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Английский Этимологический словарь - prick


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- O.E. prica "point, puncture, particle." The verb is O.E. prician "to prick," from P.Gmc. *prikojanan. Earliest recorded use for "penis" is 1592. My prick was used 16c.-17c. as a term of endearment by "immodest maids" for their boyfriends. To prick up one's ears is 1587, originally of animals with pointed ears.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 v 1 to make a small hole in something, using a sharp point  (Prick the pastry lightly with a fork. | prick yourself/prick your finger)  (Ouch! I've pricked my finger with the needle.) 2 to feel an unpleasant stinging feeling on your skin, or to make someone feel this  (prick sth)  (The coarse material was beginning to prick my whole body.)  (- see also prickle2 (1)) 3 prick sb's conscience to make someone feel guilty or ashamed  (a documentary that should prick the consciences of the comfortable middle classes) 4 prick (up) its ears if an animal pricks up its ears it raises them and points them towards a sound  (The rabbit stopped suddenly, pricking up its ears.) 5 prick (up) your ears to listen carefully because you have heard something interesting  (Jay pricked up his ears when I mentioned vacation.) 6 prick the bubble (of sth) to make someone see the uncomfortable truth of a situation prick sth out phr v to place a young plant in a specially prepared hole ~2 n 1 »PAIN« a slight pain you get when something sharp goes into your skin  (Don't worry, it's just a little needle prick.) 2 »SMALL HOLE« a) a small hole made by a sharp point in your skin or the surface of something  (A sample of blood was drawn from a prick in the skin.) b) an act of pricking something  (Give the sausages a prick.)  (- see also pinprick) 3 »SEX ORGAN« slang taboo a penis 4 »PERSON« slang taboo a stupid unpleasant man 5 prick of conscience an uncomfortable feeling that you have done something wrong 6 a prick of light a small point or circle of light ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pricks, pricking, pricked) 1. If you prick something or prick holes in it, you make small holes in it with a sharp object such as a pin. Prick the potatoes and rub the skins with salt... He pricks holes in the foil with a pin. VERB: V n, V n prep 2. If something sharp pricks you or if you prick yourself with something sharp, it sticks into you or presses your skin and causes you pain. She had just pricked her finger with the needle. VERB: V n 3. If something pricks your conscience, you suddenly feel guilty about it. If you are pricked by an emotion, you suddenly experience that emotion. Most were sympathetic once we pricked their consciences... VERB: V n 4. A prick is a small, sharp pain that you get when something pricks you. At the same time she felt a prick on her neck. N-COUNT 5. A man’s prick is his penis. (INFORMAL, VERY RUDE) N-COUNT: poss N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English prikke, from Old English prica; akin to Middle Dutch pric ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a mark or shallow hole made by a pointed instrument  2.  a. a pointed instrument or weapon  b. a sharp projecting organ or part  3. an instance of ~ing or the sensation of being ~ed: as  a. a nagging or sharp feeling of remorse, regret, or sorrow  b. a slight sharply localized discomfort the ~ of a needle  4. usually vulgar penis  5. usually vulgar a spiteful or contemptible man often having some authority  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to pierce slightly with a sharp point  2. to affect with anguish, grief, or remorse doubt began to ~ him — Philip Hale  3. to ride, guide, or urge on with or as if with spurs ; goad  4. to mark, distinguish, or note by means of a small mark  5. to trace or outline with punctures  6. to remove (a young seedling) from the seedbed to another suitable for further growth — usually used with out  7. to cause to be or stand erect a dog ~ing its ears  intransitive verb  1.  a. to ~ something or cause a ~ing sensation  b. to feel discomfort as if from being ~ed  2.  