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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - wing


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Перевод с английского языка wing на русский


• крыло

• лететь

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См. в других словарях

  1. крыло wings of birds —- крылья птиц a chicken wing —- кул. крылышко курицы a wing of a rabbit —- кроличья передняя лапка 2. крыло (кузова) автомобиля 3. оперение стрелы 4. парус 5. рука a touch in the wing —- ранение в руку 6. воен. спорт. фланг left wing —- левый фланг king's wing —- шахм. королевский фланг 7. флигель, крыло (дома) 8. группировка, крыло the right wing of a political party —- правое крыло политической партии 9. ам. филиал; местное отделение (организации и т. п.) 10. створка (двери, ширмы) 11. театр. кулиса 12. театр. pl. помещение за кулисами 13. pl. плечики (на одежде) 14. бот. крыло (цветка мотыльковых); крылатка (семени) 15. анат. крыло, крылоподобный придаток 16. спорт. нападающий, форвард left wing —- левый нападающий 17. pl. "крылышки" (нагрудный знак летчиков) to hang up one's wings —- разг. выходить в отставку (о летчике) 18. тех. полка (угольника) 19. pl. горн. кулаки, подхваты 20. геол. крыло (антиклинали и т. п.) 21. мор. бортовой коридор 22. воен. авиакрыло; ракетное крыло (организационная единица) strategic missile wing —- крыло стратегических ракет Id: to wait in the wings —- ожидать за кулисами выхода на сцену; ждать своего часа, поджидать удобного случая Id: on the wing —- в полете; в пути; в переездах с места на место Id: to shoot a bird on the wing —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) крыло 2) боковой лепесток, крыло (у бобовых) 3) ветка 4) крылатка (у семени) 5) анат. крылоподобный придаток to take wing — взлетать on the wing — на лету; в полёте – wings of heart – bastard wing – clear wing – fore wing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) барашковый 2) крыло 3) крыловый 4) крыльев 5) крыльевый 6) крыльчатый 7) крыльях 8) кулисный 9) лопастной 10) полочный aerodynamic center of wing — аэродинамический фокус крыла aspect ratio of wing — относительное удлинение крыла axial wing fence — гребень аэродинамический blunt edge of a wing — тупая кромка крыла leading edge of a wing — передняя кромка крыла outboard section of wing — консоль крыла swing section of wing — консоль крыла trailing edge of a wing — задняя кромка крыла trailing edge of wing — физ. кромка крыла задняя wing angle of incidence — угол установки крыла wing attachment to the fuselage — машиностр. узел стыковочный wing of finite span — физ. крыло конечного размаха to weep wings back — увеличивать стреловидность (самолета с изменяемой геометрией крыла) - V dihedral wing - adjustable wing - all-moving wing - bridge wing - cantilever wing - cutter wing - delta wing - detachable wing - dipping wing - divided wing - door wing - flapping wing - flying wing - high wing - high-lift wing - leading wing - low wing - moldboard wing - monocoque wing - ogival wing - one-piece wing - outboard wing - parallel wing - rectangular wing - scissor wing - skin on wing - straight wing - stub wing - swept wing - swept-back wing - swept-forward wing - swing wing - taper wing - tapered wing - trailing wing - triangular wing - upper wing - variable-geometry wing - variable-sweep wing - warped wing - wing fence - wing flap - wing float - wing moment - wing nut - wing outline - wing panel - wing planform - wing rib - wing root - wing section - wing sheath - wing skin - wing span - wing stiffness - wing sweep - wing taper - wing tip - wing wake ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  крыло (здания), флигель (дома) створка вращающейся двери кулисы (сцены) утолщённая шиферная плитка, вставляемая в паз фасонной детали вынос сверла пневматической дрели central wing retaining wing ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) крыло 2) лезвие (бура) 3) лопасть (бурового долота, обтюратора) 4) флигель; крыло (здания) 5) створка (двери); полотно (двери-вертушки) 6) метал. полка (уголка) 7) швейн. верхняя плечевая накладка to detach a wing — возд. отстыковывать крыло - air transport wing - all-moving wing - anhedral wing - arrow-type wing - augmentor wing - backswept wing - bolt-on front wing - boundary layer controlled wing - braced wing - bridge wing - cantilever wing - clean wing - cooling wing - crescent wing - delta wing - dihedral wing - elevator wing - elliptical wing - fixed wing - folding wing - forward-swept wing - gull wing - high wing - high-lift devices wing - inner wing - inverted-gull wing - lateral wing - low wing - lower wing - mid wing - monospar wing - outer wing - pivoting wing - rail wing - rectangular wing - shoulder wing - single bay wing - slotted wing - stressed-skin wing - swept wing - sweptforward wing - tapered wing - thin-film rectenna-equipped wing - torsion box wing - two-spar wing - upper wing - variable-area wing - variable-geometry wing - variable-incidence wing - variable-sweep wing ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 each of the limbs or organs by which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly. 2 a rigid horizontal winglike structure forming a supporting part of an aircraft. 