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Английский Этимологический словарь - index


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- 14c., from L. index (gen. indicis) "forefinger, pointer, sign, list," lit. "anything which points out," from indicare "point out" (see indicate). Meaning "list of a book's contents" is first attested 1580, from L. phrases such as Index Nominum "Index of Names;" scientific sense (refractive index, etc.) is 19c.; economic sense (cost-of-living index, etc.) is after 1886. The Church sense of "forbidden books" is from index librorum prohibitorum, first published 1564 by authority of Pius IV.
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  ~1 n plural indices, or indexes 1 an alphabetical list of names, subjects etc at the back of a book, with the numbers of the pages where they can be found 2 a set of cards, each with a name or piece of information on it, arranged in alphabetical order, as used in a library; card index 3 a sign by which the level of something can be judged or measured  (This may be taken as an index of economic growth.) 4 technical a system by which prices, costs etc can be compared to those of a previous date ~2 v 1 to make an index for something 2 to arrange for the level of wages, pensions etc to increase or decrease according to the level of prices - indexation n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (indices, indexes, indexing, indexed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: The usual plural is 'indexes', but the form 'indices' can be used for meaning 1. 1. An index is a system by which changes in the value of something and the rate at which it changes can be recorded, measured, or interpreted. ...the UK retail price index. ...economic indices. N-COUNT: with supp 2. An index is an alphabetical list that is printed at the back of a book and tells you on which pages important topics are referred to. There’s even a special subject index. N-COUNT 3. If you index a book or a collection of information, you make an alphabetical list of the items in it. This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers... She’s indexed the book by author, by age, and by illustrator. VERB: be V-ed, V n 4. If a quantity or value is indexed to another, a system is arranged so that it increases or decreases whenever the other one increases or decreases. Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n 5. see also card index ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~es or indices)  Etymology: Latin indic-, ~, from indicare to indicate  Date: 1561  1.  a. a device (as the pointer on a scale or the gnomon of a sundial) that serves to indicate a value or quantity  b. something (as a physical feature or a mode of expression) that leads one to a particular fact or conclusion ; indication  2. a list (as of bibliographical information or citations to a body of literature) arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum (as author, subject, or keyword): as  a. a list of items (as topics or names) treated in a printed work that gives for each item the page number where it may be found  b. thumb ~  c. a bibliographical analysis of groups of publications that is usually published periodically  d. a list of publicly traded companies and their stock prices  3. a list of restricted or prohibited material; specifically capitalized a formerly published list of books the reading of which was prohibited or restricted for Roman Catholics by the church authorities  4. plural usually indices a number or symbol or expression (as an exponent) associated with another to indicate a mathematical operation to be performed or to indicate use or position in an arrangement 3 is the ~ of the expression ?5 to indicate the cube root of 5  5. a character ? used to direct attention to a note or paragraph — called also fist  6.  a. a number (as a ratio) derived from a series of observations and used as an indicator or measure; specifically ~ number  b. the ratio of one dimension of a thing (as an anatomical structure) to another dimension  II. verb  Date: 1720  transitive verb  1.  a. to provide with an ~  b. to list in an ~ all persons and places mentioned are carefully ~ed  2. to serve as an ~ of  3. to regulate (as wages, prices, or interest rates) by ~ation  intransitive verb to ~ something  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. (pl. indexes or esp. in technical use indices) 1 an alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references, usu. at the end of a book. 2 = card index. 3 (in full index number) a number showing the variation of prices or wages as compared with a chosen base period (retail price index; Dow-Jones index). 4 Math. a the exponent of a number. b the power to which it is raised. 5 a a pointer, esp. on an instrument, showing a quantity, a position on a scale, etc. b an indicator of a trend, direction, tendency, etc. c (usu. foll. by of) a sign, token, or indication of something. 