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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - hook


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Перевод с английского языка hook на русский


• 1) ловушка; 2) захват

• 1) сцепляться; 2) сцеплять

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  in заполучить; заставить согласиться на что-л. HOOK on  а) зависеть The actors mother got hooked on a pain-killing drug that she had been given in hospital.  б) влюбиться Im afraid Grace is realty hooked on that red-haired boy. HOOK out выведать HOOK up подключать (свет, газ, телефон) The cooker has arrived but it hasnt been hooked up to the gas supply yet. HOOK  1. noun  1) крюк, крючок  2) кривой нож; серп  3) багор  4) крутой изгиб; излучина реки  5) ловушка, западня  6) sl. вор, жулик; уголовный преступник  7) хук, короткий боковой удар левой (в боксе)  8) tech. зацепка, захватка, гак by hook or by crook - правдами и неправдами; не мытьем, так катаньем to go off the hooks coll. -  а) рехнуться, свихнуться;  б) сбиться с пути;  в) умереть on ones own hook coll. - самостоятельно, на свой риск to take/sling ones hook coll. - смыться, удрать - drop off the hooks - pop off the hooks  2. v.  1) сгибать в виде крюка  2) зацеплять, прицеплять (on) See if you can hook the end of the rope on that branch that sticks up at the top.  3) застегивать(ся) (on, up - на крючок) Please hook my dress up at the back, I cant reach. Hook me up, would you, Im in a hurry.  4) ловить, поймать (рыбу); fig. подцепить; поймать на удочку; заполучить; завербовать  5) sl. красть - hook in - hook on - hookonto - hook up - hook out to hook it sl. - смыться, удрать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. крюк, крючок hook and eye —- крючок (застежка); дверной крючок и петля (запор) crochet hook —- вязальный крючок telephone (switch) hook —- рычажный переключатель (телефонного аппарата) I hung my coat on a hook —- я повесил пальто на крючок 2. рыболовный крючок 3. ловушка, приманка, западня to swallow the hook, to be caught (to get) on the hook —- попасться на крючок 4. багор; острога 5. секач, секатор, кривой нож (также pruning hook) 6. серп (также reaping hook) 7. крючок, закорючка (при обучении письму) 8. шип iron hook —- шип подковы 9. бот. зоол. шип, игла 10. тех. зацепка, захват; скоба 11. мор. гак 12. хук, крюк, короткий боковой удар (бокс) right hook —- хук справа 13. муз. флажок, хвостик (часть ноты) 14. мор. разг. якорь 15. крутой изгиб; излучина (реки) 16. узкий мыс с загнутой оконечностью; наволок 17. pl. уст. кавычки; скобки 18. сл. вор, жулик, мошенник 19. pl. сл. руки; пальцы; "грабли" get your hooks off that cake! —- не трогай торт!; не лезь к торту! Id: H. and Eye —- ам. "крючки" (секта) Id: by hook or (by) crook —- всеми правдами и неправдами Id: he was determined to win by hook or by crook —- он решил победить любой ценой Id: on (upon) one's own hook —- разг. на свою ответственность, на свой риск; по своей инициативе Id: he decided to begin his business on his own hook —- он решил начать свое дело самостоятельно (на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) крючок 2) бодаться – acetabular hook – baited hook – biordinal hooks – embryonal hook – frenulum hook – hypocotyl hook – multiordinal hooks – oral hook – plumular hook – uniordinal hook ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) общ. крючок See: household goods 2) марк.; СМИ "крючок", "наживка", "приманка"; способ привлечения клиента (покупателя, зрителя, слушателя и т .п. (напр., подарок, который прилагается к основной покупке)) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) висеть 2) гак 3) зацеп 4) зацепа 5) зацепить 6) зацеплять 7) крюк 8) крючковой 9) крючковый 10) крючок 11) плоскостной 12) повиснуть 13) подвесить 14) подвешивать 15) уда 16) цеплять hook junction photocell — плоскостной фотоэлемент с ловушкой - arrester hook - bend of hook - boat hook - cant hook - cargo hook - clasp hook - crane hook - crochet hook - double hook - drop lip hook - gamma hook - harness hook - hook bolt - hook casing - hook lead - hook lift - hook scraper - lifting hook - load hook - locking hook - needle hook - pole hook - rope hook - self-releasing hook - single hook - sister hook - slip hook - spring hook - swivel hook - tackle hook - tail hook - tow hook - towing hook ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) рычаг (таксофона) 2) крюк для навески трубки (настенного ТФА) 3) антенна – handset hook – sky hook – switch hook ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  крюк; грузоподъёмный крюк; крюк на конце арматурного стержня проф.