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Английский Этимологический словарь - grab


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- 1589, from M.Du. or M.L.G. grabben "to grab," from P.Gmc. *grab. First record of grab-bag "miscellaneous mixture" is 1855, originally a carnival game.
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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v grabbed, grabbing 1 »WITH YOUR HAND« to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement  (The policeman grabbed his shoulder. | grab sth from sb)  (I managed to grab the gun from Bowen. | grab hold of)  (Kay grabbed hold of my arm to stop herself falling.) 2 »FOOD/SLEEP« informal to get some food or sleep quickly because you are busy  (I managed to grab an hour's sleep this afternoon. | grab a bite to eat)  (Let's grab a bite to eat before we go.) 3 »GET STH FOR YOURSELF« to take something for yourself, especially in an unfair way  (Bob tried to grab the profit for himself. | Try to get there early and grab a seat.) 4 how does sth grab you? spoken used to ask someone if they would be interested in doing a particular thing  (How does the idea of a trip to Spain grab you?) 5 grab a chance/opportunity informal to take the opportunity to do or have something immediately  (Grab your chance to travel while you're still young!) grab at phr v 1 to quickly and suddenly put out your hand in order to take hold of something  (Donny hid behind his mother, grabbing at her skirt.) 2 to immediately try to take an opportunity that someone offers you  (Melanie grabs at every invitation that comes her way.) ~2 n 1 make a grab for/at to suddenly try to take hold of something  (I made a grab for the revolver.) 2 be up for grabs informal if a job, prize, opportunity etc is up for grabs, it is available for anyone who wants to try to have it 3 a piece of machinery used for taking hold of things ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (grabs, grabbing, grabbed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you grab something, you take it or pick it up suddenly and roughly. I managed to grab her hand... I grabbed him by the neck. VERB: V n, V n by/round n 2. If you grab at something, you try to grab it. He was clumsily trying to grab at Alfred’s arms. VERB: V at n • Grab is also a noun. I made a grab for the knife... Mr Penrose made a grab at his collar. N-COUNT: usu sing, N for/at n 3. If you grab someone who is walking past, you succeed in getting their attention. (INFORMAL) Grab that waiter, Mary Ann. VERB: V n 4. If you grab someone’s attention, you do something in order to make them notice you. I jumped on the wall to grab the attention of the crowd. VERB: V n 5. If you grab something such as food, drink, or sleep, you manage to get some quickly. (INFORMAL) Grab a beer. VERB: V n 6. If you grab something such as a chance or opportunity, or grab at it, you take advantage of it eagerly. She grabbed the chance of a job interview... He grabbed at the opportunity to buy his castle. = seize VERB: V n, V at n 7. A grab for something such as power or fame is an attempt to gain it. ...a grab for personal power. N-COUNT: usu sing, N for n 8. to grab hold of: see hold see also smash-and-grab 9. If something is up for grabs, it is available to anyone who is interested. (INFORMAL) The famous Ritz hotel is up for grabs for ?100m. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~bed; ~bing)  Etymology: obsolete Dutch or Low German ~ben  Date: circa 1581  transitive verb  1. to take or seize by or as if by a sudden motion or grasp ~ up an ax ~bed the opportunity ~ attention  2. to obtain unscrupulously ~ public lands  3. to take hastily ~ a bite to eat ~ a cab  4.  a. to seize the attention of the technique of ~bing an audience — Pauline Kael  b. to impress favorably and deeply  intransitive verb to make a ~  Synonyms: see take  • ~ber noun  II. adjective  Date: 1608  1. intended to be ~bed a ~ rail  2. taken at random ~ samples of rocks  III. noun  Date: 1777  1.  a. something ~bed  b. a sudden snatch  c. an unlawful or unscrupulous seizure  2. chiefly British  a. a device for clutching an object  b. clamshell 2a ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (grabbed, grabbing) 1 tr. a seize suddenly. b capture, arrest. 2 tr. take greedily or unfairly. 3 tr. sl. attract the attention of, impress. 4 intr. (foll. by at) make a sudden snatch at. 5 intr. (of the brakes of a motor vehicle) act harshly or jerkily. --n. 1 a sudden clutch or attempt to seize. 2 a mechanical device for clutching. 3 the practice of grabbing; rapacious proceedings esp. in politics and commerce. 4 a children's card-game in which certain cards may be snatched from the table. Phrases and idioms grab-bag US a lucky dip. grab handle (or rail etc.) a handle or rail etc. to steady passengers in a moving vehicle. up for grabs sl. easily obtainable; inviting capture. Derivatives grabber n. Etymology: MLG, MDu. grabben: cf. GRIP, GRIPE, GROPE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) грейфер; захват, захватывающее приспособление; захватное устройство 2) мн. ч. лесн. захватные крюки 3) цел.-бум. черпак - air-operated grab - alligator grab - automatic grab - bailer grab - cactus grab - casing grab - crane grab - fork grab - hook grab - hydraulic grab - independent-tine grab - iron grab - ladder grab - multijawmultiprong grab - multijaw grab - pickup grab - pipe grab - pneumatic grab - rope grab ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  грейферный ковш; черпак; захват clamshell grab hammer grab ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) грейфер 2) грейферный 3) машиностр. подхват 4) подъемный коготь 5) самосхват 6) хватать grab bucket shell — челюсть грейфера oil-well drilliing grab — ловильный метчик power grab bucket — приводной грейфер rope grab bucket — канатный грейфер shaft-sinking grab digger — грейферный проходческий агрегат two-leaf grab bucket — двухчелюстной ковш wire line grab — ловильный ерш - grab bailer - grab iron - grab loader - multijaw grab ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) захват, присвоение 2) хищничество 2. гл. захватывать, присваивать - grab public lands ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) быстрое хватательное движение; захват; захватывать; схватывать 2) захватывающее приспособление ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. быстрое хватательное движение; попытка схватить (что-л.) to make a grab at smth. —- попытаться внезапно схватить что-л. 2. захват; присвоение; хищничество policy of grab —- захватническая политика to be on the grab —- быть корыстолюбивым, стремиться к наживе to be up for grab —- драться за тепленькое местечко 3. захваченное, награбленное 4. тех. захват; грейфер 5. черпак Id: to have the grab on smb. —- иметь преимущество перед кем-л.; иметь преимущество в ходе матча (бокс) Id: by grab(s)! —- ам. черт возьми!, вот те на!, вот так так! 6. внезапно схватить, хватать to grab smb. by the collar —- схватить кого-л. за шиворот to grab hold of a rope —- уцепиться за веревку to grab smb. from behind —- схватить кого-л. сзади don't grab! —- не хватайте! he grabbed the purse and bolted —- он схватил кошелек и бросился бежать 7. (at) пытаться схватить (что-л.) 8. захватывать, присваивать to grab public lands —- захватить общественные земли to grab the credit for smb. else's work —- присвоить чужую славу to grab and keep —- хищнически захватывать и присваивать 9. разг. захватывать; овладевать (вниманием и т. п.) to grab an audience —- держать аудиторию в напряжении 10. разг. захватывать, нравиться how does that grab you? —- как вам это нравится?; что вы на это скажете? 11. разг. схватить, арестовать 12. ам. разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) внезапная попытка схватить; быстрое хватательное движение  2) захват; присвоение - policy of grab  3) tech. экскаватор; ковш, черпак  2. v.  1) схватывать, хватать; пытаться схватить (at/for/onto) The climber grabbed for the rope, but missed and fell to his death. Grab onto this board, well save you from falling through the ice!  2) захватывать; присваивать Syn: see grasp ...
Англо-русский словарь


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