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Английский Этимологический словарь - drip


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- c.1300, from M.Dan. drippe, from P.Gmc. *drup-, from PIE base *dhreub-. O.E. had related drypan "to let drop," dropian "fall in drops," and dreopan "to drop."
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См. в других словарях

  veterin. abbr. Deer Range Improvement Program network. abbr. Dynamisch Route Informatie Paneel network. abbr. Duplicate RIng Protocol gen. bus. abbr. Dividend Re Investment Program gen. bus. abbr. Data Rich Information Poor st. exc. abbr. Dividend Re Investment Plan ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v dripped, dripping 1 to produce small drops of liquid  (The tap's dripping. | Be careful - your paintbrush is dripping.) 2 to fall or let something fall in very small drops + down/from etc  (Sweat dripped from his body. | Water was dripping through the ceiling.) drip water/blood etc  (John came in, his arm dripping blood. | be dripping with sth)  (It's so hot, I'm dripping with sweat.) 3 be dripping with jewels/diamonds etc to be wearing too much jewellery etc ~2 n 1 the sound or action of a liquid falling in very small drops  (There was no noise except for the drip drip drip of water.) 2 one of the very small drops of liquid that falls from something  (I put some plastic on the floor to catch the drips.) 3 a piece of equipment used in hospitals for putting liquids directly into your blood; IV AmE  (They put her on a drip to speed up the contractions) 4 informal someone who is boring and has a weak character ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (drips, dripping, dripped) 1. When liquid drips somewhere, or you drip it somewhere, it falls in individual small drops. Sit your child forward and let the blood drip into a tissue or on to the floor... Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping... The children kept dripping Coke on the carpets. VERB: V prep/adv, V, V n prep/adv 2. When something drips, drops of liquid fall from it. A tap in the kitchen was dripping... Lou was dripping with perspiration... He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor. VERB: V, V with n, V n 3. A drip is a small individual drop of a liquid. Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform. N-COUNT 4. A drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient’s blood. I had a bad attack of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip. N-COUNT 5. If you say that something is dripping with a particular thing, you mean that it contains a lot of that thing. (LITERARY) They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs... VERB: usu cont, V with n 6. see also drip-dry, dripping ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old English dryppan; akin to Old English dropa drop  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to let fall in drops a brush ~ping paint  2. to let out or seem to spill copiously her voice ~ping sarcasm trees ~ping Spanish moss  intransitive verb  1.  a. to let fall drops of moisture or liquid wet clothes ~ping onto the floor  b. to overflow with or as if with moisture stories ~ping with pop-culture references toast ~ping with butter  2. to fall in or as if in drops let the excess ~ off  3. to waft or pass gently  • ~per noun  II. noun  Date: 1664  1. a part of a cornice or other member that projects to throw off rainwater; also an overlapping metal strip or an underneath groove for the same purpose  2.  a. a falling in drops  b. liquid that falls, overflows, or is extruded in drops a pan to catch ~s  3. the sound made by or as if by falling drops  4. a device for the administration of a fluid at a slow rate especially into a vein; also a material so administered  5. a dull or unattractive person  III. adjective  Date: 1895 of, relating to, or being coffee made by letting boiling water ~ slowly through finely ground coffee ~ coffee a ~ pot DRIP  abbreviation dividend reinvestment plan ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (dripped, dripping) 1 intr. & tr. fall or let fall in drops. 2 intr. (often foll. by with) be so wet as to shed drops (dripped with blood). --n. 1 a the act or an instance of dripping (the steady drip of rain). b a drop of liquid (a drip of paint). c a sound of dripping. 2 colloq. a stupid, dull, or ineffective person. 3 (Med. drip-feed) the drip-by-drip intravenous administration of a solution of salt, sugar, etc. 4 Archit. a projection, esp. from a window-sill, keeping the rain off the walls. Phrases and idioms drip-dry v. (-dries, -dried) 1 intr. (of fabric etc.) dry crease-free when hung up to drip. 2 tr. leave (a garment etc.) hanging up to dry. --adj. able to be drip-dried. drip-mat a small mat under a glass. drip-moulding (or -stone) Archit. a stone etc. projection that deflects rain etc. from walls. dripping wet very wet. Etymology: MDa. drippe f. Gmc (cf. DROP) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) капля 2) капание капать 3) конденсатопровод 4) конденсатная ловушка (в газопроводе) 5) слезник 6) фартук; карниз 7) мн. ч. ловушечный бензин, сконденсировавшийся в газопроводах - press drips - roof drip - silica drip - slag drip - water drip ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  слезник; слив; отлив; капельник капля; конденсат патрубок с конденсатоотводчиком ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) капель, капёж капать 2) просачивание 3) капля, конденсат 4) капельник ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  фин. сокр. от dividend reinvestment plan DRIP фин. сокр. от dividend reinvestment plan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. капанье, стекание капель 2. there is a drip of rain from the eaves с карнизов капает 3. капель 4. шум падающих капель 5. капля he put a pan under the radiator to catch drips —- он подставил кастрюлю под капающую батарею a drip fell on my nose —- мне на нос упала капля drip lubrication —- тех. капельная смазка 6. горн. капеж 7. стр. слезник; отливина 8. мед. капельное внутривенное вливание 9. капать; стекать the tap is dripping —- из крана капает вода; кран течет rain is dripping from the trees —- с деревьев падают капли дождя your umbrella is dripping —- с вашего зонтика течет he wrapped his dripping head in a towel —- он замотал мокрую голову полотенцем perspiration was dripping from his forehead —- капли пота выступили у него на лбу 10. источать the comb drips honey —- из сотов (каплями) стекает мед 11. истекать to drip with blood —- истекать кровью he is dripping with news —- образ. ему не терпится выложить свои новости he is dripping with money —- образ. у него денег куры не клюют, ему некуда девать деньги 12. простореч. подонок, дрянь 13. растяпа, тряпка; слюнтяй 14. слезливая чувствительность, слюнтяйство ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) капанье  2) шум падающих капель  3) = dripstone  1)  4) mining капеж Syn: see leak  2. v. капать, падать каплями the tap is dripping - кран течет to drip with wet - промокнуть насквозь ...
Англо-русский словарь


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