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Английский Этимологический словарь - fasten


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- O.E. fжstnian "make fast, firm," from P.Gmc. *fastinojanan.
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  ~ v 1 »CLOTHES/BAG ETC« also fasten up a) to join together the two sides of a coat, shirt, bag etc so that it is closed  ("I'm going now," she said, fastening her coat. | Fasten your seat belt!)  (- opposite unfasten) b) to become joined together with buttons, hooks etc  (I was so fat that my skirt wouldn't fasten.) 2 »WINDOW/GATE ETC« a) to firmly close a window, gate etc so that it will not open  (Make sure all the windows are securely fastened before you leave.)  (- opposite unfasten) b) to become firmly closed  (This door won't fasten.) 3 »FIX STH TO STH« to fix something firmly to another object or surface, especially using tape, a metal pin etc  (fasten sth to sth)  (Someone had fastened a notice to my door. | Chains were fastened round his ankles.) 4 fasten your teeth/legs/arms etc  (to hold something firmly with your teeth, legs, arms, etc) + around  (She fastened her arms around his neck.) + onto/into  (The snake had fastened its jaws onto his leg.) 5 fasten your eyes on to look at someone or something for a long time  (He rose, his eyes still fastened on the piece of paper.) 6 fasten your attention on to think a lot about one particular thing 7 fasten blame on to blame someone or something, often unfairly fasten on/upon sth phr v to decide quickly and eagerly that an idea is the best one  (American companies were quick to fasten on to Japanese business methods.) fasten onto sb phr v to follow someone and stay with them, especially when they do not want you to ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (fastens, fastening, fastened) 1. When you fasten something, you close it by means of buttons or a strap, or some other device. If something fastens with buttons or straps, you can close it in this way. She got quickly into her Mini and fastened the seat-belt... Her long fair hair was fastened at the nape of her neck by an elastic band. ...the dress, which fastens with a long back zip. = do up VERB: V n, be V-ed prep, V prep, also V n prep 2. If you fasten one thing to another, you attach the first thing to the second, for example with a piece of string or tape. There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box... = attach VERB: V n prep/adv 3. see also fastening ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English fastnen, from Old English f?stnian to make fast; akin to Old High German festinon to make fast, Old English f?st fast  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to attach especially by pinning, tying, or nailing  b. to make fast and secure  c. to fix firmly or securely  d. to secure against opening  2. to fix or set steadily ~ed her attention on the main problem  3. to take a firm grip with the dog ~ed its teeth in the shoe  4.  a. to attach (oneself) persistently and usually objectionably  b. to place forcefully ; impose ~ed the blame on the wrong person  intransitive verb  1. to become fast or fixed  2.  a. to take a firm grip or hold  b. to focus attention  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, fix, attach, affix mean to make something stay firmly in place. ~ implies an action such as tying, buttoning, nailing, locking, or otherwise securing ~ the reins to a post. fix usually implies a driving in, implanting, or embedding fixed the stake in the ground. attach suggests a connecting or uniting by a bond, link, or tie in order to keep things together attach the W-2 form here. affix implies an imposing of one thing on another by gluing, impressing, or nailing affix your address label here. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. make or become fixed or secure. 2 tr. (foll. by in, up) lock securely; shut in. 3 tr. a (foll. by on, upon) direct (a look, thoughts, etc.) fixedly or intently. b focus or direct the attention fixedly upon (fastened him with her eyes). 4 tr. (foll. by on, upon) fix (a designation or imputation etc.). 5 intr. (foll. by on, upon) a take hold of. b single out. Derivatives fastener n. Etymology: OE f{aelig}stnian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) скреплять; прикреплять; крепить; закреплять 2) затвердевать; схватываться (о строительном растворе) 3) пищ. отвердевать (о жирах) 4) завязывать (пакет) 5) заколачивать (ящик) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) закрепить 2) закреплять 3) застегивать 4) затвердевать 5) зачаливать 6) зачалить 7) зашвартовать 8) зашвартовывать 9) приклеплять 10) прикрепить 11) пристегнуть 12) скрепить 13) скреплять 14) схватить 15) схватывать 16) укрепить 17) укреплять - fasten in place ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. связывать, скреплять; завязывать to fasten shoe-laces —- завязать шнурки (на обуви) to fasten one's hair —- завязать или заколоть волосы to fasten two parcels together —- связать два свертка вместе 2. прикреплять, привязывать to fasten a boat to a tree —- привязать лодку к дереву to fasten a nickname —- давать (приклеивать) прозвище to fasten off a thread —- закрепить нитку 3. (on, upon) навязать to fasten a quarrel upon smb. —- втянуть кого-л. в ссору; затеять ссору с кем-л. they fastened themselves on him and spoiled his holiday —- они навязались ему в компанию и испортили ему отдых 4. укреплять; свинчивать, завинчивать; зажимать to fasten by cotter —- тех. зашплинтовать to fasten an idea in smb.'s mind —- укрепить кого-л. в мысли (в убеждении) 5. запирать fasten the window —- закройте окно (на шпингалет) 6. запираться the lock would not fasten —- замок не запирался 7. застегивать (также fasten on) she fastened her gloves —- она застегнула перчатки fasten your seat belts, please! —- просьба пристегнуть ремни! (в самолете) 8. застегиваться her skirt wouldn't fasten —- у нее юбка не застегивалась the dress fastens down the back —- у этого платья застежка на спине 9. затвердевать, застывать; схватываться the plaster fastens slowly —- штукатурка твердеет медленно 10. (on, upon) приписывать, сваливать to fasten the blame upon smb. —- возлагать вину на кого-л. someone must have...
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