6 Physics a number expressing a physical property etc. in terms of a standard (refractive index). 7 Computing a set of items each of which specifies one of the records of a file and contains information about its address. 8 (Index) RC Ch. hist. a list of books forbidden to Roman Catholics to read. 9 Printing a symbol shaped like a pointing hand, used to draw attention to a note etc. --v.tr. 1 provide (a book etc.) with an index. 2 enter in an index. 3 relate (wages etc.) to the value of a price index. Phrases and idioms index finger the forefinger. index-linked related to the value of a retail price index. Derivatives indexation n. indexer n. indexible adj. indexical adj. indexless adj. Etymology: ME f. L index indicis forefinger, informer, sign: sense 8 f. L Index librorum prohibitorum list of prohibited books ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) индекс; показатель; коэффициент индексировать, помечать индексами, снабжать индексами; вчт. (с)формировать индекс 2) показатель степени 3) указатель, стрелка (измерительного прибора) показывать 4) шаговое перемещение 5) (алфавитный или предметный) указатель, индекс составлять (алфавитный или предметный) указатель 6) полигр. (вырубленные) уступы (на обрезе справочного издания) 7) совпадать (об отверстиях при сборке) - index of absorption - index of cograduation - index of cooperation - index of correlation - index of dispersion - index of extinction - index of goodness - index of irrigation need - index of lens - index of moisture conditions - index of plasticity - index of refraction - index of root - index of thunderstorm activity - index of turbulence - index of wetness - acidity index - acoustoelectric index - adiabatic index - aggregate index - air pollution index - air quality index - amplitude modulation index - antecedent precipitation index - aridity index - array index - articulation index - asphalt penetration index - beam index - bell-position index - branching index - breaking index - burning index - caking index - capability utilization index - carbonization index of oil - catalog index - circulation index - citation index - cladding index of refraction - clayiness index - coke-quality index - coke-strength index - color index - cone index - consistency index - constraint index - core index of refraction - correction index - corrosion index - crown-area index - current index - current-noise index - curve index - cycle index - cylinder index - decontamination index - dense index - density index - deterioration index - diaphragm index - dielectric index - dielectric loss index - diesel index -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  индекс, показатель; коэффициент; число; модуль номенклатура карты марка, метка указатель, стрелка (измерительного прибора) index of alteration index of liquidity index of plasticity index of rock quality abrasive resistance index abrasive wear index activity index air distribution performance index airfield index alkali-lime index B. coli index brittleness index chart index comfort index compression index concentration index cone index consistency index correction index density index discomfort index dust index embrittlement index expansion index floor space index freeze index freshness index group index hardness index impurity index moisture index odor intensity index parking index performance index permeability index plasticity index point load strength index pollution index porosity index reliability index serviceability index sludge index sound reduction index surface thaw index swelling index thawing index toughness index void index warmth index water color index water pollution index water quality index wetness index work-hardening index ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) индекс; показатель 2) указатель – absorption index – accuracy class index – articulation index – closed group index – color rendering index – comparative index – cooperation index – correction index – correctness index – dielectric loss index – digital index – directivity index – error index – group index – magnetic loss index – mode index – modulation index – ordering index – performance index – quality index – readiness index – refractive index – reliability index – room index – sender index – special-color rendering index – speed index – summarized index – track index ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вносить в указатель 2) значок 3) измеритель 4) индекс 5) индексировать 6) индексный 7) индикатриса 8) индицировать 9) коэффициент 10) перенумеровать 11) показатель 12) порядок обхода 13) составлять указатель 14) стрелка 15) указатель алфавитный 16) фиксатор 17) характеристика 18) экспонент absolute ramification index — абсолютный индекс ветвления algebra of uniform index — алгебра постоянного индекса chain index number — цепной индекс corrosion depth index — глубинный показатель коррозии cost of living index — экон. индекс прожиточного минимума dielectric loss index — электр. коэффициент диэлектрических энергопотерь feed index plate — таблица установки подач finite index topology — топология конечных индексов frequency modulation index — индекс частотной модуляции index indicial notation — индексное обозначение index modulo m — индекс по модулю m index of bilinear form — индекс билинейной формы index of cost of living — индекс стоимости жизни index of critical point — индекс критической точки index of multiple correlation — индекс множественной корреляции index of multiple determination — квадрат смешанной множественной корреляции index of quadratic form — индекс квадратичной формы index of subgroup index — индекс подгруппы index of symmetric matrix — индекс симметричной матрицы modified refractive index — модифицированный...