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Английский Этимологический словарь - sister


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- O.E. sweostor, swuster, from P.Gmc. *swestr-, from PIE *swesor, one of the most persistent and unchanging PIE root words, recognizable in almost every modern I.E. language. For vowel evolution, see bury. Used of nuns in O.E.; of a woman in general from 1906; of a black woman from 1926; and in the sense of "fellow feminist" from 1912. Abbreviated form sis (Amer.Eng.) applied generally to girls and young women (1859); hence sissy "effeminate man" (1887).
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  univ. abbr. Soroptimists In Science Technology Engineering And Research religion abbr. Sisters In Scripture Teaching Encouraging Relationships ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ n 1 a girl or woman who has the same parents as you  (Janet and Abigail are sisters. | He has three sisters and two brothers.) 2 also Sister BrE a nurse in charge of a hospital ward1 (1)  (I'm feeling a bit better today, Sister . | the night sister) 3 also Sister a nun  (Good morning, Sister Mary.) 4 sister company/organization/ship etc a company etc that belongs to the same group or organization  (the Daily Express and its sister paper the Daily Star) 5 AmE spoken a way of addressing a woman, used especially by African Americans 6 a word used by women to talk about other women and to show that they have feelings of friendship and support towards them  (We have to support our sisters in southern Africa.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sisters) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Your sister is a girl or woman who has the same parents as you. His sister Sarah helped him. ...Vanessa Bell, the sister of Virginia Woolf... I didn’t know you had a sister. N-COUNT: oft poss N see also half-sister, stepsister 2. Sister is a title given to a woman who belongs to a religious community. Sister Francesca entered the chapel. ...the Hospice of the Sisters of Charity at Lourdes. N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 3. A sister is a senior female nurse who supervises part of a hospital. (BRIT) Ask to speak to the sister on the ward... Sister Middleton followed the coffee trolley. N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 4. You can describe a woman as your sister if you feel a connection with her, for example because she belongs to the same race, religion, country, or profession. Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past. N-COUNT: usu poss N 5. You can use sister to describe something that is of the same type or is connected in some way to another thing you have mentioned. For example, if a company has a sister company, they are connected. ...the International Monetary Fund and its sister organisation, the World Bank. ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Etymology: Middle English suster, ~, partly from Old English sweostor and partly from Old Norse systir ~; akin to Latin soror ~, Sanskrit svas?  Date: before 12th century  1. a female who has one or both parents in common with another  2. often capitalized  a. a member of a women's religious order (as of nuns or deaconesses); especially one of a Roman Catholic congregation under simple vows  b. a girl or woman who is a member of a Christian church  3.  a. a girl or woman regarded as a comrade  b. a girl or woman who shares with another a common national or racial origin; especially a black girl or woman  4. one that is closely similar to or associated with another ~ schools ~ cities  5. chiefly British nurse  6.  a. girl, woman  b. person — usually used in the phrase weak ~  7. a member of a sorority ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a woman or girl in relation to sons and other daughters of her parents. 2 a (often as a form of address) a close female friend or associate. b a female fellow member of a trade union, class, sect, or the human race. 3 a senior female nurse. 4 a member of a female religious order. 5 (attrib.) of the same type or design or origin etc. (sister ship; prose, the younger sister of verse). Phrases and idioms sister german see GERMAN. sister-in-law (pl. sisters-in-law) 1 the sister of one's wife or husband. 2 the wife of one's brother. 3 the wife of one's brother-in-law. Sister of Mercy a member of an educational or charitable order of women, esp. that founded in Dublin in 1827. sister uterine see UTERINE. Derivatives sisterless adj. sisterly adj. sisterliness n. Etymology: ME sister (f. ON), suster etc. (repr. OE sweoster f. Gmc) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. сестра full sister —- родная сестра one's big sister —- старшая сестра 2. разг. единокровная или единоутробная сестра 3. разг. сводная сестра 4. разг. невестка (жена брата); золовка; свояченица 5. сестра, единомышленница Japanese women and their European sisters —- японки и их сестры в странах Европы the younger sister in the family of industrial nations —- младшая сестра в семье промышленных держав 6. (старшая) медицинская сестра 7. рел. сестра во Христе erring sister —- заблудшая сестра 8. рел. монахиня, член женского монашеского ордена a S. of Mercy —- монахиня, принадлежащая к ордену милосердия 9. простореч. сестренка, сестрица (обращение) 10. ам. сестра (обращение к соратницам по феминистскому движению за освобождение женщины) 11. (the Sisters) ам. "Семь сестер", семь престижных женских колледжей 12. "семь сестер", семь крупнейших нефтяных компаний 13. Плеяды (группа из семи звезд в созвездии Тельца) Id: S. Anne —- фольк. сестрица Анна, верная подруга Id: the fatal sisters —- богини судьбы, мойры, парки Id: the nine sisters —- музы Id: sister of the Charterhouse —- ярая спорщица Id: the Weird Sisters —- ведьмы; шотл. богини судьбы, парки Id: sister Susie —- женщина-солдат 14. родственный, сестринский sister branch —- родственное отделение; филиал sister vessel —- однотипное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) сестра; full/german sister - родная сестра; half sister - сестра только по одному из родителей  2) старшая медицинская сестра; сиделка  3) coll. девушка (как обращение)  4) член религиозной общины; монахиня  5) attr. родственный; парный; материально и организационно связанный (о предприятии); sister ships - однотипные суда ...
Англо-русский словарь


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