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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - boat


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Перевод с английского языка boat на русский


1) лодка; 2) судно

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  train noun поезд, согласованный с пароходным расписанием BOAT  1. noun  1) лодка; шлюпка; корабль; судно; подводная лодка to take the boat - сесть на судно to go by boat - ехать морем, плыть на пароходе  2) корытце - gravy boat to be in the same boat - быть в одинаковых условиях, в одинаковом положении с кем-л. to sail in the same boat - действовать сообща to sail ones own boat - действовать самостоятельно, идти своим путем Syn: see vessel  2. v.  1) кататься на лодке  2) перевозить в лодке ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. лодка; шлюпка; бот pair-oar boat —- лодка с одной парой весел inrigged boat —- спорт. лодка с уключинами, укрепленными на бортах outrigged boat —- спорт. лодка с вынесенными за борт уключинами to lower the boats —- спустить шлюпки to take to the boats —- пересесть в лодки (с тонущего корабля) 2. судно, корабль to go by boat —- ехать на пароходе to take the boat —- сесть на судно 3. подводная лодка 4. спец. лодочка 5. сосуд в форме лодочки sauce boat —- соусник Id: to be in the same boat —- быть в одинаковом положении; быть в одной лодке Id: to sail in the same boat —- действовать сообща, быть заодно Id: to sail one's own boat —- действовать самостоятельно Id: to burn one's boats —- сжечь корабли, отрезать себе путь к отступлению Id: to miss the boat —- упустить возможность Id: to have an oar in every boat —- во все вмешиваться Id: to push out the boat —- простореч. угощать, платить за выпивку Id: to put on the boat —- выслать за пределы страны Id: to find oneself in the wrong boat —- попасть впросак; оказаться в затруднительном положении Id: to rock the boat —- разг. возмущать спокойствие, нарушать покой; изменять ход событий 6. перевозить по воде 7. кататься на лодке we boated up the river —- мы поднялись на лодке вверх по реке 8. втягивать пойманную рыбу в лодку ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. лодка; шлюпка; судно; корабль - boat harbour - boat load - cargo boat - self-unloading boat - tug boat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бот; лодка; шлюпка; катер; судно - crab boat - crew boat - derrick boat - dispatch boat - fire boat - flying boat - hydro-jet boat - inflatable boat - inflatable pleasure boat - inshore boat - motor boat - outboard-motor boat - planing boat - pleasure boat - rescue boat - rowing boat - trawler boat - utility boat 2) метал. лодочка (приспособление для отбора проб) 3) кататься на лодке; перевозить на лодке ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  derrick boat ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) лодка, шлюпка; катер; судно 2) электрон. лодка, лодочка (для отбора проб или загрузки заготовок) 3) кассета (в микроэлектронной технологии) - airfoil boat - ambulance boat - amphibious boat - beach boat - buoy boat - catcher boat - cleaning boat - core boat - crab boat - crash boat - crew boat - dan boat - diffusion boat - diving boat - fire-tighting boat - fire boat - fishing boat - flying boat - four-oared boat - four-oar boat - furnace boat - gradient boat - growth boat - hard-chine boat - hydrojet boat - ladder-type boat - ladder boat - mail boat - multistep boat - oil-spill boat - oyster boat - paddle boat - passage boat - pearl boat - pickup boat - pilot boat - planing boat - pleasure boat - pulling boat - quarantine boat - race boat - rescue boat - river boat - rowing boat - row boat - sailing boat - sail boat - self-righting boat - sewage boat - single-step boat - six-oared boat - six-oar boat - skimming boat - sounding boat - star boat - tramp boat - trawler boat - trolling boat - tuna boat - utility boat - wager boat - water-tank boat - water boat - well boat - work boat ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a small vessel propelled on water by an engine, oars, or sails. 2 (in general use) a ship of any size. 3 an elongated boat-shaped jug used for holding sauce etc. --v.intr. travel or go in a boat, esp. for pleasure. Phrases and idioms boat-hook a long pole with a hook and a spike at one end, for moving boats. boat-house a shed at the edge of a river, lake, etc., for housing boats. boat people refugees who have left a country by sea. boat race a race between rowing crews, esp. (Boat Race) the one between Oxford and Cambridge. boat-train a train scheduled to meet or go on a boat. in the same boat sharing the same adverse circumstances. push the boat out colloq. celebrate lavishly. Derivatives boatful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: OE bat f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English boot, from Old English bat; akin to Old Norse beit ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a small vessel for travel on water  b. ship  2. a ~-shaped container, utensil, or device a gravy ~ a laboratory ~  • ~ful noun  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 1613  transitive verb to place in or bring into a ~  intransitive verb to go by ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (boats) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A boat is something in which people can travel across water. One of the best ways to see the area is in a small boat... The island may be reached by boat from the mainland. N-COUNT: also by N 2. You can refer to a passenger ship as a boat. When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye. N-COUNT 3. see also gravy boat, rowing boat 4. If you say that someone has missed the boat, you mean that they have missed an opportunity and may not get another. PHRASE: V inflects 5. If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money on something, especially in order to celebrate. (BRIT) I earn enough to push the boat out now and again. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If you say that someone is rocking the boat, you mean that they are upsetting a calm situation and causing trouble. I said I didn’t want to rock the boat in any way. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If two or more people are in the same boat, they are in the same unpleasant situation. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a vehicle that travels across water  (a fishing boat | a rowing boat | by boat/in a boat)  (We went up the river by boat.) 2 informal a ship, especially one that carries passengers  (We're getting the night boat to Zeebrugge.) 3 be in the same boat (as) to be in the same unpleasant situation as someone else  (We're all more or less in the same boat, so there's no use complaining.) 4 push the boat out BrE informal to spend a lot of money on something, especially on celebrating an event  (They really pushed the boat out for their daughter's wedding.) 5 rock the boat to express a different attitude, opinion, idea etc from what other people are used to, in a way that upsets them  (They rocked the boat by refusing to come to the firm's Christmas lunch.)  (- see also gravy boat, sauce boat, burn your bridges/boats burn1 (22), miss the boat/bus miss1 (10)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Byway Open To All Traffic funny abbr. Break Out Another Thousand funny abbr. Bring Out Another Thousand funny abbr. Break Open Another Thousand ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bat, from P.Gmc. *bait- possibly from PIE base *bheid- "to split," with the sense of making a boat by hollowing out a tree trunk; or it may be an extension of the name for a part of a ship. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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