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Английский Этимологический словарь - near


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- O.E. near "closer, nearer," comp. of neah, neh "nigh." Influenced by O.N. naer "near," it came to be used as a positive form in M.E., and new comp. nearer developed 1500s (see nigh). Originally an adv., but now supplanted in most such senses by nearly; it has in turn supplanted correct nigh as an adjective. Near-sighted is from 1686.
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  See: FAR AND NEAR. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  NASA abbr. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous U.S. gov. abbr. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous U.S. gov. abbr. National Emergency Alarm Repeater media abbr. North East Access Radio ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adv, prep 1 only a short distance from a person or thing  (Bob was standing near enough to hear what they said. | Why don't you move your chair nearer mine? | near to)  (Don't sit too near to the screen. | go/come/get etc near (=to move near someone or something))  (Don't come any nearer - I have a gun. | As the car drew nearer I realised the man was a stranger.) 2 come/be near (to) sth to almost do something or almost be in a particular state  (She had what came near to a perfect singing voice. | come/be near (to) tears/death etc)  (Sarah was trembling, and near to tears. | come/be near to doing sth)  (Samuel came very near to rejecting the award before accepting graciously.) 3 soon before a particular time or event  (Near the day of the wedding she started to have second thoughts.)  (Remind me nearer the time of the meeting.) draw near  (As my birthday drew near, I began to dread being fifty.) 4 near perfect/impossible etc almost perfect etc  (The dye left a near transparent liquid on the surface of her skin.) 5 (as) near as dammit BrE spoken used to say that something is very nearly true or correct  (The repairs will cost us -1000, as near as dammit.) ~2 adj 1 only a short distance away from someone or something  (It's a beautiful house but it's 20 miles away from the nearest town. | We can meet at the pub or in the restaurant, whichever's nearer for you.)  (Of course I've heard of the Littleton sports centre - it's near to my college.) 2 if something is near something else, it is similar to it +to  (It seems that his diaries are as near to the truth as we'll ever get. | Hyde Park is the nearest thing we have to the countryside round here. | It may not be an exact replica but it's pretty damn near.) 3 a near disaster/collapse etc almost a disaster, a collapse etc  (The factory has seen a near doubling of it's output this year alone.) 4 be a near thing a) if something you succeed in doing is a near thing, you manage to succeed but you nearly failed  (They won the championship, but it was a near thing.) b) used to say...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (nearer, nearest, nears, nearing, neared) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If something is near a place, thing, or person, it is a short distance from them. Don’t come near me... Her children went back every year to stay in a farmhouse near the cottage... He drew his chair nearer the fire... Some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire. PREP • Near is also an adverb. He crouched as near to the door as he could... She took a step nearer to the barrier... As we drew near, I saw that the boot lid was up. ADV: ADV after v, be ADV, oft ADV to n • Near is also an adjective. He collapsed into the nearest chair... Where’s the nearest telephone?... The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away. ADJ: ADJ n, the ADJ of n • nearness He was suddenly aware of his nearness. N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 2. If someone or something is near to a particular state, they have almost reached it. After the war, The House of Hardie came near to bankruptcy... The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion... Apart from anything else, he comes near to contradicting himself. = close PREP-PHRASE: PREP n/-ing • Near means the same as near to. He was near tears... We are no nearer agreement now than in the past. PREP 3. If something is similar to something else, you can say that it is near to it. ...a sickening sensation that was near to nausea. PREP-PHRASE • Near means the same as near to. Often her feelings were nearer hatred than love. PREP 4. You describe the thing most similar to something as the nearest thing to it when there is no example of the thing itself. It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry... ADJ: the ADJ n to n, the ADJ to n 5. If a time or event draws near, it will happen soon. (WRITTEN) The time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day. ADV: ADV after v, be ADV 6. If something happens near a particular time, it...