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Английский Этимологический словарь - from


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- O.E. fram, originally "forward movement, advancement," evolving into sense of "movement away," from PIE *pr-.
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  physiol. abbr. Full Range Of Movement mil. abbr. Force Reception and Onward Movement gen. comp. abbr. Factory ROM ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ strong preposition 1 starting at a particular place, position, or condition  (How do you get from here to Colchester? | running from one side of the building to the other | The hotel is on the main road from Caernarfon. | dropped from a height of six feet | translating from French into English | go from A to B (=go from one point or situation to another))  (People will choose different methods of going from A to B. | go from bad to worse (=get worse))  (When she arrived, things just went from bad to worse!) 2 from house to house/shop to shop/place to place etc a) calling at every house, shop, etc  (She went from house to house asking if anyone had seen him.) b) in different houses, places etc  (From office to office things work differently. | It will vary from time to time and from place to place. | Everything goes wrong from time to time. (=sometimes)) 3 starting at a particular time  (He'll be here tomorrow from about seven o' clock onwards. | in a week from now | from morning to night (=without stopping))  (housewives who work from morning to night | from now on (=from this time onwards))  (From now on, I will only be working in the mornings.)  (- see since3) 4 beginning at a particular limit or price  (The sizes range from a hundred down to twenty. | The yield from this type of investment can be anything from five to ten percent.) 5 if you see, watch, or do something from a place, this is where you are when you see, watch, or do it  (From the top of the hill, you can see for miles. | There's a man watching us from behind that fence.) 6 used to express a distance  (We live about five km from Boston. | a large Victorian house only fifty yards from my workplace. | It's about an hour and a half from Scarborough.) 7 if something is moved or taken from a place or person, it is removed, taken away or taken out  (She pulled her chair away from her desk. | I had to take that new toy away from him. | Subtract three from fifteen. | He took a knife from his pocket. | His absence from class has been noted.) 8 used to say what the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'from' is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘date from’ and ‘grow away from’. 1. If something comes from a particular person or thing, or if you get something from them, they give it to you or they are the source of it. He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers. ...an anniversary present from his wife... The results were taken from six surveys... The dirt from the fields drifted like snow. PREP 2. Someone who comes from a particular place lives in that place or originally lived there. Something that comes from a particular place was made in that place. Katy Jones is nineteen and comes from Birmingham. ...wines from Coteaux d’Aix-en-Provence. PREP 3. A person from a particular organization works for that organization. ...a representative from the Israeli embassy. PREP 4. If someone or something moves or is moved from a place, they leave it or are removed, so that they are no longer there. The guests watched as she fled from the room. PREP 5. If you take one thing or person from another, you move that thing or person so that they are no longer with the other or attached to the other. In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient’s body... Remove the bowl from the ice and stir in the cream. PREP 6. If you take something from an amount, you reduce the amount by that much. The ?103 is deducted from Mrs Adams’ salary every month... Three from six leaves three. PREP 7. From is used in expressions such as away from or absent from to say that someone or something is not present in a place where they are usually found. Her husband worked away from home a lot... Jo was absent from the house all the next day. PREP 8. If you return from a place or an activity, you return after being in that place or doing that activity. ...a group of men travelling home from a darts match. PREP 9. If you are back from a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   preposition  Etymology: Middle English, ~ Old English ~, fram; akin to Old High German fram, adverb, forth, away, Old English faran to go — more at fare  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. — used as a function word to indicate a starting point of a physical movement or a starting point in measuring or reckoning or in a statement of limits came here ~ the city a week ~ today cost ~ $5 to $10  b. — used as a function word to indicate the starting or focal point of an activity called me ~ a pay phone ran a business ~ her home  2. — used as a function word to indicate physical separation or an act or condition of removal, abstention, exclusion, release, subtraction, or differentiation protection ~ the sun relief ~ anxiety  3. — used as a function word to indicate the source, cause, agent, or basis we conclude ~ this a call ~ my lawyer inherited a love of music ~ his father worked hard ~ necessity ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  prep. expressing separation or origin, followed by: 1 a person, place, time, etc., that is the starting-point of motion or action, or of extent in place or time (rain comes from the clouds; repeated from mouth to mouth; dinner is served from 8; from start to finish). 