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Англо-русский авиационный словарь - bird


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буксируемая гондола

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  of passage noun перелетная птица BIRD of prey noun хищная птица BIRD of Jove орел BIRD lore орнитология BIRD of paradise noun zool. райская птица BIRD of Juno павлин BIRD noun  1) птица; пташка  2) coll. парень, человек - gay bird - queer bird - bird of Jove - bird of Juno to do smth. like a bird делать что-л. охотно to get the bird  а) быть уволенным;  б) быть освистанным a bird in the bush нечто нереальное a bird in the hand нечто реальное a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush prov. не сули журавля в небе, дай синицу в руки birds of a feather одного поля ягода; один другого стоит birds of a feather flock together prov. рыбак рыбака видит издалека an old bird стреляный воробей an old bird is not caught with chaff prov. старого воробья на мякине не проведешь (it is) the early bird (that) catches the worm prov. кто рано встает, того удача ждет to kill two birds with one stone одним ударом убить двух зайцев a little bird told me prov. слухом земля полнится; кто-то мне сказал, сорока на хвосте принесла to make a bird (of) попасть (в цель), поразить strictly for the birds только для несмышленышей; никуда не годится ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. птица bird dung —- гуано, птичий помет 2. разг. девчонка, легкомысленная женщина 3. разг. парень, человек a gay bird —- весельчак an odd bird —- чудак 4. разг. летательный аппарат, самолет, управляемая ракета 5. разг. ам. самолет, управляемая ракета 6. разг. ам. военный летчик 7. разг. заключенный арестант; преступник the bird is flown —- птичка улетела 8. сл. тюремный срок (заключения) 9. спутник Земли весом в 100 фунтов 10. волан (в бадминтоне) 11. спорт. тарелочка (мишень при стрельбе) 12. грубый жест; кукиш 13. ам. сл. орел (знак воинского звания) 14. уст. птенец Id: bird of Jove —- орел Id: bird of Juno —- павлин Id: bird of wonder —- (птица) феникс Id: a bird of one's own brain —- (своя) собственная идея Id: to do smth. like a bird —- делать что-л охотно Id: to eat like a bird —- есть мало Id: to get the bird —- сл. быть уволенным; быть освистанным Id: to give the bird —- сл. уволить; освистать Id: for the birds —- сл. дрянь, никуда не годится; простак, молокосос Id: you're one for the birds all right —- тебя любой обведет вокруг пальца Id: a little bird told me —- слухом земля полнится Id: to make a bird —- воен. жарг. попадать (в цель), поражать Id: a bird in the bush —- нечто нереальное или неизвестное; журавль в небе Id: a bird in the hand —- нечто реальное Id: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush —- посл. не сули журавля в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  птица – bird of Jove – bird of Juno – birds of paradise – bird of passage – bird of prey – bird of providence – bishop bird – blue bird of paradise – brown-winged bird of paradise – carinate birds – cherry bird – coachwhip bird – crested bird of paradise – decoy bird – diurnal birds of prey – dollar bird – emperor bird of paradise – fowl-like birds – frigate bird – gallinaceous birds – game bird – greater bird of paradise – helmet bird – hen bird – incubator birds – indigo bird – king bird of paradise – land bird – least frigate bird – lesser bird of paradise – magnificent bird of paradise – man-o'-war bird – migratory bird – missel bird – mistletoe bird – multicrested bird of paradise – mutton bird – nidifugous bird – night bird – October bird – ornate umbrella bird – parson bird – perching birds – pet bird – pilot bird – pintado bird – red bird of paradise – sea bird – second summer bird – secretary bird – shore birds – sickle-crested bird of paradise – silver bird – singing bird – skunk bird – snake bird – song bird – splendid bird of paradise – standard-winged bird of paradise – stuffed bird – superb bird of paradise – swimming bird – Tasmanian bird – tropic bird – trumpet bird – twelve-wired bird of paradise – umbrella bird – vervain bird – wading birds – wattle-billed bird of paradise – whidah bird – yellow-billed tropic bird – yellow-breasted bird of paradise ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) гондола с геофизическими приборами, буксируемая самолётом 2) геофиз. регулятор глубины погружения морской косы ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a feathered vertebrate with a beak, with two wings and two feet, egg-laying and usu. able to fly. 2 a game-bird. 3 Brit. sl. a young woman. 4 colloq. a person (a wily old bird). 5 sl. a a prison. b rhymingsl. a prison sentence (short for birdlime = time). Phrases and idioms bird-bath a basin in a garden etc. with water for birds to bathe in. bird-call 1 a bird's natural call. 2 an instrument imitating this. bird cherry a wild cherry Prunus padus. bird-fancier a person who knows about, collects, breeds, or deals in, birds. a bird in the hand something secured or certain. the bird is (or has) flown the prisoner, quarry, etc., has escaped. bird- (or birds'-) nesting hunting for birds' nests, usu. to get eggs. bird of paradise any bird of the family Paradiseidae found chiefly in New Guinea, the males having very beautiful brilliantly coloured plumage. bird of passage 1 a migrant. 2 any transient visitor. bird of prey see PREY. bird sanctuary an area where birds are protected and encouraged to breed. the birds and the bees euphem. sexual activity and reproduction. bird's-eye --n. 1 any of several plants having small bright round flowers, such as the germander speedwell. 