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Английский Этимологический словарь - wide


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- O.E. wid, from P.Gmc. *widas, perhaps from PIE *wi- "apart, away." Wide awake is first recorded 1818; widespread is from 1705. Width first attested 1627, on model of breadth.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  univ. abbr. Writing In Digital Environments network. abbr. Widely Integrated Distributed Environment NASDAQ abbr. WIDECOM Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »DISTANCE« a) measuring a large distance from one side to the other  (a hat with a wide brim)  (- opposite narrow1 (1)) b) five metres/two miles etc wide measuring five metres etc from one side to the other  (The door's three feet wide.) 2 »VARIETY« including or involving a large variety of different people, things, or situations  (a man with a wide experience of foreign affairs | wide range/variety/selection etc)  (We stock a wide range of furnishing materials.) 3 »IN MANY PLACES« usually before noun happening among many people or in many places  (The Whitewater scandal received wide publicity.) 4 wide difference/gap/variation etc a large and noticeable difference  (the ever-wider gap between the richest and poorest countries) 5 the wider issues/view/context etc the more general features of a situation, rather than the specific details  (We also have a wider aim)  (the restoration of democracy.) 6 »EYES« especially literary wide eyes are fully open, especially when someone is very surprised, excited, or frightened  (Her eyes grew wide in anticipation.) 7 give sb/sth a wide berth especially BrE to avoid someone or something 8 the big wide world especially spoken places outside the small familiar place where you live  (Soon you'll leave school and go out into the big wide world.) 9 nationwide/city-wide etc happening or existing all over the nation, city etc  (a country-wide problem)  (- see also widely, width)  ( USAGE NOTE: WIDE WORD CHOICE wide, broad, big, large, wide-ranging Wide is the most usual word to describe something that measures a long distance from one side to another a wide road/lake/doorway/entrance/staircase . You also use wide to express how much something measures from side to side The gap was only a few inches wide. Broad is often used about parts of the body broad shoulders/hips | a broad nose/forehead Broad often suggests that something is wide in a good or attractive way a broad sunny avenue running through the middle of the town Sometimes you may need to think whether you really mean...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (wider, widest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Something that is wide measures a large distance from one side or edge to the other. All worktops should be wide enough to allow plenty of space for food preparation. ...a wide-brimmed sunhat. ? narrow ADJ 2. A wide smile is one in which your mouth is stretched because you are very pleased or amused. It brought a wide smile to his face and laughter to his eyes... = broad ADJ: usu ADJ n • widely He was grinning widely, waving to her as he ran. ADV: ADV after v 3. If you open or spread something wide, you open or spread it as far as possible or to the fullest extent. ‘It was huge,’ he announced, spreading his arms wide... His eyes were wide in disbelief... ADJ: usu v n ADJ, v-link ADJ, also ADJ n 4. You use wide to talk or ask about how much something measures from one side or edge to the other. ...a corridor of land 10 kilometres wide... The road is only one track wide. ...a desk that was almost as wide as the room... ADJ: amount ADJ, as ADJ as, ADJ-compar than, how ADJ 5. You use wide to describe something that includes a large number of different things or people. The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes... The proposed constitution gives him much wider powers than his predecessor. = broad ? narrow ADJ: usu ADJ n • widely He published widely in scientific journals... He was widely travelled. ADV: usu ADV after v 6. You use wide to say that something is found, believed, known, or supported by many people or throughout a large area. The case has attracted wide publicity... I suspect this book will have the widest appeal of all... = extensive ADJ: usu ADJ n • widely At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria. ADV: ADV with v 7. A wide difference or gap between two things, ideas, or qualities is a large difference or gap. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country... ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wid; akin to Old High German wit ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having great extent ; vast a ~ area  b. extending over a vast area ; extensive a ~ reputation  c. extending throughout a specified area or scope — usually used in combination nation~ industry-~  d. comprehensive, inclusive a ~ assortment  2.  a. having a specified extension from side to side 3 feet ~  b. having much extent between the sides ; broad a ~ doorway  c. fully opened ~-eyed  d. lax 4  3.  