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  делительное устройство; делительно-поворотный стол ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. мн. indexes, indices 1) индекс а) общ. (указатель, список, перечень чего-либо) б) стат. (относительная величина сравнения сложных совокупностей и отдельных их единиц) See: advance-decline index, abnormal performance index, Accumulation Swing Index, Arm's index, Commodity Channel Index, demand index, diffusion index, Directional Movement Index, equal-weighted market index, Force Index, Herrick Payoff Index, Market Facilitation Index, money flow index, Positive Volume Index, relative strength index, Relative Vigor Index, stochastics index, Swing Index, tax and price index, trading index в) эк. (цифровой показатель, выражающий в процентах последовательные изменения какого-л. экономического явления) index to economic progress — показатель экономического прогресса See: price index, abnormal performance index, "index-linked, Bankers Trust Commodity Index, Barron's Confidence Index, beating the index, Bond Buyer Index, Bond Buyer municipal bond index, bond index, Business Confidence Index, Business Environment Risk Information Index, Business Expectation Index, Business Outlook Index, cash index participation, Chase Physical Commodity Index, Chicago Purchasing Managers' Index, Consumer Confidence Index, Consumer Price Index, Consumer Sentiment Index, Cost of Living Index, CRB/Bridge Index, Current Condition Index, Economic Sentiment Index, Eleven Bond Index, Emerging Markets Free Index, Euro-commercial paper index, exchange rate index, housing price index, index bond, Index of Coincident Indicators, Index of Investor Optimism, Index of Lagging Indicators, Index of Leading Economic Indicators, Index of Leading Indicators, index participation, index range note, Industrial Production Index, Investable Commodity Index, J. P. Morgan Commodity Index, Knight-Ridder Commodity Research Bureau Index,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  индекс, указатель, показатель; коэффициент – index of association – index of electivity – index of food similarity – index of fullness of stomach – index of refraction – index of similarity – index of stereotypy – index of succession – cardiac index – cephalic index – character index – coli index – color index – diversity index – drumming index – fatness index – frequency index – frequency-abundance index – gonadosomatic index – hybrid index – hydropathy index – isolation index – leaf area index – lethal index – Lincoln index – metaphase pairing index – mitotic index – movement index – mutation index – neutralization index of virus – parasite index – Petersen index – phagocytic index – productivity index – quantum chemical index – recombination index – recycling index – refractive index – retention index – reversion index – sacral index – selection index – sire index – stomach filling index – stroke volume index – stroke work index – suppressor cell index – survival index – tension-time index – thoracic index ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. эк. индекс; показатель weighted index —- взвешенный индекс 2. тех. показатель, коэффициент index of refraction —- коэффициент преломления 3. мат. коэффициент 4. признак, показатель the face is an index of the heart —- лицо - это зеркало души 5. алфавитный указатель; индекс; каталог; список library index —- библиотечный каталог 6. стрелка (весов, приборов, солнечных часов) 7. указательный палец 8. снабжать указателем 9. составлять указатель; заносить в указатель 10. указывать, служить указателем 11. тех. совпадать (об отверстиях) 12. спец. индексировать, индицировать, приписывать индексы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun; pl. -xes indices  1) индекс, указатель index of cost of living - индекс прожиточного минимума  2) стрелка (на приборах)  3) алфавитный указатель; каталог  4) указательный палец (тж. index finger)  5) алфавитный индекс (выемка с буквами в обрезе справочного издания)  6) math. показатель степени; коэффициент  7) attr. index number -  а) порядковый номер;  б) econ. индекс  2. v.  1) снабжать указателем the book is well indexed - книга имеет хороший указатель  2) составлять указатель, заносить в указатель ...
Англо-русский словарь


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