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Английский Этимологический словарь - plot


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- O.E. plot "small piece of ground," of unknown origin. Sense of "ground plan," and thus "map, chart" is 1551; that of "plan, scheme" is 1587, probably by accidental similarity to complot, from O.Fr. complot "combined plan," of unknown origin. Meaning "set of events in a story" is from 17c.
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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »STORY/FILM« the set of connected events that a story, film etc is based on  (The plot of `Twin Peaks' was so complicated that I couldn't follow it.) 2 »PLAN« a secret plan, involving several people, to do something harmful or illegal  (There have been rumors of a plot to overthrow the President.) hatch a plot (=start making a plan) 3 the plot thickens spoken humorous used to say that events seem to be becoming more complicated and difficult to understand 4 »PIECE OF LAND« a) a small piece of land for building or growing things on b) a piece of land that a particular family owns in a cemetery, in which members of the family are buried when they die 5 »DRAWING« AmE a drawn plan of a building at ground level; ground plan ~2 v plotted, plotting 1 to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization, especially a political leader or government  (We spent all week plotting our revenge.) + agains  (They were plotting against the government.) plot to do sth  (It was alleged that they had plotted to blow up the White House.) 2 to draw a line or curve that shows facts, figures etc  (We plotted a graph to show the increase in sales figures this year.) 3 to mark, calculate, or follow the position of a moving aircraft or ship  (He was already bent over the table, plotting a new course.) - plotter n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (plots, plotting, plotted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A plot is a secret plan by a group of people to do something that is illegal or wrong, usually against a person or a government. Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government... He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him. N-COUNT: usu N to-inf, N against n 2. If people plot to do something or plot something that is illegal or wrong, they plan secretly to do it. Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government... The military were plotting a coup... They are awaiting trial on charges of plotting against the state. VERB: V to-inf, V n, V against n 3. When people plot a strategy or a course of action, they carefully plan each step of it. Yesterday’s meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party... VERB: V n 4. The plot of a film, novel, or play is the connected series of events which make up the story. N-VAR see also sub-plot 5. A plot of land is a small piece of land, especially one that has been measured or marked out for a special purpose, such as building houses or growing vegetables. The bottom of the garden was given over to vegetable plots. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 6. When someone plots something on a graph, they mark certain points on it and then join the points up. We plot about eight points on the graph. VERB: V n 7. When someone plots the position or course of a plane or ship, they mark it on a map using instruments to obtain accurate information. We were trying to plot the course of the submarine. VERB: V n 8. If someone plots the progress or development of something, they make a diagram or a plan which shows how it has developed in order to give some indication of how it will develop in the future. They used a computer to plot the movements of everyone in the building. VERB: V n 9. If someone loses the plot, they become confused and do not know what they...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a small area of planted ground a vegetable ~  b. a small piece of land in a cemetery  c. a measured piece of land ; lot  2. ground plan, plat  3. the plan or main story (as of a movie or literary work)  4. perhaps back-formation from com~ a secret plan for accomplishing a usually evil or unlawful end ; intrigue  5. a graphic representation (as a chart)  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun Synonyms:  ~, intrigue, machination, conspiracy, cabal mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end. ~ implies careful foresight in planning a complex scheme an assassination ~. intrigue suggests secret underhanded maneuvering in an atmosphere of duplicity backstairs intrigue. machination implies a contriving of annoyances, injuries, or evils by indirect means the machinations of a party boss. conspiracy implies a secret agreement among several people usually involving treason or great treachery a conspiracy to fix prices. cabal typically applies to political intrigue involving persons of some eminence a cabal among powerful senators.  Synonym: see in addition plan.  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1588  transitive verb  1.  a. to make a ~, map, or plan of  b. to mark or note on or as if on a map or chart  2. to lay out in ~s  3.  a. to locate (a point) by means of coordinates  b. to locate (a curve) by ~ted points  c. to represent (an equation) by means of a curve so constructed  4. to plan or contrive especially secretly  5. to invent or devise the ~ of (as a movie or a literary work)  intransitive verb  1. to form a ~ ; scheme  2. to be located by means of coordinates the data ~ at a single point ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a defined and usu. small piece of ground. 2 the interrelationship of the main events in a play, novel, film, etc. 3 a conspiracy or secret plan, esp. to achieve an unlawful end. 4 esp. US a graph or diagram. 5 a graph showing the relation between two variables. --v. (plotted, plotting) tr. 1 make a plan or map of (an existing object, a place or thing to be laid out, constructed, etc.). 