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Английский Этимологический словарь - pen


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- Brythonic for "head;" common in place names in Cornwall and Wales (e.g. Penzance), also in Arthurian Pendragon "Welsh warlord," from dragon as the standard of a cohort.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  physiol. abbr. PENicillin st. & loc. abbr. Pennsylvania Education Network airport code Penang, Malaysia curr. abbr. Peruvian Nuevo Sol ocean sc. abbr. Pacific Exchange Network electron. abbr. Periodic Electronic Newsletter media abbr. Prose Essay And Narrative law abbr. Penitentiary Emergency Network pos. abbr. Poets Essayists And Novelists AMEX symbols Pentegra Dental Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an instrument for writing or drawing with ink  (a ballpoint pen | a fountain pen | a felt-tip pen) 2 a small piece of land enclosed by a fence, used for keeping farm animals in  (a sheep pen)  (- see also playpen) 3 put/set pen to paper to begin to write 4 AmE slang penitentiary; a prison ~2 v penned, penning formal to write a letter or note with a pen pen sb/sth up/in phr v 1 to shut an animal in a small enclosed area 2 be penned in to be restricted, as if you are being kept in a small place  (They were penned in watching TV with their parents all night.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (pens, penning, penned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pen is a long thin object which you use to write in ink. ballpoint pen: see ballpoint felt-tip pen: see felt-tip N-COUNT see also fountain pen 2. If someone pens a letter, article, or book, they write it. (FORMAL) She penned a short memo to his private secretary. VERB: V n to n, also V n n 3. A pen is also a small area with a fence round it in which farm animals are kept for a short time. ...a holding pen for sheep... = enclosure N-COUNT see also playpen 4. If people or animals are penned somewhere or are penned up, they are forced to remain in a very small area. ...to drive the cattle back to the house so they could be milked and penned for the night... I don’t have to stay in my room penned up like a prisoner. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed up ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. transitive verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Etymology: Middle English ~nen, from Old English -~nian  Date: 13th century to shut in or as if in a ~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, perhaps from ~nen  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a small enclosure for animals  b. the animals in a ~ a ~ of sheep  2. a small place of confinement or storage  3. a protected dock or slip for a submarine  4. bull ~ 2  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Anglo-French, feather, ~, from Latin ~na, pinna feather; akin to Greek pteron wing — more at feather  Date: 14th century  1. an implement for writing or drawing with ink or a similar fluid: as  a. quill  b. ~ point  c. a ~holder containing a ~ point  d. fountain ~  e. ballpoint  2.  a. a writing instrument regarded as a means of expression enlisted the ~s of the best writers — F. H. Chase  b. writer  3. the internal horny feather-shaped shell of a squid  4. stylus d  IV. transitive verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 15th century write, indite ~ a letter  V. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: circa 1550 a female swan  VI. noun  Date: 1884 ~itentiary  VII. abbreviation ~insula PEN  abbreviation International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  abbr. International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists. PEN 1. n. & v. --n. 1 an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, orig. consisting of a shaft with a sharpened quill or metal nib, now more widely applied. 2 a (usu. prec. by the) the occupation of writing. b a style of writing. 3 Zool. the internal feather-shaped cartilaginous shell of certain cuttlefish, esp. squid. --v.tr. (penned, penning) 1 write. 2 compose and write. Phrases and idioms pen and ink n. 1 the instruments of writing. 2 writing. pen-and-ink adj. drawn or written with ink. pen-feather a quill-feather of a bird's wing. pen-friend a friend communicated with by letter only. pen-light a small electric torch shaped like a fountain-pen. pen-name a literary pseudonym. pen-pal colloq. = pen-friend. pen-pusher colloq. derog. a clerical worker. pen-pushing colloq. derog. clerical work. put pen to paper begin writing. Etymology: ME f. OF penne f. L penna feather 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a small enclosure for cows, sheep, poultry, etc. 2 a place of confinement. 