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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - track


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Перевод с английского языка track на русский


• линия пути

• маршрут полета

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  up оставлять следы; наследить, напачкать; wipe your feet or youll track up the kitchen вытирайте ноги, а то вы наследите в кухне TRACK record  1) спортивные достижения  2) достижения (в какой-л. области); стаж (работы); послужной список TRACK  1. noun  1) след - be on the track of - be in the track of - lose track of - keep track of - keep the track of events  2) проселочная дорога; тропинка  3) жизненный путь; off the track - сбившийся с пути, на ложном пути [см. тж. track  1.  6) и track  1. (i) ]  4) курс, путь; the track of a comet - путь кометы  5) ряд, вереница (событий, мыслей)  6) railways колея, рельсовый путь - single track - double track - leave the track - off the track  7) tech. направляющее устройство  8) sport лыжня; беговая дорожка; трек  9) sport легкая атлетика  10) гусеница (трактора, танка)  11) aeron. путь, трасса, маршрут полета  12) дорожка (фонограммы); фонограмма in ones tracks sl. - на месте; немедленно, тотчас же to make tracks coll. - дать тягу, улизнуть, убежать to make tracks for coll. - отправиться, направить свои стопы on the inside track amer. - в выгодном положении off the track - уклонившийся от темы [см. тж. track  1.  3) и track  1.  6) ]  2. v.  1) следить, прослеживать; выслеживать (обыкн. track out, track up, track down)  2) amer. оставлять следы; наследить, напачкать  3) прокладывать путь; намечать курс  4) катиться по колее (о...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. след bear tracks —- следы медведя the track of a wagon —- след повозки to follow smb.s tracks —- идти по чьему-л. следу to follow in smb.'s tracks —- следовать (идти следом) за кем-л. to throw smb. off one's track —- сбить кого-л. со следа he did it just to throw us off the track —- он сделал это, чтобы сбить нас с толку to be on the track of —- преследовать; напасть на след the hounds were on the track of a fox —- собаки взяли лисий след he came on the tracks of his enemies —- он напал на след своих врагов to lose track of —- потерять след to put upon the track of smb. —- направить на чей-л. след to be in the track of smb. —- идти по стопам (следовать примеру) кого-л. 2. выслеживание, преследование (преступника, беглеца и т. п.) 3. место, где кто-л. стоит in one's tracks —- на месте; сразу, тотчас же, немедленно to stop in one's tracks —- остановиться, замереть to fall (to drop) dead in one's tracks —- упасть замертво 4. воен. трасса 5. воен. направляющий рельс 6. физ. трек, след (частицы) 7. остаток; признак, след to leave one's tracks everywhere —- всюду оставлять свои следы to cover up one's tracks —- заметать свои следы to cover up smb.'s tracks —- покрывать кого-л. 8. курс, путь the track of a comet —- путь кометы the track of a storm —- направление шторма the track of a bullet —- траектория пули 9. курс a new track in foreign affairs —- новый внешнеполитический курс 10. ав. маршрут полета (на карте)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) след; следить, выслеживать 2) путь – germ track ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) курс 2) путь 3) рельсовый путь 4) верхнее строение пути 5) маршрут полета - be on a strong track - have the inside track - house tracks - industry tracks - passing track - side track - spur track - storage track - team track ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) гусеница 2) гусеничный 3) данные отслеживания 4) дорожка 5) дорожка записи 6) колея 7) аэро маршрут 8) оставлять след 9) отслеживать 10) тех. полоса 11) прокладывать путь 12) путь 13) следить 14) следовой 15) слежечный 16) тех. сопрягать контуры 17) траектория 18) трак 19) трек 20) ходовой center line of a track — ось пути closed track circuit — нормально-замкнутая рельсовая цепь double-rail track circuit — ж.-д. цепь рельсовая двухниточная half-wave track circuit — импульсная рельсовая цепь ж.-д. illuminated track indicator — световое путевое табло inward track route — входной маршрут magnetic sound track — магнитная фонограмма outgoing track route — выходной маршрут series track circuit — ж.-д. цепь рельсовая конденсаторная single sound track — многоканальная фонограмма single-rail track circuit — однониточная рельсовая цепь, ж.-д. цепь рельсовая однониточная spot surfacing of track — местная выправка пути track link pin — палец трака гусеницы track made good — линия фактического пути - body track - clock track - closed track - code track - digital track - displacement of track - dye sound track - haulage track - information track - keep track - narrow-gauge track - overflow track - pegging of track - rail track - railroad track - recorder track - recording track - required track - return to track - reverse track - share track - shifting of track - side track - stub track - sun track - taxi track - track addition - track bolt - track charting - track circuit - track circuiting - track combine - track...