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Английский Этимологический словарь - sorry


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- O.E. sarig "distressed, full of sorrow," from W.Gmc. *sairig-, from *sairaz "pain" (physical and mental). Related to sar (see sore). Meaning "wretched, worthless, poor" first recorded c.1250. Spelling shift from -a- to -o- by influence of sorrow. Apologetic sense is from 1914; as another way to say "excuse me" it is first attested 1972, from phrase sorry about that, popularized 1960s by TV show "Get Smart."
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  ~ adj 1 »ASHAMED« feeling ashamed or unhappy about something bad you have done  (be sorry about)  (We're sorry about all the mess, Mom. | be sorry (that))  (Casey was sorry he'd gotten so angry at the kids over nothing. | say (you are) sorry)  (Go say you are sorry to your sister for hitting her, Larry. | sorry for)  (Tell Barbara you're sorry for pulling her hair. | say sorry especially BrE)  (Say sorry to your mother, Andrew.) 2 be/feel sorry for to feel pity or sympathy for someone because something bad has happened to them  (feel/be sorry for)  (Tina was sorry for Pat; she seemed so lonely. | I've got no sympathy for him, but I feel sorry for his wife. | feel sorry for yourself (=feel unhappy and pity yourself))  (It's no good feeling sorry for yourself. It's all your own fault.) 3 »DISAPPOINTED« feeling sad about a situation or about something you have done, and wishing you had not done it or the situation was different  (You'll be sorry if your father catches you! | be sorry (that))  (Brigid was always sorry she hadn't kept up her piano lessons. | I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the meal. | be sorry to do sth)  (We were sorry to miss your concert. | I won't be sorry to leave this place. | be sorry to hear/learn/see)  (I was sorry to hear about your accident.) 4 »VERY BAD« only before noun very bad, especially in a way that makes you feel pity or disapproval  (sorry sight)  (Milly was a sorry sight, dirty and dishevelled, by the time she got home. | sorry state of affairs)  (It's a sorry state of affairs when a sick old lady has to wait three hours to see a doctor.) 5 sorry/I'm sorry a) used to tell someone that you feel ashamed and unhappy about something bad you have done to them  (I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.) + abou  (Sorry about that. I'll buy you a new one.) I'm sorry (that)  (I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday. I just completely forgot.) b) used as a polite way of excusing yourself in a social situation  (I'm sorry, did I step on your foot? | It's about ten miles,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sorrier, sorriest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You say ‘Sorry’ or ‘I’m sorry’ as a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties, or when you bump into them accidentally. ‘We’re all talking at the same time.’—‘Yeah. Sorry.’... Sorry I took so long... Sorry for barging in like this... I’m really sorry if I said anything wrong... I’m sorry to call so late, but I need a favour... The next morning she came into my room and said she was sorry. CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 2. If you are sorry about a situation, you feel regret, sadness, or disappointment about it. She was very sorry about all the trouble she’d caused... I’m sorry about what’s happened... I’m sorry he’s gone... He was sorry to see them go. ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ about n, ADJ that/to-inf 3. You use I’m sorry or sorry as an introduction when you are telling a person something that you do not think they will want to hear, for example when you are disagreeing with them or giving them bad news. No, I’m sorry, I can’t agree with you... ‘I’m sorry,’ he told the real estate agent, ‘but we really must go now.’... Sorry–no baths after ten o’clock... I’m sorry to have to tell you that Janet West is dead. CONVENTION 4. You use the expression I’m sorry to say to express regret together with disappointment or disapproval. I’ve only done half of it, I’m sorry to say... This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking. PHRASE: PHR with cl, PHR that c darkgreen]feelings 5. You say ‘I’m sorry’ to express your regret and sadness when you hear sad or unpleasant news. I’ve heard about Mollie–I’m so sorry... ‘I’m afraid he’s ill.’—‘I’m sorry to hear that.’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]feelings 6. If you feel sorry for someone who is unhappy or in an unpleasant situation, you feel sympathy and sadness for them. I felt...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adjective  (sorrier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English sory, from Old English sarig, from sar sore  Date: before 12th century  1. feeling sorrow, regret, or penitence  2. mournful, sad  3. inspiring sorrow, pity, scorn, or ridicule ; pitiful their affairs were in a ~ state  Synonyms: see contemptible  • sorrily adverb  • sorriness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. (sorrier, sorriest) 1 (predic.) pained or regretful or penitent (were sorry for what they had done; am sorry that you have to go). 2 (predic.; foll. by for) feeling pity or sympathy for (a person). 3 as an expression of apology. 4 wretched; in a poor state (a sorry sight). Phrases and idioms sorry for oneself dejected. Derivatives sorrily adv. sorriness n. Etymology: OE sarig f. WG (as SORE, -Y(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. огорченный; сожалеющий to be sorry for oneself —- глубоко переживать to be sorry about smth. —- сожалеть о чем-либо we feel deeply sorry for him —- нам очень жаль его; мы глубоко сочувствуем ему (I'm) sorry!, (I'm) so sorry! —- виноват!, извините!, простите! I'm sorry to trouble you but.. —- простите за беспокойство, но... I'm so sorry to hear that... —- я очень огорчен известием о том, что... I'm sorry to say he is ill —- к сожалению, он болен some day you will be sorry for what you have done —- когда-нибудь вы пожалеете о том, что вы сделали I shall not be sorry if... —- я не буду жалеть, если... 2. жалкий; несчастный sorry fellow —- жалкий человек sorry excuse —- жалкая отговорка in sorry clothes —- в жалких отрепьях to cut a sorry figure —- иметь жалкий вид 3. печальный, мрачный a slum is a sorry place —- трущобы - унылое место ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) predic. огорченный, полный сожаления; (Im) sorry, (Im) so sorry - виноват, простите; to feel sorry for smb. - сочувствовать кому-л.; you will be sorry for this some day - вы пожалеете об этом когда-нибудь; I am so sorry - мне так жаль; I am sorry to say he is ill - он, к сожалению, болен  2) жалкий, несчастный; плохой; sorry excuse - неудачное оправдание; sorry sight - жалкое зрелище  3) мрачный, грустный Syn: see miserable SORT  1. noun  1) род, сорт, вид, разряд; of sorts - разных сортов, смешанный; I need all sorts of things - мне нужно много разных вещей; all sorts and conditions of men, people of every sort and kind - всевозможные люди  2) качество, характер; a good sort coll. - славный малый; hes not a bad sort - он парень неплохой; the better sort coll. - выдающиеся люди; hes not my sort coll. - он не в моем духе; what sort of man is he? - что он за человек?  3) образ, манера; after/in a sort -  а) некоторым образом;  б) в некоторой степени  4) pl.; typ. литеры sort of coll. -  а) отчасти; Im sort of glad things happened the way they did я отчасти рад, что так вышло;  б) как бы, вроде; he sort of hinted coll. он вроде бы намекнул a sort of - что-то вроде that sort of thing - тому подобное nothing of the sort - ничего подобного to be out of sorts -  а) быть не в духе;  б) плохо себя чувствовать Syn: see kind  2. v. сортировать; разбирать; классифицировать - sort out - sort over - sort with to sort well (ill) with - соответствовать...
Англо-русский словарь


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