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Английский Этимологический словарь - inside


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- 1392, ynneside "interior of the body," M.E. compound of inne (adv.) + side. The adj. is 1611, from the noun. Insider in the modern sense is first recorded 1848; inside job (robbery, espionage, etc.) is attested from 1908; inside track is metaphoric because those lanes are shorter, on a curved track.
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  See: STEP INSIDE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 prep 1 »CONTAINER« in a container or other closed space so that it is completely covered or surrounded  (I'll leave the keys inside an envelope. | The jewels were locked away inside the safe.) 2 »BUILDING/ROOM« in a room or building, especially when you are looking at it from the outside  (Mail was piled up just inside the doorway.) 3 »COUNTRY« a word meaning in a country or area, used when you want to emphasize that something is happening there and not outside it  (Very little is known of events inside Albania. | The guerrillas were said to be operating from bases inside the war zone.) 4 »ORGANIZATION« a word meaning in an organization or company, used when you want to emphasize that something is happening or known about there, but not outside it  (women's influence inside the Party | There have been rumours of bitter disputes inside the company.) 5 »FEELING« if you have a feeling inside you, you feel it but do not express it or tell other people about it  (It's no good bottling all the anger up inside you - you've got to let it out.) 6 »HEAD/MIND« if something happens inside you, or inside your head or mind, it is part of what you think and feel  (Something inside of me told me not to trust him. | Steve's a strange guy - you never know what's going on inside his head.) 7 »BODY« in your body  (She could feel the baby kicking inside her. | You'll feel better once you've got a good meal inside you (=after you have eaten something)) 8 »TIME« especially spoken if you do something inside a particular amount of time, it takes you slightly less than that amount of time to do it  (Jonson's time of 9.3 seconds was just inside the world record. | inside (of) two hours/inside (of) fifteen minutes etc)  (We did the return trip to Birmingham in just inside three hours.) ~2 adv 1 in something  (The car was locked and the keys were inside. | The purse had -50 inside.) 2 in a house or other building  (It's raining. We'll have to go inside. | She could hear voices inside, but no-one came to the door.) 3 if you have a feeling...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (insides) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'inside of' can also be used as a preposition. This form is more usual in American English. 1. Something or someone that is inside a place, container, or object is in it or is surrounded by it. Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper... There is a telephone inside the entrance hall. ? outside PREP • Inside is also an adverb. The couple chatted briefly on the doorstep before going inside... Inside, clouds of cigarette smoke swirled. ? outside ADV: ADV after v, be ADV, from ADV, n ADV, ADV with cl • Inside is also an adjective. ...four-berth inside cabins with en suite bathroom and shower. ADJ: ADJ n 2. The inside of something is the part or area that its sides surround or contain. The doors were locked from the inside... I painted the inside of the house... ? outside N-COUNT: usu the N in sing • Inside is also an adjective. The popular papers all have photo features on their inside pages. ADJ: ADJ n • Inside is also an adverb. The potato cakes should be crisp outside and meltingly soft inside. ADV: adj ADV 3. You can say that someone is inside when they are in prison. (INFORMAL) He’s been inside three times. ADV: be ADV, ADV after v 4. On a wide road, the inside lane is the one which is closest to the edge of the road. Compare outside. (BRIT) I was driving up at seventy miles an hour on the inside lane on the motorway. = nearside ? outside ADJ: ADJ n • Inside is also a noun. (in AM, use slow lane) I overtook Charlie on the inside. ? outside N-SING: the N, oft on the N 5. Inside information is obtained from someone who is involved in a situation and therefore knows a lot about it. Sloane used inside diplomatic information to make himself rich... ADJ: ADJ n 6. If you are inside an organization, you belong to it. 75 percent of chief executives come from inside the company... PREP • Inside is also an adjective. ...a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an interior or internal part or place ; the part within  b. inward nature, thoughts, or feeling  c. viscera, entrails — usually used in plural  2. an inner side or surface  3.  a. a position of power, trust, or familiarity only someone on the ~ could have told  b. confidential information has the ~ on what happened at the convention  4. the area nearest a specified or implied point of reference: as  a. the side of home plate nearest the batter  b. the middle portion of a playing area  c. the area near or underneath the basket in basketball  II. adverb  Date: 15th century  1. on the inner side  2. in or into the interior stayed ~ during the storm  3. to or on the ~  4. in prison  III. adjective  Date: 1611  1. of, relating to, or being on or near the ~ an ~ pitch  2.  