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Английский Этимологический словарь - sing


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- O.E. singan "to chant, sing, tell in song" (class III strong verb; past tense sang, pp. sungen), from P.Gmc. *sengwanan. Singsong (adj.) is first recorded 1734, from earlier use as a noun (1609).
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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ v past tense sang past participle sung 1 to produce musical sounds, songs etc with your voice  (Sophie's been singing in the church choir for years. | sing a song/tune etc)  (We all enjoy singing carols at Christmas. | sing sb a song/tune etc)  (Come on, sing us a song! | sing to sb)  (She walked along, singing to herself.) 2 sing sb to sleep to sing to a baby or child until they go to sleep 3 if birds sing, they produce high musical sounds  (I awoke to hear the birds singing outside my window.) 4 to make a high, continuous, ringing sound + on  (A kettle was singing on the stove.) + past/by etc  (An enemy bullet sang past my ear.) 5 sing sb's praise (s) to praise someone very much  (Diane really admires you - she's always singing your praises.) 6 slang to tell someone or the police everything you know about a crime, especially a crime you were involved in yourself  (We'll soon make him sing.) 7 I + of, literary to praise someone in poetry sing along phr v to sing with someone else who is already singing  (Sing along if you know the words.) sing out phr v informal to sing or shout out clearly and loudly  (If you see anything that looks interesting, sing out.) sing up phr v to sing more loudly  (Sing up, boys, I can't hear you!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sings, singing, sang, sung) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usually producing words that fit a tune. I can’t sing... I sing about love most of the time... They were all singing the same song... Go on, then, sing us a song!... ‘You’re getting to be a habit with me,’ sang Eddie. VERB: V, V about n, V n, V n n, V with quote 2. When birds or insects sing, they make pleasant high-pitched sounds. Birds were already singing in the garden. VERB: V 3. see also singing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (sang or sung; sung; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German ~an to ~, Greek omphe voice  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to produce musical tones by means of the voice  b. to utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modulations  c. to deliver songs as a trained or professional ~er  2. to make a shrill whining or whistling sound  3.  a. to relate or celebrate something in verse  b. to compose poetry  c. to create in or through words a feeling or sense of song prose that ~s  4. to produce musical or harmonious sounds birds ~ing  5. buzz, ring  6. to make a cry ; call  7. to give information or evidence  transitive verb  1. to utter with musical inflections; especially to interpret in musical tones produced by the voice  2. to relate or celebrate in verse  3. chant, intone  4. to bring or accompany to a place or state by ~ing ~s the child to sleep  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 1850 a session of group ~ing SINGABLE  adjective see sing I ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past sang; past part. sung) 1 intr. utter musical sounds with the voice, esp. words with a set tune. 2 tr. utter or produce by singing (sing another song). 3 intr. (of the wind, a kettle, etc.) make inarticulate melodious or humming, buzzing, or whistling sounds. 4 intr. (of the ears) be affected as with a buzzing sound. 5 intr. sl. turn informer; confess. 6 intr. archaic compose poetry. 7 tr. & (foll. by of) intr. celebrate in verse. 8 tr. (foll. by in, out) usher (esp. the new or old year) in or out with singing. 9 tr. bring to a specified state by singing (sang the child to sleep). --n. 1 an act or spell of singing. 2 US a meeting for amateur singing. Phrases and idioms sing-along a tune etc. to which one can sing in accompaniment. singing hinny see HINNY(2). singing saw = musical saw. sing out call out loudly; shout. sing the praises of see PRAISE. sing up sing more loudly. Derivatives singable adj. singer n. singingly adv. Etymology: OE singan f. Gmc ...
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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. встреча хорового кружка; вечер хорового пения 2. пение; звон (комаров); стрекотание; свист (пули) the kettle was on the sing —- чайник запел 3. петь to sing a song —- петь песню to sing to the guitar —- петь под гитару to sing from score —- петь по нотам to sing off-hand —- петь с листа to sing in tune —- петь правильно to sing out of tune —- петь неправильно, фальшивить she sings over her work —- она поет за работой to sing by ear —- петь по слуху to sing sharp —- петь на полтона выше (чем нужно) 4. петься these words don't sing well —- эти слова трудно петь his lyrics sing themselves —- его лирические стихи напевны 5. провожать, встречать или сопровождать пением to sing the Old Year out —- проводить старый год песнями to sing a bride to her new house —- с песнями проводить новобрачную в ее новый дом 6. читать нараспев 7. трещать; звенеть; стрекотать; свистеть; сверчать a cricket sings —- сверчок поет my ears singing —- у меня звенит в ушах it makes my head sing —- у меня голова гудит от этого the mosquitoes sing round me —- комары со звоном вьются вокруг меня bullets were singing around us —- вокруг нас свистели пули the wind sang in the wires —- ветер гудел в проводах an arrow sang —- стрела звенела the kettle is singing —- чайник поет the music is still singing in my ears —- эта музыка все еще звучит у меня в ушах 8. воспевать, прославлять I sing the Man —- я воспеваю...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out кричать If you hadnt sung out a warning in time, there might have been a nasty accident. SING  1. v.  1) петь; to sing flat/sharp - фальшивить; to sing to a guitar - петь под гитару; to sing smb. to sleep - убаюкать кого-л. пением; I like to sing to many people.  2) воспевать (обыкн. sing of)  3) ликовать  4) гудеть (о ветре); свистеть (о пуле); звенеть (в ушах) - sing away - sing out to sing small, to sing another song - сбавить тон; присмиреть to make ones head sing sl. - расколоться; выдать сообщников преступления Syn: chant, hum, intone  2. noun  1) свист (пули); шум (ветра); звон (в ушах)  2) coll. спевка, пение SING away  а) петь без перерыва I knew she was happy again when I heard her singing away in the kitchen.  б) избавиться (от какого-л. чувства и т.п.) с помощью пения You can sing your cares away! ...
Англо-русский словарь


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