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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - request


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Перевод с английского языка request на русский


• опрос

• просить разрешения

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) просьба; требование; at/by request - по просьбе; to make a request - обратиться с просьбой [ср. тж. request  2) ]  2) запрос; заявка; to make a request - сделать заявку [ср. тж. request  1) ]  3) comm. спрос; in great request - в большом спросе, популярный Syn: appeal, application, invitation, petition, requisition  2. v.  1) просить (позволения и т.п.); Its not too much to request of you to clean your own shoes.  2) запрашивать  3) предлагать, предписывать; I must request you to obey orders - предлагаю вам выполнить приказания; your presence is requested immediately - вас просят немедленно явиться Syn: apply, ask, invite, seek, solicit see demand ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. просьба; (вежливое) требование at (by) request —- по просьбе, по требованию to make a request —- обратиться с просьбой to grant a request —- удовлетворить просьбу we did it at his request —- мы сделали это по его просьбе she sang by our request —- она спела по нашей просьбе no flowers by request —- просьба цветов не приносить (в извещении о похоронах) repeated requests for help —- неоднократные просьбы (призывы) об оказании помощи this is a request stop —- это остановка по требованию you shall have your request —- ваша просьба будет удовлетворена 2. запрос; заявка on request —- по заявке samples sent on request —- образцы высылаются по заявке to make a request —- сделать заявку to make for smth. —- сделать заявку на что-л. request for fire —- воен. вызов огня 3. спрос in great request —- в большом спросе; популярный he is in great request —- он очень популярен he is in great request as a portrait painter —- этот художник беспрерывно получает заказы на портреты 4. информационный запрос non-requiring request —- разовый запрос unanswered request —- отказ, невыполненный запрос to state a request (for) —- формулировать запрос (на) Id: court of request(s) —- местный суд по мелким делам (о взыскании долгов) 5. просить (позволения и т. п.) an answer is requested —- просят дать ответ he requests to be excused from this task —- он просит, чтобы его освободили от этого...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) просьба 2) требование 3) запрос 4) спрос • - address a request to - at the request of - be in good request - be in great request - on request - purchase request - request for proposal - request for proposals - request for quotation - request for respite Syn: demand REQUEST 1) требование, запрос; просьба, ходатайство; заявление; требовать; просить; ходатайствовать 2) запрос – request for admission – request for examination – request for payment – request for reconsideration – request for rectifi-cation – upon written request – formal request – information request – walk-in request ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) запрашивать 2) запросный 3) заявка 4) требование repair request form — дефектная ведомость request descent clearance — разрешите снижений request for repetition of transm — запрос повторения передачи - request password - request sheet - request signal - request storage - request weather - service request - weather request ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  запрос, требование – aborted request – asynchronous request – bus request – call request – input/output request – pending request – retransmission request – telecommunication service request – telephone traffic request ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) запрос 2) требование request for information — информационный запрос; request for retransmission — запрос на повторную передачу - automatic-repeat request - bus request - disconnection request - input/output request - landing request - pending request - repeated request - service request - takeoff clearance request - work request ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of asking for something; a petition (came at his request). 2 a thing asked for. 3 the state of being sought after; demand (in great request). 4 a letter etc. asking for a particular record etc. to be played on a radio programme, often with a personal message. --v.tr. 1 ask to be given or allowed or favoured with (request a hearing; requests your presence). 2 (foll. by to + infin.) ask a person to do something (requested her to answer). 3 (foll. by that + clause) ask that. Phrases and idioms by (or on) request in response to an expressed wish. request programme a programme composed of items requested by the audience. request stop a bus-stop at which a bus stops only on a passenger's request. Derivatives requester n. Etymology: ME f. OF requeste(r) ult. f. L requaerere (as REQUIRE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *requaesta, from feminine of requaestus, past participle of requaerere to require  Date: 14th century  1. the act or an instance of asking for something  2. something asked for granted her ~  3. the condition or fact of being ~ed available on ~  4. the state of being sought after ; demand  II. transitive verb  Date: 1533  1. to make a ~ to or of ~ed her to write a paper  2. to ask as a favor or privilege ~s to be excused  3. obsolete to ask (a person) to come or go to a thing or place  4. to ask for ~ed a brief delay  Synonyms: see ask  • ~er or ~or noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (requests, requesting, requested) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you request something, you ask for it politely or formally. (FORMAL) Mr Dennis said he had requested access to a telephone... She had requested that the door to her room be left open. VERB: V n, V that 2. If you request someone to do something, you politely or formally ask them to do it. (FORMAL) Students are requested to park at the rear of the Department. VERB: V n to-inf 3. If you make a request, you politely or formally ask someone to do something. France had agreed to his request for political asylum... N-COUNT: oft N for n, N that/to-inf 4. A request is a song or piece of music which someone has asked a performer or disc jockey to play. If you have any requests, I’d be happy to play them for you. N-COUNT 5. If you do something at someone’s request, you do it because they have asked you to. The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General. PHRASE 6. If something is given or done on request, it is given or done whenever you ask for it. Leaflets giving details are available on request... PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a polite or formal demand for something + for  (They have made an urgent request for international aid.) ~ that  (He ignored the neighbours' requests that he should make less noise.) at sb's ~ (=because they asked you to)  (I telephoned her in Paris, at Staunton's request.) on ~ (=when you ask for it)  (Further details will be sent on request.) by ~ (=because someone has especially asked for it)  (There were no flowers at the funeral, by request.) any ~s? spoken (=used to ask people if they want anything)  (I'm going to the bar - any requests?) 2 a piece of music that is played on the radio because someone has asked for it ~2 v 1 formal to ask for something politely or formally  (I wrote them a letter, officially requesting permission to proceed.) ~ that  (The staff immediately requested that he reconsider his decision) ~ sb to do sth  (All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.) 2 to ask for a particular piece of music to be played on the radio  (This song was requested by Mrs Simpson of Potters Bar.)  ( USAGE NOTE: REQUEST WORD CHOICE ask (for), ~, demand Ask is the usual word for speaking or writing to someone in order to get something done I asked one of my friends to help me. You use ask for when you are trying to get something I asked for help. Request is more formal and official. Also if you request something, often you have the right to get what you are asking for The letter politely requested that Miss Willis present herself for interview the next day. | The government has requested a meeting with community leaders. Demand is even stronger. If you demand something, you feel strongly that you have the right to it I demand to see the manager! GRAMMAR You request something (NOT ~ for sth). But you do use for with the n requests for money (NOT requests of money). ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Recruit Quota System ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. requeste "a request," from V.L. *requжsita, from L. requisita "a thing asked for," fem. of requisitus "requested, demanded" (see requisite). The verb is first recorded 1533. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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