3 part of a building etc. which projects or is extended in a certain direction (lived in the north wing). 4 a a forward player at either end of a line in football, hockey, etc. b the side part of a playing-area. 5 (in pl.) the sides of a theatre stage out of view of the audience. 6 a section of a political party in terms of the extremity of its views. 7 a flank of a battle array (the cavalry were massed on the left wing). 8 Brit. the part of a motor vehicle covering a wheel. 9 a an air-force unit of several squadrons or groups. b (in pl.) a pilot's badge in the RAF etc. (get one's wings). 10 Anat. & Bot. a lateral part or projection of an organ or structure. --v. 1 intr. & tr. travel or traverse on wings or in an aircraft (winging through the air; am winging my way home). 2 tr. wound in a wing or an arm. 3 tr. equip with wings. 4 tr. enable to fly; send in flight (fear winged my steps; winged an arrow towards them). Phrases and idioms give (or lend) wings to speed up (a person or a thing). on the wing flying or in flight. on a wing and a prayer with only the slightest chance of success. spread (or stretch) one's wings develop one's powers fully. take under one's wing treat as a prot{eacute}g{eacute}. take wing fly away; soar. waiting in the wings holding oneself in readiness. wing-beat one complete set of motions with a wing in flying. wing-case the horny cover of an insect's wing. wing-chair a chair with side-pieces projecting forwards at the top of a high back. wing-collar a man's high stiff collar with turned-down corners. wing commander an RAF officer next below group captain. winged words highly apposite or significant words. wing-game game-birds. wing-nut a nut with projections for the fingers to turn it on a screw. wing-span (or -spread) measurement right across the wings of a bird or aircraft. wing-stroke = wing-beat. wing-tip the outer end of an...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~e, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish & Swedish vinge ~; akin to Sanskrit vati it blows — more at wind  Date: 13th century  1.  a. one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also such an appendage even though rudimentary if possessed by an animal belonging to a group characterized by the power of flight  b. any of various anatomical structures (as of a flying fish or flying lemur) providing means of limited flight  2. an appendage or part resembling a ~ in appearance, position, or function: as  a. a device worn under the arms to aid a person in swimming or staying afloat  b. ala  c. a turned-back or extended edge on an article of clothing  d. a sidepiece at the top of an armchair  e.  (1) a foliaceous, membranous, or woody expansion of a plant especially along a stem or on a samara or capsule  (2) either of the two lateral petals of a papilionaceous flower  f. a vane of a windmill or arrow  g. sail  h. an airfoil that develops a major part of the lift which supports a heavier-than-air aircraft  i. chiefly British fender d  3. a means of flight or rapid progress  4. the act or manner of flying ; flight take ~  5. a side or outlying region or district  6. a part or feature of a building usually projecting from and subordinate to the main or central part the servants' ~  7.  a. one of the pieces of scenery at the side of a stage  b. plural the area at the side of the stage out of sight  8.  a. a left or right section of an army or fleet ; flank  b. one of the offensive positions or players on either side of a center position in certain team sports; also flanker  9.  a. either of two opposing groups within an organization or society ; faction  b. a section of an organized body (as a legislative chamber) representing a group or faction holding distinct opinions or policies — compare left ~, right ~  10.  a. a unit of the United States...