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Английский Этимологический словарь - return


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- early 14c., from O.Fr. retorner "turn back, return," from re- "back" + torner "to turn" (see turn). The noun, in the tennis sense, is from 1886. Many happy returns of the day was used by Addison, 1716.
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  See: IN RETURN. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 v 1 »GO BACK« to go back to a place where you were before, or come back from a place where you have just been  (Conor did not return to Ireland until 1937.) + from  (When Alice returned from university, she was a changed person. | return home)  (We got lost, returning home well after midnight. | never to return formal)  (airmen flew from these airfields, never to return.) 2 »GIVE BACK« to give something back to its owner, or put something back in its place  (We lent them our lawnmower and they never returned it! | return sth to sb/sth)  (I have to return some books to the library.) 3 »FEELING/PROBLEM« if a feeling, problem, quality etc returns, it starts to exist again or to have an effect again  (If the pain returns, take two of the tablets every four hours.)  (Stability will only return to the region when the civil war ends.) 4 »START AGAIN« to go back to an activity, job etc that you were doing before you stopped or were interrupted; resume1 (1)  (Nicholas looked up, grinned, then returned to his newspaper.) return to work  (Most mothers return to full-time work within twelve months.) 5 »DISCUSS AGAIN« to start discussing or dealing with a subject that you have already mentioned, especially in a piece of writing  (I shall return to the subject of inflation in chapter five. | Returning to sanctions, do you think they will really be effective?) 6 »REACT« to do something or give something to someone because they have given the same thing to you  (I smiled at her but she refused to return my smile. | You never returned my call! | return fire (=shoot back at someone shooting at you))  (The enemy returned our fire.) 7 »BALL« to send the ball back to your opponent in a game such as tennis 8 »ELECT« T usually passive BrE to elect someone to a political position, especially to represent you in parliament  (Durrant was returned with an increased majority.) 9 return a verdict if a jury return their verdict, they say whether someone is guilty or not 10 »PROFIT« if an investment returns a particular amount...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (returns, returning, returned) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you return to a place, you go back there after you have been away. Blair will return to London tonight... So far more than 350,000 people have returned home. VERB: V to/from n, V adv 2. Your return is your arrival back at a place where you had been before. Ryle explained the reason for his sudden return to London. N-SING: with poss 3. If you return something that you have borrowed or taken, you give it back or put it back. I enjoyed the book and said so when I returned it... VERB: V n • Return is also a noun. The main demand of the Indians is for the return of one-and-a-half-million acres of forest to their communities. N-SING: usu N of n 4. If you return something somewhere, you put it back where it was. He returned the notebook to his jacket. VERB: V n to n 5. If you return someone’s action, you do the same thing to them as they have just done to you. If you return someone’s feeling, you feel the same way towards them as they feel towards you. Back at the station the Chief Inspector returned the call... VERB: V n 6. If a feeling or situation returns, it comes back or happens again after a period when it was not present. Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country... VERB: V • Return is also a noun. It was like the return of his youth. N-SING: with supp 7. If you return to a state that you were in before, you start being in that state again. Life has improved and returned to normal. VERB: V to n • Return is also a noun. He made an uneventful return to normal health... N-SING: N to n 8. If you return to a subject that you have mentioned before, you begin talking about it again. The power of the Church is one theme all these writers return to. VERB: V to n 9. If you return to an activity that you were doing before, you start doing it again. At that stage he will be 52, young enough to return to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, from re- + turner, tourner to turn — more at turn  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go back or come back again ~ home  b. to go back in thought, practice, or condition ; revert soon ~ed to her old habit  2. to pass back to an earlier possessor  3. reply, retort  transitive verb  1.  a. to give (as an official account) to a superior  b. British to elect (a candidate) as attested by official report or ~s  c. to bring back (as a writ or verdict) to an office or tribunal  2.  a. to bring, send, or put back to a former or proper place ~ the gun to its holster  b. to restore to a former or to a normal state  3.  a. to send back ; visit — usually used with on or upon  b. obsolete retort  4. to bring in (as profit) ; yield  5.  