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Английский Этимологический словарь - neither


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- O.E. nawюer, contraction of nahwжюer "not of two," from na "no" + hwжюer "which of two" (see whether). Spelling alt. by association with either.
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  ~1 determiner, pronoun not one or the other of two people or things  (neither person/thing etc)  (Neither parent cares what happens to the child. | neither of them/the people etc)  (Both players have been warned, but neither of them seem to take it seriously. | neither)  ("Would you like tea or coffee?" "Neither, thanks." | We went to see a couple of houses, but neither was suitable.)  (- compare either, -see each1) ~2 adv 1 used to add a negative statement to one that has just been mentioned  (neither can I/neither does John etc)  ("I have never been to Paris before." "No, neither have we." | Tom didn't believe a word she said and neither did the police. | me neither/John neither etc)  ("I don't like horror movies." "Me neither.")  (- see also) 2 formal used to emphasize or add information to a negative statement  (The authorities were not sympathetic to the students' demands, neither would they tolerate any disruption.)  (- compare any1, any2, either4) ~3 conjunction 1 neither... nor... used when two states, facts, actions etc are mentioned and both are not true or not possible  (The equipment is neither accurate nor safe. | She was expressionless, neither laughing nor crying.) 2 be neither here nor there especially spoken used to say that something is not important because it does not affect or change another fact or situation  (The fact that she needed the money for her children is neither here nor there, it's still stealing.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use neither in front of the first of two or more words or expressions when you are linking two or more things which are not true or do not happen. The other thing is introduced by ‘nor’. Professor Hisamatsu spoke neither English nor German... The play is neither as funny nor as disturbing as Tabori thinks it is. CONJ 2. You use neither to refer to each of two things or people, when you are making a negative statement that includes both of them. At first, neither man could speak. DET • Neither is also a quantifier. Neither of us felt like going out. QUANT-NEG • Neither is also a pronoun. They both smiled; neither seemed likely to be aware of my absence for long. PRON 3. If you say that one person or thing does not do something and neither does another, what you say is true of all the people or things that you are mentioning. I never learned to swim and neither did they... Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland. = nor CONJ 4. You use neither after a negative statement to emphasize that you are introducing another negative statement. (FORMAL) I can’t ever recall Dad hugging me. Neither did I sit on his knee. = nor CONJ 5. If you say that something is neither here nor there, you mean that it does not matter because it is not a relevant point. ‘I’d never heard of her before I came here.’—‘That is neither here nor there.’ PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. conjunction  Etymology: Middle English, alteration (influenced by either) of nauther, nother, from Old English nahw?ther, nother, from na, no not + hw?ther which of two, whether  Date: 12th century  1. not either ~ black nor white  2. also not ~ did I Usage:  Although use with or is ~ archaic nor wrong, ~ is usually followed by nor. A few commentators think that ~ must be limited in reference to two, but reference to more than two has been quite common since the 17th century rigid enforcement of antique decorum will help ~ language, literature, nor literati — James Sledd.  II. pronoun  Date: 13th century not the one or the other of two or more Usage:  Some commentators insist that ~ must be used with a singular verb. It generally is, but especially when a prepositional phrase intervenes between it and the verb, a plural verb is quite common ~ of those ideal solutions are in sight — C. P. Snow.  III. adjective  Date: 14th century not either ~ hand  IV. adverb  Date: 1551  1. chiefly dialect either are not to be understood ~ — Earl of Chesterfield  2. similarly not ; also not just as the serf was not permitted to leave the land, so ~ was his offspring — G. G. Coulton ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., pron., adv., & conj. --adj. & pron. (foll. by sing. verb) 1 not the one nor the other (of two things); not either (neither of the accusations is true; neither of them knows; neither wish was granted; neither went to the fair). 2 disp. none of any number of specified things. --adv. 1 not either; not on the one hand (foll. by nor; introducing the first of two or more things in the negative: neither knowing nor caring; would neither come in nor go out; neither the teachers nor the parents nor the children). 2 not either; also not (if you do not, neither shall I). 3 (with neg.) disp. either (I don't know that neither). --conj. archaic nor yet; nor (I know not, neither can I guess). Etymology: ME naither, neither f. OE nowther contr. of nohw{aelig}ther (as NO(2), WHETHER): assim. to EITHER NEK n. S.Afr. = COL 1. Etymology: Du., = NECK ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  ни тот ни другой, ни один neither more nor less than — ни больше, ни меньше, как neither statement is true — ни то, ни другое утверждение не верно ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. никакой I can agree in neither case, in neither case can I agree —- я не могу согласиться ни в том, ни другом случае neither statement is true —- ни то, ни другое утверждение не соответствует действительности he took neither side —- он не стал ни на ту, ни на другую сторону 2. ни тот, ни другой; ни один, никто, ничто (обыкн. из двух, иногда из многих) neither knows —- никто не знает will you have coffee or tea? - Neither —- что вы хотите - кофе или чаю? - Ни того, ни другого neither of you knows the truth —- никто из вас не знает (вы оба не знаете) правды neither of the statements is true —- ни одно из (двух) утверждений не является правильным; ни то, ни другое утверждение не соответствует действительности neither of the books is of any use to me —- ни одна из этих книг мне не нужна 3. также не, тоже не if you do not go, neither shall I —- если вы не пойдете, не пойду и я he cannot speak French. - Neither can I —- он не говорит по-французски. - Я тоже the first attempt was not successful and neither was the second —- первая попытка была неудачной, вторая также (тоже) I have not asked for help, neither do I desire it —- помощи я не прошу и в помощи не нуждаюсь I know not, neither can I guess —- я не знаю и догадаться (я тоже) не могу I haven't read this book neither do I intend to —- я не читал этой книги и не собираюсь (ее читать) 4. для усиления отрицания I don't know that neither —- я также...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. pron.; neg. (в функции сущ.) ни один из двух; никто; neither of you knows - никто из вас не знает; вы оба не знаете  2. pron.; neg. (в функции прил.) ни тот ни другой; neither statement is true - ни то, ни другое утверждение не верно  3. pron.; neg. (в функции нареч.) также не; if you do not go, neither shall I - если вы не пойдете, я тоже не пойду NEITHER rhyme nor reason ни складу ни ладу ...
Англо-русский словарь


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