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) дорожка 2) музыкальный фрагмент, записанный на компакт-диске 3) путь; маршрут 4) межсоединение 5) трассировка – address track – adjacent track – audio track – class-A push-pull track – class-B push-pull track – clock track – control track – crossover track – cue track – digital track – helical track – home track – magnetic sound track – previous track – programmed track – signal track – skipped track – storage track – transport track – variable-area track – variable-density track – video track ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  гусеничная цепь, гусеничная лента, гусеница (тж. мн.ч.[/p]) трак, звено гусеничной цепи колея; рельсовый путь полоса наката (на проезжей части при движении автомобилей) дорога; путь конвейер трек tracks of overhead traveling cranes approach track ballastless track bicycle track caterpillar track continuous track continuous welded rail track crawler track curved track dead-end track fast track floor track ladder track main track marshaling track overhead tracks pedal cycle track rail track running track side track standard-gauge single track station track storage track tangent track yard track ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дорога; путь 2) маршрут; трасса прокладывать маршрут; прокладывать трассу 3) (рельсовый) путь 4) след следить; прослеживать 5) колея следовать по колее; прокладывать колею 6) канавка (образуемая алмазом долота на забое скважины) 7) схема поражения забоя (в алмазном бурении) 8) трелёвочный волок 9) направляющее устройство; направляющая 10) конвейер, транспортёр 11) трак; гусеница, траковая лента 12) звено гусеничной цепи 13) протектор шины 14) направление; курс; линия пути (полёта) 15) адресовать (груз) 16) траектория; трек (частицы) 17) кфт. канал; тракт 18) дорожка (звукозаписи); строчка (видеозаписи) 19) фонограмма (фильма) 20) тлв перемещать камеру (по определённому маршруту) 21) дорожка перфорации, перфорация 22) проводник; межсоединение; токопроводящая дорожка 23) радио сопряжение контуров сопрягать контуры 24) сопровождение (цели); слежение (за целью) сопровождать (цель); следить (за целью) 25) рлк проекция курса 26) мн. ч. ж.-д. путевое развитие track in azimuth and elevation — сопровождение по азимуту и углу места; track in range — сопровождение по дальности; track on target — сопровождение цели; to enter the final approach track — выходить на посадочную прямую; to track out — отслеживать - acoustic...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a mark or marks left by a person, animal, or thing in passing. b (in pl.) such marks esp. footprints. 2 a rough path, esp. one beaten by use. 3 a continuous railway line (laid three miles of track). 4 a a racecourse for horses, dogs, etc. b a prepared course for runners etc. 5 a a groove on a gramophone record. b a section of a gramophone record containing one song etc. (this side has six tracks). c a lengthwise strip of magnetic tape containing one sequence of signals. 6 a a line of travel, passage, or motion (followed the track of the hurricane; America followed in the same track). b the path travelled by a ship, aircraft, etc. (cf. COURSE n. 2c). 7 a continuous band round the wheels of a tank, tractor, etc. 8 the transverse distance between a vehicle's wheels. 9 = SOUNDTRACK. 10 a line of reasoning or thought (this track proved fruitless). --v. 1 tr. follow the track of (an animal, person, spacecraft, etc.). 2 tr. make out (a course, development, etc.); trace by vestiges. 3 intr. (often foll. by back, in, etc.) (of a film or television camera) move in relation to the subject being filmed. 4 intr. (of wheels) run so that the back ones are exactly in the track of the front ones. 5 intr. (of a gramophone stylus) follow a groove. 6 tr. US a make a track with (dirt etc.) from the feet. b leave such a track on (a floor etc.). Phrases and idioms in one's tracks colloq. where one stands, there and then (stopped him in his tracks). keep (or lose) track of follow (or fail to follow) the course or development of. make tracks colloq. go or run away. make tracks for colloq. go in pursuit of or towards. off the track away from the subject. on a person's track 1 in pursuit of him or her. 2 in possession of a clue to a person's conduct, plans, etc. on the wrong side of (or across) the tracks colloq. in an inferior or dubious part of town. on the wrong (or right) track following the wrong (or right) line of inquiry. track down reach or capture by tracking. track events running-races as opposed to jumping etc. (cf. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English trak, from Middle French trac  Date: 15th century  1.  a. detectable evidence (as the wake of a ship, a line of footprints, or a wheel rut) that something has passed  b. a path made by or as if by repeated footfalls ; trail  c. a course laid out especially for racing  d. the parallel rails of a railroad  e.  (1) one of a series of parallel or concentric paths along which material (as music or information) is recorded (as on a phonograph record or magnetic tape)  (2) a group of grooves on a phonograph record containing recorded sound  (3) material recorded especially on or as if on a ~ a laugh ~ instrumental ~s a bonus commentary ~ on a DVD  f. a usually metal way (as a groove) serving as a guide (as for a movable lighting fixture)  2. a footprint whether recent or fossil the huge ~ of a dinosaur  3.  a. the course along which something moves or progresses  b. a way of life, conduct, or action  c. one of several curricula of study to which students are assigned according to their needs or levels of ability  d. the projection on the earth's surface of the path along which something (as a missile or an airplane) has flown  4.  