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Англо-русский биологический словарь - abstract


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экстрагировать, отделять, извлекать

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   1. noun  1) абстракция, отвлеченное понятие; отвлечённый термин in the abstract - отвлеченно, абстрактно; теоретически, в теории justice in the abstract - идея всеобщей справедливости; справедливость вообще  2) конспект; резюме; извлечение (из книги); реферат, краткий обзор - abstract journal - evaluative abstract - abstract service - abstract of record  3) leg. документ о правовом титуле (тж. abstract of title)  4) произведение абстрактного искусства a geometric abstract in red and yellow - абстрактная картина из красных и жёлтых геометрических фигур Syn: see summary  2. adj.  1) абстрактный, отвлеченный abstract concept - абстрактное понятие abstract noun - имя существительное отвлечённое abstract art - абстрактное искусство  2) трудный для понимания ; малопонятный, неясный abstract speculations - абстрактное теоретизирование  3) теоретический abstract mathematics - чистая математика abstract science - фундаментальная наука  4) art абстрактный, непрезентативный abstract impressionism - абстрактный импрессионизм abstract music - абстрактная музыка  3. v.  1) отнимать, извлекать the letter was abstracted from the bag - письмо было извлечено из портфеля  2) абстрагировать; рассматривать отвлечённо  3) абстрагироваться abstracting from - отвлекаясь от  4) резюмировать; суммировать; реферировать  5) coll....
Англо-русский словарь
  1. абстракция, отвлеченное понятие in the abstract —- абстрактно, отвлеченно; в теории, теоретически justice in the abstract —- идея всеобщей справедливости; справедливость вообще 2. отвлеченный термин 3. резюме, конспект, реферат, краткий обзор abstract bulletin —- реферативный бюллетень 4. юр. документ о правовом титуле 5. произведение абстрактного искусства a geometric abstract in red and yellow —- абстрактная картина из красных и желтых геометрических фигур 6. абстрактный, отвлеченный abstract concept —- абстрактное понятие abstract noun —- имя существительное отвлеченное 7. теоретический abstract mathematics —- чистая математика abstract science —- фундаментальная наука 8. трудный для понимания; малопонятный, неясный abstract speculations —- абстрактное теоретизирование 9. иск. абстрактный, непрезентативный abstract impressionism —- абстрактный импрессионизм abstract music —- абстрактная музыка 10. отнимать; отделять, извлекать the letter was abstracted from the bag —- письмо было извлечено из портфеля to abstract metal from ore —- извлекать металл из руды 11. абстрагировать; рассматривать отвлеченно to abstract oneself from smth. —- отвлекаться от чего-л. to abstract the notion of time and space —- рассматривать отвлеченно понятия времени и пространства 12. абстрагироваться...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  экстрагировать, отделять, извлекать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  документ о землепользовании заказной бланк на лифтовую установку bid abstract сводка заявок на подряд перечень кандидатов в подрядчики сборник единичных расценок (предлагаемых заказчиком для выбора подрядчика на торгах) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) аннотация 2) реферат; конспект; резюме 3) абстрактный объект 4) абстрагировать(ся) - descriptive abstract - informative abstract ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., v., & n. --adj. 1 a to do with or existing in thought rather than matter, or in theory rather than practice; not tangible or concrete (abstract questions rarely concerned him). b (of a word, esp. a noun) denoting a quality or condition or intangible thing rather than a concrete object. 2 (of art) achieving its effect by grouping shapes and colours in satisfying patterns rather than by the recognizable representation of physical reality. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by from) take out of; extract; remove. 2 a tr. summarize (an article, book, etc.). b intr. do this as an occupation. 3 tr. & refl. (often foll. by from) disengage (a person's attention etc.); distract. 4 tr. (foll. by from) consider abstractly or separately from something else. 5 tr. euphem. steal. --n. 1 a summary or statement of the contents of a book etc. 2 an abstract work of art. 3 an abstraction or abstract term. Phrases and idioms abstract expressionism a development of abstract art which aims at a subjective emotional expression of an ideal rather than a picture of a physical object. in the abstract in theory rather than in practice. Derivatives abstractly adv. abstractor n. (in sense 2 of v.). Etymology: ME f. OF abstract or L abstractus past part. of abstrahere (as AB-, trahere draw) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Medieval Latin ~us, from Latin, past participle of abstrahere to drag away, from abs-, ab- + trahere to pull, draw  Date: 14th century  1.  a. disassociated from any specific instance an ~ entity  b. difficult to understand ; abstruse ~ problems  c. insufficiently factual ; formal possessed only an ~ right  2. expressing a quality apart from an object the word poem is concrete, poetry is ~  3.  a. dealing with a subject in its ~ aspects ; theoretical ~ science  b. impersonal, detached the ~ compassion of a surgeon — Time  4. having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content ~ painting  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us  Date: 15th century  1. a summary of points (as of a writing) usually presented in skeletal form; also something that summarizes or concentrates the essentials of a larger thing or several things  2. an ~ thing or state  3. ~ion 4a  III. Date: 1542  transitive verb  1. remove, separate  2. to consider apart from application to or association with a particular instance  3. to make an ~ of ; summarize  4. to draw away the attention of  5. steal, purloin  intransitive verb to make an ~ion  • ~able adjective  • ~or or ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (abstracts) 1. An abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events. ...abstract principles such as justice... It’s not a question of some abstract concept. = theoretical ADJ • abstractly It is hard to think abstractly in these conditions. ADV 2. When you talk or think about something in the abstract, you talk or think about it in a general way, rather than considering particular things or events. Money was a commodity she never thought about except in the abstract. PHRASE: PHR with cl/group 3. In grammar, an abstract noun refers to a quality or idea rather than to a physical object. ...abstract words such as glory, honor, and courage. ? concrete ADJ: ADJ n 4. Abstract art makes use of shapes and patterns rather than showing people or things. ...a modern abstract painting. ? figurative ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. An abstract is an abstract work of art. N-COUNT 6. An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a short piece of writing that gives the main points of it. = summary N-COUNT: oft N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events ~ thought/reasoning (=thought about complicated ideas rather than about things that are around you)  (a machine that is capable of abstract thought) 2 existing only as an idea or quality rather than as something real that you can see or touch  (Beauty is an abstract concept.)  (- compare concrete1 (2)) 3 ~ paintings, designs etc consist of shapes and patterns that do not look like real people or things  (- compare figurative (2))  (- see also abstract) ~2 n 1 in the ~ considered in a general way rather than being based on specific details and examples  (Talking about bringing up children in the abstract just isn't enough.) 2 a short written statement of the most important ideas in a speech, article etc 3 a painting, design etc which contains shapes or images that do not look like real things or people ~3 v 1 to use information from a speech, article etc in a shorter piece of writing that contains the most important ideas 2 formal to remove something from somewhere or from a place ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - late 14c., from L. abstractus, pp. of abstrahere "draw away," from ab(s)- "away" + trahere "draw." Abstract art dates from 1915; abstract expressionism from 1952. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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