a. to give or perform in ~ ; repay ~ a compliment; also to respond to in kind ~ed his calls  b. to give back to the owner  c. reflect ~ an echo  6. to cause (as a wall) to continue in a different direction (as at a right angle)  7. to lead (a specified suit or specified card of a suit) in response to a partner's earlier lead  8.  a. to hit back (a ball or shuttlecock)  b. to run with (a football) after a change of possession (as by a punt or a fumble)  Synonyms: see reciprocate  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act of coming back to or from a place or condition  b. a regular or frequent ~ing ; recurrence  2.  a.  (1) the delivery of a legal order (as a writ) to the proper officer or court  (2) an endorsed certificate stating an official's action in the execution of such an order  (3) the sending back of a commission with the certificate of the commissioners  b. an account or formal report  c.  (1) a report of the results of balloting — usually used in plural election ~s  (2) an official declaration of the election of a candidate  (3) chiefly British election  d.  (1) a formal statement on a required legal form showing taxable...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. come or go back. 2 tr. bring or put or send back to the person or place etc. where originally belonging or obtained (returned the fish to the river; have you returned my scissors?). 3 tr. pay back or reciprocate; give in response (decided not to return the compliment). 4 tr. yield (a profit). 5 tr. say in reply; retort. 6 tr. (in cricket or tennis etc.) hit or send (the ball) back after receiving it. 7 tr. state or mention or describe officially, esp. in answer to a writ or formal demand. 8 tr. (of an electorate) elect as an MP, government, etc. 9 tr. Cards a lead (a suit) previously led or bid by a partner. b lead (a suit or card) after taking a trick. 10 tr. Archit. continue (a wall etc.) in a changed direction, esp. at right angles. --n. 1 the act or an instance of coming or going back. 2 a the act or an instance of giving or sending or putting or paying back. b a thing given or sent back. 3 (in full return ticket) esp. Brit. a ticket for a journey to a place and back to the starting-point. 4 (in sing. or pl.) a the proceeds or profit of an undertaking. b the acquisition of these. 5 a formal report or statement compiled or submitted by order (an income-tax return). 6 (in full return match or game) a second match etc. between the same opponents. 7 Electr. a conductor bringing a current back to its source. 8 Brit. a sheriff's report on a writ. 9 esp. Brit. a a person's election as an MP etc. b a returning officer's announcement of this. 10 Archit. a part receding from the line of the front, e.g. the side of a house or of a window-opening. Phrases and idioms by return (of post) by the next available post in the return direction. in return as an exchange or reciprocal action. many happy returns (of the day) a greeting on a birthday. return crease Cricket each of two lines joining the popping-crease and bowling-crease at right angles to the bowling-crease and extending beyond it. returning officer Brit. an official conducting an election in a constituency and announcing the results. return thanks express...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) возврат; возвращение возвращать(ся) 2) обратный ход 3) отражение отражаться 4) отражённый сигнал, эхо-сигнал 5) изгиб (напр. стены) 6) обратная труба (в системе отопления) 7) исходящая вентиляционная струя 8) штрек с исходящей вентиляционной струей 9) короткое ответвление (откаточного штрека) 10) выход (напр. древесины) 11) мн. ч. нефт. буровой раствор, выходящий из скважины 12) мн. ч. метал. бракованные изделия, возврат; мн. ч. пищ. отходы производства, идущие в переработку 13) мн. ч. пищ. сход (с сита) 14) восстановление (скорости полета) 15) эл. обратный провод; обратная сеть 16) вчт. отдача; выдача (результата); результат отдавать; (вы)давать (результат) to loose returns — обнаруживать прекращение выхода из скважины бурового раствора - air return - aurora return - background returns - beam return - carriage return - cold air return - commanded return - common return - dc return - Doppler return - drilling mud return - earth return - emergency return - end return - error return - free speed return - ground return - hail-watch radar return - land returns - main return - origin return - precipitation returns - premature return - radar return - rain returns - scrap returns - sidelobe return - specular return - target return - vertical return - warranty return ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  возврат обратная линия (трубопровода) automatic return of water condensate return sludge return wet return ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) возврат 2) замыкание 3) эхо – aurora return – carriage return – land returns – origin return – radar return – rain returns – sea return – specular return – video return ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вернуться 2) возврат 3) возвратный 4) возвращаться 5) возвращение 6) выдача результата 7) делать оборот 8) доход 9) обратный 10) провод обратный 11) рециркулирующий balance return loss — связь коэффициент отражения баланса ground return circuit — цепь возврата