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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - bounce


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Перевод с английского языка bounce на русский


• "козел"

• отскакивание

• срыв

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  along  а) быстро двигаться This new car bounces along, doesnt it?  б) быстро развиваться My work is just bouncing along now, thanks. BOUNCE  1. noun  1) прыжок; отскок - with a bounce  2) глухой, внезапный удар  3) упругость  4) хвастовство; преувеличения  5) sl. увольнение  6) прыжок самолета при посадке  2. v.  1) подпрыгивать; отскакивать (тж. bounce along) The rubber ball bounced along. to bounce into (out of) the room - влетать в комнату (выскакивать из комнаты)  2) обманом/запугиванием заставить сделать что-л.  3) хвастать  4) sl. увольнять  5) aeron. подпрыгивать при посадке, козлить  6) fin. быть возвращенным банком ремитенту (ввиду отсутствия средств на счету плательщика о чеке) - bounce along - bounce back - bounce out Syn: cannon, deflect, ricochet  3. adv. вдруг; внезапно и шумно BOUNCE back  а) выздоравливать, восстанавливаться Small children often catch diseases, but they soon bounce back.  б) иметь результат, эффект Whatever decision the directors take, it will bounce back on the future of the firm. BOUNCE out выгонять кого-л. Two members were bounced out (of the club) for failing to pay the money they owed. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. прыжок, скачок; отскок with a bounce —- (одним) скачком to run up the stairs in four or five bounces —- четырьмя-пятью прыжками подняться по лестнице the boy caught the ball at one bounce —- мяч подскочил, и мальчик тут же его поймал 2. подскок (самолета) при посадке; подпрыгивание (автомашины) на дороге 3. воен. рикошет 4. сильный, внезапный удар the bounce burst open the door —- от сильного толчка дверь распахнулась 5. геол. горный удар 6. упругость the ball has lost its bounce —- мяч потерял упругость 7. хвастовство, похвальба the whole story is a bounce —- вся эта история - сплошная выдумка 8. разг. увольнение to get the bounce —- "вылететь" с работы 9. сл. энергия, отвага 10. ам. кин. яркость 11. подпрыгивать; отскакивать the ball doesn't bounce well —- мяч плохо подпрыгивает the boy was bouncing up and down on the bed —- мальчик подпрыгивал на кровати 12. подпрыгивать при посадке (о самолете); подпрыгивать на дороге (об автомашине) occupants of the car were bounced from side to side —- сидевших в машине бросало из стороны в сторону 13. воен. рикошетировать 14. ходить подпрыгивая; двигаться неловко, с шумом 15. вскакивать, врываться to bounce into the room —- влететь в комнату 16. выскакивать to bounce out of the room —- выскочить из комнаты to bounce out of a chair —- вскочить со стула 17. хвастать don't listen to him, he is bouncing...
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  прыжок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. скачок 2. гл. скакать вверх и вниз (например, о резко "скачущей" выручке или прибыли) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дрожание; подергивание дрожать; подергиваться 2) отскакивание отскакивать 3) дребезг дребезжать 4) "козел" (прыжок самолета при неаккуратной посадке) "козлить" 5) горн. горный удар 6) горн. стреляние породы - valve bounce ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) дрожание 2) биение 3) (кратковременные) колебания напряжения – contact bounce – frame bounce – image bounce – line bounce – picture bounce BOUND MODE связанная мода ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  отскок внезапный удар упругость отскакивать проф.увольнять с работы valve bounce ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) дрожание; биение; подёргивание дрожать; подёргиваться 2) отскакивание отскакивать 3) горный удар; стреляние породы 4) вертикальная нестабильность (кинокадра) 5) кратковременные колебания яркости или размера изображения 6) "козёл" (прыжок при посадке самолёта) "козлить" 7) подпрыгивать - coal mine bounce - contact bounce - frame bounce - line bounce - picture bounce - relay bounce - roll bounce ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. (of a ball etc.) rebound. b tr. cause to rebound. c tr. & intr. bounce repeatedly. 2 intr. sl. (of a cheque) be returned by a bank when there are insufficient funds to meet it. 3 intr. a (foll. by about, up) (of a person, dog, etc.) jump or spring energetically. b (foll. by in, out, etc.) rush noisily, angrily, enthusiastically, etc. (bounced into the room; bounced out in a temper). 4 tr. colloq. (usu. foll. by into + verbal noun) hustle, persuade (bounced him into signing). 5 intr. colloq. talk boastfully. 6 tr. sl. eject forcibly (from a dancehall, club, etc.). --n. 1 a a rebound. b the power of rebounding (this ball has a good bounce). 2 colloq. a swagger, self-confidence (has a lot of bounce). b liveliness. 