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Английский Этимологический словарь - focus


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- 1644, from L. focus "hearth, fireplace," used in post-classical times for "fire" itself, taken by Kepler (1604) in a mathematical sense for "point of convergence," perhaps on analogy of the burning point of a lens. Introduced into Eng. 1656 by Hobbes. Sense transfer to "center of activity or energy" is first recorded 1796.
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  ocean sc. abbr. Fisheries Oceanography Cooperative Users System univ. abbr. Fellowship Of Catholic University Students univ. abbr. Financial Occupations Club For University Students univ. abbr. Fellowship Of Christian University Students univ. abbr. Fostering Off Campus University Success adult abbr. Fuck Off Cause U Suck perf. arts abbr. Followers Of Christ Upon Stage non-prof. org. abbr. Family Outreach Community United Services educ. abbr. Focusing On Choices Underlying Success religion abbr. Federation Of Congregations United To Serve religion abbr. Fellowship Of Catholic University Students religion abbr. Friends Of Christ Unite To Serve gen. bus. abbr. Facing Our Concerns And Understanding Services gen. bus. abbr. Focus On Customer's Ultimate Satistfaction gen. bus. abbr. Follow One Course Until Successful gen. bus. abbr. Focus On Committed And Underpaid Staff gen. bus. abbr. Focus On Customer's Ultimate Satisfaction pos. abbr. Future Opportunities Careers And Ultimate Success ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v focussing, focussed or focused 1 to pay special attention to a particular person or thing instead of others + on  (Modern medicine has tended to focus too much on developing highly complicated surgical techniques.) focus attention on  (The recent wave of bombings has focussed public attention on the region.) 2 to change the position of the lens (2) on a camera, telescope1 etc, so that you can see something clearly  (focus sth on)  (He focused his binoculars on the building opposite.) 3 if your eyes focus, or if you focus your eyes, you gradually become able to see something clearly 4 if you focus beams of light or if they focus, they pass through a lens and meet at a point ~2 n 1 the subject or situation that people pay special attention to + of  (The focus of the conference shifted from population growth to the education of women.) the focus is on sth  (The focus of recent legislation has been on environmental issues. | the focus of attention)  (The war in Bosnia had now become the focus of worldwide media attention.) 2 special attention that is given to one particular subject or situation + on  (grammar based teaching, with its focus on accuracy rather than fluency) bring/throw sth into focus (=make people notice something and pay special attention to it)  (The case has brought the problem of child abuse sharply into focus.) 3 in focus/out of focus if a photograph or an instrument such as a telescope1 is in focus, the edges of the things you are looking at can be seen clearly, if it is out of focus they cannot be seen clearly 4 technical plural foci the point where beams of light or waves of sound meet after their direction has been changed ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (foci, focuses, focusing, focused) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The spellings 'focusses', 'focussing', 'focussed' are also used. The plural of the noun can be either 'foci' or 'focuses'. 1. If you focus on a particular topic or if your attention is focused on it, you concentrate on it and think about it, discuss it, or deal with it, rather than dealing with other topics. He is currently focusing on assessment and development... Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary. = concentrate VERB: V on n, V n on n 2. The focus of something is the main topic or main thing that it is concerned with. The new system is the focus of controversy... Her children are the main focus of her life. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 3. Your focus on something is the special attention that you pay it. IBM has also shifted its focus from mainframes to personal computers. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp, oft N on n 4. If you say that something has a focus, you mean that you can see a purpose in it. Somehow, though, their latest album has a focus that the others have lacked... N-UNCOUNT 5. If you focus your eyes or if your eyes focus, your eyes adjust so that you can clearly see the thing that you want to look at. If you focus a camera, telescope, or other instrument, you adjust it so that you can see clearly through it. Kelly couldn’t focus his eyes well enough to tell if the figure was male or female... His eyes slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball... He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat... Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene. VERB: V n, V on n, V n on n, V-ed, also V 6. You use focus to refer to the fact of adjusting your eyes or a camera, telescope, or other instrument, and to the degree to which you can see clearly. His focus switched to the little white ball... N-UNCOUNT 7. If you focus rays of light on a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural foci; also ~es)  Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, hearth  Date: 1644  1.  a. a point at which rays (as of light, heat, or sound) converge or from which they diverge or appear to diverge; specifically the point where the geometrical lines or their prolongations conforming to the rays diverging from or converging toward another point intersect and give rise to an image after reflection by a mirror or refraction by a lens or optical system  b. a point of convergence of a beam of particles (as electrons)  2.  