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Английский Этимологический словарь - party


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- 13c., "part, portion, side," from O.Fr. partie "a part, a party," from fem. pp. of partir "to divide" (see part). Political sense evolved in M.E.; meaning "a person" is from 1460. Sense of "gathering for social pleasure" is first found 1716. The verb is 1922 from the noun. Phrase the party is over is from 1937; party line is 1942, reflecting Communist Party dogma; party pooper is from 1951.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n plural parties 1 »FOR FUN« an occasion when people meet together, to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc  (a birthday party | a garden party | Want to come to a party on Saturday? | Let's have a party here before we move out. | give/throw a party)  (Robin threw a party while his parents were away. | party dress/clothes/hat (=worn at a party) | party game/trick (=played or done at a party) | party animal informal (=someone who enjoys parties) | party house/school AmE informal (=a place that often has noisy parties))  (- see also hen party, house party, stag party) 2 »IN POLITICS« an organization of people with the same political beliefs and aims, that you can vote for in elections  (The Democratic Party increased its majority. also + plural verb BrE)  (The Labour party have launched their manifesto | an all-party committee | party leader/member)  (Party leaders met to discuss their housing policy. | the party faithful (=its most loyal members))  (- see also party line (1)) 3 »GROUP OF PEOPLE« a group of people that someone has formed in order to go somewhere or do something in an organized way  (a search party | a rescue party | The bus was rented by a party of tourists.)  (- see also working party) 4 »IN AN ARGUMENT/LAW« one of the people or groups involved in an argument, agreement etc, especially a legal one  (The two parties are having difficulty agreeing.)  (- see also third party) 5 the guilty party the person who has done something illegal or wrong 6 be (a) party to sth formal to be involved in or have your name connected with an activity  (I insist on being a party to this discussion.) ~2 also party down ~ v informal especially AmE to enjoy yourself, especially by drinking alcohol, eating, dancing etc  (All right! Let's party!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (parties, partying, partied) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A party is a political organization whose members have similar aims and beliefs. Usually the organization tries to get its members elected to the government of a country. ...a member of the Labour party. ...India’s ruling party. ...opposition parties. ...her resignation as party leader. N-COUNT 2. A party is a social event, often in someone’s home, at which people enjoy themselves doing things such as eating, drinking, dancing, talking, or playing games. The couple met at a party... We threw a huge birthday party... Most teenagers like to go to parties. N-COUNT see also dinner party, garden party, hen party, stag party 3. If you party, you enjoy yourself doing things such as going out to parties, drinking, dancing, and talking to people. They come to eat and drink, to swim, to party. Sometimes they never go to bed... VERB: V 4. A party of people is a group of people who are doing something together, for example travelling together. They became separated from their party. ...a party of sightseers. N-COUNT: usu with supp see also search party, working party 5. One of the people involved in a legal agreement or dispute can be referred to as a particular party. (LEGAL) It has to be proved that they are the guilty party. N-COUNT: usu supp N see also third party 6. Someone who is a party to or is party to an action or agreement is involved in it, and therefore partly responsible for it. Crook had resigned his post rather than be party to such treachery. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural parties)  Etymology: Middle English partie part, ~, from Anglo-French, from partir to divide — more at part  Date: 14th century  1. a person or group taking one side of a question, dispute, or contest  2. a group of persons organized for the purpose of directing the policies of a government  3. a person or group participating in an action or affair a mountain-climbing ~ a ~ to the transaction  4. a particular individual ; person an old ~ approaching 80  5. a detail of soldiers  6. a social gathering; also the entertainment provided for it  • ~ adjective  II. intransitive verb  (partied; ~ing)  Date: 1919 to attend or give parties; broadly revel 1  • ~er also partier noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a social gathering, usu. of invited guests. 2 a body of persons engaged in an activity or travelling together (fishing party; search party). 3 a group of people united in a cause, opinion, etc., esp. a political group organized on a national basis. 4 a person or persons forming one side in an agreement or dispute. 5 (foll. by to) Law an accessory (to an action). 6 colloq. a person. --v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) entertain at or attend a party. Phrases and idioms party line 1 the policy adopted by a political party. 