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Английский Этимологический словарь - sure


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- c.1250, "safe, secure," later "mentally certain" (c.1330), from O.Fr. sur, seur "safe, secure," from L. securus "free from care, untroubled, heedless, safe" (see secure). Pronunciation development followed that of sugar. As an affirmative meaning "yes, certainly" it dates from 1842. Sure-footed is from 1633; sure-fire first attested 1901; sure thing dates from 1836.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  mil. abbr. Supply Usage Requirements Estimator univ. abbr. Students United For Reform And Equality univ. abbr. Student Undergraduate Research Experience educ. abbr. Silent Uninterrupted Reading For Enjoyment gen. bus. abbr. Scalability, Usability, Reliability, And Economy firm name abbr. Somerset Unit For Radiotherapy Equipment ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »CERTAIN YOU KNOW STH« confident that you know something or that something is true or correct  ("What time does the show start?" "I'm not sure." | sure (that))  (I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this. | Are you sure you know how to get there?) + of  (You need to be sure of your facts before making any accusations.) + abou  ("That's the man I saw in the building last night." "Are you quite sure about that?") not sure how/where/whether etc  (I'm not sure where Michael is, to be honest. | "What time does the show start?" "I'm not sure." | not sure if)  (Mr Watkins isn't sure if he'll be able to come. | pretty sure (=almost certain))  (I'm pretty sure Barbara still works there.) 2 »CERTAIN ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS« certain about what you feel, want, like etc  ("Are you sure you really want a divorce?") 3 make sure a) to find out if something is true or to check that something has been done  ("Did you lock the front door?" " I think so, but I'd better make sure." | make sure (that))  (Emma peered into the room to make sure that Ruth was asleep.) b) to do something so that you can be certain of the result  (make sure (that))  (I made sure that the rope was firmly fastened around his waist. | make sure of sth)  (Ben made sure of winning by betting on all the horses..) 4 »CERTAIN TO BE TRUE« certain to be true  (one thing is (for) sure)  (One thing's for sure, we'll never be able to move this furniture on our own. | sure sign/indication (=a sign that something is certainly going to happen))  (Those black clouds are a sure sign of rain.) 5 »CERTAIN TO SUCCEED« certain to succeed  (sure way/means (=a way of doing something that will certainly achieve a particular result))  (Arriving at work in pyjamas is a sure way of attracting attention to yourself! | a sure bet AmE (=something that is certain to succeed) | a sure thing AmE (=something that will definitely happen, win, succeed etc)) 6 be sure of to be certain to get something or be certain that something will happen  (United must beat Liverpool...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (surer, surest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you are sure that something is true, you are certain that it is true. If you are not sure about something, you do not know for certain what the true situation is. He’d never been in a class before and he was not even sure that he should have been teaching... The president has never been sure which direction he wanted to go in on this issue... It is impossible to be sure about the value of land. = certain ? doubtful ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ that, ADJ wh, ADJ about/of n 2. If someone is sure of getting something, they will definitely get it or they think they will definitely get it. A lot of people think that it’s better to pay for their education so that they can be sure of getting quality... ADJ: v-link ADJ of -ing/n 3. If you say that something is sure to happen, you are emphasizing your belief that it will happen. With over 80 beaches to choose from, you are sure to find a place to lay your towel... PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 4. Sure is used to emphasize that something such as a sign or ability is reliable or accurate. Sharpe’s leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain... She has a sure grasp of social issues such as literacy, poverty and child care. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you tell someone to be sure to do something, you mean that they must not forget to do it. Be sure to read about how mozzarella is made, on page 65... Be sure you get your daily quota of calcium. ADJ: v-link ADJ, ADJ to-inf, ADJ that c darkgreen]emphasis 6. Sure is an informal way of saying ‘yes’ or ‘all right’. ‘He rang you?’—‘Sure. Last night.’... ‘I’d like to be alone, O.K?’—‘Sure. O.K.’... CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 7. You can use sure in order to emphasize what you are saying. (INFORMAL) ‘Has the whole world just gone crazy?’—‘Sure looks that way, doesn’t it.’ = certainly ADV: ADV before v c darkgreen]emphasis 8. You say sure...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English seur, ~, from Anglo-French seur, from Latin securus secure  Date: 13th century  1. obsolete safe from danger or harm  2. firmly established ; steadfast a ~ hold  3. reliable, trustworthy a ~ friend  4.  a. marked by or given to feelings of confident certainty I'm ~ I'm right  b. characterized by a lack of wavering or hesitation ~ brush strokes a ~ hand  5. admitting of no doubt ; indisputable spoke from ~ knowledge  6.  a. bound to happen ; inevitable ~ disaster  b. bound, destined is ~ to win  7. careful to remember, attend to, or find out something be ~ to lock the door  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, certain, positive, cock~ mean having no doubt or uncertainty. ~ usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance felt ~ that I had forgotten something. certain may apply to a basing of a conclusion or conviction on definite grounds or indubitable evidence police are certain about the cause of the fire. positive intensifies ~ness or certainty and may imply opinionated conviction or forceful expression of it I'm positive that's the person I saw. cock~ implies presumptuous or careless positiveness you're always so cock~ about everything.  