a. focal length  b. adjustment for distinct vision; also the area that may be seen distinctly or resolved into a clear image  c. a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding tried to bring the issues into ~  d. direction 6c the team lost ~  3. one of the fixed points that with the corresponding directrix defines a conic section  4. a localized area of disease or the chief site of a generalized disease or infection  5.  a. a center of activity, attraction, or attention the ~ of the meeting was drug abuse  b. a point of concentration  6. the place of origin of an earthquake or moonquake  7. directed attention ; emphasis  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ed; also ~sed; ~ing; also ~sing)  Date: 1775  transitive verb  1.  a. to bring into ~  b. to adjust the ~ of (as the eye or a lens)  2. to cause to be concentrated ~ed their attention on the most urgent problems  3. to bring (as light rays) to a ~ ; concentrate  intransitive verb  1. to come to a ~ ; converge  2. to adjust one's eye or a camera to a particular range  3. to concentrate attention or effort  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. (pl. focuses or foci) 1 Physics a the point at which rays or waves meet after reflection or refraction. b the point from which diverging rays or waves appear to proceed. Also called focal point. 2 a Optics the point at which an object must be situated for an image of it given by a lens or mirror to be well defined (bring into focus). b the adjustment of the eye or a lens necessary to produce a clear image (the binoculars were not in focus). c a state of clear definition (the photograph was out of focus). 3 the centre of interest or activity (focus of attention). 4 Geom. one of the points from which the distances to any point of a given curve are connected by a linear relation. 5 Med. the principal site of an infection or other disease. 6 Geol. the place of origin of an earthquake. --v. (focused, focusing or focussed, focussing) 1 tr. bring into focus. 2 tr. adjust the focus of (a lens, the eye, etc.). 3 tr. & intr. (often foll. by on) concentrate or be concentrated on. 4 intr. & tr. converge or make converge to a focus. Derivatives focuser n. Etymology: L, = hearth ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) фокус; мн. ч. фокальные точки, главные фокусы фокусировать; наводить на резкость; сходиться в одной точке 2) фокусное расстояние 3) фокусировка 4) эпицентр (землетрясения) - focus of ellipse - apparent focus - back focus - fine focus - fixed focus - front focus - image-side focus - image focus - multistep focus - object-side focus - object focus - plasma focus - primary focus - principal focuss - proximity focus - secondary focus - virtual focus ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  доминанта (в архитектурно-ландшафтном пространстве) фокальная точка, фокус; фокусное расстояние эпицентр (землетрясения) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) фокус 2) фокусировка; фокусировать – static focus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) очаг 2) светящаяся точка 3) собирать в фокусе 4) средоточие 5) сфокусировать 6) фокус 7) фокусный 8) центр fixed focus pyrometer — пирометр с постоянным фокусом focus on petty topics — мелкотемье soft focus lens — мягкорисующий объектив - achromatic focus - conjugate focus - fine focus - focus beam - focus control - focus of ellipse - focus of hyperbola - focus of lemniscata - focus of parabola - fron focus - green focus - out of focus - paraxial focus - point focus - prime focus - principal focus - real focus - sagittal focus - secondary focus - seismic focus - stable focus - unstable focus - variable focus - virtual focus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (pl foci, focuses) средоточие, внимание; фокус, центр; место ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  фокус, средоточие, центр; очаг (болезненного процесса) – natural focus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. физ. фокус in focus —- в фокусе to check the focus —- фокусировать the glasses are not at the right focus for me —- бинокль и т. п. настроен не по моим глазам to bring into focus —- поместить в фокусе; фокусировать; дать ясную картину (положения и т. п.); подчеркнуть (важность чего-л.) focus puller —- кин. профес. ассистент кинооператора, производящий наводку на резкость focus range —- диапазон фокусировки 2. мат. фокус (эллипса и т. п.) 3. ярко освещенное пятно (на сцене) 4. средоточие; центр to be a focus of attention —- привлекать к себе всеобщее внимание the focus of a disease —- очаг болезни a focus of trouble between nations —- узел международных противоречий 5. геол. фокус, очаг землетрясения 6. собирать в фокус; фокусировать to focus opera-glasses to suit one's sight —- настроить бинокль (по глазам) 7. помещать в фокусе to focus the sunrays on smth. with a burning-glass —- сфокусировать зажигательным стеклом солнечные лучи на чем-л. 8. сосредоточивать (внимание и т. п.) all eyes were focused on him —- все взгляды были обращены на него to focus one's attention on a matter —- сосредоточить (на чем-л.) внимание ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun; pl. -ci, -ses  1) phys. фокус in focus - в фокусе out of focus - не в фокусе  2) очаг (инфекции, землетрясения)  3) med. фокус, центр  4) центр, средоточие focus of interest - круг интересов to bring to a focus - выдвигать (вопрос и т.п.)  2. v.  1) собирать(ся), помещать в фокусе; сфокусировать  2) сосредоточивать (внимание и т.п.) (on - на) We must focus on our sales force as the chief means of improving trade. ...
Англо-русский словарь


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