через землю radar return burst — пачка импульсов ответа return chain strand — обратная ветвь цепного привода return line hose — шланг отводящий return to normal level — возвращать к норме roll on return pass — прокатывать в обратную сторону terminal return loss — связь коэффициент отражения оконечной аппаратуры - carriage return - cinder return - coin return - common return - grid return - in return for - return a value - return address - return air - return arc - return attribute - return circuit - return criterion - return curve - return direction - return force - return instruction - return line - return loop - return motion - return orbit - return period - return pipe - return process - return run - return slag - return state - return time - return to track - return water - return wave - return wire - sinter return ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. возвращение (о перемещении в пространстве) after his return to Great Britain — после его возвращения в Великобританию by return (of) mail, by return (of) post — (с) обратной почтой See: recovery 2) общ. отдача, возмещение, возврат (относительно действий одной стороны по отношению к действиям другой) in return — в ответ, в обмен, взамен; в свою очередь; в оплату return visit — ответный визит return of goods — возврат товара What is America getting in return for its foreign aid? — Что получает Америка в обмен на свою зарубежную помощь? See: "response 3) а) мн., торг. возвращенные товары (возвращенные покупателем продавцу либо розничным торговцем оптовому торговцу или производителю) Syn: "return goods, "returned goods See: "no-returns policy, "newsstand returns, "purchase returns, "sales returns б) мн., банк. возвращенные чеки, векселя (напр. чеки, возвращенные в отделение банка, где они первоначально были предъявлены к оплате в связи с неправильным оформлением, отсутствием акцепта и т. п.) Syn: return items, returned items в) мн., марк. (полученные ответы на прямую почтовую рекламу) See: "response rate 4) эк. оборот quick return of capital — быстрый оборот капитала 5) а) эк. доход, прибыль, выручка, поступления to yield a good poor return — приносить хороший плохой доход yielding a high return — приносящий высокий...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – tag return – venous return ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. возвращение a return home —- возвращение домой (на родину) return address —- обратный адрес return fare —- стоимость обратного проезда return visit —- дип. ответный визит return match (game) —- спорт. ответный матч (-ая игра) return motion —- физ. обратное (возвратное) движение; тех. обратный ход on return —- по возвращении by return (of post (of mail)) —- обратной почтой the return of spring —- возвращение весны a return to public order —- восстановление общественного порядка 2. отдача, возврат; возмещение to make a poor return for smb.'s kindness —- отплатить неблагодарностью за чью-л. доброту he asked for the return of his book —- он попросил, чтобы ему вернули его книгу in return —- взамен, в обмен; в ответ; в оплату he was given a receipt in return for his money —- он заплатил деньги и получил квитанцию (расписку) 3. эк. оборот quick return —- быстрый оборот (средств) 4. доход; прибыль; выручка gross return —- валовой доход a return on capital —- прибыль на капитал to bring (in) an optimal return —- приносить оптимальный доход the return of the year amounts to... —- годовая прибыль равна... 5. официальный отчет; рапорт tax return —- налоговая декларация (подаваемая налогоплательщиком для исчисления причитающихся с него налогов) 6. ведомость, список 7. pl. сведения 8. обратный билет, билет в оба конца and return —- ам. и обратно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the seals сдать должность канцлера или министра RETURN with interest вернуть с процентами; fig. вернуть с лихвой RETURN  1. noun  1) возвращение; обратный путь; by return of post - обратной почтой  2) отдача, возврат; возмещение; in return - в оплату; в обмен [ср. тж. return  3) ]  3) возражение, ответ; in return - в ответ [ср. тж. return  2) ]  4) оборот; доход, прибыль; small profits and quick returns - небольшая прибыль, но быстрый оборот  5) официальный отчет; рапорт; - tax return  6) usu. pl. результат выборов  7) избрание  8) ответная подача (в теннисе и т.п.)  9) pl. возвращенный, непроданный товар  10) electr. обратный провод; обратная сеть  11) mining вентиляционный просек или ходок  12) attr. обратный; return ticket - обратный билет; return match/game sport - ответный матч, ответная игра many happy returns (of the day) - поздравляю с днем рождения, желаю вам многих лет жизни  2. v.  1) возвращать; отдавать, отплачивать; to return a ball - отбить мяч (в теннисе и т.п.); to return a bow - ответить на поклон; to return smb. s love/affection - отвечать кому-л. взаимностью. Return the book to its exact place. We must return good for evil.  2) возвращаться; идти обратно; When I return from the coast, I shall bring good news.  3) возвращаться, вновь обращаться (к чему-л.); Let us return to the question we were first considering. The only answer to rising prices is to return to wage and price controls. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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