, составное значение 10. совокупный, собранный вместе, в одно целое; суммарный, итоговый aggregate amount of indebtedness —- общая задолженность aggregate membership —- общее число членов what were your aggregate wages for this last yeat? —- какова общая сумма вашей заработной платы за истекший год? 11. воен. суммарный aggregate limitation —- суммарный предельный уровень aggregate total —- общее суммарное количество (единиц вооружений) 12. бот. сборный aggregate fruit —- сборный плод 13. собирать в одно целое, соединять 14. составлять в общем; давать в совокупности 15. книж. приобщать к коллекции ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) агрегат; совокупность 2) собирать; соединять 3) скученный; сгруппированный; собранный 4) бот. сборный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. соединение, совокупность, совокупная величина - aggregate assets - aggregate costs - aggregate data - aggregate payments - aggregate premiums - aggregate result - aggregate total - aggregate value - asset aggregate - data aggregate - finite aggregate - in the aggregate - infinite aggregate - legal aggregate - monetary aggregate - output aggregate - population aggregate Syn: set, collection, totality, combination, assembly, population 2. прил. общий, собранный в одно целое, совокупный - aggregate amount - aggregate consumer demand - aggregate costs - aggregate demand - aggregate model - aggregate organization 3. гл. собирать в одно целое, составлять - aggregated rebates AGGREGATE 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. множество, совокупность in the aggregate — в совокупности Syn: whole, total б) мат. совокупность, множество, семейство (совокупность событий, точек или кривых, удовлетворяющих определенному критерию) aggregate of points — совокупность точек в) мат. комбинация (функций или векторов) linear aggregate — линейная комбинация 2) общ. совокупная величина, общая сумма, суммарное количество aggregate of debts — общая сумма долгов 3) стат. сводный показатель, агрегированный показатель, агрегат (показатель, образованный в результате объединения нескольких отдельных показателей) monetary aggregate — денежный агрегат 4) тех. агрегат (механизм, составленный из нескольких отдельных устройств); конструкция, установка 5) тех., с.- х....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) конструкция, установка, агрегатагрегировать 2) набор, комплект, совокупность, множество 3) строит. заполнитель 4) совокупный, общий, собранный вместе 5) экон. совокупный, итоговый 6) сложный, агрегатный 7) собирать (в одно целое), собираться (вместе) 8) подводить итог exposed aggregate concrete — бетон с обнаженным заполнителем in the aggregate — в совокупности to aggregate in braces — матем. брать в скобки - aggregate of points - aggregate of sets - aggregate of simple events - aggregate of spheres - bounded aggregate - cinder aggregate - coarse aggregate - crushed-stone aggregate - dense aggregate - fine aggregate - finite aggregate - grade aggregate - graded aggregate - heavy aggregate - inert aggregate - infinite aggregate - light-weight aggregate - linear aggregate - manufactured aggregate - marble aggregate - multiple-size aggregate - piecewise-linear aggregate - pit-run aggregate - porous aggregate - reactive aggregate - single-sized aggregate - tough aggregate - ungraded aggregate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  заполнитель (бетона) конгломерат, смесь aggregate of broken concrete abrasive aggregate alkali-reactive aggregates all-in aggregate angular aggregate artificial aggregate artificial coarse aggregate blast-furnace coarse aggregate blast-furnace slag aggregate bloating clay aggregate carbonaceous aggregate catalyzed aggregate cinder aggregate clean aggregate clinker aggregate coarse aggregate coarse-graded aggregate colliery spoil aggregate continuously graded aggregate crushed aggregate crushed stone aggregate cubical aggregate cyclopean aggregate decorative aggregate dense-graded aggregate elongated aggregate fair-faced aggregate fine aggregate fine-graded aggregate flaky aggregate foam slag aggregate furnace cinder aggregate gap-graded aggregate glassy volcanic aggregates graded aggregate heated aggregates heavyweight aggregate high density aggregate highly absorptive aggregates interlock aggregate irregular aggregate lightweight aggregate lightweight expanded clay aggregate load-bearing aggregate low-grade aggregate metal aggregate natural aggregate open-graded aggregate organic aggregates plastic aggregate porous aggregate pozzolanic aggregate pumice aggregate reactive aggregate recycled from left-over concrete aggregate rounded aggregate saturated surface-dry aggregate single-sized aggregate sintered PFA aggregate special-purpose aggregates surface-dry aggregate vermiculite