a. extending or fluctuating considerably between limits a ~ variation  b. straying or deviating from something specified — used with of the accusation was ~ of the truth  4. of an animal ration relatively rich in carbohydrate as compared with protein  Synonyms: see broad  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  (~r; ~st)  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. over a great distance or extent ; ~ly searched far and ~  b. over a specified distance, area, or extent — usually used in combination expanded the business country-~  2.  a. so as to leave much space or distance between placed ~ apart  b. so as to pass at or clear by a considerable distance ran ~ around left end  3. to the fullest extent ; completely, fully ~ open ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 a measuring much or more than other things of the same kind across or from side to side. b considerable; more than is needed (a wide margin). 2 (following a measurement) in width (a metre wide). 3 extending far; embracing much; of great extent (has a wide range; has wide experience; reached a wide public). 4 not tight or close or restricted; loose. 5 a free, liberal; unprejudiced (takes wide views). b not specialized; general. 6 open to the full extent (staring with wide eyes). 7 a (foll. by of) not within a reasonable distance of. b at a considerable distance from a point or mark. 8 Brit. sl. shrewd; skilled in sharp practice (wide boy). 9 (in comb.) extending over the whole of (nationwide). --adv. 1 widely. 2 to the full extent (wide awake). 3 far from the target etc. (is shooting wide). --n. 1 Cricket a ball judged to pass the wicket beyond the batsman's reach and so scoring a run. 2 (prec. by the) the wide world. Phrases and idioms give a wide berth to see BERTH. wide-angle (of a lens) having a short focal length and hence a field covering a wide angle. wide awake 1 fully awake. 2 colloq. wary, knowing. wide ball Cricket (sense 1 of n.). wide-eyed surprised or na{iuml}ve. wide of the mark see MARK(1). wide open (often foll. by to) exposed or vulnerable (to attack etc.). wide-ranging covering an extensive range. the wide world all the world great as it is. Derivatives wideness n. widish adj. Etymology: OE wid (adj.), wide (adv.) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) повсюду 2) просторный 3) широка 4) широкий 5) широко arithmetic in the wide sense — арифметика в широком смысле between very wide limits — в очень широких пределах parabolic differential equation in wide sense — параболическое дифференциальное уравнение в широком смысле variation in wide sense — вариация в широком смысле wide sense stationary process — процесс, стационарный в широком смысле - in wide sense - wide apart - wide curve - wide gate - wide jaw - wide range ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. 1) широкий, обширный, большой 2) значительный • - a wide range of prices - by a wide margin - wide connections - wide prices - wide variety Syn: broad ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. простор, ширь 2. (the wide) сл. весь мир done (whacked) to the wide —- погибший broke to the wide —- без гроша в кармане 3. широкий; от края до края wide road —- широкая дорога 4. имеющий такую-то ширину three feet wide —- шириной в три фута 5. обширный, пространный; широкий по охвату; огромный wide area —- обширный район wide knowledge —- обширные познания wide interests —- широкие интересы wide difference —- огромная разница, глубокое различие the wide world —- весь мир a wide public —- широкая общественность 6. диал. просторный (об одежде) wide coat —- широкое (свободное) пальто 7. широко открытый to stare with wide eyes —- смотреть широко раскрытыми глазами the door was wide —- дверь была распахнута настежь wide to the world —- открытый всему миру 8. (of) далекий (от чего-л.); отклоняющийся wide of the mark —- мимо цели; неправильно; не по существу; неуместно, некстати this is wide of the truth —- это далеко от истины views wide of ours —- взгляды, резко отличающиеся от наших 9. сл. хитрый, ловкий; себе на уме wide fellow —- ловкач 10. сл. распущенный; непристойный 11. сл. неумеренный, выходящий за пределы допустимого 12. фон. широкий (о гласном) 13. бирж. значительно разнящийся wide prices —- значительный разрыв между курсом покупателей и курсом продавцов ценных бумаг wide opening —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) широкий  2) такой-то ширины; 3 ft. wide в 3 фута шириной  3) большой, обширный; просторный; the wide world - весь свет; wide interests - разносторонние интересы  4) широко открытый (о глазах и т.п.)  5) далекий  2. adv.  1) широко, повсюду (тж. far and wide)  2) далеко; wide apart - на большом расстоянии друг от друга; wide of the truth - далеко от истины  3) мимо цели (тж. wide of the mark)  4) широко; to open the window wide - распахнуть настежь окно WIDE awake  1) бодрствующий, недремлющий  2) начеку, бдительный; осмотрительный WIDE latitude широкие полномочия ...
Англо-русский словарь


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