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Английский Этимологический словарь - hurt


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- 12c., from O.Fr. hurter "to ram, strike, collide," perhaps from Frank. (cf. M.H.G. hurten "run at, collide"). Sense of "knock" died out 17c.
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  ~1 v past tense and past participle hurt 1 if a part of your body hurts, you feel pain in it  (My back hurts. | it hurts)  (Where does it hurt? | hurt sb)  (My shoulder's really hurting me. | hurt like hell (=hurt very much)) 2 if you hurt part of your body you injure it or make it feel painful, especially in an accident  (Several people were seriously hurt in the accident. | hurt your arm/leg/nose etc)  (I hurt my finger in the door | hurt yourself (=injure yourself))  (Careful you don't hurt yourself - it's very sharp.) 3 if something hurts part of your body, it makes it feel painful  (The sun's hurting my eyes) 4 to cause physical pain to someone  (Put that thing down - you might hurt someone with it.) 5 to make someone feel very upset, unhappy, sad etc  (hurt sb's feelings)  (I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. | what hurts is that)  (What really hurts is that he never even said goodbye. | hurt sb)  (The last thing I want to do is to hurt you.) 6 be hurting yourself to be making yourself feel even more unhappy, upset, sad, etc 7 to have a bad effect on someone or something, especially by making them less successful or powerful  (Foreign competition has definitely hurt the firm's position in the market.) 8 be hurting a) AmE informal to feel very upset, unhappy, sad etc b) if a group, organization etc is hurting, they do not have something important that they need, for example money + for  (Our division in Salem is hurting for competent staff right now.) 9 it won't/doesn't hurt (sb) to do sth spoken used to say that there is no reason why someone cannot or should not do something  (It won't hurt Julia to get up early for once.) 10 one more won't hurt spoken used to encourage someone to have another drink, piece of chocolate etc  (- compare harm2) ~2 adj 1 (not usually before noun physically injured  (badly/seriously hurt)  (This man needs a doctor - he's badly hurt.) 2 very upset or unhappy because someone has said or done something unkind, dishonest, or unfair  (a hurt expression | deeply...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (hurts, hurting, hurt) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you hurt yourself or hurt a part of your body, you feel pain because you have injured yourself. Yasin had seriously hurt himself while trying to escape from the police... He had hurt his back in an accident. VERB: V pron-refl, V n 2. If a part of your body hurts, you feel pain there. His collar bone only hurt when he lifted his arm. VERB: V 3. If you are hurt, you have been injured. His comrades asked him if he was hurt... They were dazed but did not seem to be badly hurt. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 4. If you hurt someone, you cause them to feel pain. I didn’t mean to hurt her, only to keep her still... Ouch. That hurt. VERB: V n, V 5. If someone hurts you, they say or do something that makes you unhappy. He is afraid of hurting Bessy’s feelings... What hurts most is the betrayal, the waste. VERB: V n, V 6. If you are hurt, you are upset because of something that someone has said or done. Yes, I was hurt, jealous... ADJ 7. If you say that you are hurting, you mean that you are experiencing emotional pain. I am lonely and I am hurting. VERB: only cont, V 8. To hurt someone or something means to have a bad effect on them or prevent them from succeeding. The combination of hot weather and decreased water supplies is hurting many industries... = damage VERB: V n 9. A feeling of hurt is a feeling that you have when you think that you have been treated badly or judged unfairly. I was full of jealousy and hurt... = pain N-VAR 10. If you say ‘It won’t hurt to do something’ or ‘It never hurts to do something’, you are recommending an action which you think is helpful or useful. (INFORMAL) It wouldn’t hurt you to be a bit more serious. PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, probably from Anglo-French ~er to strike, prick, collide with, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old Norse hrutr male sheep  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to inflict with physical pain ; wound  b. to do substantial or material harm to ; damage the dry summer has ~ the land  2.  a. to cause emotional pain or anguish to ; offend  b. to be detrimental to ; hamper charges of graft ~ my chances of being elected  intransitive verb  1.  a. to suffer pain or grief  b. to be in need — usually used with for ~ing for money  2. to cause damage or distress hit where it ~s  Synonyms: see injure  • ~ adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a cause of injury or damage ; blow  2.  a. a bodily injury or wound  b. mental distress or anguish ; suffering  3. wrong, harm ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. hurt) 1 tr. (also absol.) cause pain or injury to. 2 tr. cause mental pain or distress to (a person, feelings, etc.). 3 intr. suffer pain or harm (my arm hurts). --n. 1 bodily or material injury. 2 harm, wrong. Derivatives hurtless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF hurter, hurt ult. perh. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) повредить 2) повреждать 3) повреждение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) вред, ущерб 2) повреждение 2. гл. 1) причинять вред, ущерб 2) нанести повреждение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. вред, ущерб hurt to smb.'s health —- ущерб чьему-л здоровью to do hurt to smb. —- вредить кому-л; причинять вред кому-л what hurt can it do you? —- чем это может вам повредить it would do no hurt to get the house painted —- не машало бы покрасить дом 2. повреждение; травма; рана, ранение; порез; ушиб hurt certificate —- воен. свидетельство о ранении to get a mortal hurt —- получить смертельное ранение 3. боль dull hurt —- тупая боль 4. обида; оскорбление a severe hurt to smb.'s pride —- тяжелый удар по чьему-л самолюбию I intended no hurt to your feelings —- я не думал вас обидеть 5. уст. удар 6. геральд. голубое поле круглой формы 7. раненый, травмированный, пострадавший the hurt man was taken to hospital —- пострадавшего доставили в больницу 8. обиженный, оскорбленный; задетый hurt pride —- уязвленная гордость hurt feeling —- оскорбленные чувства hurt look —- обиженный взгляд to feel hurt —- чувствовать себя оскорбленным 9. поврежденный, испорченный, порченый hurt merchandise —- испорченный товар hurt grain —- порочное зерно 10. причинять боль the plaster won't hurt you —- от пластыря вам не будет больно it hurts me to cough —- мне больно кашлять it hurts the eyes to look at the sun —- солнечный свет режет глаза, от солнца глазам больно it didn't hurt a bit —- (мне) было совсем не больно my shot hurts me a bit —- ботинок немного жмет...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) повреждение; боль; рана  2) вред, ущерб  3) обида  2. v.  1) причинить боль; повредить; ушибить  2) причинять вред, ущерб  3) задевать, обижать, делать больно to hurt smb. s feelings - задеть, обидеть кого-л. nothing hurts like the truth - правда глаза колет  4) coll. болеть my hand still hurts - рука все еще болит - hurt down Syn: afflict, aggrieve, distress, pain see harm Ant: benefit, comfort, console, soothe HURT down броситься на землю, на пол When he heard the bomb whistling down, Jim hurled himself down on the floor with his hands over his head. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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