2 (also absol.) plan or contrive secretly (a crime, conspiracy, etc.). 3 mark (a point or course etc.) on a chart or diagram. 4 a mark out or allocate (points) on a graph. b make (a curve etc.) by marking out a number of points. Derivatives plotless adj. plotlessness n. plotter n. Etymology: OE and f. OF complot secret plan: both of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) участок; площадка (земли) 2) план; схема составлять план; составлять схему 3) пробная площадь (при таксации леса); делянка 4) график; диаграмма; кривая строить график или диаграмму; вычерчивать кривую 5) прокладывать (курс судна) to plot a graph — строить график; to plot a point — наносить точку на график - Bode plot - building plot - calibrating plot - check plot - depth-distance plot - evaporation plot - hydrologic experimental plot - lighting plot - logarithmic plot - log plot - log-log plot - mode plot - phase plot - pseudodepth plot - refraction time-distance plot - reversed time-distance plot - stick plot - tadpole plot - time plot - time-depth plot - time-distance plot - trial plot - T-X plot - water balance plot ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  земельный участок кривая, график; эпюра, диаграмма; схема; план; чертёж building plot ground plot load deflection plot ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (контактная) площадка 2) план; график – amplitude-frequency plot – mode plot – phase plot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) график 2) делянка 3) диаграмма 4) замышлять 5) изображение 6) набросок 7) наносить 8) построить 9) прокладывать 10) строить 11) чертить 12) элемент выборочного плана incomplete split plot design — план с неполностью расщепленными делянками main plot factor — основной фактор делянки (факторного эксперимента) make a plot of Y vs X — строить чертить график зависимости Y от missing plot technique — стат. метод пропущенной делянки plot curve point by point — наносить кривую по точкам plot of Y against X — график зависимости Y от X, график Y как функции X plot on a map — наносить на карту plot point by point — строить (кривую) по точкам probability density plot — график плотности распределения time sequence plot — график временной последовательности - autoradar plot - carpet plot - experimental plot - half-normal plot - log-log plot - log-normal plot - logarithmic plot - main plot - missing plot - plot by inspection - plot curve - plot factor - plot freehand - plot grid - plot of function - plot point - plot size - plot the position - probability plot - quantile plot - record plot - residual plot - sample plot - scatter plot - schematic plot - semilog plot - small plot - split plot - splitting of plot - time plot - time-range plot - two-dimensional plot - varietal plot - whole plot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I 1. сущ. 1) заговор 2) амер. план, схема, чертеж 3) строительный участок Syn: plan, layout, program, design, draft, map, scheme 2. гл. 1) организовывать заговор 2) замышлять, составлять план II 1. сущ. участок земли - building plot - household plot of a collective farmer - personal subsidiary plot - plot of land attached to a house 2. гл. делить на участки (out) PLOT схема, диаграмма; рисовать схему, диаграмму ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) делянка, опытный участок 2) единица опыта 3) план; схема; диаграмма – calibration plot – check plot – composite plot – control plot – experimental plot – increase plot – main plot – propagation plot – quadruplicated plots – randomized plot – record plot – sample plot – scatter plot – seed plot – split plot – trial plot – variety test plot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. заговор; интрига assassination plot —- заговор с целью убийства plot to overthrow the government —- заговор с целью свержения правительства to lay (to hatch) a plot —- замышлять заговор to defeat (to frustrate) a plot —- сорвать заговор; разрушить планы to discover (to reveal, to disclose, to expose, to lay bare) a plot —- раскрыть заговор to weave a plot —- плести интригу 2. фабула, сюжет subordinate plot —- побочная сюжетная линия threadbare plot —- примитивный сюжет, простенькая фабула an intricately woven plot —- хитро (ловко) закрученная интрига unravelling of the plot —- развертывание сюжета (сюжетной линии) 3. ам. план; схема; чертеж; диаграмма; график 4. топ. кроки 5. ав. мор. курс или положение (корабля или самолета) на карте 6. воен. трасса 7. воен. засечка цели Id: the plot thickens —- дело запутывается все больше и больше; это уже становится интересным 8. организовывать, составлять заговор; плести интриги, интриговать; замышлять, задумывать to plot treason —- замышлять измену to plot an enemy's ruin —- готовить гибель врагу what mischief are you ploting between you? —- какие вы тут задумали проказы? 9. составлять план, делать схему 10. вычерчивать, строить кривую, график или диаграмму 11. откладывать величину на оси to plot the absissa of a point —- откладывать величину по оси абсцисс 12. считать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) участок земли; делянка  2) amer. план, чертеж; набросок; график, диаграмма  2. v.  1) составлять план, делать схему  2) наносить (данные) на график или карту; чертить, вычерчивать кривую, график или диаграмму; During the sea battle, the positions of the ships were plotted on a big wall map.  3) aeron.; naut. прокладывать курс (обыкн. plot out); The captain has the responsibility for plotting out the ships course.  4) планировать, устраивать; All our activities for the next month are plotted out in advance. - plot out II  1. noun  1) заговор; интрига  2) фабула, сюжет  2. v. составлять заговор; интриговать, плести интриги; The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government. Syn: see intrigue PLOT out делить на участки, распределять; The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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