aggregate well-graded aggregate ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) агрегат 2) строит. заполнитель 3) электрон., вчт. агрегат, составное значение; множество 4) группировать; укрупнять - all-in aggregate - artificial aggregate - artificially graded aggregate - clean aggregate - coarse aggregate - concrete aggregate - crusher-run aggregate - data aggregate - dense aggregate - fine aggregate - fully-graded aggregate - gap-graded aggregate - graded aggregate - heavyweight aggregate - hydraulic aggregate - inert aggregate - lightweight aggregate - loose aggregate - manufactured aggregate - mortar aggregate - multiple-size aggregate - natural aggregate - nonreactive aggregate - porous aggregate - prepacked aggregate - reactive aggregate - single-sized aggregate - soft aggregate - tough aggregate - ungraded aggregate - well-graded aggregate ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a collection of, or the total of, disparate elements. 2 pieces of crushed stone, gravel, etc. used in making concrete. 3 a Geol. a mass of minerals formed into solid rock. b a mass of particles. --adj. 1 (of disparate elements) collected into one mass. 2 constituted by the collection of many units into one body. 3 Bot. a (of fruit) formed from several carpels derived from the same flower (e.g. raspberry). b (of a species) closely related. --v. 1 tr. & intr. collect together; combine into one mass. 2 tr. colloq. amount to (a specified total). 3 tr. unite (was aggregated to the group). Phrases and idioms in the aggregate as a whole. Derivatives aggregation n. aggregative adj. Etymology: L aggregare aggregat- herd together (as AD-, grex gregis flock) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English aggregat, from Latin aggregatus, past participle of aggregare to add to, from ad- + greg-, grex flock  Date: 15th century formed by the collection of units or particles into a body, mass, or amount ; collective: as  a.  (1) clustered in a dense mass or head an ~ flower  (2) formed from several separate ovaries of a single flower ~ fruit  b. composed of mineral crystals of one or more kinds or of mineral rock fragments  c. taking all units as a whole ~ sales  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. transitive verb  (-gated; -gating)  Date: 15th century  1. to collect or gather into a mass or whole  2. to amount in the ~ to ; total  III. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one another  2. the whole sum or amount ; sum total  3.  a. an ~ rock  b. any of several hard inert materials (as sand, gravel, or slag) used for mixing with a cementing material to form concrete, mortar, or plaster  c. a clustered mass of individual soil particles varied in shape, ranging in size from a microscopic granule to a small crumb, and considered the basic structural unit of soil  4. set 21  5. monetary ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. An aggregate amount or score is made up of several smaller amounts or scores added together. England have beaten the Welsh three times in succession with an aggregate score of 83-12. ADJ: ADJ n • Aggregate is also a noun. The highest aggregate came in the third round where Leeds and Middlesbrough drew 4-4. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. An aggregate is a number of people or things that are being considered as a single thing. (FORMAL) ...society viewed as an aggregate of individuals. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the total after a lot of different parts or figures have been added together  (Society is not just an aggregate of individuals.) on ~ BrE (=when the points are added together)  (Manchester United won 2-1 on aggregate.) in (the) ~ (=as a group or in total) 2 technical sand or small stones that are used in making concrete1 ~2 adj only before noun technical being the total amount of something, especially money  (aggregate income and investment) ~3 v 1 linking verb to be a particular amount when added together ~ &100/20 etc  (Sheila's earnings from all sources aggregated &100,000.) 2 T usually passive) to put things together in a group to form a total; assemble  (We made estimates using the aggregated data.) aggression ~ n 1 angry or threatening behaviour or feelings that often result in fighting  (Television violence can encourage aggression in children.) 2 the act of attacking a country, especially when that country has not attacked first  (territorial aggression) act of ~  (an unprovoked act of agression on a peaceful nation) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1400, from L. aggregatus, pp. of aggregare "add to," from ad- "to" + gregare "herd," so "to lead to a flock." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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