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Английский Этимологический словарь - platform


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- 1550, "plan of action, scheme, design," from M.Fr. plate-forme, lit. "flat form," from O.Fr. plate "flat" + forme "form." The literal sense of "raised, level surface" is first recorded 1560. Political meaning, "statement of party policies," is from 1803, from "set of rules governing church doctrine" (first attested 1648). Railroad station sense is from 1838.
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  ~ n 1 »TRAIN« the raised place beside a railway track where you get on and off a train in a station  (The Edinburgh train will depart from platform six.) 2 »FOR SPEECHES« a raised floor or stage for people to stand on when they are making a speech, performing etc  (He climbed on to the platform and began to address the crowd. | Please address your comments to the platform. (=the people on the platform) | a popular platform speaker) 3 »STRUCTURE« a tall or high structure built so that people can stand or work above the surrounding area  (an oil exploration platform) 4 »POLITICS« a) usually singular) the main ideas and aims of a political party, especially the ones that they state just before an election  (He's running for mayor on a platform of low taxation.)  (- see also plank (2)) b) a chance for someone to express their opinions, especially their political opinions  (The conference provides a platform for people on the left wing of the party.) 5 »BUS« BrE the open part at the back of a double­decker bus, where passengers get on and off the bus 6 »SHOES« also platform shoe a shoe that has a thick layer of wood, leather etc underneath the front part and the heel 7 »COMPUTERS« used to describe the type of computer system or software that you are using  (We're changing from an IBM to a Macintosh platform.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (platforms) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A platform is a flat, raised structure, usually made of wood, which people stand on when they make speeches or give a performance. Nick finished what he was saying and jumped down from the platform. N-COUNT 2. A platform is a flat raised structure or area, usually one which something can stand on or land on. They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents. N-COUNT 3. A platform is a structure built for people to work and live on when drilling for oil or gas at sea, or when extracting it. N-COUNT 4. A platform in a railway station is the area beside the rails where you wait for or get off a train. The train was about to leave and I was not even on the platform. N-COUNT 5. The platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected. ...a platform of political and economic reforms... = programme N-COUNT: with supp 6. If someone has a platform, they have an opportunity to tell people what they think or want. The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross section of speakers. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle French plate-forme diagram, map, literally, flat form  Date: 1535  1. plan, design  2. a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands; especially a declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or a candidate  3.  a.  (1) a usually raised horizontal flat surface; especially a raised flooring  (2) a device or structure incorporating or providing a ~; especially such a structure on legs used for offshore drilling (as for oil)  b. a place or opportunity for public discussion  4.  a. a usually thick layer (as of cork) between the inner sole and outer sole of a shoe  b. a shoe having such a sole  5.  a. a vehicle (as a satellite or aircraft) used for a particular purpose or to carry a usually specified kind of equipment  b. operating system; also the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a raised level surface; a natural or artificial terrace. 2 a raised surface from which a speaker addresses an audience. 3 Brit. a raised elongated structure along the side of a track in a railway station. 4 the floor area at the entrance to a bus. 5 a thick sole of a shoe. 6 the declared policy of a political party. Phrases and idioms platform ticket a ticket allowing a non-traveller access to a station platform. Etymology: F plateforme ground-plan f. plate flat + forme FORM ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) платформа; помост; подмости; настил строительных лесов 2) лестничная площадка 3) ростверк 4) ряж; шпальная клетка 5) (береговая) терраса 6) нефт. морское основание; морская платформа 7) рампа (склада) 8) подставка (внутренняя фурнитура коробки) 9) двигаться горизонтально, не следуя волнам (об СПК) - access platform - accommodation offshore platform - altar platform - articulated platform - articulated offshore platform - astronaut-serviced platform - astronaut-tended platform - bay platform - bleeder platform - brake platform - breast-tuyere platform - cage platform - camera platform - casting platform - charging platform - charging offshore platform - circular platform - coil support platform - compass platform - compass testing platform - continental platform - converter platform - cooling chamber platform - coorbiting platforms - core platform - data-collection platform - double board platform - dressing platform - drilling platform - drilling offsnore platform - earth observation platform - elevating platform - elevator car platform - end platform - environmental platform - feed-off-the-arm platform - field-terminal offshore platform - flare offshore platform - free arm platform - free-off-the arm platform - gangway platform - gravity-type offshore platform - gravity offshore platform - guyed tower off shore platform - gyroscope-stabilized platform - hardware platform - helicopter landing platform - helicopter platform - hot-metal charging platform - ice platform - icing platform - industrial space platform - ingot casting platform - instrumentation platform - interrogating platform - island platform - jacket offshore platform - jack-up offshore platform - ladle platform - larry car platform - leadsman's platform - lifting platform - loading platform - manipulator arm-equipped platform - manned platform -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  платформа; помост; подмости; настил лестничная площадка ростверк морское основание; морская платформа accommodation platform arrival platform articulated-boom platform baggage platform bay platform boarding platform broken-bridge platform bus transfer platform climbing work platform departure platform derrick platform drilling platform elevated platform extensible boom platform fixed platform gravity platform guide tower platform high platform hoist platform hydraulic platform lift platform loading platform mobile powered access platform mobile work platform modular platform off-boarding platform offshore platform oscillating platform permanent offshore platform pile fixed platform production platform railway platform scaffolding platform service platform stair platform station platform suspended platform template fixed platform tension leg platform tower fixed platform weight bridge platform working platform ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  (компьютерная) платформа – computer platform – control platform – Internet platform ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) компьютерная платформа; компьютерная система 2) платформа или среда операционной системы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. платформа; помост traffic-policeman's raised platform —- возвышение (островок) регулировщика уличного движения lifting platform —- помост (тяжелая атлетика) loading platform —- тех. загрузочный помост 2. площадка launching (firing) platform —- стартовая площадка, пусковой стол (также platform launcher) moving platform —- "бегущая дорожка", третбан (тренажер) 3. воен. орудийная платформа 4. ж-д. платформа; перрон arrival platform —- платформа прибытия поездов from what platform does the train start? —- с какой платформы отходит поезд? 5. трибуна; сцена the question could be brought upon the platform —- этот вопрос можно было бы поставить на обсуждение 6. президиум (собрания) to be on the platform —- быть в президиуме 7. трибуна, форум the United Nations is meant to be a platform for all nations —- ООН предназначена роль форума для всех государств 8. трамплин the college gave the man a platform to pursue advanced studies —- колледж дал ему хорошую возможность продолжать образование 9. политическая платформа, позиция common platform —- общая платформа 10. предвыборная платформа 11. площадка (трамвая, автобуса) 12. ам. тамбур (пассажирского вагона) 13. вестибюль 14. геогр. (континентальное) плато 15. терраса, уступ 16. возвышение 17. вышка platform dive —- прыжок с вышки (прыжки в воду) drilling platform —- буровая платформа 18. редк....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ticket перронный билет; PLATFORM noun  1) платформа, перрон  2) платформа; помост; - raised platform  3) трибуна; сцена  4) политическая платформа, позиция  5) площадка (трамвая, железнодорожного вагона)  6) орудийная платформа  7) плоская возвышенность  8) attr. - platform ticket - platform car PLATFORM boots сапоги на платформе PLATFORM car вагон-платформа PLATFORM shoes туфли на платформе PLATFORM tennis игра в теннис на деревянной площадке с ограждением из металлической сетки ...
Англо-русский словарь


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