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Английский Этимологический словарь - understand


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- O.E. understandan "comprehend, grasp the idea of," lit. "stand in the midst of," from under + standan "to stand." The exact notion is unclear (perhaps "be close to," cf. Gk. epistamai "know how, know"). Similar formations are found in O.Fris., M.Dan., while other Gmc. languages use compounds meaning "stand before" (cf. Ger. verstehen). For this concept, most I.E. languages use figurative extensions of compounds that lit. mean "put together," or "separate," or "take, grasp."
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~ v past tense and past participle understood (not in progressive) 1 »MEANING« to know the meaning of what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak  (She doesn't understand English - try Spanish. | I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you explain that again? | understand perfectly)  (I understand perfectly, the children must be in bed by 8 o'clock.) 2 »FACT/IDEA« to know or realize how a fact, process, situation etc works, especially through learning or experience  (I don't really understand the political situation in Northern Ireland. | understand how/why/where etc)  (You don't need to understand how computers work to be able to use them. | fully understand)  (How the drug actually works isn't fully understood.) 3 »PERSON« to know and sympathize with how someone feels, and why they behave the way they do  (My parents just don't understand me. | Don tried to understand. | understand how/what etc)  (I understand how you feel, but I think you're over-reacting. | understand sb doing sth)  (I can understand her wanting to live alone and be independent.) 4 I understand (that) spoken formal used to say that someone has told you that something is true  (I understand that you'll be coming to work here soon.) 5 make yourself understood to be able to express simple things in another language  (I'm not very good at German, but I can make myself understood.) 6 do you understand? spoken used when you are telling someone what they should or should not do, especially when you are angry with them  (Never speak to me like that again! Do you understand?) 7 be understood formal used to say that something has been agreed and there is no need to discuss it  (be understood that)  (I thought it was understood that if we worked late we'd get paid double.) 8 understand sth/sb to mean sth accept something as having a particular meaning  (In this document, `children' is understood to mean people under 14.) 9 give sb to understand sth formal to make someone believe that something is true, something is going to happen etc,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (understands, understanding, understood) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you understand someone or understand what they are saying, you know what they mean. Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman... I don’t understand what you are talking about... He was speaking poor English, trying to make himself understood. VERB: no cont, V n, V wh, make pron-refl V-ed 2. If you understand a language, you know what someone is saying when they are speaking that language. I couldn’t read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate. VERB: no cont, V n 3. To understand someone means to know how they feel and why they behave in the way that they do. It would be nice to have someone who really understood me, a friend... Trish had not exactly understood his feelings... She understands why I get tired and grumpy. VERB: no cont, V n, V n, V wh 4. You say that you understand something when you know why or how it happens. They are too young to understand what is going on... In the effort to understand AIDS, attention is moving from the virus to the immune system. VERB: no cont, V wh, V n 5. If you understand that something is the case, you think it is true because you have heard or read that it is. You can say that something is understood to be the case to mean that people generally think it is true. We understand that she’s in the studio recording her second album... As I understand it, you came round the corner by the cricket field and there was the man in the road... The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request... It is understood that the veteran reporter had a heart attack. VERB: no cont, V that, V it, be V-ed to-inf, it be V-ed that/to-inf 6. If someone is given to understand that something is the case, it is communicated to them that it is the case, usually without them being told directly. I am given to understand that he was swearing throughout the game at our fans. PHRASE: give...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (understood; -standing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an, from under + standan to stand  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to grasp the meaning of ~ Russian  b. to grasp the reasonableness of his behavior is hard to ~  c. to have thorough or technical acquaintance with or expertness in the practice of ~ finance  d. to be thoroughly familiar with the character and propensities of ~s children  2. to accept as a fact or truth or regard as plausible without utter certainty we ~ that he is returning from abroad  3. to interpret in one of a number of possible ways  4. to supply in thought as though expressed “to be married” is commonly understood after the word engaged  intransitive verb  1. to have ~ing ; have the power of comprehension  2. to achieve a grasp of the nature, significance, or explanation of something  3. to believe or infer something to be the case  4. to show a sympathetic or tolerant attitude toward something  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, comprehend, appreciate mean to have a clear or complete idea of. ~ and comprehend are very often interchangeable. ~ may, however, stress the fact of having attained a firm mental grasp of something orders that were fully understood and promptly obeyed. comprehend may stress the process of coming to grips with something intellectually I have trouble comprehending your reasons for doing this. appreciate implies a just evaluation or judgment of a thing's value or nature failed to appreciate the risks involved. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. (past and past part. -stood) 1 tr. perceive the meaning of (words, a person, a language, etc.) (does not understand what you say; understood you perfectly; cannot understand French). 2 tr. perceive the significance or explanation or cause of (do not understand why he came; could not understand what the noise was about; do not understand the point of his remark). 3 tr. be sympathetically aware of the character or nature of, know how to deal with (quite understand your difficulty; cannot understand him at all; could never understand algebra). 4 tr. a (often foll. by that + clause) infer esp. from information received, take as implied, take for granted (I understand that it begins at noon; I understand him to be a distant relation; am I to understand that you refuse?). b (absol.) believe or assume from knowledge or inference (he is coming tomorrow, I understand). 5 tr. supply (a word) mentally (the verb may be either expressed or understood). 6 intr. have understanding (in general or in particular). Phrases and idioms understand each other 1 know each other's views or feelings. 2 be in agreement or collusion. Derivatives understandable adj. understandably adv. understander n. Etymology: OE understandan (as UNDER-, STAND) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) истолковывать 2) подразумевать 3) понимать 4) разуметь ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. понимать to understand a question —- понимать вопрос 2. постигать, осознавать, представлять try and understand my difficulties —- постарайтесь понять мои трудности 3. услышать, узнать; заключить из услышанного I understand that he is going to marry —- я слышал, что он собирается жениться 4. предполагать, догадываться the verb may be either expressed or understood —- глагол может быть указан или подразумеваться 5. уславливаться, договариваться it was understood that... —- было условлено, что... 6. иметь в виду, подразумевать what do you understand by this? —- что вы под этим подразумеваете? 7. знать, быть сведущим (в чем-либо); смыслить to understand mathematics —- понимать математику 8. полагать; допускать am I to understand that your refusal is final? —- должен ли я считать, что вы мне окончательно отказываете? ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  by иметь в виду, подразумевать UNDERSTAND v.  1) понимать; to make oneself understood - уметь объясниться  2) истолковывать, понимать; no one could understand that from my words - никто не мог сделать такого заключения из моих слов; to give to understand - дать понять  3) подразумевать; what do you understand by this? - что вы под этим подразумеваете?  4) (у)слышать, узнать; I understand that you are going abroad - я слышал, что вы едете за границу  5) предполагать, догадываться  6) уславливаться; it was understood we were to meet at dinner - было условлено, что мы встретимся за обедом  7) уметь, смыслить (в чем-л.) - understand by ...
Англо-русский словарь


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