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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - rub


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Перевод с английского языка rub на русский


• 1) тереться; 2) протирать

• трение

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   1. noun  1) трение  2) натирание; растирание; give it a rub! - потрите!  3) стирание; the rub of a brush - чистка щеткой  4) натертое место  5) неровность почвы (мешающая игре)  6) coll. затруднение, препятствие, помеха; камень преткновения; there is the rub - вот в чем загвоздка  7) dial. оселок  2. v.  1) тереть(ся) (against - обо что-л.); to rub ones hands - потирать руки; I could feel the cat rubbing against my leg.  2) натирать, начищать (тж. rub up)  3) стирать(ся) (тж. rub away, rub off); to rub smth. to powder - растереть что-л. в порошок  4) втирать, натирать (on, over)  5) протирать  6) натирать; to rub sore - натирать до крови  7) соприкасаться; задевать  8) копировать рисунок (с меди или камня), притирая к нему бумагу карандашом - rub along - rub away - rub down - rub in - rub into - rub off - rub out - rub through - rub together - rub up to rub the wrong way - гладить против шерсти; раздражать to rub smb. s nose into the fact amer.; coll. - ткнуть кого-л. носом, указать кому-л. на факт to rub it in - ткнуть кого-л. носом; грубо напомнить (ошибку и т.п.) RUB along coll.  а) ладить, уживаться The workers seem to be rubbing along with the new director  б) продвигаться, пробираться с трудом;  в) кое-как перебиваться I can rub along on a reduced income for a short time, but not for ever. RUB away  а) стирать, оттирать She tried to rub her tears away.  б) лишать(ся) новизны, стирать(ся) The middle of each step has rubbed away...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. трение 2. натирание, растирание to give smth. a good rub —- хорошенько потереть что-л. an alcohol rub —- растирание спиртом 3. стирание the rub of a brush —- чистка щеткой 4. натертое место 5. препятствие, помеха, затруднение the rubs and worries of life —- житейские треволнения; превратности судьбы there's the rub, here lies the rub —- вот в чем трудность (загвоздка) 6. неожиданное столкновение с чем-л. неприятным 7. поддразнивание, язвительная насмешка 8. диал. оселок 9. тереть he had hurt his leg and was rubbing it —- он потирал ушибленную ногу to rub one's hands with soap —- намылить руки to rub the surface dry —- вытереть поверхность досуха to rub one's hands —- потирать руки (от удовольствия) the dog rubbed its head against my legs —- собака терлась головой о мои ноги to rub two things together —- тереть два предмета друг о друга 10. тереться 11. протирать rub the glasses with this cloth —- протрите стаканы этим полотенцем 12. натирать; вызывать кожное раздражение my shoe is rubbing my heel —- ботинок натирает мне пятку to rub sore —- натирать до крови 13. (with) натирать (чем-л.) to rub one's chest with ointment —- натереть грудь мазью 14. (обыкн. into) втирать rub some of this cream into your skin to protect it from the sun —- для защиты от солнца натритесь этим кремом rub this suntan oil on your skin —- намажьтесь этим маслом для загара 15. (into)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) потер 2) тереть 3) трение 4) тру - paint rub test ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) трение 2) натирание; притирание натирать; притирать 3) полировать 4) затирать (штукатурку) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (rubbed, rubbing) 1 tr. move one's hand or another object with firm pressure over the surface of. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by against, in, on, over) apply (one's hand etc.) in this way. 3 tr. clean or polish or make dry or bare by rubbing. 4 tr. (often foll. by over) apply (polish, ointment, etc.) by rubbing. 5 tr. (foll. by in, into, through) use rubbing to make (a substance) go into or through something. 6 tr. (often foll. by together) move or slide (objects) against each other. 7 intr. (foll. by against, on) move with contact or friction. 8 tr. chafe or make sore by rubbing. 9 intr. (of cloth, skin, etc.) become frayed or worn or sore or bare with friction. 10 tr. reproduce the design of (a sepulchral brass or a stone) by rubbing paper laid on it with heelball or coloured chalk etc. 11 tr. (foll. by to) reduce to powder etc. by rubbing. 12 intr. Bowls (of a bowl) be slowed or diverted by the unevenness of the ground. --n. 1 a spell or an instance of rubbing (give it a rub). 2 a an impediment or difficulty (there's the rub). b Bowls an inequality of the ground impeding or diverting a bowl; the diversion or hindering of a bowl by this. Phrases and idioms rub along colloq. cope or manage without undue difficulty. rub down dry or smooth or clean by rubbing. rub-down n. an instance of rubbing down. rub elbows with US = rub shoulders with. rub one's hands rub one's hands together usu. in sign of keen satisfaction, or for warmth. rub it in (or rub a person's nose in it) emphasize or repeat an embarrassing fact etc. rub noses rub one's nose against another's in greeting. rub off 1 (usu. foll. by on) be transferred by contact, be transmitted (some of his attitudes have rubbed off on me). 2 remove by rubbing. rub of (or on) the green Golf an accidental interference with the course or position of a ball. rub on colloq. = rub along. rub out 1 erase with a rubber. 2 esp. US sl. kill, eliminate. rub shoulders with associate or come into contact with (another person). rub up 1 polish (a tarnished object). 2 brush up (a subject...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Etymology: Middle English ~ben; akin to East Frisian ~ben to ~, scrape, Icelandic ~ba to scrape  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move along the surface of a body with pressure ; grate  b.  (1) to fret or chafe with or as if with friction  (2) to cause discontent, irritation, or anger  2. to continue in a situation usually with slight difficulty in spite of financial difficulties, he is ~bing along  3. to admit of being ~bed (as for erasure or obliteration)  transitive verb  1.  a. to subject to or as if to the action of something moving especially back and forth with pressure and friction  b.  (1) to cause (a body) to move with pressure and friction along a surface  (2) to treat in any of various ways by ~bing  c. to bring into reciprocal back-and-forth or rotary contact  2. annoy, irritate  II. noun  Date: 1586  1.  a. an unevenness of surface (as of the ground in lawn bowling)  b. obstruction, difficulty the ~ is that so few of the scholars have any sense of this truth themselves — Benjamin Farrington  c. something grating to the feelings (as a gibe or harsh criticism)  d. something that mars serenity  2. the application of friction with pressure an alcohol ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rubs, rubbing, rubbed) 1. If you rub a part of your body, you move your hand or fingers backwards and forwards over it while pressing firmly. He rubbed his arms and stiff legs... ‘I fell in a ditch’, he said, rubbing at a scrape on his hand. VERB: V n, V prep/adv 2. If you rub against a surface or rub a part of your body against a surface, you move it backwards and forwards while pressing it against the surface. A cat was rubbing against my leg... He kept rubbing his leg against mine. VERB: V prep, V n prep 3. If you rub an object or a surface, you move a cloth backward and forward over it in order to clean or dry it. She took off her glasses and rubbed them hard... He rubbed and rubbed but couldn’t seem to get clean. VERB: V n, V 4. If you rub a substance into a surface or rub something such as dirt from a surface, you spread it over the surface or remove it from the surface using your hand or something such as a cloth. He rubbed oil into my back... VERB: V n prep 5. If you rub two things together or if they rub together, they move backwards and forwards, pressing against each other. He rubbed his hands together a few times. ...the 650-mile rift that separates the Pacific and North American geological plates as they rub together. VERB: V n together, V together 6. If something you are wearing or holding rubs, it makes you sore because it keeps moving backwards and forwards against your skin. Smear cream on to your baby’s skin at the edges of the plaster to prevent it from rubbing. VERB: V 7. Rub is used in expressions such as there’s the rub and the rub is when you are mentioning a difficulty that makes something hard or impossible to achieve. (FORMAL) ‘What do you want to write about?’. And there was the rub, because I didn’t yet know. N-SING: the N 8. A massage can be referred to as a rub. She sometimes asks if I want a back rub. N-COUNT: usu sing 9. see also rubbing 10. If you rub shoulders with famous people, you meet them and talk to them....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 rubbed, rubbing ~ v 1 to move your hand, a cloth etc over a surface while pressing against it  (Kolchinsky nodded and then rubbed his eyes wearily. | She began rubbing her hair with a towel. | You'll have to rub harder if you want to get it clean.) 2 to make something press against something else and move it around  (rub sth against/on)  (Celia's cat purred loudly, rubbing against her legs. | rub sth together)  (We tried to make a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together.) 3 to move around while pressing against another surface, often causing pain, damage etc + against/on  (These shoes are too tight - they keep rubbing on my heels.) 4 T always + adv/prep to put a substance into or onto the surface of something by pressing it and moving it about with your hand, a cloth etc  (rub sth on/into/over/ etc)  (Can you rub some sun cream on my back for me, please?) 5 rub it in informal to remind someone about something they want to forget, especially because they are embarrassed about it  (Look, I know I should have been more careful, but there's no need to keep rubbing it in.) 6 rub shoulders with informal to spend time with rich or famous people  (As a reporter he gets to rub shoulders with all the big names in politics and the media.) 7 rub salt into the wound informal to make a bad situation even worse for someone 8 rub sb's nose in it/in the dirt informal to keep reminding someone about something they did wrong or failed to do, especially in order to punish them 9 rub sb up the wrong way informal to annoy someone by the way you behave towards them  (I don't know what it is about Paula, but she really rubs me up the wrong way.) 10 be rubbing your hands informal to be pleased because something has happened which gives you an advantage, especially because something bad has happened to someone else 11 not have two pennies/halfpennies to rub together BrE humorous to not have any money rub along phr v I + with/together BrE to have a friendly relationship with someone rub down phr v 1 (rub something down) to make a surface dry or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  curr. abbr. Russian Rouble funny abbr. Rich Urban Biker ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - early 14c., perhaps related to E.Fris. rubben "to scratch, rub," and Low Ger. rubbeling "rough, uneven," or similar words in Scandinavian. Hamlet's there's the rub preserves a noun sense of "obstacle, inequality on ground" first recorded 1590 and common in 17c. To rub (someone) the wrong way is from 1883. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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