II. adverb  Date: 14th century ~ly Usage:  Most commentators consider the adverb ~ to be something less than completely standard; ~ly is usually recommended as a substitute. Our current evidence shows, however, that ~ and ~ly have become differentiated in use. Sure is used in much more informal contexts than ~ly. It is used as a simple intensive I can never know how much I bored her, but, be certain, she ~ amused me — Norman Mailer and, because it connotes strong affirmation, it is used when the speaker or writer expects to be agreed with it's a moot point whether politicians are less venal than in Twain's day. But they're ~ as the devil more intrusive — Alan Abelson he ~ gets them to play — D. S. Looney. Surely, like ~, is used as a simple intensive I ~ly don't want to leave the impression that I...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & adv. --adj. 1 having or seeming to have adequate reason for a belief or assertion. 2 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) convinced. 3 (foll. by of) having a certain prospect or confident anticipation or satisfactory knowledge of. 4 reliable or unfailing (there is one sure way to find out). 5 (foll. by to + infin.) certain. 6 undoubtedly true or truthful. --adv. colloq. certainly. Phrases and idioms as sure as eggs is eggs see EGG(1). as sure as fate quite certain. be sure (in imper. or infin.; foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) take care to; not fail to (be sure to turn the lights out). for sure colloq. without doubt. make sure 1 make or become certain; ensure. 2 (foll. by of) establish the truth or ensure the existence or happening of. sure enough colloq. 1 in fact; certainly. 2 with near certainty (they will come sure enough). sure-fire colloq. certain to succeed. sure-footed never stumbling or making a mistake. sure-footedly in a sure-footed way. sure-footedness being sure-footed. sure thing int. esp. US colloq. certainly. to be sure 1 it is undeniable or admitted. 2 it must be admitted. Derivatives sureness n. Etymology: ME f. OF sur sure (earlier s{euml}ur) f. L securus SECURE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) безопасный 2) верный 3) надежный almost sure continuity — непрерывность почти наверное almost sure convergence — сходимость почти наверное almost sure defined — почти наверное определенный almost sure equality — равенство почти наверное almost sure monotone — почти наверное монотонный almost sure solvability — разрешимость почти наверное - almost sure - make sure - sure outcome - sure property - sure rate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  "Шур" Товарный знак дезодоранта производства компании "Проктер энд Гэмбл" Procter and Gamble Co. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. уверенный to be (to feel) sure of success —- быть уверенным в успехе I am sure that he is honest —- я уверен (убежден) в его честности are you (do you feel) sure (about it)? —- вы уверены (в этом)? I am sure of that —- я в этом убежден sure person —- самоуверенный человек 2. твердый, уверенный sure hand —- твердая рука with a sure step —- уверенным шагом, твердой походкой sure brush strokes —- уверенные мазки sure faith —- непоколебимая вера to stand on sure ground —- стоять на твердой почве he spoke from sure knowledge —- он говорил на основании точного знания фактов 3. убедившийся to make sure of (that) —- убедиться, удостовериться I want to make sure that he is here —- я хочу убедиться, что он здесь you'd better make sure yourself —- лучше удостоверьтесь сами I think there is a train at 5.15 but you'd better make sure —- кажется, есть поезд в 5.15, но советую вам это проверить 4. несомненный, бесспорный; неизбежный one thing is sure —- одно несомненно sure disaster —- неизбежная катастрофа 5. верный, надежный sure remedy —- верное средство sure proof —- верное доказательство sure shot —- меткий стрелок he is my sure adviser —- он мой верный советчик put it in a sure place —- положите это в надежное место 6. обязательный, непременный be sure to come —- приходите обязательно (непременно) be sure to close the door after you —- не забудьте запереть за собой дверь the weather is...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) верный, безошибочный; надежный, безопасный; a sure method - верный метод; sure shot - меткий стрелок  2) predic. несомненный; be sure to/and tell me - непременно скажите мне, не забудьте сказать мне; he is sure to come - он обязательно придет  3) уверенный; sure of - убежденный в; sure of oneself - самоуверенный; to feel sure (that) - быть уверенным (что) well, I am sure! - вот те раз!; однако! sure thing! - безусловно!, конечно! to be sure - разумеется, конечно a sure draw -  а) лес, в котором наверняка есть лисицы;  б) замечание, которое рассчитано на то, чтобы заставить кого-л. проболтаться, выдать себя for sure -  а) обязательно;  б) точно, наверняка to make sure of/that -  а) быть уверенным (в чем-л.);  б) убедиться, удостовериться;  в) достать; обеспечить (of); I must make sure of a house for winter я должен обеспечить себе жилье на зиму sure bind, sure find - prov. крепче запрешь, вернее найдешь Syn: certain, definite, doubtless, positive Ant: doubtful, improbable, unlikely, unsure, wavering  2. adv.  1) sure enough - действительно, конечно; без сомнения; as sure as - верно, как  2) употр. для усиления: I sure am sorry about it - я очень сожалею об этом  3) amer.; coll. конечно, непременно, безусловно (в ответе на вопрос) as sure as eggs is eggs - верно, как дважды два четыре as sure as a gun sl. - безусловно as sure as fate/death - несомненно  3. interj....
Англо-русский словарь


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