3 an enclosure for sheltering submarines. 4 a Jamaican farm or plantation. --v.tr. (penned, penning) (often foll. by in, up) enclose or shut in a pen. Etymology: OE penn, of unkn. orig. 3. n. a female swan. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. 4. n. US sl. = PENITENTIARY n. 1. Etymology: abbr. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) перо; пишущий элемент 2) (пишущая) ручка 3) рейсфедер 4) перемычка 5) укрытие - ball-point pen - beam pen - bow pen - brush pen - capillary-flow pen - coding pen - contour pen - display light pen - double pen - drafting pen - felt-tipped pen - fiber-tipped pen - fountain pen - gold nib fountain pen - ink pen - killing-floor pen - killing pen - laundry pen - light pen - liquid ink ball pen - marking pen - mechanical pen - parallel line pen - retractable bail pen - ruling pen - soft-tip pen - stainless nib fountain pen - stunning pen - stylographic pen - technical drawing pen - tracing pen - W-pen ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  градус пенетрации (показатель текучести битума) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  перо, пишущий элемент – beam pen – digitizing pen – light pen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) закуток 2) перо 3) рейсфедер 4) ручка - ball pen - drawing pen - felt-tip pen - light pen - pen recorder - ruling pen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) загон 2) перо 3) лебедь (самка) 4) средняя жилка (листа) – bleeding pen – sea pen – sheep pen ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. перо (писчее); самописка 2. ручка с пером 3. рейсфедер (чертежный) 4. литературный труд fluent pen —- бойкое перо to live by one's pen —- жить литературным трудом 5. литературный стиль 6. писатель 7. pl. зоол. маховые перья 8. pl. уст. крылья 9. диал. средняя жилка (листа) Id: to touch the pen —- водить рукой неграмотного (чтобы он расписался) Id: to put (to set) pen to paper, to take (to take up one's) pen in hand —- взяться за перо, начать писать Id: dip one's pen in gall —- писать желчью 10. писать, сочинять he never could pen a line —- он не мог написать ни строчки to pen a letter —- написать письмо 11. с-х. выгульная площадка, загон; выгульный дворик 12. огороженное место, площадка и т. п. pen for the accomodation of submarines —- мор. укрытие для подводных лодок 13. детский манеж 14. секция; бокс; клетка 15. дамба; перемычка; запруда 16. помещение для арестованных при полицейском участке to put smb. in the pen —- посадить кого-л. в участок 17. ам. сл. тюрьма 18. плантация; пастбище 19. загородный дом или парк при нем (на Ямайке) 20. ист. барак для негров на плантации 21. горн. вентиляционный просек 22. запирать (также pen up, pen in) house in which one feels penned up —- дом, в котором чувствуешь себя как в тюрьме to pen oneself up in one's room —- сидеть запершись в комнате he had me penned in a corner —- он загнал меня...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in запирать, заключать (в небольшом помещении); Work does not stop for the day until all the cattle are safely penned in. I cant help feeling penned in by this long winter. PEN noun; dim. of Penelope Пен PEN I  1. noun  1) перо (писчее); ручка с пером; рейсфедер (чертежный); - ball point pen - fountain pen  2) литературный стиль; - fluent pen - live by ones pen - put pen to paper  3) писатель; the best pens of the day - лучшие современные писатели Syn: see pseudonym  2. v.  1) писать пером  2) писать, сочинять II  1. noun  1) небольшой загон (для скота, птицы)  2) небольшая огороженная площадка и т.п. pen for the accomodation of submarines naut. - укрытие для подводных лодок  3) плантация, ферма (на Ямайке)  4) помещение для арестованных при полицейском участке  2. v.  1) запирать, заключать (часто pen up, pen in)  2) загонять (скот) в загон - pen in - pen up III noun самка лебедя PEN and ink noun  1) письменные принадлежности  2) литературная работа  3) рисунок пером PEN friend знакомый или друг по переписке PEN up  а) запирать, заключать (в небольшом помещении); When all the cattle are safely penned up, we can stop work for the day. How long have you been penned up in the house by your illness?  б) контролировать (обычно свои чувства); His anger had been pent up for so long that at last he exploded. PEN pal noun amer.; see pen friend PEN (личн. имена) - уменьш. от Penelope; Пен ...
Англо-русский словарь


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