(грузоподъёмный) кран hook with a safety catch access hook for chimney can hook crane hook double hook eye hook gutter hook latch hook pipe hook safety hook shacle hook shave hook standard hook wall hook ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) крюк; крючок; гак; зацепка зацеплять; прицеплять; подвешивать на крюк 2) хомут; скоба 3) багор 4) чокерный крюк; чокерный замок 5) крюкообразный схват (для захвата объектов роботом с конвейера) 6) вчт. ловушка (аппаратное средство отладки и диагностики) 7) мн. ч. вчт. стыковочные средства 8) электрон. коллекторная ловушка 9) трик. крючок иглы 10) трик. крючок игловода 11) швейн. челнок hook and eye — дверной крючок; оконный крючок - active hook - adjustable hook - a-kay hook - bail hook of push-pull tractors - barbed hook - bloomery hook - boat hook - breast hook - cant hook - casing hook - chain hook - choker hook - coupling hook - crane hook - double hook - draft hook - drop-weight hook - elbow hook - eye hook - fishing hook - floating hook - gate hook - grab hook - grip hook - gutter hook - harness hook - hip hook - hoist hook - horizontal hook - latch hook - lift hook - lifting hook - load hook - meat hook - open towing hook - open tow hook - passive hook - pelican hook - pipe hook - pipe-laying hooks - pulling hook - rope hook - rotating hook - safety hook - shackle hook - shave hook - shuttle hook - single hook - sister hook - skidding hook - skull-breaking hook - slider hook - slip hook - slip towing hook - slip tow hook - snap hook - sucker-rod hook - switch hook - swivel hook - telephone hook - towing hook - tow hook - towing winch hook - triplex hook - tubing hook - turn hook - tuyere hook - twin hook - vertical hook - wall hook ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a piece of metal or other material bent back at an angle or with a round bend, for catching hold or for hanging things on. b (in full fish-hook) a bent piece of wire, usu. barbed and baited, for catching fish. 2 a curved cutting instrument (reaping-hook). 3 a a sharp bend, e.g. in a river. b a projecting point of land (Hook of Holland). c a sand-spit with a curved end. 4 a Cricket & Golf a hooking stroke (see sense 5 of v.). b Boxing a short swinging blow with the elbow bent and rigid. 5 a trap, a snare. 6 a a curved stroke in handwriting, esp. as made in learning to write. b Mus. an added stroke transverse to the stem in the symbol for a quaver etc. 7 (in pl.) sl. fingers. --v. 1 tr. a grasp with a hook. b secure with a hook or hooks. 2 (often foll. by on, up) a tr. attach with or as with a hook. b intr. be or become attached with a hook. 3 tr. catch with or as with a hook (he hooked a fish; she hooked a husband). 4 tr. sl. steal. 5 tr. a Cricket play (the ball) round from the off to the on side with an upward stroke. b (also absol.) Golf strike (the ball) so that it deviates towards the striker. 6 tr. Rugby Football secure (the ball) and pass it backward with the foot in the scrum. 7 tr. Boxing strike (one's opponent) with the elbow bent and rigid. Phrases and idioms be hooked on sl. be addicted to or captivated by. by hook or by crook by one means or another, by fair means or foul. hook and eye a small metal hook and loop as a fastener on a garment. hook it sl. make off, run away. hook, line, and sinker entirely. hook-nose an aquiline nose. hook-nosed having an aquiline nose. hook-up a connection, esp. an interconnection of broadcasting equipment for special transmissions. off the hook 1 colloq. no longer in difficulty or trouble. 2 (of a telephone receiver) not on its rest, and so preventing incoming calls. off the hooks sl. dead. on one's own hook sl. on one's own account. sling (or take) one's hook sl. = hook it. Derivatives hookless adj. hooklet n. hooklike adj. Etymology: OE hoc: sense 3...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hoc; akin to Middle Dutch hoec fish~, corner, Lithuanian kenge ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling  b. something intended to attract and ensnare  c. anchor 1  2. something curved or bent like a ~; especially plural fingers  3. a flight or course of a ball that deviates from straight in a direction opposite to the dominant hand of the player propelling it; also a ball following such a course — compare slice  4. a short blow delivered with a circular motion by a boxer while the elbow remains bent and rigid  5. ~ shot  6. button~  7. quick or summary removal — used with get or give the pitcher got the ~ after giving up three runs  8. a device especially in music or writing that catches the attention  9. a selling point or marketing scheme  10. cradle 1b(2)  II. verb  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to form into a ~ ; crook  2.  a. to seize or make fast by or as if by a ~  b. to connect by or as if by a ~ — often used with up  3. steal, pilfer  4. to make (as a rug) by drawing loops of yarn, thread, or cloth through a coarse fabric with a ~  5. to hit or throw (a ball) so that a ~ results  intransitive verb  1. to form a ~ ; curve  2. to become ~ed  3. to work as a prostitute ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hooks, hooking, hooked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A hook is a bent piece of metal or plastic that is used for catching or holding things, or for hanging things up. One of his jackets hung from a hook. ...curtain hooks... N-COUNT 2. If you hook one thing to another, you attach it there using a hook. If something hooks somewhere, it can be hooked there. Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety. ...one of those can openers that hooked onto the wall. VERB: V n to/onto n, V onto n, also V n prep, V prep 3. If you hook your arm, leg, or foot round an object, you place it like a hook round the object in order to move it or hold it. She latched on to his arm, hooking her other arm around a tree... VERB: V n prep 4. If you hook a fish, you catch it with a hook on the end of a line. At the first cast I hooked a huge fish. VERB: V n 5. A hook is a short sharp blow with your fist that you make with your elbow bent, usually in a boxing match. Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock’s big left hook. N-COUNT: usu adj N 6. If you are hooked into something, or hook into something, you get involved with it. (mainly AM) I’m guessing again now because I’m not hooked into the political circles... Eager to hook into a career but can’t find one right for you? VERB: be/get V-ed into n, V into n 7. If you hook into the Internet, you make a connection with the Internet on a particular occasion so that you can use it. ...an interactive media tent where people will be able to hook into the internet. VERB: V into n • Hook up means the same as hook. ...a UK firm that lets Britons hook up to the Internet. PHRASAL VERB: V P to n 8. If someone gets off the hook or is let off the hook, they manage to get out of the awkward or unpleasant situation that they are in. (INFORMAL) His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR HANGING THINGS ON« a curved piece of metal or plastic that you use for hanging things on  (Put your coat on the hook.) 2 »FOR CATCHING FISH« a curved piece of thin metal with a sharp point for catching fish  (a fish hook) 3 by hook or by crook if you are going to do something by hook or by crook, you are determined to do it  (In the old days if you had a deadline, you met it by hook or by crook.) 4 let/get sb off the hook to allow someone or help someone to get out of a difficult situation  (We almost sued the magazine for libel, but in the end we let them off the hook.) 5 leave/take the phone off the hook to leave or take the telephone receiver (=the part you speak into) off the part where it is usually placed so that no one can call you 6 »WAY OF HITTING SB« a way of hitting your opponent in boxing, in which your elbow is bent 7 hook, line, and sinker if someone believes something hook, line, and sinker, they believe a lie completely  (She swallowed the whole story hook, line, and sinker.) 8 »A TUNE« a part of the tune in a song that makes it very easy to remember  (- see also boat hook, sling your hook sling1 (4)) ~2 v 1 »FISH« to catch a fish with a hook  (I hooked a 20 pound salmon last week.) 2 »FASTEN« always + adv/prep to fasten or hang something onto something else  (hook sth over/around/onto etc)  (He managed to hook his leg over the branch. | get hooked on/onto)  (My jacket got hooked on a rosebush.) 3 »BEND YOUR FINGER/ARM ETC« always + adv/prep to bend your finger, arm, or leg, especially so that you can pull or hold something else  (hook sth around/over etc)  (Jack hooked his arm around the other man's neck.) 4 »ATTRACT« AmE informal to succeed in attracting someone hook sth up phr v especially AmE to connect a piece of electronic equipment to another piece of equipment or to an electricity supply  (Is the video hooked up to the TV?) hook up with phr v especially AmE a) to meet someone and become friendly with them  (I'll give you a few names of people to hook up with out there.)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  u.m. abbr. Helping Out Our Kids NASDAQ abbr. Redhook Ale Brewery, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  o.e. hoc, in weodhoc "weed hook," perhaps related to o.e. haca "bolt," from p.gmc. *khokaz/*khakan -, from pie *keg- "bent object." for spelling, see hood. by hook or by crook probably alludes to tools of professional thieves. hooker "prostitute," often traced to the disreputable morals of the army of the potomac under the tenure of gen. "fighting joe" hooker (1863), and certainly popularized by this association at that time. but said to have been in use in north carolina c.1845. one theory traces it to corlear's hook, a disreputable section of new york city. perhaps related to hooker "thief, pickpocket" (1567), but most likely an allusion to prostitutes hooking or snaring clients. the family name (attested from c.975 c.e.) would mean "maker of hooks," or else refer to an aricultural laborer who used a hook. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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