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English ner, partly from ner ~er, from Old English near, comparative of neah nigh; partly from Old Norse n?r ~er, comparative of na- nigh — more at nigh  Date: 13th century  1. at, within, or to a short distance or time sunset was drawing ~  2. almost, ~ly was ~ dead  3. in a close or intimate manner ; closely ~ related  4. archaic in a frugal manner  II. preposition  Date: 13th century close to beaches ~ the city seemed to be ~ death  III. adjective  Date: 14th century  1.  a. not far distant in time, place, or degree in the ~ future  b. almost happening ; narrowly missed or avoided a ~ win in the primary a ~ midair collision  c. ~ly not happening a ~ escape  2. closely related or intimately associated her ~est and dearest friend  3.  a. being the closer of two the ~ side  b. being the left-hand one of a pair the ~ wheel of a cart  4. direct, short the ~est road  5. stingy, closefisted  6.  a. closely resembling the standard or typical a ~ desert  b. approximating the genuine ~ silk  • ~ness noun  IV. verb  Date: 1513 approach ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv., prep., adj., & v. --adv. 1 (often foll. by to) to or at a short distance in space or time; close by (the time drew near; dropped near to them). 2 closely (as near as one can guess). 3 archaic almost, nearly (very near died). 4 archaic parsimoniously; meanly (lives very near). --prep. (compar. & superl. also used) 1 to or at a short distance (in space, time, condition, or resemblance) from (stood near the back; occurs nearer the end; the sun is near setting). 2 (in comb.) a that is almost (near-hysterical; a near-Communist). b intended as a substitute for; resembling (near-beer). --adj. 1 (usu. predic.) close at hand; close to, in place or time (the man nearest you; in the near future). 2 a closely related (a near relation). b intimate (a near friend). 3 (of a part of a vehicle, animal, or road) left (the near fore leg; near side front wheel (orig. of the side from which one mounted)) (opp. OFF). 4 close; narrow (a near escape; a near guess). 5 (of a road or way) direct. 6 niggardly, mean. --v. 1 tr. approach; draw near to (neared the harbour). 2 intr. draw near (could distinguish them as they neared). Phrases and idioms come (or go) near (foll. by verbal noun, or to + verbal noun) be on the point of, almost succeed in (came near to falling). go near (foll. by to + infin.) narrowly fail. near at hand 1 within easy reach. 2 in the immediate future. the Near East the region comprising the countries of the eastern Mediterranean. Near Eastern of the Near East. near go colloq. a narrow escape. near the knuckle colloq. verging on the indecent. near miss 1 (of a bomb etc.) close to the target. 2 a situation in which a collision is narrowly avoided. 3 (of an attempt) almost but not quite successful. near sight esp. US = short sight. near thing a narrow escape. near upon archaic not far in time from. Derivatives nearish adj. nearness n. Etymology: ME f. ON n{aelig}r, orig. compar. of n{aacute} = OE neah NIGH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от near-Earth asteroid rendezvous сближение (КА) с малыми планетами ближнего пояса ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) ближний 2) близкий 3) близлежащий 4) вблизи 5) около 6) почти 7) сходный infinitely near element — бесконечно близкий элемент infinitely near point — бесконечно близкая точка near balance rectangular lattice — почти сбалансированная прямоугольная решетка near cyclic representation — близкое к циклическому представление near infra-red radiation — инфракрасное ближнее излучение near optimal solution — почти оптимальное решение near standard point — околостандартная точка near water trawler — траулер ближнего лова - arbitrarily near - infinitely near - near decomposability - near identifiability - near multicollinearity - near optimal - near ring - near singularity - near space - near tangent - near zone - sufficiently near ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. близкий; тесно связанный near relation —- ближайший родственник, член семьи (о детях и родителях) near friends —- закадычные друзья near to suicide —- близкий к самоубийству near to smb.'s heart —- заветный, близкий сердцу a matter of near consequence to me —- вопрос, в котором я тесным образом заинтересован 2. близлежащий, близкий, находящийся рядом near point —- мед. ближайшая точка ясного зрения near sight —- близорукость the post-office is quite near —- почта совсем близко 3. этот, свой, наш, ближний near shore —- воен. берег, занимаемый своими войсками, исходный берег on the near bank —- на этом (на нашем) берегу on the near side —- по сю (по эту) сторону 4. ближайший (о времени) the near future —- ближайшее будущее 5. короткий, прямой (о пути) the nearest way to the station —- кратчайший путь к станции to show smb. a nearer cut —- разг. показать кому-л., как пройти напрямик 6. близкий, сходный near resemblance —- близкое сходство the nearest translation of an idiom —- наиболее точный (близкий к оригиналу) перевод идиомы 7. напоминающий (по виду и т. п.); имитирующий near silk —- искусственный шелк near seal —- кролик, выделанный под котик (мех) 8. ам. почти полный near blindness —- почти полная слепота a near saint —- святой человек 9. доставшийся с трудом; трудный near victory —- дорогая победа near work —-...
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