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wings) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The wings of a bird or insect are the two parts of its body that it uses for flying. The bird flapped its wings furiously... N-COUNT • -winged ...black-winged birds. COMB in ADJ 2. The wings of an aeroplane are the long flat parts sticking out of its side which support it while it is flying. N-COUNT • -winged ...a wide-winged plane. COMB in ADJ 3. A wing of a building is a part of it which sticks out from the main part. We were given an office in the empty west wing. N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. A wing of an organization, especially a political organization, is a group within it which has a particular function or particular beliefs. ...the military wing of the African National Congress. N-COUNT: with supp, usu supp N see also left-wing, right-wing 5. In a theatre, the wings are the sides of the stage which are hidden from the audience by curtains or scenery. Most nights I watched the start of the play from the wings. N-PLURAL: the N 6. In a game such as football or hockey, the left wing and the right wing are the areas on the far left and the far right of the pitch. You can also refer to the players who play in these positions as the left wing and the right wing. N-COUNT: usu supp N 7. A wing of a car is a part of it on the outside which is over one of the wheels. (BRIT; in AM, use fender) N-COUNT 8. If you say that something or someone wings their way somewhere or wings somewhere, you mean that they go there quickly, especially by plane. A few moments later they were airborne and winging their way south... A cash bonanza will be winging its way to the 600,000 members of the scheme... The first of the airliners winged westwards and home. VERB: V way adv/prep, V way adv/prep, V adv/prep 9. If you say that someone is waiting in the wings, you mean that they are ready and waiting for an opportunity to take action. There are now more than 20 big companies waiting in the wings to take...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »BIRDS« a) one of the parts of a bird's or insect's body that it uses for flying  (a butterfly with beautiful markings on its wings | flap its wings (=move them up and down))  (vultures circling overhead, lazily flapping their wings.) b) the meat on the wing bone of a chicken, duck etc, used as food  (spicy chicken wings) 2 »PLANE« one of the large flat parts that stick out from the side of a plane and help to keep it in the air 3 »BUILDING« one of the parts of a large building, especially one that sticks out from the main part  (the east wing of the palace | She works in the hospital's maternity wing.) 4 »POLITICS« a group within a political party or similar organization, whose members share particular opinions and aims, especially when these are different from those of most people in the organization  (She's on the liberal wing of the Republican Party.)  (- see also left wing2, right wing) 5 »SPORT« a) someone who plays on the far left or far right of the field in games like football b) the far left or right part of the field 6 »CAR« BrE the part of a car's body that covers the wheels; fender (2) AmE 7 take sb under your wing to give help and protection, especially to someone younger or less experienced 8 (waiting) in the wings ready to take action or ready to be used when the time is right  (There's a whole series of tax-cutting measures waiting in the wings.) 9 »THEATRE« the wings the parts at either side of a stage where the actors are hidden from view 10 be on the wing literary if a bird is on the wing, it is flying 11 take wing literary to fly away 12 get your wings to pass the necessary flying exams and become a pilot ~2 v 1 especially literary to fly  (a flock of geese winging down the coast from Iceland) 2 wing its way a) to fly  (planes winging their way to exotic destinations) b) to be sent quickly from one place to another  (Our special first prize will soon be winging its way towards you.) 3 to wound a person or bird in the arm or wing 4 wing it AmE spoken to do something without planning or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1175, wenge, from O.N. vжngr "wing of a bird, aisle, etc.," of unknown origin, perhaps related to PIE base *we- "blow." Replaced O.E. feрra (pl.) "wings." The meaning "either of two divisions of a political party, army, etc." is first recorded c.1400; theatrical sense is from 1790. Wing it (1885) is from theatrical slang sense of an actor learning his lines in the wings before going onstage. The verb to wing "shoot a bird in the wing" is from 1802. The slang sense of to earn (one's) wings is 1940s, from the wing-shaped badges awarded to air cadets on graduation. Wingnut "weird person" first recorded 1980s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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