2 a place, object, etc. whose distance or remoteness is reckoned or stated (ten miles from Rome; I am far from admitting it; absent from home; apart from its moral aspect). 3 a a source (dig gravel from a pit; a man from Italy; draw a conclusion from premisses; quotations from Shaw). b a giver or sender (presents from Father Christmas; have not heard from her). 4 a a thing or person avoided, escaped, lost, etc. (released him from prison; cannot refrain from laughing; dissuaded from folly). b a person or thing deprived (took his gun from him). 5 a reason, cause, or motive (died from fatigue; suffering from mumps; did it from jealousy; from his looks you might not believe it). 6 a thing distinguished or unlike (know black from white). 7 a lower limit (saw from 10 to 20 boats; tickets from {pound}5). 8 a state changed for another (from being the victim he became the attacker; raised the penalty from a fine to imprisonment). 9 an adverb or preposition of time or place (from long ago; from abroad; from under the bed). 10 the position of a person who observes or considers (saw it from the roof; from his point of view). 11 a model (painted it from nature). Phrases and idioms from a child since childhood. from day to day (or hour to hour etc.) daily (or hourly etc.); as the days (or hours etc.) pass. from home out, away. from now on henceforward. from time to time occasionally. from year to year each year; as the years pass. Etymology: OE fram, from f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от fusable read-only memory ПЗУ, программируемое плавкими перемычками ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. (редуцированная форма) в пространственном значении указывает на: 2. исходный пункт действия или движения из, с they started from Moscow —- они выехали из Москвы to go from home —- уехать из дому from here —- отсюда from there —- оттуда from where? —- откуда? it fell from the roof —- это упало с крыши to jump from the train —- спрыгнуть с поезда I heard it from the next room —- я услышал это из соседней комнаты 3. исходный пункт при определении или отсчете расстояния от not far from the station —- недалеко от станции a mile from home —- на расстоянии мили от дома 4. положение предмета или его части по отношению к другому предмету на; из, с to hang from a bough —- висеть на ветке a lamp hung from the ceiling —- с потолка свисала лампа a nail projected from the board —- из доски торчал гвоздь a handkerchief was sticking from his pocket —- из кармана у него высовывался носовой платок 5. во временном значении указывает на: 6. начальный момент процесса с, начиная с five years from now —- через пять лет from the very first —- с самого начала reckoning from yesterday —- считая со вчерашнего дня I knew him from a boy —- я знаю его с детства 7. дату и т. п. к; передается также твор. падежом the monument dates from the 16th century —- этот памятник относится к XVI в. 8. указывает на: 9. источник или происхождение от, из; передается также род....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  abroad из-за границы FROM prep.  1) указывает на пространственные отношения от, из, с (передается тж. приставками) from Leningrad - из Ленинграда where is he coming from? - откуда он? we are two hours journey from there - мы находимся в двух часах пути оттуда we were 50 km from the town - мы были в 50 км от города  2) указывает на отправную точку, исходный пункт, предел с, от from the beginning of the book - с начала книги from floor to ceiling - от пола до потолка from end to end - из конца в конец you will find the word in the seventh line from the bottom (of the page) - вы найдете это слово в седьмой строке снизу from ten to twenty thousand - от десяти до двадцати тысяч from my point of view - с моей точки зрения  3) указывает на временные отношения с, от, из from the (very) beginning - с (самого) начала from the beginning of the century - с начала века from a child - с детства from before the war - с довоенного времени from now on - с этих пор, отныне beginning from Friday week - начиная с будущей пятницы from dusk to dawn - от зари и до зари from six a. m. - с шести часов утра from beginning to end - от начала до конца  4) указывает на отнятие, изъятие, вычитание, разделение и т.п. у, из, с, от take the knife from the child - отнимите нож у ребенка take ten from fifteen - вычтите десять из пятнадцати to exclude from the number - исключить из числа she parted from him at the door - она рассталась с ним у дверей they withdrew the team...
Англо-русский словарь


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