2 a pattern with many small spots. --adj. of or having small bright round flowers (bird's-eye primrose). bird's-eye view a general view from above. bird's-foot (pl. bird's-foots) any plant like the foot of a bird, esp. of the genus Lotus, having claw-shaped pods. bird's nest soup soup made (esp. in Chinese cookery) from the dried gelatinous coating of the nests of swifts and other birds. birds of a feather people of like character. bird-strike a collision between a bird and an aircraft. bird table a raised platform on which food for birds is placed. bird-watcher a person who observes birds in their natural surroundings. bird-watching this occupation. for (or strictly for) the birds colloq. trivial, uninteresting. get the bird sl. 1 be dismissed. 2 be hissed at or booed. like a bird without difficulty or hesitation. a little bird an unnamed informant....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English brid, ~, from Old English bridd  Date: before 12th century  1. archaic the young of a feathered vertebrate  2. any of a class (Aves) of warm-blooded vertebrates distinguished by having the body more or less completely covered with feathers and the forelimbs modified as wings  3. a game ~  4. clay pigeon  5.  a. fellow  b. a peculiar person  c. chiefly British girl  6. shuttlecock  7. chiefly British  a. a hissing or jeering sound expressive of disapproval  b. dismissal from employment  8. a thin piece of meat rolled up with stuffing and cooked  9. a man-made object (as an aircraft, rocket, or satellite) that resembles a ~ especially by flying or being aloft  10. an obscene gesture of contempt made by pointing the middle finger upward while keeping the other fingers down — usually used with the; called also finger  11. ~ie 2  • ~like adjective  II. intransitive verb  Date: 1918 to observe or identify wild ~s in their natural environment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (birds) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bird is a creature with feathers and wings. Female birds lay eggs. Most birds can fly. N-COUNT 2. Some men refer to young women as birds. This use could cause offence. (BRIT INFORMAL) N-COUNT 3. see also game bird 4. see also early bird 5. If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar. PHRASE: v-link PHR 6. A bird in the hand is something that you already have and do not want to risk losing by trying to get something else. PHRASE 7. If you say that a little bird told you about something, you mean that someone has told you about it, but you do not want to say who it was. PHRASE 8. If you say that doing something will kill two birds with one stone, you mean that it will enable you to achieve two things that you want to achieve, rather than just one. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »BIRD« a creature with wings and feathers that lays eggs and can usually fly  (The tree was full of tiny, brightly-coloured birds.) 2 a little bird told me spoken used to say that you know something, but you will not say how you found out  (A little bird told me that you've got engaged.) 3 the birds and the bees humorous the facts about sex, especially as told to children 4 birds of a feather informal people of the same kind 5 give sb the bird a) AmE informal to make a very rude sign by putting your middle finger up b) BrE to make rude noises in order to show disapproval of a performer, public speaker etc 6 a bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush) used to say that something you already have is worth more than something which is better, but which you cannot be sure of getting 7 the bird has flown informal used to say that the person you are looking for has already left or escaped 8 be (strictly) for the birds AmE informal to be silly, useless, or not practical 9 »WOMAN« BrE old-fashioned a word meaning a young woman which some women think is offensive  (- see also dolly bird) 10 »PERSON« old-fashioned a person of a particular type, especially one who seems strange or unusual  (He's a strange old bird.) 11 do bird BrE slang to spend a period of time in prison  (- see also eat like a bird eat (1a)), early bird early1 (10) home bird home3 (5) kill two birds with one stone kill1 (10)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. bus. abbr. Bridgestone Innovative And Rational Development ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bridd, originally "young bird" (the usual O.E. for "bird" being fugol), of uncertain origin with no cognates in any other Gmc. language. Metathesis of -r- and -i- occurred 15c. Slang meaning "middle finger held up in a rude gesture" is from 1860s expression give the big bird "to hiss someone like a goose," kept alive in vaudeville slang with sense of "to greet someone with boos, hisses, and catcalls" (1922), transfered 1960s to the "up yours" hand gesture (the rigid finger representing the hypothetical object to be inserted) on notion of defiance and contempt. Gesture itself seems to be much older (the human anatomy section of a 12c. Latin bestiary in Cambridge describes the middle finger as that "by means of which the pursuit of dishonour is indicated"). Bird's-eye view is from 1762. For the birds recorded from 1944, supposedly in allusion to birds eating from droppings of horses and cattle. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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