a. relating or known to a select group ~ information  b. behind-the-scenes  IV. preposition  Date: 1791  1.  a. in or into or as if in or into the interior of waited ~ the church  b. on the inner side of just ~ the door  2. within ~ an hour ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n., adj., adv., & prep. --n. 1 a the inner side or surface of a thing. b the inner part; the interior. 2 a (of a path) the side next to the wall or away from the road. b (of a double-decker bus) the lower section. 3 (usu. in pl.) colloq. the stomach and bowels (something wrong with my insides). 4 colloq. a position affording inside information (knows someone on the inside). --adj. 1 situated on or in, or derived from, the inside. 2 Football & Hockey nearer to the centre of the field (inside forward; inside left; inside right). --adv. 1 on, in, or to the inside. 2 sl. in prison. --prep. 1 on the inner side of; within (inside the house). 2 in less than (inside an hour). Phrases and idioms inside country Austral. settled areas near the coast. inside information information not accessible to outsiders. inside job colloq. a crime committed by a person living or working on the premises burgled etc. inside of colloq. 1 in less than (a week etc.). 2 Brit. the middle part of. inside out with the inner surface turned outwards. inside track 1 the track which is shorter, because of the curve. 2 a position of advantage. know a thing inside out know a thing thoroughly. turn inside out 1 turn the inner surface outwards. 2 colloq. cause confusion or a mess in. Etymology: IN + SIDE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) внутренняя сторона; внутренняя поверхность 2) составная часть 3) содержимое ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) внутренний 2) внутренность 3) внутренняя часть 4) внутри 5) внутрь 6) изнанка diameter inside bark — диаметр в коре inside sphere property — свойство сферичности изнутри stable from inside — устойчивый изнутри turn inside out — выворачивать на изнанку - inside angle - inside cable - inside caliper - inside diameter - inside door - inside out - inside sill - inside value ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) внутренняя сторона; внутренний 2) pl внутренности ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. внутреннее пространство; внутренняя часть; интерьер the inside of a room —- внутреннее убранство комнаты the door opens from the inside —- дверь открывается наружу 2. внутренняя сторона или поверхность (чего-л.); оборотная сторона, изнанка the inside of a box —- внутренняя поверхность коробки the inside of a hat —- изнанка шляпы on the inside (of smth.) —- с внутренней стороны (чего-л.) a door bolted on the inside —- дверь, запертая на засов изнутри 3. сторона тротуара, прилегающая к домам 4. часто pl. внутренности (особ. желудок и кишечник) the insides of a fowl —- птичьи потроха 5. разг. нутро, душа; сокровенные мысли и чувства one cannot know the inside of a man's mind —- чужая душа - потемки to speak one's inside freely —- откровенно высказываться 6. разг. середина или большая часть какого-л. периода времени the inside of a week —- середина недели; время с понедельника до пятницы to come home for the inside of a fortnight —- приехать домой почти на две недели 7. ист. пассажир, занимающий место внутри дилижанса 8. ам. разг. секретная информация 9. тайный агент предпринимателя (в профсоюзе и т. п.) 10. спорт. полусредний нападающий, инсайд inside left —- левый полусредний 11. полигр. внутренняя сторона листа (в газете и т. п.) Id: to get on the inside (of smth.) —- ам. узнать всю подноготную...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  facts подноготная INSIDE job amer. кража и т.п., совершенная кем-л. из своих INSIDE of coll. в пределах INSIDE out adv. наизнанку to turn inside out - вывернуть наизнанку (что-л.) INSIDE calliper нутромер INSIDE  1. noun  1) внутренняя сторона; внутренность; изнанка to bolt on the inside - запирать изнутри  2) сторона тротуара, удаленная от мостовой  3) внутренняя сторона (поворота дороги)  4) середина the inside of a week - середина недели  5) coll. внутренности (особ. желудок и кишечник) a pain in the inside - боль в желудке  6) coll. ум, мысль, душа the inside of a book - содержание книги  7) пассажир внутри дилижанса, омнибуса, автобуса и т.п. (не на империале)  8) amer.; coll. секретные сведения; сведения из первоисточника (тж. inside information)  9) sport полусредний нападающий inside left (right) - левый (правый) полусредний  10) amer. тайный агент предпринимателя to get on the inside amer. - войти в курс дела, узнать всю подноготную; стать своим человеком [ср. insider ]  2. adj.  1) внутренний - inside track  2) скрытый, секретный - inside facts  3. adv.  1) внутрь, внутри  2) inside of a week - в пределах недели - inside of  4. prep. внутри; в INSIDE track  а) sport внутренняя беговая дорожка  б) railways внутренний путь  в) прямой/кратчайший путь к успеху ...
Англо-русский словарь


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