a. to urge a horse with the spur  b. to ride fast  3. thrust  4. to become directed upward ; point ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. pierce slightly; make a small hole in. 2 tr. (foll. by off, out) mark (esp. a pattern) with small holes or dots. 3 tr. trouble mentally (my conscience is pricking me). 4 intr. feel a pricking sensation. 5 intr. (foll. by at, into, etc.) make a thrust as if to prick. 6 tr. (foll. by in, off, out) plant (seedlings etc.) in small holes pricked in the earth. 7 tr. Brit. archaic mark off (a name in a list, esp. to select a sheriff) by pricking. 8 tr. archaic spur or urge on (a horse etc.). --n. 1 the act or an instance of pricking. 2 a small hole or mark made by pricking. 3 a pain caused as by pricking. 4 a mental pain (felt the pricks of conscience). 5 coarse sl. a the penis. b derog. (as a term of contempt) a person. Usage Usually considered a taboo use. 6 archaic a goad for oxen. Phrases and idioms kick against the pricks persist in futile resistance. prick up one's ears 1 (of a dog etc.) make the ears erect when on the alert. 2 (of a person) become suddenly attentive. Derivatives pricker n. Etymology: OE prician (v.), pricca (n.) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) укол, прокол прокалывать 2) прочищать отверстие острым предметом - center prick ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  укол; прокол прокалывать center prick ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) игла 2) накалывать 3) острие 4) прокалывать 5) прокол 6) укол - prick off center PRICK OFF phr гл. сад. пикировать, пересаживать (рассаду) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) шип; колючка 2) укол; колоть, прокалывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. шип; колючка; игла 2. укол, прокол to feel a slight prick —- чувствовать слабую боль от укола the prick made by needle —- укол иголкой 3. угрызение the pricks of conscience —- угрызения (уколы) совести 4. острие; игла для прочистки; шило 5. уст. стрекало 6. точка, след (на поверхности от острого инструмента) 7. вет. заковка (на ноге лошади) 8. след зайца 9. с-х. виток табака 10. груб. половой член 11. ам. груб. самодовольный глупец; мошенник, мерзавец Id: to kick against the prick —- лезть на рожон 12. колоть to prick smb. with a pin —- уколоть кого-л. булавкой 13. колоться the thorns of roses prick badly —- шипы роз больно колются 14. прокалывать a nail pricked the tyre —- гвоздь проколол шину 15. чувствовать колющую боль, колотье my finger pricks (me) —- у меня болит палец 16. мучить, терзать my conscience pricks me —- меня мучит совесть 17. (at) вонзать (что-л. острое), наносить удар (чем-л. острым) 18. тех. прочищать иглой; просверливать; накернивать 19. заковать (ногу лошади при ковке) 20. обозначать пунктиром 21. мор. прокладывать курс (на карте также prick out) 22. накладывать, прокладывать (узор) 23. (также prick down, prick off) делать пометки (в списке и т. п.) 24. назначать по списку лиц на должность шерифа и т. п. he was pricked as High Sheriff of the county —- он был назначен главным шерифом...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off/out высаживать рассаду; пикировать сеянцы While the soil is soft after the rain, lets prick out the onion plants. PRICK up ears навострить уши, насторожиться PRICK  1. noun  1) укол, прокол  2) острие, игла (для прочистки)  3) bot. шип, колючка, игла  4) острая боль (как) от укола; the pricks of conscience - угрызения совести  5) rude мужской половой орган to kick against the pricks - лезть на рожон; сопротивляться во вред себе  2. v.  1) (у)колоть(ся)  2) прокалывать; просверливать, прочищать иглой (отверстие)  3) мучить, терзать; my toe is pricking with gout - у меня подагрическая боль в пальце ноги; my conscience pricked me - меня мучила совесть  4) накалывать (узор)  5) делать пометки (в списке и т.п.); отмечать; to prick smb. for sheriff - назначать кого-л. шерифом (отмечая его имя в списке); Who was pricked down to take our suggestion to the director?  6) подстрекать, побуждать; His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police.  7) obs. пришпоривать (тж. prick on, prick forward) - prick off/out prick a/the bladder/bubble - показать пустоту, ничтожество (кого-л., чего-л.) - prick up ears Syn: see pierce ...
Англо-русский словарь


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