3 sl. an ejection. Phrases and idioms bounce back regain one's good health, spirits, prosperity, etc. Etymology: ME bunsen beat, thump, (perh. imit.), or f. LG bunsen, Du. bons thump ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (bounces, bouncing, bounced) 1. When an object such as a ball bounces or when you bounce it, it moves upwards from a surface or away from it immediately after hitting it. I bounced a ball against the house... My father would burst into the kitchen bouncing a football. ...a falling pebble, bouncing down the eroded cliff... They watched the dodgem cars bang and bounce. VERB: V n prep, V n, V prep/adv, V, also V n with adv • Bounce is also a noun. The wheelchair tennis player is allowed two bounces of the ball. N-COUNT 2. If sound or light bounces off a surface or is bounced off it, it reaches the surface and is reflected back. Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass... They work by bouncing microwaves off solid objects. VERB: V off n, V n off n 3. If something bounces or if something bounces it, it swings or moves up and down. Her long black hair bounced as she walked... Then I noticed the car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it... The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees. = bob VERB: V, V adv, V n 4. If you bounce on a soft surface, you jump up and down on it repeatedly. She lets us do anything, even bounce on our beds. VERB: V prep/adv, also V 5. If someone bounces somewhere, they move there in an energetic way, because they are feeling happy. Moira bounced into the office. VERB: V prep/adv 6. If you bounce your ideas off someone, you tell them to that person, in order to find out what they think about them. It was good to bounce ideas off another mind... Let’s bounce a few ideas around. VERB: V n off n, V n around 7. If a cheque bounces or if a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to accept it and pay out the money, because the person who wrote it does not have enough money in their account. Our only complaint would be if the cheque bounced... His bank wrongly bounced cheques worth ?75,000. VERB: V, V n 8. If an e-mail or other electronic message bounces, it is returned to the person who sent...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MOVE FROM A SURFACE« if a ball or other object bounces, it immediately moves away from a surface it has just hit, or you make it move in this way + off  (The ball bounced off the crossbar and into the net. | bounce sth on/against etc)  (The kids were bouncing stones against the walls.) 2 »MOVE UP AND DOWN« to move up and down, especially because you are hitting a surface that is made of rubber, has springs etc + on  (Lyn was bouncing on the trampoline.) bounce up and down  (Stop bouncing up and down on the sofa.) 3 »CHEQUE« if a cheque bounces or a bank bounces a cheque, the bank will not pay any money because there is not enough money in the account of the person who wrote it  (One bounced cheque could spell ruin for a new business.) 4 »WALK« to walk quickly and with a lot of energy + across/along/in etc  (Olivia came bouncing into the room.) 5 »WHEN YOU MOVE« if something bounces, it moves quickly up and down as you move  (Her hair bounced when she walked.) 6 bounce ideas off sb to ask someone for their opinion about an idea, a plan etc before you make a decision 7 »LIGHT/SOUND« to reflect (1) from a surface + off  (radio signals bouncing off the moon) 8 bounce sb on your knee to lift a child up and down on your knee 9 be bounced into (doing) sth to be forced to decide something quickly or agree with a particular decision, because you have no time to think about it or you will seem to be wrong if you do not agree  (Party members claimed that they had been bounced into choosing him as leader.) bounce back ~ phr v to feel better quickly or become successful again after having a lot of problems  (In spite of the difficulties we always managed to bounce back. | Becker bounced back in the second set.) ~2 n 1 the action of moving up and down on a surface  (Try to catch the ball on the second bounce.) 2 the ability to move up and down on a surface, or that surface's ability to make something move up and down  (The ball had completely lost its bounce.) 3 a lot of energy  (The dog has a shiny coat and...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: GET THE BOUNCE, GIVE THE BOUNCE. BOUND FOR {adj. phr.} On the way to; going to. * /I am bound for the country club./ * /The ship is bound for Liverpool./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 13c., bounsen "to thump, hit," perhaps from Du. or Low Ger., or onomatopoeic; sense probably influenced by bound (v1.). First record of bouncer "a bully" is from 1833; in the saloon sense, it dates from 1880s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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