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Английский Этимологический словарь - solution


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- 1375, "a solving or being solved," from O.Fr. solution, from L. solutionem (nom. solutio) "a loosening or unfastening," also "a solving," from pp. stem of solvere "to loosen, untie, solve, dissolve." Meaning "liquid containing a dissolved substance" is first recorded 1594.
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См. в других словарях

  ~ n 1 a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation  (The best solution would be for them to separate.) + to/for  (There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation. | find a solution)  (Both sides are trying to find a peaceful solution.) 2 the correct answer to a problem in an exercise or competition  (The solution to last week's puzzle is on page 12.) 3 a liquid mixed with a solid or gas, usually without a chemical change  (a weak sugar solution) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (solutions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A solution to a problem or difficult situation is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is removed. Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force. ...the ability to sort out simple, effective solutions to practical problems. N-COUNT: oft N to n 2. The solution to a puzzle is the answer to it. ...the solution to crossword No. 19721. N-COUNT 3. A solution is a liquid in which a solid substance has been dissolved. ...a warm solution of liquid detergent... N-COUNT: also in N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English solucion explanation, dispersal of bodily humors, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~-, solutio, from solvere to loosen, solve  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an action or process of solving a problem  b. an answer to a problem ; explanation; specifically a set of values of the variables that satisfies an equation  2.  a. an act or the process by which a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance is homogeneously mixed with a liquid or sometimes a gas or solid  b. a homogeneous mixture formed by this process; especially a single-phase liquid system  c. the condition of being dissolved  3. a bringing or coming to an end or into a state of discontinuity ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the act or a means of solving a problem or difficulty. 2 a the conversion of a solid or gas into a liquid by mixture with a liquid solvent. b the state resulting from this (held in solution). 3 the act of dissolving or the state of being dissolved. 4 the act of separating or breaking. 5 = rubber solution (see RUBBER(1)). Phrases and idioms solution set Math. the set of all the solutions of an equation or condition. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L solutio -onis (as SOLVE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) раствор 2) растворение 3) электролит 4) матем. решение in the bulk solution — внутри [в объёме] раствора; to go into solution — переходить в раствор - solution of equation - solution of triangles - acidic solution - acid solution - adhesive solution - alcoholic solution - alkaline solution - ambiguous solution - anodizing solution - antioffset solution - aqua-ammonia solution - aqueous solution - azeotropic solution - base solution - basic solution - battery solution - bleaching solution - bonding solution - brine solution - buffer solution - buffered solution - bulk solution - checking solution - check solution - chemical solution - cleaning solution - cleansing solution - clear solution - colloidal solution - color-former solution - color process solution - complex solution - concentrated solution - coring solid solution - decontaminating solution - dejacketing solution - developing solution - diazo solution - diluted solution - dilute solution - disinfectant solution - disordered solid solution - dispersoid solution - doctor solution - dosimeter solution - electrolytic solution - engineering solution - epitaxial solution - etchant solution - etch solution - fat solution - fiber-forming solution - fixing solution - formaldehyde solution - fountain solution - frosting solution - fuel solution - general solution - gravity solution - growth solution - ideal solution - impregnating solution - insect repellent solution - interstitial solid solution - leaching solution - leach solution - lead solution - lean solution - limed sugar solution - liquid solution - molal solution - molar solution - molasses solution - molecular solution - monobath solution - mother solution - mud solution - nickel solution - nonaqueous solution - nonideal solution - nonmoderation solution - normal solution - null solution - oil-naphtha solution - oversaturated solution - parametric solution - partial solution - periodic solution - physical solution - pickle solution - pickling...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  решение раствор solution of truss joint alternative solution analytical solution of trusses approximate solution architectural solution cleaning solution cost-effective solution exact solution finite element solution graphical solution linear solution membrane solution nonlinear solution Terzaghi solution ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  решение – creative workflow solutions ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) разрешающий 2) разрешение 3) раствор 4) растворение 5) растворяющий 6) решение to admit a solution — иметь решение absolutely integrable solution — абсолютно интегрируемое решение almost periodic solution — почти периодическое решение ambiguous case in the solution of triangles — случай решения треугольников по двум сторонам и противолежащему углу ammonia solution applicator — машина для внесения аммиакатов analytically tractable solution — аналитически находимое решение asymptotically stable solution — асимптотически устойчивое решение completely stable solution — вполне устойчивое решение completely unstable solution — вполне неустойчивое решение conditionally periodic solution — условно периодическое решение directly unstable solution — прямо неустойчивое решение doubly periodic solution — двояко-периодическое решение equiasymptotically stable solution — равномерно асимптотически устойчивое решение essentially unique solution — существенно единственное решение existence and uniqueness of solution — существование и единственность решения existence of a solution — существование решения general solution ideal — идеал общего решения interstitial solid solution — твердый раствор внедрения least squares solution — решение методом наименьших квадратов linearly independent solution — линейно независимое решение locally optimal solution — локально оптимальное решение...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) решение 2) разрешение (вопроса) – approximative solution – empirical solution of problem – hardware-software solution SOLUTION сущ. решение, разрешение (вопроса, проблемы) - arrive at a solution - equitable solution - solution of a difficulty - solution set SOLUTION OF A DIFFICULTY разрешение затруднения, разрешение трудного вопроса ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) раствор 2) решение 3) растворение – approximate solution – balanced salt solution – basic solution – Bayes solution – buffer solution – clarifying solution – compound iodine solution – culture solution – destain solution – experimental solution – feasible solution – food solution – gel solution – Lugol's solution – mother solution – NBT solution – normal solution – normal saline solution – nutrient solution – physiological solution – preservative solution – reference solution – Ringer's solution – saline solution – saturated solution – staining solution – standard solution – stock solution – strong solution – test solution – tracer solution – trial-and-error solution – weak solution – Ziehl's solution ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. решение; разрешение (проблемы и т. п.); объяснение solution of a difficulty —- выход из затруднения solution of one's doubts —- разрешение чьих-либо сомнений solution to (for) a puzzle —- решение загадки, ключ к загадке; ответ к кроссворду solution of a question —- решение вопроса solution to a grievance —- удовлетворение жалобы 2. мед. разрешение болезни; окончание болезни 3. мед. кризис (в течении болезни) 4. растворение, распускание solution of sugar in tea —- растворение сахара в чае 5. раствор chemical (saturated, strong, weak) solution —- химический (насыщенный, крепкий, слабый) раствор to make (to mix) a solution —- приготовить раствор 6. растворенное состояние to hold some substance in solution —- держать какое-либо вещество в растворе (растворенным) his ideas are still in solution —- его взгляды все еще не сформировались 7. микстура, жидкое лекарство 8. спец. разрыв, прерывность; раздробление solution of connection —- разрыв (нарушение) связи solution of continuity —- разрыв непрерывности; нарушение преемственности; мед. разрыв (нарушение) целостности тканей 9. обрабатывать или покрывать раствором ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) раствор  2) растворение; распускание  3) решение, разрешение (вопроса и т.п.); объяснение; his ideas are in solution - его взгляды еще не установились  4) med. окончание болезни, разрешение  5) med. микстура, жидкое лекарство ...
Англо-русский словарь


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