a. a sequence of events ; a train of ideas ; succession  b. an awareness of a fact, progression, or condition keep ~ of the costs lose ~ of the time  5.  a. the width of a wheeled vehicle from wheel to wheel and usually from the outside of the rims  b. the tread of an automobile tire  c. either of two endless belts on which a ~laying vehicle travels  6. ~-and-field sports; especially those performed on a running ~  Synonyms: see trace  • ~less adjective  II. verb  Date: 1565  transitive verb  1.  a. to follow the ~s or traces of ; trail  b. to search for by following evidence until found ~ down the source  2.  a. to follow by vestiges ; trace  b. to observe or plot the moving path of (as a spacecraft or missile) often instrumentally  3. to travel over ; traverse ~ a desert  4.  a. to make ~s upon  b. to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tracks, tracking, tracked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A track is a narrow road or path. We set off once more, over a rough mountain track. = path N-COUNT 2. A track is a piece of ground, often oval-shaped, that is used for races involving athletes, cars, bicycles, horses, or dogs called greyhounds. The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track. ...the athletics track. N-COUNT 3. Railway tracks are the rails that a train travels along. A woman fell on to the tracks. N-COUNT: usu pl 4. A track is one of the songs or pieces of music on a CD, record, or tape. N-COUNT 5. Tracks are marks left in the ground by the feet of animals or people. The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow... N-PLURAL: oft supp N 6. If you track animals or people, you try to follow them by looking for the signs that they have left behind, for example the marks left by their feet. He thought he had better track this wolf and kill it... VERB: V n 7. To track someone or something means to follow their movements by means of a special device, such as a satellite or radar. Our radar began tracking the jets... VERB: V n 8. If you track someone or something, you investigate them, because you are interested in finding out more about them. If it’s possible, track the rumour back to its origin... VERB: V n 9. In a school, a track is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together. (AM; in BRIT, use stream) N-COUNT 10. To track students means to divide them into groups according to their ability. (AM; in BRIT, use stream) Students are already being tracked. VERB: be V-ed, also V n • tracking Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs. N-UNCOUNT 11. see also backtrack, fast track, racetrack, sidetrack, soundtrack, title track 12. If someone covers their tracks, they hide or destroy evidence of their identity or their actions, because they want to keep...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ROAD« a narrow road with a rough uneven surface that cars can travel on  (The road leading to the farm was little more than a rough track. | a deeply-rutted cart track) 2 »PATH« a narrow path, especially one made by people or animals frequently walking in the same place  (a mountain track | The track led through dense forest.) 3 »FOR RACING« a circular course around which runners, cars etc race, often with a specially prepared surface  (To run a mile, you have to run four circuits of the track.)  (- see also dirt track) 4 »RAILWAY« the two metal lines along which trains travel or the narrow strip of land to which they are fixed; railway line  (The track was damaged in several places.) 5 tracks a line of marks left on the ground by a moving person, animal, or vehicle  (We followed the tyre tracks across a muddy field. | The tracks, which looked like a fox's, led into the woods.) 6 be on the right/wrong track to think in a way that is likely to lead to a correct or incorrect result  (He's not interested in her at all - you're on the wrong track there.) 7 »MUSIC/SONG« one of the songs or pieces of music on a record, cassette, or CD  (There's a great Miles Davis track on side two.) 8 keep/lose track of to pay attention to someone or something so that you know where they are or what is happening to them, or to fail to do this  (It's difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in genetics.) 9 stop (dead) in your tracks to suddenly stop, especially because something has frightened or surprised you  (Fay stopped in her tracks and pointed at the house.) 10 cover/hide your tracks to be careful not to leave any signs that could let people know where you have been or what you have done because you want to keep it a secret  (We don't know where Ford is, he's been very clever in covering his tracks.) 11 be on the track of to hunt or search for someone or something  (Police are on the track of a gang that has robbed five post offices in the last month.) 12 »SPORT« AmE a) sport that involves running on a track...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1470, "footprint, mark left by anything," from M.Fr. trac, possibly from a Gmc. source (cf. M.L.G. treck, see trek). Meaning "lines of rails for drawing trains" is from 1805. The verb is 1565, from the noun. Track record (1965) is a figurative use from horse racing. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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