2 a telephone line shared by two or more subscribers. party-wall a wall common to two adjoining buildings or rooms. Etymology: ME f. OF partie ult. f. L partire: see PART 2. adj. Heraldry divided into parts of different colours. Etymology: ME f. OF parti f. L (as PARTY(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) партия; отряд; группа 2) связь абонент 3) участник; сторона (в переговорах) - called party - calling party - field party - geological party - geologic party - geophysical party - land seismic party - offshore party - reflection party - refraction party - seismic party - surveying party ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  тлф. абонент – called party – calling party – working party ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вызываемый 2) партия 3) сторона calling party release — разъединение с вызвавшей стороны contact wanted party — входить в связь с другим абонентом party doesn't answer — неответ signal wanted party — вызывать абонента - field party - party by weight - party line - party not available - receiving party - transferring party ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сущ. 1) сторона а)общ. (участник сражения, спора, противоборства и т. п., противостоящий другому участнику) б) юр. (лицо или учреждение, от которых исходит действие) party to be charged - ответчик (в суде), requesting party - ходатайствующая сторона See: third party action в) юр., торг., амер. (согласно определению Единообразного торгового кодекса США, лицо, участвующее в сделке или заключающее соглашение, как оно определено в указанном кодексе) See: Uniform Commercial Code third party 2) общ. участник to be party to smth. - быть участником чего-либо 3) общ. разговаривающий по телефону (одно из двух лиц, разговаривающих по телефону) II сущ. 1) общ. прием гостей, званый вечер, вечеринка birthday party - вечеринка на День рождения 2) воен. отряд 3) общ. свита, сопровождающие лица 4) общ. группа, компания (люди, объединённые конкретной деятельностью) a search party - группа поиска, a fishing party - компания рыбаков 5) пол. = political party Democratic Party - демократическая партия PARTY сущ. 1) сторона proper party — надлежащая сторона requesting party — ходатайствующая сторона third party — юр. третья сторона (свидетели, очевидцы, эксперты и т.д., привлекаемые к сотрудничеству в различных финансово-юридических ситуациях) party in interest — заинтересованная...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. партия the socialist party —- социалистическая партия local party —- местная низовая партийная организация a ruling party —- правящая партия an opposition party —- партия в оппозиции to rally a party —- сплотить партию to join a party —- вступить в партию to belong to a party —- принадлежать к какой-либо партии, быть членом какой-либо партии 2. партийный party affiliation —- партийность, принадлежность к партии party card —- партийный билет party dues —- партийные взносы party leader —- лидер (вождь) партии party organization —- партийная организация party warfare —- борьба партий, война между партиями 3. отряд, команда; группа, партия climbing party —- отряд альпинистов surveying party —- изыскательская партия rescue party —- спасательный отряд searching party —- поисковая партия storming party —- штурмовой отряд working party —- рабочая группа (комиссии, конференции) to be one of the party —- быть членом отряда to form (to orhanize) a party —- создать (организовать) группу, отряд our tour ended and the party disbanded —- наш поход закончился, и группа распалась 4. компания a small party —- маленькая компания he had a party of friends at his home —- у него дома собралась компания друзей the party did not break up until two in the morning —- гости разошлись только к двум часам ночи we shall be a small party —- у нас будут все свои, у нас будет...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  organization партийная организация; PARTY I  1. noun партия; the socialist party - социалистическая партия  2. adj. партийный; - party affiliation - party card - party leader - party man - party member - party membership - party organization - party local - party unit - party nucleus II noun  1) отряд, команда; группа, партия  2) компания  3) прием гостей; званый вечер, вечеринка; - give a party  4) сопровождающие лица; the minister and his party - министр и сопровождающие его лица  5) leg. сторона; the parties to a contract - договаривающиеся стороны  6) участник; to be a party to smth. - участвовать, принимать участие в чем-л.  7) joc. человек, особа, субъект; an old party with spectacles - старикашка в очках - party girl Syn: see celebration PARTY affiliation партийная принадлежность; PARTY card партийный билет PARTY card партийный билет; PARTY girl доступная девушка; женщина легкого поведения PARTY in power партия, стоящая у власти PARTY leader вождь, лидер партии; PARTY line I линия партии; политический курс II amer.  1) граница между частными владениями  2) = party wire PARTY local местная, низовая партийная организация; PARTY machine партийная машина PARTY man член партии; PARTY member член партии; PARTY membership партийность, принадлежность к партии; PARTY nucleus партийная ячейка PARTY wire amer. общий телефонный провод (у нескольких абонентов) PARTY pooper noun coll.  1) гость,...
Англо-русский словарь


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